Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Around our Yard and Area --10/30/13

The gorgeous Maple Tree in our Front Yard
Happy NOVEMBER..... Can't believe it!!!!  Time is flying.  Hope you enjoy my November blog look.  Don't forget to look at my new quotes/photos on my sidebar.  I spend as much time changing those each month as I do my blog itself... ha...  Hope you enjoy it all!!!  Maybe something on my sidebar will speak to YOU.

WELL-after coming home from our Kentucky trip on Friday (10/25),  we had nothing but clouds and dreary skies here --UNTIL the following Wednesday.  We woke up Wednesday morning to beautiful sunshine and blue skies --and it looked as if our trees around here had all changed colors OVERNIGHT.   Of course,  we just 'had' to get out and take some photos.   SO---today's post will show some Autumn Colors around our yard and the Fairfield Glade area.  All pictures were taken on 10/30/13.  Be sure to enlarge the photos for better pictures.

This photo was taken along one of the many lakes in our area.

A beautiful Maple tree in our area

Look at the trees behind our home.

Looking straight up at all of the colors in this Maple Tree

One more photo showing the pretty tree colors across the Canterbury Lake in Fairfield Glade, TN

Part of our Front Yard
You can see in this photo that our Dogwood has almost lost all of its leaves.  BUT--the Maples are showing off BIGTIME now... AND--do you see some Roses still blooming in that flowerbed?????

Looking toward our yard --from UP the street

Standing in our neighbor's yard --looking into our front yard

A close-up photo of our Maple Tree colors

From the backyard, looking toward the golf course

One more photo showing our backyard
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the pretty colors around our area on October 30, 2013.  After several cloudy and dark and dingy days,  it was a JOY to see the sunshine on this day.

How are the Fall Colors at your home???? We have had a VERY dry end of Summer and Fall--so I wasn't sure we'd have any pretty color at all this year.  Glad we have had some!!!!

Have a great weekend.  NOTE:  Glad I took these photos on Wednesday ---since we had so much WIND on Thursday that many of the leaves have come down!!!!!! Now--it's busy times ahead for me,  blowing and raking leaves!!!  Fun fun!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful wonderful autumn shots!

Twilight Man said...

This is the best Autumn colors I have seen for 2013!

Happy Weekend Betsy & George!

Ms. A said...

Don't have color anywhere near that gorgeous yet. Have had some ugly weather though.

Our photos said...

Beautiful are the photos, Betsy!
Greetings, RW & SK

Anonymous said...

So very pretty, Betsy.

Have a happy weekend.

Ann said...

beautiful bursts of color. Just what I needed on this drab rainy morning

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy your shots are truly 'Autumn Glory'. Stunning.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wow, what fantastic autumn colors in your yard and neighborhood. Just beautiful!

Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

Marcia said...

Betsy - I posted a similar blog earlier this week. I'd mostly finished putting the yard away for the winter. You have many more colors in your leaves than we do this year. I think our trees suffer from the dry fall.

Donna said...

Thank you for the tour! The colors are just starting to get ramped up here. It has been a very late season. I imagine that the wind and rain storm last night took down a lot of leaves. It has been one of the poorest fall color shows in our valley area for quite some time.

Karin said...

Stopped by for an early morning stroll! Lovely to see the sun and the colors! Gorgeous!

Hootin Anni said...

I swear, if I had a yard like yours, I don't think I'd want to go traveling. What a glorious work you've both created with the flowers each season and now this heavenly golden glow of Autumn?!!! Stunning.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

such beautiful warm colors!

Sharon said...

I was going to ask if yesterday's wind had an impact, but you beat me to it with your last sentence!! Up there on the plateau you are a bit ahead of us here, but the colors in the city are simply beautiful. Wind never got all that bad here even though we had an advisory, so I'd say we're in store for a gorgeous weekend!!

MastHoliday said...

What the pretty colors of the autumn!! love the photos.
have a great day, Betsy!

linda m said...

Beautiful Autumn photos. You have so much more color than we do.

Connie said...

Amazingly beautiful shots, Betsy! Such a gorgeous time of year and you don't even have to leave home to enjoy all that color!! It is very windy here today, so I'm sure we will be losing a lot of our leaves soon.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
great Autumnal colours, I am sure I can see pink as well as the rich orange shades! beautiful, vivid pictures, autumn where you are is prettier than ours, I'm glad you share your pics! x x have a lovely weekend x x

troutbirder said...

Gorgeous fall color indeed, Betsy. Ours in Bluff Country was a big disappointment. Some years good. Others not so...

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful colours! Looks like it did here about 3-4 weeks ago.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your trees are magnificent!


Hello Betsy, The Autumn colors around your home is most spectacular. The Maples are just flaming with color and your home blends in with them all.. Very Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Judy

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful color...great shots! You certainly live in a pretty place!

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful colors!! Vol Fan kept hoping the wind direction would change yesterday to carry out leaves away from our yard. Haha! But it didn't so I know what we will be doing this weekend too!!

Helen said...

The photos are so pretty. I love Fall but I don't like the falling leaves they are every where. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Stunning beauty so fabulously captured.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are gorgeous, Betsy. You've apparently had a much more glorious fall than we have. The shots of the lakeshore are so pretty!

Linda P said...

The open plan of your neighbourhood shows the trees off to perfection - such a natural looking setting. The vivid and various Autumn shades are gorgeous.

Jo said...

These are stunningly beautiful autumn images, Betsy. Everything looks so restful and full of peace. May you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Jo

Joy said...

You have the most amazing autum pictures. Anyway, you gave me an idea. How do you write or makea qoutes appear on your sidebar? Amazing quotes.

Sylvia K said...

Such glorious colors and isn't it wonderful to be surrounded by them!! Terrific captures as always, Betsy!! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- do take a break from raking and take time to have some fun as well!!

Small City Scenes said...

Glad you got those pictures before the wind brought them all down. Our trees were lovely too. We had a frost so that brought some of the leaves down and then wind. whew!! I posted some pics a few days ago. I love the colored leaves on the ground. Love your header. MB

David said...

Betsy, Your fall photos are the best! Just terrific! You're right about one thing for sure... Now we have to get after all of those leafs... Lots of work to clean up. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betty Manousos said...

dear betsy,
what a spectacular!
fantastice fall photos! make me feel serene, just looking at them!
ah, your photos are always worth the look, betsy!

do have a lovely, relaxing weekend!

big big hugs~

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful trees, Betsy! Ours are really pretty, too, right now. We've had some much needed rain over the last 3 days, so they probably won't last much longer. I love the fall colors!

I'll need to come back when I have more time (something I never seem to have enough of) and see what I've missed while on blog break. Have a great day and weekend, too!

Rose said...

These are just glorious!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You are surrounded by gorgeous colour.I just love seeing all that beauty.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your maple tree is beyond beautiful, it is stunning! We used to have one just like it in the center 0f our front yard, but very sadly it got sick and had to be cut down. It just looks beautiful where you are, and of course your house with the green makes it even prettier! I am SO glad you mentioned your quotes, I never noticed them! Now I will. LOVE them all, will you be adding t0 them or changing them? The mountain one I love and also the one about change.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely sots, the oaks just started turning down at the farm.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, lovely Autumn colors. Your yard and trees are beautiful. Happy November to you!

HappyK said...

Spectacular colors. Our trees are pretty much bare now.

Terry and Linda said...

I want to come to Tennessee sometime to see you in the fall...your colors are stunning!!


Arkansas Patti said...

Ah Betsy, I am so envious of your maples. When I saw my first red maple, I had to have one and I did. Mine however has never shown red, but orange. Pretty, but I really wanted the red. Sigh. Enjoy yours.

Chatty Crone said...

October was beautiful and Halloween fun - but I am ready for November and all those beautiful trees and leaves turning color. So pretty. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Love, sandie

Dorothy said...

Your yard and surrounding area is simply gorgeous!!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

It is so amazing how beautiful the trees become in the fall. Autumn is my favorite season. I can never get enough of all the warm colors. I love that Maple tree it looks like God gave it a beautiful paint job.

Neal said...

There are some beautiful shots there Betsy. I love the fall colors and really enjoy seeing your fall pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant Fall colors Betsy, ours have been rather muted this year. Pretty but not as many reds in the leaves. Loved yours!

Lynda said...

I am glad you had gorgeous colors and shared them. We have a few occasional trees with colors but like someone else has said, our hills are muted- - - - lots of brown and gold. Oh well - - still pretty but not brilliant!

Carletta said...

That first lake shot is gorgeous! The colors and the sky are beautiful.
We finally got some color here but it was a little too late. We needed more cold days that never happened. We got the golden colors but the reds for the most part are missing. I took some photos yesterday because we had wind too.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

really makes ur house sing. with all those colors. gorgeous fall views. ( ;

Cheryl said...

Oh how beautiful your Maple tree is! You have so much beauty all around you. Our fall was pretty, most of the leaves have fallen, the oaks are the last to do so and they are a dull brown now. We had a fairly warm fall but two mornings last week Mark had to scrape the frost off the windshield! Today is very chilly-in the 40s!

Anonymous said...

Your photos was wonderful...love all the glowing beautiful colors.

Catherine said...

It is so hard to believe that we are into November. Another year will soon be gone. sigh.. Where does that time go?
xo Catherine

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

The colors are amazing!

Wind here today too. Leaves sure are flying.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, what a spectacular sight. Autumn is falling right at your feet wherever you wander.

Beatriz said...

I LOVE the colors of your country, all kinds of red, orange, yellow and so on! Then, come in Novembre, and all it's life in color!

Great week and a big, big hug!!!


Mary said...

Lots of beautiful color! Looks great with your green house. Just seeing the really pretty color here. Need to get out with my camera.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You've got a yard full of beee-utiful! Have a great week- where are you and George off to next?

Elizabeth said...

Golden, red, auburn, burnt orange- you've got them all around your house! You're right about it being a dry end of summer, because some of our trees said "too tired", turned brown and just threw their leaves to the ground! Ha-ha, I have thought often of you and George and your coming work of bagging leaves! We have a few trees/bushes coloring now, which is good to see. Our lawn is also still green...hope we don't have to mow one last time :)

You know I truly enjoy your quotes/thoughts/pictures on the sidebar...thanks for spending the time finding them for "me", they DO make a difference! (Always like the ironboarding surfer lady, please keep her in the mix!)

have a super week,
Liz in Mississippi

Jeanne said...

What beautiful colors! Can't decide which is my favorite. I think maybe the top one at the lake with the contrast in colors. Love the orange and reds up against the blue water and sky!

SquirrelQueen said...

The colors at your house were magnificent Betsy, I love those maple trees. Our colors were beautiful this year too but like your place the wind and rain hit us on Saturday. Now it's time to rake.
Have a great week.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your maple tree is gorgeous, Betsy! Your area is really in peak autumn color now.

I love the quote by John Muir on your sidebar -- so true!

Pat Tillett said...

What beautiful photos! You sure do live in a wonderful place.

Rohrerbot said...

Such pretty colors Betsy!! You are like I am right(or should I say write) now with blogging.....not my favorite time of the year to blog. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.....I love all your pics of your visits:) Happy holidays!