Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, March 15, 2013

George's Birthday - March 9, 2013

On March 8-10, 2013,  George and I spent his Birthday Weekend near Fort Payne, Alabama.  On Friday,  we visited the Little River Canyon area.  Click HERE for more information on the area.  Then, on Saturday and Sunday,  we visited DeSoto State Park.  Click HERE for information about this wonderful state park.

Our goal (other than to just have fun) was to see lots of waterfalls (we saw 12 total during the entire weekend) and do some good hiking.  We hiked about 2.8 miles on Friday,  5 miles on Saturday, and 3.5 miles on Sunday.

Saturday was George's 71st birthday---so today's blog is all about Saturday.  I'll blog at other times about our Friday and Sunday experiences..  All in all,  we had a fabulous weekend.

The picture above was taken on our hike to find Lost and Laurel Falls.  There were so many interesting rock formations along our trail. Be sure to click on the photos (especially the collages) to see them larger.

Here is a collage of George at 5 of the waterfalls we saw that Saturday.  All of the waterfalls were pretty,  but DeSoto was definitely the largest one.  Sometimes I enjoy the smaller ones better because of the rustic area around them.  But DeSoto is a marvelous waterfall.

When we got to DeSoto Falls (note photo above),  we could only see it from the SIDE---so we couldn't get a good shot of the entire falls.   Therefore---we hiked/bushwhacked around the ridge of the mountain to see if we could get a good photo of this waterfall... AND-we DID!!!! Hope you like it.  (Click HERE for more information about DeSoto Falls.)

This collage shows my photographer at work on his birthday.   These were taken on the trail to Lost and Laurel Falls.

I do anything I can to get my man on his KNEES.  Maybe he was trying to get away from me by crawling under that big rock!!!!!!!   NAH---doubt it.  No telling what is sleeping under there!!!! Yipes!

I love this collage of George bushwhacking through the brambles --just to get a better photo of the waterfall.   I was sitting on a rock watching him---so why not take some pictures of my MAN working hard!  ha ha

George is following the path around some very big rocks..  This was a gorgeous area --and the trail was in good shape, although not marked as well as it should have been.

Here is a picture of MY HERO..  He was holding that big rock up so that his "Bride" could walk under it!!!!!!  Wonder where the red carpet was????? ha ha....  What a GUY...  (See how much fun we have!!!!!)

That evening,  we had a delicious Catfish Dinner at the restaurant at DeSoto State Park and then went back to our motel (Holiday Inn Express in Fort Payne) to open his cards and enjoy some birthday cake.

The collage above shows you his delicious  German Chocolate Birthday Cake,  complete with 71 (7 + 1) candles that he had to blow out---after making a wish of course.  Then he opened his cards  (bottom left was from his bride,  and the ones on the right are a funny card from our friends, Judy and Charlie)..   After that we both had a piece of that German Chocolate cake..... (Even I had a small piece.  YUM)

Finally,  here is a photo of the two of us taken at Lost Falls. We had such a fabulous day together ---and highly recommend this area to anyone who enjoys being out in nature.

If you missed my Wednesday blog  (my new Photo Blog),  be sure and check it out.  Click HERE.   And be sure to sign up to follow that blog.  Thanks!

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll see you on Monday.



Ms. A said...

Happy Birthday to your wonderful husband!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, the waterfalls is gorgeous. Glad you did some bushwhacking to see it all. The photos are awesome. Looks like a fun birthday weekend for George! Have a great day!

Small Kucing said...

Happy Birthday again George!

LOL...cnt help laughing at the comment he was trying to get away from you crawling under the rock. You have great sense of humor!

Linda P said...

You both had an active time, especially George! I think it must have been good to be outdoors and then go back to the Holiday Inn to relax and enjoy some birthday cake and look at the cards.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like George had a great birthday. love the idea of the candles. too cute. i always worry about creepy crawly things under rocks. yuck!!

have a great weekend. ( :

Cheqna said...


How nice to read your post here, you sound so happy and certainly sounds like you both had a really good time during the weekend.

How I envy your energy and opportunity to visit these places..they look wonderful..(wishful thinking here that you could "kidnap" me too - referring to George's post..haha..).

George looks happy there playing hero to his bride...happy 71st birthday..many2 more happy years in good health and happiness.

and guess what..my sister's birthday is also on the 9th of March...and I spent that day "hiking" with some friends..2 hours of walking and hiking and I ended up being on medical leave for 2 days for slight injury to my left knee..hehe


Sharon said...

Happy Birthday to George!! We've been to this area, but didn't have enough time and couldn't do any hiking. This has inspired me to return!

Snap said...

Looks like you both enjoyed George's birthday. Happy Happy to both of you!


Hello Betsy, It looked like you all was having a grand hike and the waterfall and wee stream is lovely. Hugs Judy

linda m said...

You sure look like you and George were having a good time. The Park looks fantastic as do the waterfalls. Glad George had a good birthday. Have a great weekend.

Eat To Live said...

What a wonderful birthday you gave your Dear Husband!! I can see you both had a wonderful day. Happy Belated Birthday!!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday George (again),

Very nice birthday with 12 waterfalls!

And I would not have climbed under that rock either! B E A R !


DeniseinVA said...

All great pictures of George and such beautiful scenery! The two of you have some wonderful adventures. Wishing you both a great weekend!

Connie said...

It looks to me like George had a great birthday! Glad to hear you both had fun and got to see lots of waterfalls and do lots of hiking. The cake sounds yummy! Great photos!

Out on the prairie said...

Amazing area and lovely pics Betsy

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

You two seem to have so much fun and adventure together. It's great to see. You know, I noticed right away in the first picture that his knee was dirty, and I thought, that means he's been having fun, not just walking along a boring trail.

I Am Woody said...

What a wonderful weekend! I'm very impressed with George's muscles ;)

Lynda said...

You two always have the best times together on your get-away weekends. The smile on his face while reading your card is precious. You got some good action shots of him braving the non-trails. Every time I look at the places you walk, it makes my legs tired!!!
German Chocolate Cake - - - YUMMY! (Better without the coconut though. I have never been a fan of it.)

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific weekend for you both and such a great birthday for George!! Terrific captures as always and the next best thing to being there! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Betsy! Enjoy!

MTWaggin said...

THAT is the perfect way to spend a birthday!!

Nancy said...

You and George are just too much...to much fun and love...I really enjoy visiting you and seeing what the two of you are up to...I so admire your healthy lifestyle....

The two of you are so blessed to have each other....
Happy Birthday George...

Susannah said...

I used to love bushwacking...but that was quite a while ago. Each waterfall is beautiful in it's own right. Such a nice time for George's birthday.


A Colorful World said...

I just love Little River Canyon. Haven't been to DeSoto Falls, though. I am originally from AL and have relatives who live in Ft. Payne. It's a gorgeous part of the state! Looks like George had a wonderful birthday! You guys some some beautiful falls, and the pictures attest to your sweet sharing time there!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What great fun for you guys!!! My absolute favorite is George in front of the gorgeous DeSoto Falls!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like you had a super time.This is the way to spend a birthday weekend.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Acck- totally missed George's birthday- tell him happy belated for me! Looks like another fun outing for the two of you!

A Lady's Life said...

you are both a wonderful couple.
I love the picture where George is holding up the boulder.
He looked like Hercules. lol

Amy Burzese said...

Near my neck of the woods. Looks like a great birthday trip.

Arkansas Patti said...

I love how you two spoil each other even if it isn't a special day. But then on those days you go all out.
I do like those walking sticks.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I really like the way you create the collages Betsy, in particular the two lots of George where he was unaware of what you'd taken. They are priceless. What a wonderful place and time you both had.
May this coming weekend be just as wonderful.

Ann said...

Looks like you two had a great time but then you always do :) Glad George had such a nice birthday.

Kay said...

You two always have so much fun. I'm so glad you are enjoying your life.

Helen said...

12 waterfalls in one weekend, wow. I love waterfall too. I don't think I've seen 12 waterfall in my whole life. :)

Marie said...

This is wonderful! Glad he had a special birthday!!!

Lady Di Tn said...

This is a marvelous post of your big guy on his day. Love the photo at Desoto falls & George holding up the rock for you. Have a great green week end. Peace

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What a wonderful birthday for George. You two do such a great job of celebrating!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

What a perfect way to celebrate a birthday! It looks like you had great weather, too. The falls are all so pretty. DeSoto Falls looks very impressive.

diane b said...

What a happy day you had. Bushwaking to get a better shot. That is a dedicated photographer. The shot was fabulous.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You gave George a wonderful way to celebrate his birthday, Betsy! I loved seeing all the photos again as I enjoyed seeing mzny fr the first time on facebook.

Have a good weekend! Happy St. Patrick's's Day!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I can't believe how blue the water is on that one fall!

Farida said...

Belated happy birthday to Mr George. You both make a very lovely couple. I can feel the great love you have for each other. God bless you more :)

KathyA said...

As always the falls are so beautiful. And God Bless George for being able to get down on his knees and back up again!! :)

A belated Happy Birthday to George!!!!

Betty Manousos said...

dear betsy,

what a wonderful birthday!! looks like you two had a great time. what a perfect way to celebrate a birthday!

happy, happy birthday, again, to George!

love, love love the photos!

big hugs!

Jeanne said...

Your beautiful pictures make me want to visit that area for sure! Wow - that's a lot of walking!
Happy late birthday to your husband!

Hootin Anni said...

Looks like an ideal time...a special day, and such a special couple. You two are meant for each other to be sure.

I've said it before, and I'll post it again...love both your smiles.

Karen said...

Fabulous shots Betsy, George did a good job holding up the rock for you. Glad you both had a good time, and George had a great birthday.

Beatriz said...

Happy, happy birthday you two!!!!
Have a nice week among the nature, as usual!

A big hug Betsy


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos of a happy George!

Rose said...

Happy belated birthday to George...I LOVE that one shot of the falls you bushwhacked to get to. I would love to see it in person.

Janie said...

I love the collages, Betsy. DeSoto Falls is quite impressive!
Looks like George had a great time with his honey on his birthday. You guys are great, enjoying the outdoors and hiking to see your favorite sites. You chose a wonderful spot for George's birthday vacation.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a great birthday for your young man! My knees hurt seeing him crouching down like that; he has good bones! :)

Carletta said...

I just love how you and George always surprise each other with a getaway on your birthdays. Looks like George enjoyed every bit of his day!
Love the shot of George in front of Desoto Falls. It reminds me of one I saw years ago in Maine. We took a long walk in sometimes pouring rain to see it. I can only imagine what the first person who found this falls thought. Gorgeous spot!