Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A March Hike in Alabama

I  have so many blog posts that I haven't posted... Here's one of them.  The weekend (March 8-10, 2013) we celebrated George's birthday (click HERE for that post),  we visited Fort Payne, Alabama.  While there we visited the Little River Canyon area and De Soto State Park.

Today's post is from March 10 , the day after George's birthday.  We had our hardest hike of the weekend on this day --mainly because we got lost once and because the trail was not in good shape.  However,  we made it ----and got some great pictures along the bank of the West Fork of the Little River.

Hope you enjoy seeing another of our winter hikes.   Seems strange to see the trees there without leaves.  Bet they look different now!!!!  The picture above shows a tribute in Fort Payne to hometown group,  ALABAMA.  I have always enjoyed their music.  Have you???  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

We made it down that mountain range to the river... Here's a picture of the birthday boy standing on some rocks next to the water.   I think he managed to make it through the birthday in good shape,  don't you?

The water was roaring by us... I captured this neat photo at one spot.   As you know,  George and I love taking water photos ---and today was no different!!!!! ha

Now it was time for the REAL photographer in the family to get to work (using his special lens/tripod, etc.)   He found a good spot up on a rock while I ...

...sat and RELAXED and enjoyed the sounds of that water all around me... It was a beautiful day in Alabama on March 10.

I did take another good picture of the Glistening Water that day ---but my Hero took the best water shots!!!!

Here's my favorite shot that he took that day I think (although I love them all).  Doesn't that water just look like silk?  And --it is so clear!

Here's another photo which George took of me while he was getting some fabulous photos... I just love seeing him in action..  He has such a passion for this.   Love it!!!!

And here is one more photo which George took of the West Fork of the Little River.

I mentioned that we got lost... The trail sorta stopped along the river ---so we had to turn around and backtrack a bit...  Here's a picture of some of the trail we were on that day... It was obviously not the best trail we have hiked! ha

But---we made it and had a great time.... Here's one more photo which George took with his tripod while we were down at the river. 

Hope you enjoyed seeing more from DeSoto State Park. If you ever get to Fort Payne, Alabama,  be sure and check out this great park.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Click HERE to see a pretty photo on my Photo Blog today.



Ginny Hartzler said...

Your favorite shot is MY favorite shot as well!!! It is truly amazing and has so many great things in it...the silky water, the color of it, the pattern of the light on it, and even the bottom in places! One of George's BEST EVER.

Small Kucing said...

George looks so dashing in the second photo

I do agree with you the water looks like silk but I love the most is the last photo. Both looks great!

Susannah said...

Perfect pictures of your very enjoyable hike...although that trail does look a tad rough. Your water photos are fabulous ...I love that "fancy" thing George does with his camera along the water. Fascinating!


Donna said...

Glad you had such a good time together!

Twilight Man said...

The photos are great and the water rapids taken by George is indeed very nice! This birthday boy always looked handsome and charming in his photos! Lucky Betsy!

Anonymous said...

The weather looks like it was perfect for hiking. The water pictures are just beautiful. So glad you shared George's birthday trip with us.

Fun60 said...

Really like that last photo. Looks an interesting place to visit.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, looks like a beautiful place for hiking. I love the shots of you and George. Especially the last shot. Have a happy day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a great way to spend your (George's) birthday. just lovely sights. ( :

linda m said...

I love the one water shot - it does look like silk. Great way to spend a birthday.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That looks like a lovely spot.

Dorothy said...

Great pictures, Betsy, especially the last one! Boy, that's a rough trail! Y'all be careful out there.


What a lovely place for hiking.. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos. Hugs Judy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the shot of the 'professional' on the rocks with the tripod and it was well worth the set up of that tripod to get those silky pics.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

My knees began aching just looking at that trail. That looks like a pretty rough one. George IS a master at those water shots. What a perfect way to spend his birthday.

Janice K said...

That looks like a trail where you have to watch every step you take, but it looks like it was well worth it!

Ms. A said...

That trail looks like a real ankle twister! I've often wondered how long it would take for a rescue squad to do their thing. If I ever start doing something like this, I just might find out!

Love the shots!

Anonymous said...

Your favorite photo is my favorite as well. It sounds like you had a nice hike.

Sharon said...

I'm telling you Betsy, you laugh at how much Bill and I are on the go, but I swear, you two keep the roads hot yourself! I know I'm weird, but I love your winter hiking pictures. I much prefer that to summer. Views and no snakes. Right now, everything is so dense, it almost makes me claustrophobic to be in the woods.

I Am Woody said...

What a beautiful area! I've always liked Alabama as well. So them in concert back in the 80s. A good friend of mine used to drive their tour bus!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What fun! George's water shots are spectacular!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like your photos of yall hikes...and enjoy the beauty of the water shots too

Janie said...

That's quite a rocky trail, but you look relaxed once you reached the river.
I've always liked the group Alabama.

Kay said...

Looks like a beautiful place for a hike. I just wish me had more running creeks here but we had such a dry winter and everything is so parched.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful scenes. You seem to always have a good time,even when you get lost.LOL

Arkansas Patti said...

Dang, that trail looks like a rock slide. Aren't digital cameras the best? Can you imagine the expense if we had to buy film for all the shots we take now days with out even thinking.
Good to see you got some sit time.

HappyK said...

Water shots are spectacular! I can almost hear the water rushing by.

Terry and Linda said...

There shouldn't be any snakes that time of year so a good hike is nice!


BlueShell said...

What an amazing place...
You are truly blessed.
Praise the Lord.

Joy said...

Wonderful couple and pictures:)

Grandma Bonnie said...

The photo of the silky water is beautiful. I can imagine how peaceful the area was. I hope you have a great evening.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Gorgeous pictures, Betsy! I really love tagging along, via your wonderful pictures, on your adventures! I'm getting to see so much of the country that I have yet to see thanks to you! And the picture of you and George is especially heart-warming!

Shug said...

I love these photos....Water always makes me feel so refreshed and peaceful. Oh my....that one photo (your favorite) is gorgeous. The water is so clear and I like how you can see the rocks through the water.
Enjoy your evening...

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Looks like both of you had a lot of fun hiking near Ft. Payne. I have a good friend who's mother grew up not too far from there and has cousins in that region. I have never been there. Looks nice. Have a great day tomorrow!

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

nice interesting blog <3


Miss Debbie said...

Such pretty water shots!

diane b said...

That was one rough trail. Well done for navigating it. The park and river especially look a beautiful place to sit and listen or take super silky water shots.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy way belated to George. And I love water and the strength of water - but I wouldn't want to be in it. Nice. sandie

Anonymous said...

What great shots! Your favourite shot by George is also my favourite!

Carletta said...

You certainly did need boots for that trail.
Love that silky shot of the water! You two should definitely frame that one.
Alabama is one of my favorite groups.

Lynda said...

God has really blessed you with the companionship of the other. You both seem more and more joyful in every picture you post! The scenery is so pretty - -- as are your burgundy long-sleeved shirts. They really compliment both of you.

Betty Manousos said...


i am so glad you had such a great time together.
gorgeous views! indeed that looks like a great place for a hike.
water images are perfect!

Mary said...

so easy to get behind when you are out doing stuff all the time. Another great trip for you two :-)

A Colorful World said...

Glad you made it! Gorgeous photos, Betsy! My cousin used to work for the group Alabama...she lives in Fort Payne.