Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Late October in our Yard---October 2014

On the Street Where We Live 10/27/14
We recently saw SO much Autumn Beauty on our vacation to the Maggie Valley area...  I didn't think we'd get to see anything nearly as pretty once we got back home.  For you see,  we have had a very DRY late Summer and Fall here at home.  So many of the leaves on the big trees just turned brown and fell off... SO---we weren't expecting to see much color here.

However,  we did find (and continue to find) quite a bit of color in our area --since the leaves are hanging on longer than usual this year (which indicates a frigid winter upcoming).... Today--I'll share with you some pictures around our yard... One of them is my header this month.  There are two more on my Photo Blog (click HERE for those two pictures).    Hope you enjoy the Fall Photos from Fairfield Glade, TN!  (Click on them for enlargements.)

Oak Leaves changing colors  10/27/14

Front Yard --taken from the driveway  10/28/14

Looking toward the lower side of our front yard  10/28/14

From the street,  looking toward the upper side yard  (You can see our Maple and Dogwood showing off their colors in this shot, along with our English Ivy and Periwinkle Ground Cover.)  10/28/14

From the road,  looking across the front yard toward the lower side 10/28/14

Love our MAPLE which turns a brilliant red color  10/28/14

A close-up of the Maple and Dogwood  10/28/14

Back to one of our OAK TREES --getting prettier by the day!  10/28/14

The Oak Leaves --as they change colors;  Neat, huh?   10/28/14

Color in the lower part of the yard in back   10/28/14

Beautiful tree in our back yard  10/28/14

Looking from our deck toward the golf course fairway as the early morning sun began to shine on that pretty tree;   10/30/14

Another early morning shot --looking through the trees at all of the color;  10/30/14

a close-up of some pretty leaves --as the sun shines on that tree;  10/30/14
Well---that's it!!!!  As you can see,  the last of these pictures were taken on 10/30.   It was on 10/31 and 11/1 when we had that big storm (rain/ice/snow--and lots of wind).. Needless to say,  I'm glad I took these pictures before that storm!!!!!

Have a wonderful day and get out and enjoy nature!!!!  We are definitely 'enjoying' it right now---picking up leaves--leaves---leaves in our yard!!!!!  Fun Fun...



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

the autumn colour in your garden is glorious

Anonymous said...

Such glorious autumn colours!

Ms. A said...


Ann said...

Beautiful fall colors. I'm impressed, with all those trees there are very few leaves on the ground. Someone must do a lot of raking?

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, gorgeous Autumn trees. Your yard is beautiful this time of the year.. Lovely photos! Have a great day!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

W O W !!!! Such fall beauty right in your own yard and neighborhood. You are blessed.


Jeevan said...

How wonderful to stay amid natural colors? Brilliant photos on the autumn trees and leaves, and I love the early morning shots shine through sunlight. A change is always needed in life and the autumn brings it well into where we dwell! I quite envy at the seasons over there which bring great differences in environment and weather.

Linda P said...

Glad to hear that the unusual snow storm has passed and you can get out and sweep up those leaves! You have a good photo record of the changing Autumn colours beforehand and I love the vivid red of the maple tree and the changing golden hues of the oaks.

Out on the prairie said...

Very windy today and the top of my drive is about 3 ft deep in leaves. You have a lovely yard.

Anonymous said...

I especially love the dogwoods and maples this time of year. Don't work too hard in the yard. We have light rain today.

Linda Kay said...

Thanks for the lovely picture on your blog for October! The trees are awesome.

George said...

I still think leaves look a lot prettier on the trees than they do on the ground. But we truly did see a lot of pretty colors before the snow came.

Terri D said...

So lovely!! I miss seeing the changing colors, but I sure don't miss that white stuff in the winter!

From the Kitchen said...

Those prissy maple trees are the prima donnas of the leaf world! My favorites!


Liene said...

We are also seeing more color this year than previous... And the snow last weekend testifies that it will be a winter for the books! Lovely photographs, as always.

Big Dude said...

Sure is lots of color around your place but what I notice is no leaves in your yard - you guys are awesome and it looks like you're also doing a good job on the golf course.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

I love the red. around here more yellows, tans, and golds. ( :

u have a gorgeous and very colorful yard.

Cheryl said...

Any homes for sale in your neighborhood? Your home is so welcoming!

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful to be surrounded by so many glorious fall colors!! Your captures are superb, as always, Betsy!! Thanks for sharing the beauty of the season with us!! Hope you have a great weekend!! Enjoy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The close up of the brilliant red maple leaves is beautiful! Also, you have to know that I always love the shots with your awesome green home in them!

carolina nana said...

We are so lucky to live in these beautiful areas where most folks pay good money to see what we have in our front yards.

David said...

Betsy, You posted some very nice fall color photos! This fall seemed a little unusual in that the color seemed to pop all at once and just for a short time before the leaves thinned out. We just had company stay with us and they happened to come at the peak of color here... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. It was really good that you took them when you did. I'm in Wa. D.C. at my daughters right now and the colors are stunning here right now.

Connie said...

Gorgeous fall photos, Betsy! I love that one at the top of the post--wow!

LV said...

Nature is treating you kinder than in Texas. We have nothing that looks like this. Will not either, until a frost. You are surrounded by so much beauty.

Terry and Linda said...

WOW! Stunningly beautiful! Our colors are gone and I'm raking and raking and raking inbetween people coming and going.


Our photos said...

Really beautiful colors !

Jazzmin said...

This was so beautiful to scroll through. You so wonderfully captured your amazing Fall colors. I cannot get over how gorgeous that especially deep red tree is on the left side of your yard. It is such a velvety shade.

Blessings and hugs!
Hope you are enjoying your Autumn there :)

Judy said...

What awesome fall colors!! I took a minute to read the quotes on your sidebar and the one about prayer and weathering the storm is so good to remember. Thanks for writing an uplifting blog that brings a smile to my face :-)

Kay said...

So much color!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It looks very beautiful. Very windy here - there may not be many leaves left by the time it's done.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, your colors are so much more brilliant than ours. Your specimen trees really are putting on a show. All that and snow too?? Lucky girl.

DeniseinVA said...

Wow Betsy, those fall colors are spectacular. They put quite a show on for you didn't they and I am very grateful you shared them with us. Thank you so much and have a great weekend :)

HappyK said...

Beautiful fall colors. Fall is such a pretty season. You have a beautiful yard and home.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You do or did have a lot of color on your yard. The Oaks over here,generally just turn brown,not very pretty.

Catherine said...

Dear Betsy, I enjoyed your quotes. They are inspiring and meaningful to me.
Your yard is simply beautiful. Blessings, Catherine

Pat Tillett said...

Wow, wow and wow!
You live in such a beautiful place Betsy. Of course, you've done a lot of work to make it that way. The photos are also top rate! Enjoy your amazing autumn colors. It was almost 90 here today.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Betsy those are some INCREDIBLE autumn colors. WOW!!! Have a great weekend :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think your home is gorgeous….but I think it is most beautiful in the Fall!!!! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Great pictures of the jewel-like fall foliage! Have a wonderful weekend!

BB said...

I just love your pictures. The colors are beautiful. That is the one thing I do miss about New England. The autumn colors were breathtaking, but it also meant colder temps. Thank you for giving me a taste of the beauty of Mother Nature in autumn!

Love your home and yard. Just an adorable place you have there! XX

troutbirder said...

Absolutely gorgeous photography!

Anonymous said...
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Chatty Crone said...

Betsy your home and yard is pretty at any season.

Carletta said...

You still had some lovely color. We haven't in about three weeks. He came and went quickly this year.
Lovely shots Betsy!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Just gorgeous, Betsy! You live in such a beautiful place! I'm glad, too, that you took those photos before the snowstorm hit, though I really liked those pictures, too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I can never get enough of autumn, Betsy! I love the colors and the beautiful slant f light this time of year. Will you be getting the "arctic blast" storm coming down from Alaska and Canada the upcoming week? We will be in its path for a few days and I'm sure that will be the frost that ends autumn here. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Beatriz said...

Wow, I have never lived in such a beautiful street like this, with so many different colors! You really live in a paradise, huh!

Have a wondeful Sunday Betsy!!!
Hugs from the south

<º))))< Bia

Jarka Panci said...

Fantastic fotos - autumn is amazing!
Have a nice new week!

Linda said...

Lovely — the reason autumn rhymes with awesome!

MTWaggin said...

We had ZIPPO color here - too dry and right now tonight - it is blizzard and expecting below zero this week. Like huh??? I especially love your oak leaves, my fave!

A Colorful World said...

I got a little behind with you, sorry! I'm glad you took these photos before the big storm also! Gorgeous Autumn color! I love that the green of your house makes a lovely backdrop for the oranges, reds and golds!

Wanted to tell you, you must not have seen the title to my post about Snowflake to ask what state it's in(Americana--Arizona Style, part II) :-) Yep, that sweet little town is in N Arizona, south of Holbrook on hwy 77.