In the beautiful Shenandoah Valley --with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background |
If you read the April 11th post (click
HERE), you will know that we took a trip to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia from April 6-9, 2014. There are many highlights from that trip --but today, I'm going to share more from April 8 as we drove through the Shenandoah Valley on the backroads (between the Shenandoah National Park/Skyline Drive and our 'home' that week at Strasburg, VA) late that afternoon.
We had had a picture-perfect day that day ---and driving through this lovely valley as the sun was setting in the west gave us another opportunity for some great photography. Hope you enjoy today's set---and if you ever have a chance to visit this area, GO and DO IT... It's fabulous!!!! Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.
One of the beautiful old homes along our route |
The Shenandoah Valley |
Another one of the fabulous old homes in the valley |
Oh the Beautiful Shenandoahs! |
And one more home/farm in the valley |
Cattle are grazing; Isn't the late afternoon sun just marvelous? |
There are many farms in the Shenandoah Valley. |
The sunset in the distance was showing off some pretty skies for us as we drove. |
I put on the long lens to capture this sky picture as the sun fell behind that mountain range. |
Now ---to change gears a little, we are back at home following that trip. Here are a few photos of some of my Backyard Birds ---who are ALWAYS happy when Mama comes home to feed them!!!
A Gorgeous Pileated Woodpecker Visits my Bird Kitchen! (photo taken on April 12, 2014) |
The Blue Jays are back --and they love the Peanuts (shelled and unshelled) which I put out for them. I miss these little guys in the winter--so am always happy to see them return. (photo taken on April 13, 2014) |
The Brown Thrashers are also back. I love these little guys ---but they are gone during the winter also. (photo taken on April 17, 2014) |
I didn't want you to think I had been neglecting my little birds. They are always important to me even though I don't take as many photos of them as I once did. I think I told you this also---but we have some Baby Bluebirds on the way!!!!! Mom and Dad are working hard ---so hopefully there will be four little fledglings in the near future. YEAH!!! Gotta love my Bluebirds!
Hope you enjoyed all of my photos today. Have a wonderful weekend.
However good the trip and the scenery, it is good to be back home. Well, until the next trip anyway. Your photos of the valley and those skies are just beautiful Betsy. I leave Manchester this morning for a trip to the Lake District and a long walk (100 miles) so will be out of contact for a week or so.
HI Betsy a big WOW! your photos are stunning. Love the skies, the farms and seeing the wonderful landscape. It certainly was a great trip. The I love seeing your garden birds and that is wonderful news that there are going to be Bluebird chicks born so hoping you have your camera ready for that event. Hope you and George have a blessed weekend.
I think I love just the Valley pictures the best, because these mountains surround and protect me and they are my home! I am very partial to the farm pictures, too! My favorite bird here, oh my, it has to be the bad boy Thrasher!
After another wonderful trip your birds gave you a lovely welcome home. Have a great weekend Betsy, and thank you for sharing these amazing photos.
Wow, cool pictures with the magnificent blue sky in the backdrop ! Amazing :)
Beautiful writeup of a lovely trip :) Enjoyed reading this post.
The birds look lovely ! Cute little guys :)
Wonderful photos in your trip. Birds are welcoming you with the food in their mouth. They are happy to see you back home!
Such a beautiful area to visit. I love all those old homes and I think my favorite has to be the old red farm house. I'm ready to move in :)
Very thrilling having the bluebirds there. Fun to watch
What wonderful photos of the Valley, just beautiful! Such glorious, quiet, wide open spaces.
Love all of your little bird visitors too.
Have a great day ~ FlowerLady
You must live at a higher altitued as my thrasher lives in my backyard, year round...even with the snow this year! I do love that part of the country.
i like all the different fences and the old home with the white picket fence is my favorite...
What a treat to have a pileated visit!
Gorgeous scenery and what a lovely shot of the woodpecker.
Baby birds...how sweet! We've watched many nests through the years. It is such an amazing process to observe. BTW, I tried to order prime rib last night...didn't see the weekend only disclaimer in tiny print at the bottom of the description. I was so disappointed. As good as the scampi was, I had my taste buds ready for that steak, so nothing would have been great after that! I told the waitress later when she apologized again...."Weekend only should be in large print and at the top of the description so you can't miss it." She agreed and said it happens a lot.Hubby and I will have to give it a try sometime!
not sure what is better ... Virginia views or birdie views. looks like a great spring for you. so lovely. fun shares. ( :
I love seeing pictures of all those old homes in the Shenandoah Valley. And such peaceful scenery to go with the homes. Lucky you with your birds welcoming you home. I've been dealing with an influx of squirrels at the new house. Very determined creatures.
What a gorgeous area. I'm sad to say, that I've not visited the Shenandoah valley yet….but hope to one day. I want that red farm house and I want it now. :)
Who would ever think you neglect your birds??
I'm loving all the bird activity I've been having but am getting so annoyed with the gang of squirrels I'm dealing with!!!
I enjoyed every photo today! The Blue Ridge Mountains are spectacular. I am happy to hear you will be having some baby bluebirds. I can't wait to see their pictures.
Your photos of the Shenandoah Valley in the evening light are simply gorgeous.
Wow, look at those beautiful blue skies! Such gorgeous views, Betsy. I enjoyed seeing your backyard bird friends too. Hope you have a nice weekend! :-)
Superb photos as always, Betsy!! And I always love the trips you take us on as well as bringing us back home to the birds!! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Hope you have a great weekend!!
Enjoyable photos, as usual. Love the woodpecker.
Baby pictures to look forward to. How exciting is that. I bet your birds are soooo happy you are home.
As always, your photos are amazing. They make me feel as if I've really visited the region myself. I particularly love the old houses. My dream was always to have a big, old house in the countryside with the mountains all around me. Your bird pictures are also beautiful. It must be lovely to have so many around all of the time.
Betsy, We definitely agree with you! The Shenandoah Valley is hard to beat...with beautiful vistas, lots of history and great old homes. We also love Highland County VA and the back roads leading south on the east side of the W VA border! We're jealous! We haven't had a pileated woodpecker stop by for more than a year now... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Hi Betsy!
You couldn't neglect your birds!! they have a heated birdbath, fresh food and water! your garden is a 5 star luxury spa for birds with an adoring Betsy and George to love them! how exciting to have baby bluebirds on the way! these are such beautiful pics, have a wonderful weekend x x x
Your pictures show the Shenandoah Valley exactly as I have pictured it in my mind.It looks peaceful and warm.
Love your skies and all the green and the spring beauty and well, just this whole post!
I love looking at all the older homes and farms. So very pretty.
Betys, sounds like you had an awesome trip. I enjoyed the photos and I love the birds. Great post! Have a happy weekend!
When I was about 5 and we were heading from Florida to Ohio, my mom kept talking about the Blue Ridge Mountains. Can't tell you how crushed I was that they weren't sky blue or robin's egg blue. I had to become an adult to appreciate them.
Looks like your feeders are busy. Wish I had some Blue Birds but the English Sparrows have run them off around here.They do stop by for water from the fountain but that is all.
Hi sweet friend....
I just love those old home places along your route. So glad that there are still places like this that exist.
I know you already have another trip in the works!! ha, good for you two!
I so enjoy seeing the places you've been!!
Have a fun weekend..
Peaceful country photos seems to calm my spirit even when I can't be there. Lovely.
Thanks for the photo tour of the Shenandoah Valley. It's a beautiful place. The birds must've been glad to have you back to refill the feeders!
I enjoyed the trip and the photos:)
i wish I could be there too:)
Have a nice Saturday.
The Shenandoah valley is made of picture postcard scenery. Just lovely.
You neglect the birds? Never!!!
pretty nice blog, following :)
Now I've never visited the Shenandoah Valley. It's a lovely
farming area with beautiful homes, I see.
Your fortunate to have all those birds visiting, Betsy!
Lovely area to enjoy, it is huge
I'd love to see the Shenandoah Valley sometime. It's beautiful there. I love the late day skies in your photos, one of my favorite times of day...but they just don't last long enough! Have a great weekend!
Very nice valley !
What a beautiful view Betsy.....is there near your house?
I love visit it here beacause it is a place plenty of life and shine!This valley seems to be a very nice place to drive along. And your little birds are gorgeous as usual, congratulations!!!!
A big hug
I always, always enjoy the updates on your backyard birds Betsy. I adored the trip too as I love American home architecture, the older the better. The homes were just wonderful.
Enjoy your weekend with your George. :)
Very nice. And we do love that valley and following that skyline drive as well...:)
I love all of your pics- and I am making notes on where I want to visit when the dh retires and has time..You guys are my travel guides to all the neat waterfalls and mountain views..
Have a wonderful Sunday!
what a spectacular!
such a beautiful area to visit.
happy sunday~
The rosy gold glow of late afternoon sets off the perfect beauty of the Shenandoah! Such gorgeous photos, Betsy! And you had some happy birds at home on your return. I love trips...coming home is sometimes the best part, but there are always such wonderful memories (and photos to keep those memories fresh!)
It is always such a p[leasure visiting you and George. I feel like I have been on the trips with you.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Betsy and enjoying all your beautiful birds!
xo Catherine
Your photos always make me smile thinking of you and George having fun and seeing all that beauty. I was thinking about those homes - they were beautiful - but out there all alone - they must like that feeling though and feel safe.
Love the photos! And hearing about your latest adventure!
Gorgeous sunset. It all looks very relaxing. Plus those homes are awesome!
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