Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 21, 2014

2014 Daffodils in our Yard

Hope all of you had a fantastic Easter.  We certainly did -although I've been struggling with an 'stinkin' ole COLD or ALLERGY of some kind.  No FUN!!!  Anyhow--I didn't let that stop me --and we visited George's daughter and hubby --who took us on  a wonderful picnic --plus a hike on a gorgeous Easter Day in TENNESSEE...

Today,  I won't give you lots of words ---but will just ask you to get another cup of coffee (or something) and sit back to view all of the different types of Daffodils we have blooming in our yard this year (2014).  They are prettier this year and have bloomed longer than some previous years... It is interesting to compare one year to the next since each year brings new and different blooms.

I have worked hard to get the names of our Daffodils (if we know them)---but some look so much alike that it does get confusing... I'll try my best though, especially the ones which I know the names. Click on them for enlargements.


A new collection,  QUAIL,  which we purchased this year















Well---what do you think????  This is not all of them,  but will give you most of what we have blooming this year.  You like so many different varieties?  We enjoy seeing what will pop up each year... Do you have a favorite out of this group?

It's hard for me to pick a favorite... The white one (Mount Hood above) is one that blooms alot and keeps its blooms.  SO--it's a favorite... I think --although I love them all.  An interesting one to me is Romance,  and another couple of fav's are Fortissima and Wild Carnival...

Hope you have a great day.  I'll publish a post on this blog on Friday---and will have a Photo Blog  (click  HERE)  on Wednesdays now. 



Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

They're all so beautiful and cheery. A few of them are different than most daffodils that I've seen, including Romance, which was one I liked very much.

DeniseinVA said...

Delightful daffodils Betsy, and thank you so much for your comment and input on my blogging problems.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I absolutely cannot choose a favourite Betsy - although I do love them with the frillier look! Imagination is a wonderful thing as mine could smell that exquisite perfume through the blogosphere!
So pleased you and George had a blessed and lovely Easter.

Fun60 said...

My favourite would be 'Spellbinder' as it is the closest to the wild daffodil that can still be seen in many of our more rural areas and of course Wordsworth's daffodil in ...'I wandered lonely as a cloud..........when all at once I saw a crowd, a host of golden daffodils.'

Ann said...

who knew there were so many different kinds of daffodils. They are all so pretty. I kept picking a favorite then scrolling down and changing my mind

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your daffies are all beautiful. Lovely photos.. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i totally agree with you there - how can you pick a favorite. they are all so pretty & different. i wonder who picks the names - so creative. gorgeous yard view, Betsy. happy springy week to you!! ( :

linda m said...

I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried, they are all so beautiful. There a few blooming in our neighborhood now. After yesterdays warm temps and last nights rain I'm sure there are a few more. Will check it out when I go for my walk. Thanks for sharing yours with us.

troutbirder said...

Oh my. Stunning. And how do you keep track of all their names???

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i always thought jonquils which is what my mother called them, came in just the yellow that she had in her yard... these are all different and beautiful and so many different kinds amazes me. i like las vegas, the flower not the city

Catherine said...

It looks like spring is at your house Betsy! Lovely!
xo Catherine

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

All are beautiful !
Very good post. Lovely :)
Have a great week ahead, Betsy !

George said...

You got some beautiful pictures of our pretty daffodils. They put on quite a display this year.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have seen those white ones before and was wondering what they were!

Janice K said...

This has certainly been a good year for daffodils. I was so disappointed when our snow last Monday seemed to knock all of our blossoms down to the ground, but on Good Friday they seemed to raise themselves back up and are looking good. I have a few of different varieties that look like some of yours.

The one that you called Dad Adams, I assume from your father-in-law, reminds me of some Narcissus we had on the farm where I grew up. I guess they are part of the same family of plants. I remember them smelling really good.

Out on the prairie said...

like Romance the best. Pink always catches my eye it seems.

David said...

Betsy, My favorites are Spellbinder, Pink Radiance and Las Vegas... Nice photos! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sylvia K said...

Such gorgeous, colorful Daffodils, Betsy!! I love them all, hard to pick a favorite! Hope you have a great week!! Enjo0y

Small City Scenes said...

MMMMMM gorgeous!!. We have some that are similar---I don't know any of their names. We have one similar to your
Replete that is wildly aromatic. We have one that I do know the name of and it is Texas Gold. Also heavely scented and like a triple double. I love them all. MB

Small City Scenes said...

Oh I forgot to mention that I did forget about the Wild Dogwood too. They bloom in our woods too---just a little later. MB

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Ooh, aah! Beautiful beautiful beautiful. I can't say enough about how lovely these flowering bulbs are! Jonquils are my favorites. Fortissimo is outstanding. I miss these flowers - I had a lot in my lake home's yard. I probably can force some bulbs next year here. Have a great day and enjoy your yard. If you constantly have cold symptoms, see your doctor about allergy testing and possibly anti-allergen shots (I had to do that when I lived in Hunt County, TX many years ago).

Pat - Arkansas said...

Gorgeous daffs! You and George must be as crazy about daffodils as I am about day lilies! :)

Betsy said...

Gorgeous daffodils Betsy! I like Los Vegas but I think my favorite is Mt. hood. I've never seen an all white daffodil before. Beautiful.
I've had the same strange malady for a couple of weeks. It comes and goes so I think it must be allergies although I've never had them before. Hope you are now much better.

Connie said...

They are all so pretty, Betsy! We have some kind of a ruffled one growing here, but I don't know what kind it is.

Terry and Linda said...

I love their sweet nodding little heads! I'm still waiting on mine...still too cold

Kay said...

Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your encouraging words, Betsy. I'm trying to work on our trip album and I'm so exhausted, but I can't rest until it's done. I've finished all my blog posts and they are all scheduled to go up automatically so I can work on our album.

I LOVE your amazing daffodils. They are my favorite spring flower. I miss seeing them pop out in the sunshine. You have so many gorgeous varieties.

A Colorful World said...

I think having all the different varieties is amazing! I think Replete may be my favorite, but I loved several of the others. We always see the standard yellow trumpet and I love those, but this lovely showing of the different kinds is wonderful!

Kay said...

I love them especially the white ones with the different color centers. As I've mentioned...all I have are the yellow ones.

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Beautiful! I love daffs. We have many of the same ones, only no pink ones. I like that there are so many different varieties, which also extends the bloom period.

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

Your daffodils are lovely, you have so many of them. Hope your cold will get better soon, a lot of people are suffering from allergy at this time. My easter was fantastic, the sun decided to show up which was very welcome.

Jim and Sandie said...

There is no way to pick just one - they are so beautiful and really look so spring like.

The Furry Gnome said...

Quite a collection! I didn't know there were so many! At the moment I'd enjoy having just one in bloom!

pam said...

I'm not going to pick a favorite! I love them all. But how do you remember the names? Do you have some sort of system?

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so sorry you are sick Betsy and hope it is short lived.
I never knew there were so many varieties of daffodils till you started posting them.
I really liked Replete till I saw Romance. What a beauty.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wild Carnival, Replete, and Romance are my favorite! I didn't even know there are so many different kinds. Those are the three, and I just CANNOT choose between them!

Susie Swanson said...

Awe, these are gorgeous. Some I've never seen before. You certainly know how to grow anything. Thanks for sharing and I'm so glad you all had a nice Easter. Hugs and love, xo

HappyK said...

Love all the different kinds of daffodils. Before reading your blog I had no idea there were so many of them.

Shug said...

Enjoyed these radiant beauties!! I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of them. My daffodils went bye bye with the ice storm we had...I'm sad about it!!
We enjoyed a beautiful Easter Day...hope your family did as well..
hugs to ya

Ruth Hiebert said...

As usual I can't pick one favourite. With flowers my favourite is often the last one I have seen.I love them all and enjoyed seeing them.

Lynda said...

I like your Pink Charm and Romance. I didn't know there were so many different varieties. They have bloomed longer at our house this year, too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They are all beautiful and if I had to choose favorites, I'd probably say Romance and Replete. What a variety you have! Have a great week!

Grandma Bonnie said...

They are all so beautiful. I think the pink charm is my favorite.

amanda said...

Wow! Just like your roses, I am in awe of your variety & can't choose a favorite! When it comes to daffodils though, I do love a classic yellow one. They're such a sign of spring & hope. But ooh, some of those fancy ones sure are something!
Beautiful - your yard must be a wonderland with all it's ever changing blooms!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
I'm learning a lot here! I didn't even know there were so many different daffodils! and all of them are so beautiful, I love there is a 'Las Vegas' type, the mon cherie, accent, pink charm and pink radiance were an utter delight! I have only ever seen a yellow daffodil! x x x I hope you are feeling better too x x x


Oh, My Goodness so many very very lovely daffodils. My very favorite are Pink Charm and Romance. So a beautiful border to your home. Hugs Judy

Our photos said...

Very nice, your daffodils

camp and cottage living said...

That is an amazing assortment of daffodils, Betsy!
I sure can't pick a favorite...
It's good that the one will be blooming throughout the summer too.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Holy mackeral....SO many gorgeous daffodils. I love all of them, but the pink charm is most charming. :)
So sorry you were dealing with the crud too....I hope you are feeling better by now.

Betty Manousos said...

what a spectacular!
your daffodils are fabulous, betsy! it's really hard to pick a favourite. such lovely colours! gorgeous!so many varieties, too.
thanks for brightening my day.

big hugs!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I find daffodils to be one of the sassiest and perkiest flowers in creation. And so they please me mightily. But I was never aware of just how many different kinds there were until this posting of yours. Several looked almost like day lilies, especially "Morn Cherie." Thank you for the education! Peace.

SquirrelQueen said...

They are all beautiful but I thing my favorite is Romance. Our daffodils came and went so quickly this year I didn't have time to enjoy them.

I hope you are over your cold and feeling better Betsy.

Small Kucing said...

They are gorgeous. Wish i can grow them here but climate not suitable

Sally Wessely said...

Beautiful. Every one of these is beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

...all are so pretty...how on earth can you remember their names?

The one I like best is the photo of them lined up with their shadows!!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Oh, Betsy, these photos are fabulous. I've never seen as beautiful daffodils. These are all so lovely. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, too.

Joy said...

They are all beautiful. I wish I have them here:)

LV said...

Thank you for this gorgeous flower show. So beautiful.

White Lace and Promises said...

I never knew there were so many that existed. Thank you so much for sharing these. I absolutely love the white ones with the colored centers. I don't think we grow these around here. I'll certainly have to look that up. Beautiful, just beautiful!