Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Log Rock at Kingdom Come State Park, Kentucky 10/23/13

Log Rock at Kingdom Come State Park
At an elevation of about 2700 feet,   Kingdom Come State Park is Kentucky's highest state park.  We enjoyed our visit ---especially the little hike to Log Rock.   Log Rock is exactly what it says that it is:  It is a big rock which looks like a huge log.  It is a natural sandstone bridge.  Hope you enjoy seeing some of our pictures from that area.

Trail leading to Log Rock

Can you tell that it was COLD that morning????? The wind would cut one in half!!!

The trail led UNDER that big rock.

George, Patti and Neal BELOW Log Rock

The Fall Colors around us were SO pretty.

Neal and Patti walking ON the big rock.

More pretty Fall Colors!

George took this photo of me under Log Rock

Even though it was cold and cloudy,  the Fall Colors in that area were beautiful.

George is now walking on the HUGE rock.

Looking at Log Rock from above it.  Doesn't it look like a great big log????

Can you see Patti and me--out there wandering around?????  Look at that color around us!

Here is one more photo showing how large Log Rock is! 
Hope you enjoyed seeing our pictures from Log Rock.   Kingdom Come (located not too far from Harlan, Kentucky) is a great state park.  I would love to go back there sometime and do more hiking....

Have a wonderful day!



Ann said...

looks like a beautiful park. That log rock is very impressive. I thought it was a fallen tree

Out on the prairie said...

I like the parks name. The shots are real fun. I am impressed you go out in bad weather and explore. I thought I was one of the few. Definitely you have gotten your moneys worth out of the rain suits.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wonderful photos and my husband would really like this place. That log rock is fantastic. Beautiful autumn colors too.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

RoeH said...

Well dang. The Kentucky part of the trip tomorrow came unglued when my friend's grandbaby was born last night. Now she has to get there and take care of the other kids. They were going to C Section her daughter in law on Friday. Oh well. Another time. Maybe Cincinnati will be beautiful also.

linda m said...

What a beautiful park. I still can't believe how much more color there is in your area than in mine. What an awesome bridge.

Marcia said...

It does look like a log. I thought you were going to say it was petrified wood. Lovely spot or gorgeous photos.

Donna said...

Your photos of the fall colors are gorgeous! And yes, it does look like a big log!

From the Kitchen said...

Bravo--wonderful photos! I must comment on your "the wind would cut one in half"!! My mother used to say that all the time. Thanks for the memory!!


Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

It looks a bit chilly there, but the colours are gorgeous!!

Connie said...

I've never heard of Log Rock. What a gorgeous place.

I Am Woody said...

What a cool arch! I'm impressed that everyone was walking across it. I would have to crawl!!

Sylvia K said...

Such a beautiful place and gorgeous colors!! Your photos are fantastic as always, Betsy!! Thanks for sharing the fun and the beauty!! Have a wonderful week!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one amazing rock, in the first photo i thought it was a log, never seen anything like it at all... i like the photo of you under the rock... great shot and it shows all the detail of the underneath. love it

Our photos said...

What a beautiful park en beautiful photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

David said...

Betsy, Your fall photos are the best!! Clear and bright...great camera work! That log rock does indeed look like a log. Until you're underneath it, you'd never know differently. Of course it would have had to come from one heck of a big tree! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Jim and Sandie said...

That really does look like a log and not a rock. But you look so cold. I would have given up and gone back to the warm car. I agree with Big Daddy - your pictures are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots of the orange foliage!

Unknown said...

I love this post. Beautiful fall colors.

Rose said...

That is a huge 'log!' I had never heard of it...looks like it was a wonderful day to be out and about on your trip.

Carletta said...

Love the log rock! That is so cool.
I really enjoyd seeing the color. We just didn't seem to get to that kind of color here locally. No reds it seems at all. I'm planning a trip for next fall. :)

Small City Scenes said...

That log/rock is quite impressive. And the colors there are so impressive. I too would be snapping pics all over the place. I admire your courage to venture off in the cold biting wind with a smile on your face. Thanks for the adventure. MB

Ms. A said...

I would not have trusted my balance to walk on that rock, but it is amazing! Love the trail photo!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
my lot were fascinated with Log Rock! and my hub was particularly interested in the geology of it!
great pics, and what a brave lot having a walk on it, I wouldn't! I walk into doors, I am way too clumsy!!!I would have joined you under the tree! the pics of autumn are beautiful x x

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

LovelyG fall colour photos.
What a huge rock!

Arkansas Patti said...

That rock is really impressive though I would have been a bit nervous standing under it. I get the same feeling in tunnels.
The foliage is just beautiful. If it wasn't for the cold, a perfect day.

Shug said...

great goodness....I couldn't tell how big the log rock was until I saw the photos of you all standing on it.
Totally awesome!!! Gorgeous colors all around and a super great place to go for a hike!! BTW....your header photo is absolutely stunning with all the Fall foliage...love it!!
sweet hugs.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! That rock looks like a petrified tree,but that would have been one huge tree.

Connie Arnold said...

That looks like a wonderful trail to walk. The colors are beautiful. Too bad it was cold, but otherwise looks like a terrific place to be. Thanks for sharing your terrific photos, Betsy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is really amazing, and is cool to look at from any angle!! Underneath is cool, too! Did you walk on it, or only George? NO net below, only leaves, scary!!! And I DO love those leaves!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Love the Fall colors and gee, that rock did look like a fallen log! Have a great Tuesday tomorrow!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a beautiful park! And that rock is amazing!! It sure looks like a huge log. I can tell you all had a great time in spite of the cold! Loved your wonderful images. Take care!

HappyK said...

Wow that is some rock!!! Such pretty colors. Looks like a great place to walk.

carolina nana said...

Beautiful leaf color and that huge rock is very interesting. Nice place to visit too bad the weather was a little nasty.
We are getting cold at night here now with 2 nights in arow below freezing.

The Furry Gnome said...

It had me fooled! That's amazing.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

If you didn't tell me that was a rock, I'd swear it was a fallen tree. Amazing! And the fall colors...so beautiful!

diane b said...

The colours are amazing, you were tough to brave that wind and cold. That rock is awesome. Love your header. Autumn is amazing in the Smokies.

Pat Tillett said...

If you told me it was a log, I would have to believe you. Beautiful photos from a beautiful place. Very nice Betsy!

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful Fall foliage. But I must ask...is that 'log rock'...a petrified tree?!!!


Hello Betsy, What a fantastic beautiful park. The rock is an amazing site.. Thanks for sharing all this wonderful Autumn photos with us. Hugs Judy

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It really does look like a big log!

DeniseinVA said...

It almost looks like one of those petrified logs. Amazing! You captured all those gorgeous fall colors too. Great photos Betsy!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Log Rock is fantastic. What beautiful fall colors. I love all of the awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing this wonderful trip with us. I would love to go to Kingdom Come Park sometime.

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say the colors there are so awesome and bright!! I love them.
The trail leading to Log Rock was very pretty too. sandie

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Log Rock is fantastic. I love the beautiful fall colors and magnificent leaves. What awesome photos. This is an outstanding posting. Thanks for sharing with us.

Joy said...

Wow! It is really huge. Miracle of nature!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like a cold hike. u look buddled up very warmly. ( ;

Harriet said...

Beautiful colors!! Looks like a great place.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Beautiful park. I really like the rock. I knew for certain it was a large trunk. I really love the name of the park--Kingdom Come!