Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Our Walk After the Snow (2/13/14)

On my last blog post (Wed, Feb. 19),   I showed you photos of our 5+ inch snowfall here in Fairfield Glade, Tennessee, on Feb. 12-13, 2014.   I shared photos as the snow began on the 12th,  again that evening,  and the next morning early...

That same morning,  after the snow quit and after the sun came out,  George and I took a long walk in our area around the Druid Hills Golf Course.  Of couse,  we took SCADS of photos also that morning...

Hope you enjoy seeing these pictures of our 'one and only' pretty snow of this winter (so far)....  I was SO excited at seeing the snow since it was beautiful as it clung to everything.

Sit back and enjoy the photos.  Above is a picture George took of me knee-deep in snow, as we walked.  Below are more --so be sure to click on the photos for enlargements. 

Love the blue sky in this photo

That is the back of our home,  from the golf course fairway

Amazing how the wind blew the snow on the sides of the trees

From the middle of the fairway,  everything looked so pretty.

I love seeing the snow cling to the evergreens.

I loved the shape of this tree,  especially with snow on it.

Oh how this girl LOVES snow!!!

The snow was clinging to everything. Isn't it pretty?

Even the Indiana Boy (who doesn't like snow)  seemed to enjoy this walk!

There's nothing prettier than water and snow!!!! Druid Hills is a beautiful golf course--but the hills can be brutal (but good for us) when walking!

I love this close-up of the hemlock and snow!

That would be a pretty Christmas Tree --for a HUGE home

The snow was falling off of the pine tree ON me...  Brrrrrrrr...

I love it when the snow makes FINGERS..... ha

Here's one more photo showing the back of our pretty little home.  I love seeing the shadows.

Back to 6:30 am that morning,  here's the front of our home...
I'll close with one more photo taken about 6:30 a.m. that morning of the front of our home.  This was such a gorgeous snow --and just the perfect amount for us!!!

Hope you enjoyed my 'snow' photos this week.. That may be the only nice snow we get this winter ---but many of you would say,  that is a GOOD THING... ha

Well Friends!!!!  It's time for another "BLOG BREAK".....  My blogging will be very sporadic between now and the end of March due to our busy schedule.  SO---I'll try to keep you posted as to our schedule this next month or so...  Right now,  I'll try to blog the week of March 3/5/7....  But--I'll keep you posted.  IF you are on Facebook,  you can keep up with me there...  OR--you can email me at any time.

Have a terrific week/month ahead!!!



Ann said...

Now you know I don't care for snow but that's when it's falling right here. In pictures I love it and it does looks so pretty. I can tell how much you were enjoying yourself.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your home looks pretty surrounded by all the snow. Lovely photos from your walk. Have a happy weekend!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy it is a joy to see all your lovely shots of the blue skies, and snow laden trees. You certainly are enjoying it. We have not had snow this year although we would not get that much anyway. Have a great weekend.

Jeevan said...

Wow! It’s absolutely fabulous, as well fascinating snow pictures... I just wonder how creative nature with the snow, making everything so pretty by clinging. I doubt whether I could bear snowy weather’s like you couples enjoying, since born and brought up in sunny climates.

Hope u have a wonderful weeks ahead and enjoy whatever comes across you positive :)

Jo said...

That pretty snow fell on my birthday 13 Feb. so I feel honored. Ironically, I was flying across Africa in mid-summer conditions on that day. I love the shadows in your shots, too. Great post and have a WONDERFUL blogging break. Blessings and (((hugs))) Jo xxx

The Furry Gnome said...

That really does look beautiful, especially with that deep blue sky.

Miss Debbie said...

Pretty! I agree..love the snow on the evergreens and how the snow is just on one side of the trunks and limbs of the other trees. The fairway view was beautiful...guess there weren't many golf balls flying that day!! :-)

Tanna said...

GORGEOUS photos, Betsy!! Looks like a winter wonderland! Okay, do you golf? You didn't mention that. We are leaving our beautiful OLD home to settle my hubby on the golf course... I play, too... but, wouldn't give up my favorite Old Girl for a place there if he didn't want to so badly. ;) Enjoy your busy schedule. blessings ~ tanna

Shug said...

Surrounded by complete splendor...such a beautiful snowfall! Did you make snow ice cream?? Enjoy your break and keep us posted on your busy schedule...have loads of fun!!
Blessings and hugs...

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Beautiful snow photos Betsy.

Have a great time wherever you two will be.

Love and hugs ~ Rainey

linda m said...

That is some of the prettiest snow I have seen so far. I love the contrast between the snow and blue sky. Just lovely photos. So glad you finally got your snow. Enjoy your weekend.

Dorothy said...

Thanks for posting your wonderful snow pictures!! It's the only snow I'll see this year, I suspect :) I'm glad that you got at least one snow! Enjoy your break!

Out on the prairie said...

Each time it snows here I can always find something new and wonderful.

David said...

Betsy, Great snow photos! However, for someone like myself who lived in Michigan and the Chicago area for most of their life, (until retirement), the only pretty snow is someone else's! I'm happy that you were happy... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

camp and cottage living said...

It is so gorgeous there with your snow!
Have a fun March!

I Am Woody said...

Did George shake the branch and make the snow fall on you? That is exactly what Vol Fan would have done! Haha!

LV said...

Betsy, these are absolutely gorgeous snow scenes. It truly was a pretty sight, but thankful it missed us.NATURE PROVIDES US WITH THE BEST BEAUTY EVER. Take care until next time.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Snow is cool ! Awesome pics :)
Will miss you in blogosphere, have a beautiful weekend !

Brenda S said...

Well, Betsy, I love your snow pictures. Looks like home to me! We are surrounded this year. Yesterday before the rain there was at least 3 ft of snow in my back yard and nearly as much in the front. There's so much I can't go for the snowy walks I love. Now that it's rained the snow has diminished a bit and is much to dense to try and walk through. I'd sink in and never get out. Our driveway is a skating rink! Today is very, very windy......whole house is creaky. I love that sound. I can hear it roaring through the trees, too. I took some cards to the mailbox...could almost skate back being pushed by invisible hands.......LOL. Enjoy your time away!

Brenda S said...

Well, Betsy, I love your snow pictures. Looks like home to me! We are surrounded this year. Yesterday before the rain there was at least 3 ft of snow in my back yard and nearly as much in the front. There's so much I can't go for the snowy walks I love. Now that it's rained the snow has diminished a bit and is much to dense to try and walk through. I'd sink in and never get out. Our driveway is a skating rink! Today is very, very windy......whole house is creaky. I love that sound. I can hear it roaring through the trees, too. I took some cards to the mailbox...could almost skate back being pushed by invisible hands.......LOL. Enjoy your time away!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the snow is beautiful in the photos but i am so happy i am not in it... no snow for me...you are in the right spot since you love it...

Anonymous said...

So happy you had a pretty snow and were able to capture these nice pictures! It does look cold! Thanks for stopping by Laura's blog and leaving a comment. Have a nice break.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific snowy pics and I know you enjoyed the fun!! Have a great break! Enjoy!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh, Betsy! You got some beautiful photos of the snow. I think we have had enough snow up north here on Lake Eire. I can't wait for spring. Hope you enjoy your break.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
That is definitely some beautiful snow there! it's gorgeous! your home looks so pretty in the snowy backdrop, very picturesque! we seem to be rained on constantly here! have a wonderful break and have a great weekend x x x

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are absolutely beautiful, Betsy! I do like the one with the water, but they're all lovely.

Janice K said...

That was a beautiful snow fall...I'm glad you finally got some.

We have complained a lot up here because we have had constant snow cover since around Christmas. It has finally started to melt and hopefully it won't go too fast so we have a lot of flooding. However, beside the fact that it has been a lot of work just to keep plowed out, etc. (and my husband's aching back), it always seems white and bright outside--None of the "grey" days we usually see in the winter.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Very pretty snow but, since you like it, I'm glad it fell on your place and not on mine.

Connie said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! I hope you are wearing your boots underneath all that snow. HA! Have a nice break!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Glad you enjoyed the snow. It is pretty! We have thunderstorms at the moment - maybe strong ones, too. At least we will have needed rain. Boy, I think our rainfall retention basins will again be ponds. Have a happy weekend!

Donna said...

Our Tennessee snow sure was lovely!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

A very pretty walk you had!

HappyK said...

Wonderful photos of your snow. So glad that you got your snow this year. I know how much you like it. : )

Catherine said...

Sometimes we stop looking at the beautify of snow when you experience it every day. But it is beautiful!
Enjoy your blog break Betsy!
xo Catherine

Fun60 said...

Such a contrast of colours with that vivid blue of the skies and the pristine white snow. Hope you made a snowman.

Arkansas Patti said...

Now that is a spectacular snow. I haven't seen such a nice, tree hugging one like that since I was a kid. So glad you got to enjoy.
Enjoy your break.

diane b said...

Beautiful scenes. The blue sky makes it look really pretty.

diane b said...

Beautiful scenes. The blue sky makes it look really pretty.

Our photos said...

Beautiful snow photos, Betsy!

Susie Swanson said...

Gorgeous photos Betsy. i think that is one of the most beautiful snows we've had in years. It didn't last long but that's the kind I like the most. Thanks for sharing with us. Hope you have a nice weekend as well. Hugs, xo

MTWaggin said...

Looks like you made the best of the snowy weather for sure. Love the photos.

Kay G. said...

Beautiful photos of the snow, thanks for sharing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These snow pictures are fantastic.The blue sky just adds to the beauty.Have a super weekend.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love seeing all those snow covered trees. This looks like the perfect place for a winter walk.

Enjoy your blog break Betsy.

Sally Wessely said...

I loved the photo of the evergreen trees. This could be your Christmas card for next year. I guess I knew you lived near a golf course, but I've never heard of you two playing golf. Do you golf?

Enjoy your break. I will miss you.

Annie Jeffries said...

Beautiful world. Is the snow melting away yet?

DeniseinVA said...

You sure needed your sunglasses for all that pretty white snow. Everywhere looked gorgeous and I loved each photo. Enjoy your blog break and I will be visiting when you post again.

Lana's LIfe said...

LOVE your pine tree pics! They carry the snow so gracefully! Enjoy!

Hootin Anni said...

I think your dear hubby is smiling so widely 'cause you're enjoying the heck out of the white stuff!!!

Yes, indeed, beautiful blue sky!

Rose said...

I thoroughly enjoyed my slide show! Beautiful pics...love the way the snow stuck to the trees.

Chatty Crone said...

I like when snow makes fingers too! And is your home near the golf course? And your home is beautiful - looks like you don't have neighbors for miles around. Sanide

troutbirder said...

It is gorgeous but.... week after week here its starting to get old and with the last and power going out with trees crashing, enough!!! :)

Mary said...

Beautiful snow shots! I can almost forget how much I am hating this winter and cold. You make it look inviting, but I'll stay in, thank you!

Lynda said...

I will definitely miss you while you are on break. I don't have time for FB and know I am missing a lot of info about friends. Your pics are GORGEOUS! I love the snow on the trees, too - - - the contrast of the brown and the white together. I, too, ended up with snow landing on me when I was shoveling our driveway that day! I switched to a coat with an attached hood to keep the snow iff my neck!

Kay said...

I absolutely loved seeing your snow photos! Sometimes we think so much about how much of an inconvenience it can be that we forget to truly stop and appreciate its beauty. I envy your living in such a beautiful open area. Here in Hawaii, the neighbors are so close it's like they're in your living room.

Have a fun break. I confess I will be sporadic in my blog visiting in March also. My life is going crazy.

Small City Scenes said...

Truly beautiful. Just the right amount of snow. Enjoy it and then let it go. LOL
We will see you whenever. haha! MB

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love all your snow pics Betsy- and you front and back yards are so gorgeous in snow. But, looking forward to your spring flowers!

Terry and Linda said...

I'm glad you got the snow you wanted. I'm also glad it didn't land here on the farm!


Small Kucing said...

It's really beautiful, betsy. Love the 5th pix thr most

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Betsy, sweet dear friend,
Oh! I just love to see your wonderful photos...
Your house looks so beautiful.
The landscape is gorgeous.
The snow is the perfect blanket for a great photo shot.
You and George seem so enthusiastic getting ready, and about your busy schedule for the incoming weeks.
Please, keep us updated, if you wish. I would like you to join me in Facebook and My Blogs.
God bless!
Greetings from Starry.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm happy that you got some of that snow the rest of us have had! :) I will have to say, tho, that we've not had near the snow that we had last year in February. We had TWO 12 inch snows last year!!
Have fun on your blog break!

Beatriz said...

Wow, It's very cold out there, isn't it?
You both are great as usual. It is like a postcard!!!
Have a wonderful week Betsy!


Betty Manousos said...

dear betsy, what gorgeous snow photos from your walk you shared!
love your winter wonderland and your home is absolutely beautiful.
i am glad you got the snow you wanted. gosh, how i love snow!

enjoy your blog break, betsy!

big hugs~

Cheqna said...

I do enjoyed your snow show..thank you for sharing beautiful moments.

Have fun during your break and safe journey!


Anonymous said...

That snow is so wonderful! What lovely shots.

Decor To Adore said...

Oh what lovely images. I hope you enjoy your break.

Thank you so very much for visiting Decor To Adore~ Mildred's My Favorite 5 post.

Have a beautiful week!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

These snow photos are fabulous. You had a beautiful snow and took great shots. Your home is very pretty and I love all your snow photos.
I hope you have a wonderful break from blogging. I look forward to hearing from you again in March.

Twilight Man said...

The photos of the snow are beautiful to admire from here! We are having very hot weather and dry seasons until the reservoirs are drying up.

I love snow too! We can have snow ball fights someday!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, lovely, evocative photographs. Thank you. Like you, I like to see the shadows on the snow and the blanket of snow on evergreens and the skeleton limbs of trees. Peace.

Pat Tillett said...

Yes, it looks very cold (at least to me), but it also looks beautiful! What is wrong with the golfers out there? They let a little snow stop them from getting out there on the course?

MastHoliday said...

Beautiful pictures and looking a perfect spot to visit..

MastHoliday said...

Beautiful pictures and looking a perfect spot to visit..

Louisette said...

Woow, beautifull landscape, wonderfull shots,greeting from Belgium

Joy said...

Nice to see your winter. Here is snowf free now and 5 degrees.


Hello Betsy, You and George looks so very happy playing in the snow. They are certainly all beautiful photo you shared with us all. Hugs Judy

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Loved every photo, Betsy! That is a lot of snow for your area but it does look so beautiful!

Everyone thinks we always have a lot of snow here in Colorado, but that is only true of the mountain regions. Here on the front range we've had very little snow so far this winter. March is supposed to be our snowiest month, so we will see if that is true..lol!

Glad you had a wonderful vacation--I've enjoyed seeing your facebook photos!

Beth said...

I especially love the water/snow pic with the rock overhang---lovely--as you said, water and snow make for awesome photos.
It does appear that you got just the right amount---beautiful landscape and photos!:>)