Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Roses in our Yard- June 2013

Last week,  I showed you 12 of our blooming Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses in our yard--after a rain... If you missed that post,  click HERE.   Today I will show you 12 more  of our 57 different varieties in our yard.

We have had alot of rain this spring and it was a cool spring --making things bloom late.  BUT--once the roses started blooming,   many of them bloomed.   Hope you enjoy seeing the next 12 in our collection.  You need to click on them to see enlargements.

A Cappela (taken on 6/4/13)

About Face (taken on 6/1/13)

This is also About Face --as it ages (taken on 6/5/13).  Still pretty,  isn't it?

Double Delight (taken on 6/1/13)

Glowing Peace (taken on 6/4/13)

Fragrant Cloud (taken on 6/5/13)

Gemini (taken on 5/31/13)

Ingrid Bergman (taken on 6/4/13)

Lemon Spice (taken on 6/3/13)

Love and Peace (taken on 6/1/13)

Sheer Magic (taken on 6/1/13)

Pink Peace (taken on 6/6/13)
Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our beautiful roses.  As I've said many times,  I enjoy the roses probably more than any of our flowers.  This is George's baby --since he is truly the 'father' of these beauties.  He brings a rose inside and puts it in a vase almost every day --just for me.  LOVE IT!!!!   AND--I enjoy walking the yard twice a day to check out the new blooms..  It's also nice to sit on the bench and just smell the roses and gaze at them... Life is good on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee.

Have a wonderful Monday.

ADDED at 8 p.m. on 6/10/13
I stopped by today and did an "About Face" when I saw "Ingrid Bergman." I tell you it was "Sheer Magic" and I felt as if I was walking on a "Fragrant Cloud" experiencing "Pink Peace" that continued to cause my "Glowing Peace" after seeing this beautiful star. I offered her a cup of "Lemon Spice" tea, and drinking tea with her was a "Double Delight." Soon "Gemini" appeared, and she left with words of "Love and Peace." I am left to sing her praises "A Cappella."

Thanks to my friend, Sally,  for posting this wonderful comment on my blog today.  I loved it --so I wanted to share it with everyone.  Check out Sally's blog HERE.  Thanks, Sally.... I LOVED it!!!!



Small Kucing said...

they are all very beautiful. You are very lucky over there to have such lovely weather to plant roses. :)

Small Kucing said...

wow....I am the first commenter today....Yippeeee!

Anonymous said...

What petalled perfection! Just gorgeous.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy yes these roses are as nice as the last ones. Do any of them smell? A lot of modern roses do not smell nowadays and it is such a pity. When I moved to my last home, there were 1,200 roses!! A lot of pruning!! Margaret

http://walkthetalkmom.blogspot.com said...

GM Betsy,

Those are such beauties, and the names too, are so apt.

Thanks to you luv, I get to see the flowery part of nature
in all it's wonderful glory.
You are the best,take care,
lots of love and hugs

Ms. A said...

These are all beautiful. I really like the first shot of About Face and Sheer Magic.

diane b said...

'Smell the Roses" is one pastime you are able to wallow in. Lucky you. They are all beautiful. I wish there was a smell app for our computers so we could smell them too.

Linda P said...

Your roses are so perfect. It shows that you and George love and care for them.
My favourite today is the Lemon Spice variety as it's such a delicate pale shade of yellow. All the ones with curly petals are pretty.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, I love all your beautiful roses. George must be very proud of his babies. Great shots!

Larry said...

Lovely blooms Betsy... do you know that I hadn't planted a hybrid tea in 20 years or more. I dawned on me this spring how much I used to enjoy creating bouquets of roses from the gardens for my wife and how much she appreciated them when we were considerably younger... so I ordered a dozen plants and we got them installed. I'm looking forward to bringing back our little tradition from the past and I honestly could care less whether the roses come through the winter or not... they were cheap enough that a single season will be a gift... any longer will be a special gift! Larry

Helen said...

they are all very pretty. I always wanted roses garden.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks for sharing the closeups of these beauties. It would be difficult for me to choose a favorite. I would like walking around the yard checking on their progress during the day, too. (and enjoying the fragrance) Have a good day.

linda m said...

Thank you for sharing your roses with us. I wish I could grow some in my yard. However, since mostly what grows here is in a pot I doubt that I could grow a rose bush. I can just imagine the fragrance in the air from the roses. Have a good day.

Big Dude said...

You guys have surely got the green thumb

Arkansas Patti said...

Goodness, you and Heinz with those 57 varieties. About Face is just perfect.


Hello Betsy, ALL your roses are truly beautiful but My Favorite one is Gemini. Beautiful shades of Pink. Have a lovely week. Hugs Judy

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

They are all beautiful. I was picking About Face as my favorite until I saw Love and Peace. So pretty!

Dorothy said...

Glorious pictures of your roses!! I could not single out just one favorite! They are all wonderful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the color combo on the love and peace.. they are all beautiful.

I Am Woody said...

Sheer Magic certainly lives up to its name - it is magical!!

Beth said...

I have my coffee and have enjoyed sitting here taking the tour of your roses. It would be better in person, but I'm grateful I get to see them any way I can.
I checked back at the other 12 and my favorites were Rio Samba and April Nector. I love the combination colors and the softer, muted shades of apricot and peach. My least favorite color is red.
Of this 'batch' my favorites were gemini, sheer magic, and pink peace. But all of them are gorgeous and I would consider it a blessing to have even just one of them in my garden.
Thanks for sharing, Betsy. ♥b

Sharon said...

You've probably figured out by now that I love flowers, but truthfully, don't know a whole lot about them. How long will these gorgeous roses bloom? Will you have them for the remainder of the summer?

Devilish Angel said...


Jo said...

Well done, George and Betsy, these are indeed glorious roses. I can just about smell them; they're truly exquisite. (((Hugs))) Jo

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Absolutely gorgeous !
The flowers have been more vivid this Spring, I can't help but think the heavy rains we have had, helped with that.
You must take lots of care with your roses, they always look deliciously healthy.
Thank you for sharing Betsy and George.

HappyK said...

Oh my more gorgeous roses.
There are many red roses in our new yard. I think they said there were knock out roses.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are all amazingly beautiful. I think my favorites from this group are the Double Delight and the Gemini. Kudos to George for the tender loving care he gives to these beauties...and to you. :)

A Colorful World said...

SOOOO gorgeous! You two have the most awesome rose garden! Kudos to George for his loving care of them getting such great results, too!

Joy said...

Do you mind if I drop by and pick some roses in your garden? Just joking:) have a nice week:)

Sylvia K said...

The roses are gorgeous and such a delightful variety! Beautiful captures as always!! Hope you have a great week, Betsy!! Enjoy!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yes, life is good...and sweet smelling for you too. :)
It is amazing how many different colors/shapes and variations there are in the rose families. Gorgeous!
George is awesome.

Ginny Hartzler said...

About Face for sure is my favorite today. It looks like two different roses in color, shape, and texture. Maybe that is why they call it About Face??

Fun60 said...

They are just so beautiful.

Janice K said...

They all look so perfect. You could charge admission for a tour of you yard. I know you both really enjoy them.

Janie said...

They are all so perfect. Bugs and fungus would not dare to touch your lovely roses, I guess. They don't seem to mind touching mine!
We're finally getting a few rose blooms. I love having the rose scent in the air.

Sally Wessely said...

I stopped by today and did an "About Face" when I saw "Ingrid Bergman." I tell you it was "Sheer Magic" and I felt as if I was walking on a "Fragrant Cloud" experiencing "Pink Peace" that continued to cause my "Glowing Peace" after seeing this beautiful star. I offered her a cup of "Lemon Spice" tea, and drinking tea with her was a "Double Delight." Soon "Gemini" appeared, and she left with words of "Love and Peace." I am left to sing her praises "A Cappella."

I couldn't resist making up a funny little story about your roses. This was a game we used to play with my dad when we looked at a map on our travels. Lovely flowers today. "About Face" is fascinating.

Ann said...

These are all gorgeous. It's just amazing how many different ones there are

Neal said...

All are beautiful but if forced to pick one it would be Gemini or Sheer Magic.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Amazing roses. They are so beautiful. You lucky girl.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love seeing all your roses. This time I do have a favourite,although each one is pretty. I really like the colour and shape of Gemini.It looks so perfect.

Nellie said...

George certainly does work hard at having such beautiful roses! I hear you have had some storms come through this afternoon! Take care!
Hugs, Nellie

Chatty Crone said...

About face!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them. sandie

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful! Would love to have roses, but I know they require lots of work and more sun than we have. We are looking at some "knock out rose" bushes, but I'm not sure we have enough sun for those either!

carolina nana said...

Love that little poem and those are some really beautiful roses. We have had so much rain all the petals have fallen from my rose blossoms,but there's always next season !!
Blessing to you and George

Sharkbytes said...

Roses are a lot of work. You sure have done a nice job with them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, "Ingrid Bergman" is a beautiful rose bush! Have a super day tomorrow!

Farida said...

These are gorgeous! I wish we had them too in our backyard but they're all cemented. Enjoy these blooms while they lasts :D

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Gotta love them all!

Lynda said...

As I was reading your post, I was thinking about the names being as beautiful as the flowers. I am impressed with Sally's comment. She reminds me of my husband who can do things with words - - - with little or no effort.

Jeevan said...

Indeed lovely roses Betsy! Your photo highlighted the beauty in different colors and shapes. Rose is my favorite flower :)

Small City Scenes said...

I guess he did promise you a Rose garden!! George is a wizard with roses--they are beautiful. MB

SquirrelQueen said...

Well you should have no trouble stopping to smell the roses Betsy, they are all around. I think my favorite of this batch is Love & Peace, gorgeous.

Sorry I haven't been around much, this has turned into a busy summer. I haven't been blogging that much either.

Carletta said...

Sally sure put it well!
My sweet Hubby bought me a rose bush this spring. It bloomed and has one more bud. I'll share soon.
Lovely photos.

HolleyGarden said...

Your roses are so pretty! Lemon spice is just beautiful. And I love any rose in the Peace family. Sally's comment was so cute and clever!

Twilight Man said...

The roses are so beautiful with pretty petals like watercolors! I love them all.

Donna said...

These are beautiful! Great photos too!