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A Snowy Pumpkin in our Yard |
As most of you know, I am one who LOVES snow (even tiny ones) and hubby (who was raised in Indiana) would prefer NEVER to see snow again. SO---when we get a small one, he is happy not to have to scrape the driveway!!!! I am happy when the snow is a 'wet' one and clings to everything... SO---we were 'both' Happy Campers on Saturday!!!!
The crazy thing is the DATE... Our area has rarely had snow this early in the season. AND---the Smoky Mountains (Mt. LeConte) had 22 inches of snow (probably the most ever on Nov. 1st)... I heard on TV that there are snow drifts WAIST deep in spots in the mountains... AND---due to trees falling, some of the campgrounds in the Smokies had to be closed. And to think: All of our area had temperatures in the 70's earlier this week!!!! We will be talking about this storm in Tennessee for a LONG time!
Today I'll share some of my snow pictures taken early in the morning on Nov. 1st.... We will say goodbye to our blooms I'm sure ---and will have to wait 'til Spring for some blooms in our yard (except for the Pansies --which can make it through this kind of weather)!!!!!
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Almost the end of our Canna Lilies for this year! |
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Snow on one of our Azalea Bushes |
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Another Azalea |
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A DayLily |
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Poor little Vinca (Our Vincas won't make it through the weekend.) |
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Chicago Peace Rose --(should be named Snowy Peace) |
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Two of our shrubs: Jasmine (really a Glossy Abelia) and an Azalea |
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IRIS ---see all of the buds??? We have had quite a few Re-blooming Irises to bloom this month. |
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Another Iris with buds---wonder if these will bloom now? |
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Burning Bush covered with snow |
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Another photo of the Burning Bush (which definitely was not 'burning' on this date) |
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One of our Container Roses --full of snow! |
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Our big Rhododendron in the backyard (near the Bird Kitchen) |
I don't know what Winter has in store for us this year --but a lady who studies nature's signs always writes an article in our local newspaper each year giving her forecast... AND--she is usually always correct with her predictions.
This is what she said about our area this Winter:
-NINE snows with 3 of them being heavy (She counts the August early-morning fogs to come up with that number.)
-Our mast crop (nuts and acorns) is HEAVY this year --denoting a hard winter.
-Our tree foliage is particularly thick --denoting a hard winter.
-Hornets' nests are right on the ground --denoting a hard winter.
-Spring Flowering Bushes blooming in Fall denote a hard winter. Here at our home, our Azalea bloomed this Fall--for the first time in FALL.
-An all-black Woolly Worm denotes a hard winter (and we have seen one in our yard).
-Trees that hold their leaves longer are another sign of a hard winter.
-When opening a persimmon seed, we are seeing a SPOON design (which says that we'll be shoveling snow all winter). George hates this one!
There are more signs ---but you get the idea!!!! We are in for another humdinger of a FRIGID Winter here on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee...
Welcome to November.... Our November 1st came in like a lion this year... Since this is a new month, I also have a blog post on My Photo Blog. Click HERE to see a new header and another Fall photo from our yard.
Also--don't miss seeing the new quotes I have this month on my sidebar. AND---do you like my header? I took that photo after we got the leaves OUT of the front yard... BUT--we'll have to do it again SEVERAL more times until all of the leaves are down!!
That is a bit freely to have snow so early. We didn't get any here but heard they had some in the mountains. Let us hope it won't be as bad a winter as they are predicting.
Please keep all that beautiful snow up there and just take photos to share with me... I don't want any snow! I'm already not looking forward to the winter. My body is already aching from it just cooling down!
Not a good time for us to visit the mountains or is it?
So very early for snow! I like all the photos but especially the burning bush covered in snow!
Although it is lovely it surely is too early to get snow. perhaps it will disappear soon. hope you roses are Ok
Silly me BEtsy, I'm in the right blog now for the snow on pumpkin!
Who would believe such snow! A shame for the plants but gosh it's so so pretty! Sorry George!
Lovely header. Your news about the snow was a big surprise and what a shame that it will have done damage to your flowering plants. At least you can be prepared for what seems to be predicted as a hard Winter season from signs in nature.
Well I know how happy snow makes you so I'm glad you had some. We had a few snowflakes flying around on Saturday but nothing stuck to the ground or plants.
My friend in NC mountains had 3 inches of snow with more expected throughout the day.
Your photos are wonderful. From what I've been reading around the internet, winter is predicted to be hard and cold.
It was 49 yesterday morning and with the windchill, it felt like 41. It was wonderful though and such a relief and blessing from the summer's heat and humidity.
Have a great week ~ FlowerLady
It seems like you will need to 'button down the hatches' with a winter like that on the way!
I heard it was headed for you. I froze over the weekend sleeping out in my tent.It was nice to hear my furnace this morning.
That is a lot of snow for this early in the year. I heard all those same predictions for my area and like George I don't like snow. I am tired of shoveling the white stuff. And here most of the time scraping won't work. However, on the other side it sure is pretty to look at and when you have those big puffy white flakes, I love watching them fall. You have some great "quotes" on your sidebar.
Your snow pictures are lovely Betsy, but you can keep it all there please. I'm with George, I've shoveled enough to last the rest of my life. However, living up here in Washington I know I'll have a lot more to shovel.
Enjoy your week!
Your photos are lovely Betsy! Now if the snow could only just sit on the vegetation for hydration, but leave the roadways ice free for you and me - I'd be fine with that --- for a month or two!
Your snow is pretty, Betsy, but I'm glad it's not the kind you have to shovel! I hope at least some of your flowers will come back and still bloom for you yet this fall. We had cold temperatures over the weekend, but fortunately no snow here yet.
my fave kind of snow. light & fluffy on the planets and trees. so fun!! I do wonder about this winter and whatnot - will it b very snowy or what? ( :
happy November
Though it’s wonderful to see snow perching the leaves making interesting snaps, the unexpected snow storm destroying the lovely flowers and buds doesn't sound good. Hope the autumn charms back there before the season end and also wish the winter wasn't heaver there this year!
One down and eight to go! I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter. I enjoyed the quotes and posters are your sidebar.
We had snow also, although not as much as you! The boys had a nice wet play outside after which it was hot cocoa time. I little sentimental, as this was officially the first snow for our youngest - we'll see what the winter brings!
We had snow also, although not as much as you! The boys had a nice wet play outside after which it was hot cocoa time. I little sentimental, as this was officially the first snow for our youngest - we'll see what the winter brings!
I was shocked to see you had snow…it's TOO early. I know you enjoy it, but when it starts so early you might get over it quickly!!!!
Luckily you have that gas fireplace!
We were missed by the snowfall here, Betsy! I wondered what it was like for you there. With the week's predicted warming temperatures, the snow will likely disappear quickly in the mountains. Hugs, Nellie
snow already! oh, no. I like looking at snow photos though. And as always your photos are great.
We only got a few flurries here :(
Those early wet snows are the most interesting to photograph sometimes because of the contrast.
I will let you keep that white stuff...I'm with your hubby on this one. It looks very heavy, probably because it's not all that cold.
Oh, lucky you! We are the ones who usually get the snow early, but right now it's very balmy!
What a way to begin November! We saw skims of snow over near Sarah...that would make it close to Neal. The wind was fierce here on Friday. Just could not believe how it was blowing.
The snow is beautiful and I do love it!! We don't get much snow or very frequently here in Portland, but we raised our family in Montana and we had LOTS of snow!! Great captures for the day as always, Betsy!! Have a great week and stay warm!!
Love all the pictures of your early snow!
Oh snow anytime is fun----well for photo ops anyway. We have had snow early November sometimes and some years we have no snow at all over the winter. Ya never can tell. Love the Burning Bush with snow pic. MB
Betsy, I know that you and George love life on the plateau...but your snowfall is another reason why I'm glad we live in the valley. George would love our zero snowfall! Laurie and I hope that all of those signs from nature are dead wrong... I must admit that your photos are really nice though. Our plants on the deck and front porch have survived the last couple of cold nights... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
This was a beautiful snow and perfect for the photographers.I love snow.
I have been seeing completely black woolies. It is strange to have such an early snow.
I'm with George. I don't like it!
I remember in the mid 90's Knoxville got snow on Halloween, I couldn't believe my kids had to wear winter coats and hats over their costumes and were only able to go to a few houses because it was s cold. While it didn't stick that year it made a memory that has lasted all these years later. As much as I hate snow it is beautiful.
Glad you got a mini fix and be thankful that it wasn't heavier as you would have like had lots of broken plants and trees.
For me, the prettiest is the snow covered rose. Your picture of it is truly gorgeous!! We were supposed to get snow then too. But we did not get lower than the thirties.
Oh my!! I'm with your hubby on the snow issue. I don't care to ever have to see it in person, ever again! We were so 'cold' this past weekend that we had to keep the doors and windows closed, and dragged out the sweatshirts and long pants! Brrrrr!! ;)
Hi Betsy, That is exactly why my husband and I moved from the Glade down here to Florida. I do miss you lovely forest and wildlife, and some of the wonderful people. Have a pleasant and warmer day tomorrow! P.S. It was in the upper 50's and low 60's here last couple of days during daylight.
Oh my, it looks so pretty. I am just glad it was not here.. Lovely photos, Betsy!
Extraordinary sight those flowers and snow !
When I heard it was snowing in Tennessee, I thought--"oh I hope Betsy gets some". Sorry George. At least you won't be chopping fire wood this year.
I know you love snow like I do and what a lovely covering you got. We have had some of those same "winter" signs here. Can't wait to see snow on my Burning Bushes also. How lovely. It is the plant equivalent to Cardinals in the snow.
Gorgeous header! I love the 'little' snow---I almost wished we had some, but I'm hoping my flowers hold out until Thanksgiving dinner at our house.
Cool readings on what denotes a hard winter! :>)
Oh, so beautiful, Betsy! I really miss the four seasons! Of course, when I was in college in Chicago, I didn't have to drive in it or shovel it - - just enjoyed it. I love the rhythm that four seasons bring to life. It just isn't the same here in Arizona.
I cannot believe it....I've heard of "Frost on the Pumpkin".....but not "Snow on the Pumpkin!" My goodness, that is a gorgeous picture of the red underneath the snow!! Love it!! Enjoy this first snow, but stay warm and safe!!
I agree with the lady that writes in your paper, all the signs around here are predicting a hard winter and we still have many oak leaves still on our trees even after the last couple 20's night temps.
Going to be interesting !!
I heard about that! You now have officially had more snow than we have. We are already 4" behind go figure - after having snow in August. LOL I like doing photos after a wet snow as well and am with George on the scraping and shoveling!
And we haven't had any snow yet here on the southern Minnesota Tundra....:)
The snow looks very pretty, no matter when it falls.
If your local weather predictor is correct, she ought to join the NOAA staff. Seems like their predictions are often wrong, even 24 hours in advance!
Oh, please not yet...I'm so not ready!
It is a tad bit early for snow but it was just beautiful. Just the perfect amount too.
I'm jealous Betsy! We didn't get any here at home but my brother got a little. He's in a higher elevation.
I agree with the lady's predictions. The mast here is more than I have seen in about seven years. Usually the deer are in my yard under my oak but there is so much in the woods they aren't coming out much. I had a black woolly worm in my yard too.
I say bring it on!! :)
I just got home from Tennessee. I heard about the snow in your area and thought about you. I'm glad you got a little of the white stuff!
I do wonder what lies in store for the east this winter! And the north! I think we are coming into another ice age, slowly but surely. You guys stay warm close to that new gas stove! :-)
I loved you beautiful snow photos. They are so pretty. The first snow is always so exciting. We just had a dusting of snow here, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I don't know what kind of winter we will have. It's really early to have a snow the last of October and first of November. We've had cold weather like in January in WNC. I loved all of your snow photos.
Great photos! Some snow would be great here, but right now, I would settle for an inch or so of rain...
Oh Oh! I don't mind winter but I dislike a bitter cold and damp winter, and heavy snowfalls are dangerous for everyone. I hope it won't be as bad as predicted. I'm glad my husband is retired and doesn't have to drive in the snow any longer--plus we bought a big snow blowers last year just in case. We only had need to use it once last winter. Tell George to be careful shoveling!
I don't mind the freaky snow as long as it goes away BUT OH! how it turns the green to brown quickly. Stay warm. I hear temps in that part of the country are getting colder!
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