Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 18, 2013


As most of you know,  George and I have season's tickets to the BILTMORE HOUSE and GARDENS in Asheville, NC.  We love to go during every season mainly to see what is blooming.  During the winter,  we make our way into the conservatory.  AND--of course, the first place we wander is into the ORCHID ROOM.

It's wonderful to see blooms this time of year --and the orchids are truly magnificent.  Hope you enjoy them today also.  Do you have a favorite?  Mine I think is the top one (above)... BUT--I love them all.

Hope  you enjoyed seeing these gorgeous Orchids today... Did you pick a favorite?  I know that it would be hard.   I really like the 5th from the bottom... Unique!!!

Three other thoughts:
1. Please consider adding an EMAIL option gadget to your sidebar.  It's simple to do--and just gives those of us who use it an easier way to get to your posts.  Thanks!
2. As you know by now,  the Google Reader is going away.. I am now using FEEDLY (on Firefox) --and it is working well.  FREE---and easy to set up.
3. Don't forget to follow my new PHOTO BLOG if you are not doing so.  I post my favorite photos on Wednesday --and you won't want to miss them.  Click HERE.  Thanks.

Questions about any of these,  email me (betsyadams@mac.com).



diane b said...

Whoopee first here today. I love the 3rd from the bottom but they are all gorgeous. I have a few orchids in pots and in the garden but I have never had one of them flower a second time. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Ms. A said...

I'm partial to the first one!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful orchids, Betsy! The Biltmore Gardens are a wonderful place to visit. Gorgeous photos! have a happy day!

Beth said...

Fifth and ninth ones--love the orange and esp. the striation in the 9th ones.
Gorgeous and a wonderful pick-me-up to a rainy, dreary March Monday and venturing out for the first time in 3 days. Thank you, dear Betsy. ♥

Small Kucing said...

i love the second photo the most coz it look so happy. Like little girls in white dresses dancing

Dorothy said...

Great pictures of these beautiful orchids! I would like to go back to Biltmore again!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i had wondered why you were always at the Biltmore - now i understand. so cool. we have been once. loved it!! such a beautiful place to see. would love to see it in the spring or summer with all the blooming flowers. great shots. ( :

troutbirder said...

I love them all and they remind me why I wish I had my own greenhouse...:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

truly gorgeous orchids

Eat To Live said...

They are all so beautiful... how could I just choose one. All of them make me wish for summer.

Catherine said...

Such glorious colors Betsy! It makes me want spring even more.

Have a super week!
xo Catherine

linda m said...

They are all so beautiful that it is too hard to pick just one favorite. I really like the fourth from the top and the fifth from the bottom. But truthfully they all are my favorite. Those are some incredible pictures.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

What beautiful orchards. I can't say which I like best..they are so perfect and your camera makes them awesome. xx

Arkansas Patti said...

Great job. They are all splendid. I love the little creatures in the center of each. Some look like monkeys, some like faces. I really need to try orchids.

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

These orchids are beautiful, I love the 4th one from the top. Nice close up. Have a fantastic week!


Ruth Hiebert said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I cannot pick a favourite,each one is special for a different reason.These were a treat this morning,as I am watching another blizzard happening outside my home.

Nellie said...

I love going to Biltmore!

Beautiful pictures here, Betsy!

Have a good Monday!

xo Nellie

MTWaggin said...

I still am amazed when I see how many different types of orchids there are.

Nancy said...

Biltmore...one of N.C. best jewels....

Betsy, I don't know that I can pick a favorite as they are all beautiful and each have their own characteristics....your shots are awesome...

Sylvia K said...

Such an incredible variety of orchids and all so gorgeous and colorful! Terrific captures as always, Betsy!! Hope you have a great week!!

Marcia said...

Those are lovely orchids. I didn't see any at the Flower Show this year. Not sure why.

Out on the prairie said...

As soon as I saw your title I knew where you had been.I went over them back and forth a few time,so nice.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

They're all so beautiful. But the third from the bottom seems a little out of the ordinary. It caught my eye.

LV said...

What an awesome display of lovely orchids. I had one when I was in high school. Some old boy found enough money to buy me one. I like the bright, orange one.

Sharon said...

When Bill and I go to Biltmore, we always park in the back so we can walk through the conservatory FIRST just to see the orchids!! Your pictures are lovely!

Fun60 said...

Far too difficult to choose a favourite. Orchids are the most beautiful of flowers. The range of colours is breathtaking.

Susannah said...

Look what God did!!! I know some are hybrids but still He had a part in each one of them. Betsey, as always, your flower photos stop me in my tracks and I sit here with my jaw hanging open. They really are stunningly beautiful!


Terry and Linda said...

Thanks for the new blogreader...I'm heading over to set my own up!


I Am Woody said...

They are all so beautiful I don't think I can choose a favorite!!

Jeevan said...

These are lovely orchids, unique and exotic in shapes and colors! Yes, each one of them is special in themselves… hard to go with one.

Google announcement on reader truly bothers and need to look for another.

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful! I carried orchids on my wedding day so they have always been special to me!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your captures are gorgeous!!! I do not need a pass to Biltmore as long as I have your blog!!! Hmmm...I guess in a way you are really saving us gas and money!

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, I could never pick a favorite of these...they are all so beautiful!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Ditto what Rose said! I was seriously going to say the exact same thing!

Janie said...

So beautiful! I love the third from the bottom for its unusual pattern.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Gorgeous photos! What a great way to welcome Spring! And thanks so much for those tips anticipating the absence (why,oh why???) of Google Reader!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

All of them are visually stunning Betsy, so I hope you sniffed them all as well, because I'd have to choose on perfume!

Ann said...

Too hard to pick a favorite. They are all beautiful.
I'm also using Feedly now.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love orchids, Betsy. One of the few husehold plants I moved with me was an orchid plant a friend gave to me when my mother passed away, in her memory.

I don't use a reader--I visit each blog individually, so i guess I'm safe! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I truly enjoyed your orchids today - loved the beautiful tour - we had rain all day so these brightened my day! sandie

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

All those orchids are beautiful. I can't pick a favorite!

Karen said...

Beautiful Orchid images Betsy, the first half are my faves, didn't know google reader was on it's way out.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those orchids are absolutely gorgeous. A whole room filled with them must have been amazing.

If you look on my sidebar I have the email option, just scroll down a bit.

Connie said...

These orchids are all gorgeous, Betsy. I like the first one the best I think, but it is very hard to choose. So pretty to see these this time of year.

Helen said...

they are all pretty but I like all the white and purple ones.

Anonymous said...

Those orchids are so gorgeous! Nice to see a splash of colour as we sit through another snow blizzard.

Linda P said...

My favourites are the small orchids such as no 4 and 9 - they are so unusual as I prefer the paler oranges and other pale colours. We have been going to the glasshouse pavilions at the botanical gardens regularly in these colder days and I shall be posting soon on the tropical plants we've seen there.

DeniseinVA said...

How neat to visit Biltmore again, and to share these beautiful orchids with us. They are all very spectacular. Thank you also for stopping by and wishing Gregg a happy birthday. He got a big kick out of reading it and wanted to thank you for your kindness. Have a great day!

Neal said...

Betsy, those are gorgeous. I love orchids. I remember us running upon an orchid place in our travels and we stayed there for a long time taking pictures and enjoying the view.

Karin said...

Not that you need another comment - gorgeous photos of those orchids! 4th from the bottom - the solid red - is my fav today! They all look great against my pure white snow up here!

HolleyGarden said...

The orchid photos are just fabulous! I have killed all the orchids I have ever tried to grow, but just looking at them has made me think that perhaps it's time to try again! Wish me luck! ;)

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, the photographs of the Biltmore orchids are lovely. As to Goggle Reader, I'm not sure what that is even though I do have a blogger site for blogging. Do I need to be alarmed????? Peace.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those orchids are all so beautiful. I bet they are even more amazing in person!

Debbie Taillieu said...

Well I love then all too! But my favorite is the 8th from the bottom! Beautiful!!

Have a fabulous day!

Carletta said...

Stunning images Betsy!
How can I pick a favorite orchid -impossible. :)
It's easy to see why you and George enjoy going back often.

Anonymous said...

The gorgeous flowers they grow are amazing. Beautiful shots Betsy.

Marie said...

Hi Betsy!
I haven't been to the Biltmore Estate in years! You are so lucky! So glad you take so many wonderful photos to share. My favorite is the sixth from the bottom.

A Colorful World said...

BEAUTIFUL! Orchids are so amazing...so fragile! Just lovely! Happy First Day of Spring!

Julie Hargreaves said...

Such beautiful flower photos

imac said...

Wonderful showing Betsy

Beth said...

Those are truly exquisite, Betsy---wonderful photos. I do wish we'd made it to the conservatory---there is just so much to see there! It's hard to choose a favorite, but I think perhaps I like the third from the bottom best.

Betty Manousos said...

oh my word!

what beautiful flowers! love the vivid, bold colours!
superb photos!!
it's really hard to pick a favourite.

big hugs~

Lynn said...

Such a lovely variety you have shared with us. My favorite? Your header with those lovely ruffly edges.

Rohrerbot said...

Honestly Betsy, it would be a difficult decision to pick just one as I think they all have a unique beauty. They are so gorgeous. I wouldn't want to own one because they are a bit of work to keep up with....but I do enjoy seeing them in galleries and aboretums around the country!

Twilight Man said...

Your favorite orchid flower atop is the most common in my country and can be found growing in the wilds.

However I love the red and purple ones as they are quite rare over here!