Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Our Walk After the Snow (2/13/14)

On my last blog post (Wed, Feb. 19),   I showed you photos of our 5+ inch snowfall here in Fairfield Glade, Tennessee, on Feb. 12-13, 2014.   I shared photos as the snow began on the 12th,  again that evening,  and the next morning early...

That same morning,  after the snow quit and after the sun came out,  George and I took a long walk in our area around the Druid Hills Golf Course.  Of couse,  we took SCADS of photos also that morning...

Hope you enjoy seeing these pictures of our 'one and only' pretty snow of this winter (so far)....  I was SO excited at seeing the snow since it was beautiful as it clung to everything.

Sit back and enjoy the photos.  Above is a picture George took of me knee-deep in snow, as we walked.  Below are more --so be sure to click on the photos for enlargements. 

Love the blue sky in this photo

That is the back of our home,  from the golf course fairway

Amazing how the wind blew the snow on the sides of the trees

From the middle of the fairway,  everything looked so pretty.

I love seeing the snow cling to the evergreens.

I loved the shape of this tree,  especially with snow on it.

Oh how this girl LOVES snow!!!

The snow was clinging to everything. Isn't it pretty?

Even the Indiana Boy (who doesn't like snow)  seemed to enjoy this walk!

There's nothing prettier than water and snow!!!! Druid Hills is a beautiful golf course--but the hills can be brutal (but good for us) when walking!

I love this close-up of the hemlock and snow!

That would be a pretty Christmas Tree --for a HUGE home

The snow was falling off of the pine tree ON me...  Brrrrrrrr...

I love it when the snow makes FINGERS..... ha

Here's one more photo showing the back of our pretty little home.  I love seeing the shadows.

Back to 6:30 am that morning,  here's the front of our home...
I'll close with one more photo taken about 6:30 a.m. that morning of the front of our home.  This was such a gorgeous snow --and just the perfect amount for us!!!

Hope you enjoyed my 'snow' photos this week.. That may be the only nice snow we get this winter ---but many of you would say,  that is a GOOD THING... ha

Well Friends!!!!  It's time for another "BLOG BREAK".....  My blogging will be very sporadic between now and the end of March due to our busy schedule.  SO---I'll try to keep you posted as to our schedule this next month or so...  Right now,  I'll try to blog the week of March 3/5/7....  But--I'll keep you posted.  IF you are on Facebook,  you can keep up with me there...  OR--you can email me at any time.

Have a terrific week/month ahead!!!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Good News after some Bad News!

Our Home the morning of Feb. 13 (6:30 am) after our 5+ inch snow
Well---unless you have followed me on Facebook or heard from me this past week,  you may not know that our special Valentine's Trip had to be cancelled!  We had reservations to go to Cashiers,  North Carolina, to stay in a quaint little inn there in the mountains for a few days.  We had been looking forward to this trip since we were going to do some hiking and searching for waterfalls.

If you followed the weather talking about the horrible winter storms in the south,  then you'll know that Cashiers was in the path for 14 inches of snow plus ice plus power outages, etc....  Yipes!!!!  We couldn't get to Cashiers... We were SO disappointed!

Luckily for us though,  the owners of the inn allowed us to change the dates... SO----we'll get to go again at a later time!!!!  Great News (after the bad news),  don't you think????  We have never been there but it looks like an awesome little inn in the mountains. 

The other good news we had this past week (besides our fabulous Valentine's Day Celebration which I shared with you on Monday) was that, after almost NO snow here this winter,  we FINALLY got the 'perfect' snow (2/12-13).   It was part of that same sytem which crippled the south ---yet we just got the snow here, and nothing severe.

We got FIVE + inches (measured on our deck table) of beautiful wet snow which clings to everything.   This is 'my' kind of snow because we can get gorgeous photos.  The temperature was not too cold ---so we could get out and take a nice, long walk.  AND---the best news is that the sun came out the next day and much of the snow is already melted..... Like I said,  the 'perfect' snow!!!!!!

Today,  I'll show you some of the photos I took the night of the 12th and then early (6:30 am) in the morning on the 13th...  In another post,  I'll share photos from our walk later that morning--after the sun came out.  Get another cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy my snow photos from the comfort of your WARM home!!!!!

Above is one of my favorite photos of our home after the snow... Below are more taken during or after the storm... Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

Our big Rhododendron just as the snow was beginning to come down heavy (afternoon of the 12th)

After dark,  the snow was really coming down hard!!!  I was so excited!

Our Holly Bushes near the front door--early the next morning

Our front yard looking toward the Pink Dogwood Tree (which is now a White Dogwood)

You can see our Azalea and our big Jasmine bush--but the sidewalk is covered!

The lower side of our home;  I love seeing the flag blowing in the breeze.

Looking down our road;  Obviously the roads here were in bad shape!  Luckily, we didn't have to get out ---other than to walk!

Looking at our front yard toward the upper side;    See those sticks?  That's some of our Roses... Think we'll get some blooms now????? ha ha.... NOT til Spring!!!

The wet snow was clinging to everything.  This is one of our Redbud trees.

A photo of our lower side yard;  you can see the woodpile down there.. I'm glad that George had some dry wood in our garage!!!

Want to come and sit on the bench for awhile?????   I think NOT... ha

Our Backyard --looking toward the golf course;  The table is where I measured our 5+ inches.

Our upper side yard --looking at the snow-covered blocks of one of our flowerbeds

Lots of snow clinging to anything it can!!!!
Here's one more photo of our home in the pretty snow!
Hope I didn't bore you with all of these photos.  I know that many of you have way TOO much snow in your area --and I can certainly understand why you wouldn't like snow.  My sweet hubby grew up in Indiana and had his share of snow growing up... But--I'm from the SOUTH.  I have never seen too much snow... SO---when we do get one like we did this time,  I LOVE it.... 

BUT--I will end with a big statement:  Now that I've had my 'snow fix' ---I am truly ready now for Spring... SO---bring it on!!! ha ha


Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Celebration of LOVE

Us on Valentine's Day 2014
George and I love to celebrate ---as most of you know!!!!  This year on Valentine's Day was no exception.  Our plans changed ---so we were at home this past week!  (More on that in Wednesday's blog post.)  BUT--that didn't keep us from having a great time together.

The picture above was taken of us at home before we opened gifts and then went out to dinner...  I have mentioned my new glasses --but here are some photos with me wearing them.  I have never worn glasses (except to read)...  I thought this was going to be a huge transition time for me---but I have adjusted to the Progressive Lens (Bifocals without lines) rather easily.   George says he likes me in glasses --but he 'would' say that you know!!!!! ha...  Anyhow ---I can SEE now much better so that is what is important.

We first opened cards to each other ---and as many of you know,  I LOVE getting cards (although most people don't send them much these days).

Here is George opening his card. I think he liked it!!!!!

George actually gave me TWO gifts this year...  I have been begging him for a big picture of one of his special water shots (with his special filter)... This beautiful  Framed Poster (of George's photo) was taken above Bald River Falls near Tellico Plains, Tennessee.  Isn't it gorgeous?

I gave George (actually US) two new Valentine's Coffee/ Tea mugs...  I love the heart- shaped handles.  If you can't read it,  it says that 'we go together like the moon and stars'.  Don't you think that that fits the two of us quite well????? ha

Here is a picture I took of George as he opened his little gift.   (We have already tried the mugs ---and the hot tea tasted really good in them!!!!)

Okay---so here is the other gift George gave me.   NOTE that it is the same photo (he took)...  He couldn't decide which to get,  the canvas (above) or the framed poster... SO--since Zazzle ran a special,  he got them both... I love them both--but the canvas is definitely my favorite.  It's now on the wall in our Computer Room (Office) with the others he has gotten.  SO SO SO gorgeous....

SO---what did I decide to do with the Framed Poster?  It's hanging on the wall in our bedroom --and I can see it when I step out of bed each morning.... Love it there!!!!

I think George was pleased with the Canvas---and since he took that photo,  I wanted a picture of him with it!!!!!   LOVE it and LOVE him!!!!

Finally,  here is another photo of the two of us on our sofa ---before we left for a fantastic dinner at the Olive Garden.... Wow---what a celebration and what a fabulous day!!!  Thank You, Sweetheart,  for another beautiful day with you in paradise!!!!! I am so blessed.

Hope you had a good week ---and hope you found LOVE and BLESSINGS on Valentine's Day --and EVERY DAY.

This coming Wednesday---I'll share about our disappointment ---but also about some JOYS in our lives this past week!!!!  So tune back in then!
