Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Our Yard in April

Well,  it is May ---but I have more April yard posts to share... Spring is busting out all over around here ---so I just "HAVE" to share!!!! ha... Hope you enjoy my post today... Above is a photo of our front yard looking toward the road from the house. All of these posts were taken during APRIL.

And this is just the opposite:  standing in the road looking toward the house! 

This is the lower side of our yard... You can see some Forsythia in the background...

Here is another photo of our Red Dynasty Tulips.. They have been so pretty.

And here is a picture of our  Purissima Tulips --with some Periwinkle (Minor Vinca) blooming in the background.

This beautiful tulip is named All that Jazz.

Our Hosta is really popping up in most all of the places I have it planted in the yard.  Hosta seems to do well when it's shared with Periwinkle....  I'm not sure it will do that well sharing with the English Ivy.... The Ivy seems to take over --more than the Periwinkle does!

This shows Dad Adams' Daffodils blooming like crazy FINALLY.   They bloomed like this in March in 2012 instead of April.  Everything is about a month behind...

This little tulip is named First Cherry Blossom.  It is a beautiful  pink and white in color.

Here is another pretty little Daffodil... We have several which are 'different' from many Daffodils in people's yards these days.

This pretty tulip is named  Halley's Comet..

We have several of these little yellow tulips in our yard... Her name is Sun Gold.

Finally,  here's one more picture  showing more of our tulips and daffodils which are dotted throughout the yard.. 

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our spring flowers... We love tulips --and have really enjoyed them this year.

Hope you have a wonderful week.  I will see you on Monday, May 13!  I'm taking another week off to do other things!!!! 


Small City Scenes said...

Your yard is beautiful, Betsy. Love all the Tulips and your Dad Adams Daffs are really going to town. I do enjoy your yard and garden shots. MB

Jo said...

Betsy, I've never seen blooms like in your first three images. What a beautiful spring display you have in your garden. Happy Spring to you! Blessings and hugs Jo

Ms. A said...

Ooooh... I like that pretty little "different" daffodil. She's frilly and delicate looking.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, I love your tulips. The colors are all beautiful. I wish I could plant them here, but the critters seem to find the bulbs. Lovely photos. Have a great day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous blooms. i can not imagine the work that goes into keeping them all looking so pretty. nice!! ( :

troutbirder said...

Gorgeous yard. Thanks Betsey. I'm so jealous at I look out at our yard and see an additional foot of snow from yesterday....

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

Your garden looks beautiful with all the blooming flowers, lovely views.

Enjoy your day!


Hello Betsy, Your Spring Garden is absolutely beautiful.. It always makes me smile to see Lovely Spring Flowers. Hugs Judy

Catherine said...

Your yard is looking fantastic Betsy!
Wishing you and your sweetie a most wonderful weekend!
xo Catherine

Snap said...

Spring is busting out all over!!! Beautiful and about time! :D :D :D

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, you and your gardener have outdone yourselves. I do hope you don't get the cold snap we are having. Low thirties for tonight. I fear for my buds.
Have a good break.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yellow is my favorite flower color, and I love this yellow tulip, but that said the photo of the pink and white is just awesome, beautiful flower and the photo is perfect

HolleyGarden said...

Have a great week off! Love your tulips, but I am enamored of the photo with the hostas and periwinkle together. Just beautiful. You are inspiring me, Betsy!

Janice K said...

Your yard is absolutely "picture perfect." You and George both certainly have "green thumbs."

MTWaggin said...

You have such a lovely yard. Right now I'm just trying to keep things alive! I see buds on my daffs (first ones I've ever had) and have some hyacinths blooming so I am happy.

Sylvia K said...

Your flowers are so colorful and so gorgeous, Betsy! Your photos today really took my breath away!! Such a wonderful variety and glorious colors! There are definitely "green thumbs" living at your house!! Thanks for sharing the beauty!! Have a lovely weekend!

Joy said...

I really enjoyed seeing your spring flowers. Have a nice weekend.
I have problems with blogs since I changed my email ads. It is not showing my updates. I made another new one though to see if it will work. " title" joy's life. Hope you can follow me here too:

Connie said...

Have a good week off, Betsy!
Your yard and flowers all look so pretty. Your April looks more like our May! :D

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOVE seeing that gorgeous yard of yours!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Spring has definitely come to your house! The tulips, daffodils, periwinkle, and forsythia are just eye-popping gorgeous. Hope you have a wonderful "other things" week.

Ginny Hartzler said...

LOVE this unusual daffodil! And the white tulip with the blue background, and the yellow tulip. Your header of the beautiful rose with one water drop is fantastic!

Susannah said...

Hi Betsey, Your tulips are grorgeous. I love tulips and have planted quite a few here ....but it seems they bloom for about two years and then they just keep burying themselves deeper and deeper and we only get the leaves. Do you dig them up and replant them or buy new every year?


Out on the prairie said...

Very nice selection,i always marvel at tulip beauty.

Big Dude said...

Looks Purdy over on the plateu

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Love seeing your spring blooms, plants that will not grow down here where it is hot and humid.

Happy Gardening and enjoying your bit of paradise.


Chatty Crone said...

I have enjoyed the views of your yard very much! Gorgeous. I love the top pink rose and how it matches with the pink around you blog. Have a nice week off. sandie

Betty Manousos said...

omg, you yard is really, really beautiful!!

your flowers are gorgeous, too.
i did enjoy your post, dear betsy; thanks so much for sharing this beauty!

have a great weekend~

big hugs~

Janie said...

I love all of your spring flowers, Betsy! Your yard is looking great. Have a good week enjoying the non-blog world!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers.My yard is just beginning to come to life.

Chatty Crone said...

I want my husband to build me that rock wall!!!!!!!!! I love it. Beautiful my friend. sandie

diane b said...

You two must have done lots of work in your garden to get such a beautiful Spring display. Well done. I like Dad Adam's daffodils the best.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Ah Betsy, Spring really has sprung at 148 at last!! What a colourful world at your place! Beautiful.

Rohrerbot said...

All the flowers are growing so nicely!!! Gorgeous planters around your yard. I like how you have those sections separated. It makes for any easier planting with a theme in mind. Beautiful!

Susie Swanson said...

Gorgeous Yard and Flowers Betsy.. Hope you enjoy your time off.xo

Nancy said...

Betsy when spring finally got to your house she came in with all her glory.....Your yard is so full of beautiful flowers...

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Take the flowers when ever you can get them!

Rose said...

Betsy, they are all just beautiful. I love Dad Adam's daffodils. They are sure full of blooms!

KathyA said...

Love seeing your tulip friends! Pretty soon we'll be able to post pics of our roses. I have several very small buds on the rose bushes.

And the spammers....don't get me started! What a nuisance these people are!!!

Lisa said...

wow talking about perfection! I love the names of the flowers Betsy.

Marie said...

Your yard is beautiful! I love the color, assortment, just everything! I've got to get some Red Dynasty Tulips, they're so pretty!!!
Happy Saturday to you!

Lynda said...

I LOVE the rose in your header. It is truly gorgeous! Your yard - - - I would just have to sit outside and stare at it in wonder at the beauty all day - - - but then it wouldn't be that beautiful if a person just sit and stared at it - - right? Thanks again for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Makes me homesick for the Glade. I do like my new digs here in FL. We don't have a lot of flowers here - just a lot of green. Your yard is beautiful and you and your hubby must be proud of your hard work. Have a joy-filled weekend!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Holy Mackeral! Your yard is just bursting with color. I LOVE IT!!!!
Enjoy your break.

Neal said...

Beautiful shots Betsy. You guys sure do have a beautiful yard.

Karin said...

You should make a series of postcards and sell them! These look fabulous! A real treat seeing that our snow is just now leaving and no flowers are up yet.

Sally Wessely said...

Everything looks so beautiful in your yard. I bet your neighbors are happy to live near you. What a treat it must be to drive by and see all your flowers.

I am really, really struggling because we have nothing, I mean nothing, blooming around here. The deer eat everything, and so people just don't bother to even plant. I hate it.

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! So beautiful Betsy! The colors of some of those tulips are amazing. Once spring hits, things sure change there in a hurry.

Kalyan Panja said...

Simply beautiful colours...lovely!

Anonymous said...

What wonderfully delicious photos of spring. It's here at last!!

Lady Di Tn said...

Your part of TN sure is beautiful with all the lovely blooms. I would cut back the Ivy or it will take over. Peace

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, all the flowers are truly lovely, but that forsythia simply took my breath away! Have a good week and enjoy your life! Peace.

Debbie Taillieu said...

Your yard is just so beautiful! Love all the tulips and daffodils!

I can't wait to get my yard all planted with some color!!

Have a fabulous time at the beach!!


Miss Debbie said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty...love the tulips! BTW, we spent the weekend in your fair state...our yr old granddaughter graduated from kindergarten.Quite an event!! The little grads were so cute!

Jeanne said...

Your spring may have been a little late but it sure is showing itself now! Your yard is beautiful! Hope you are enjoying your week off!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Your flowers are so colorful. I can not get my fill of spring. I always enjoy looking at your flower photos. Enjoy your break.

Jeevan said...

The tulips are fascinating! I liked the yellow and red a lot... It’s good to see your yard blooms again! Lovely photos Betsy :) Have a nice time

troutbirder said...

Beautiful bulbs. I need to try the periwinkel as Mrs T. love hostas and we have lots them in our shady oak woods...;)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your yard is just beautiful! I especially love all the daffodils. I know it must bring you great joy every time you look out the window and see all this beauty!
Enjoy your week off!
Hugs, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Oh my - your garden is so stunning!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Your yard is gorgeous! I love tulips. We planted some but I think the squirrels dug them up and ate them--they just disappeared.

A Colorful World said...

Such a lovely array of tulips and narcissus...I love that apricot-colored one. It reminds me of an Easter dress I had as a child. Gorgeous yard!

Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy,

just stopping by to let you know that i linked to you today!

happy weekend~

big hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

O.K. you need to charge admission! LOVE the pretty little peach colored daffodil!

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Lovely pictures and you do have a beautiful yard. So much flowers, its amazing. If I wanted to capture or even see so many flowers, I will have to visit the nearest public garden.

Beatriz said...

Dear Betsy!

Your yard is something like paradise! All those kind of flowers, it seems impossible to be all together in the same place, that incredible!!!! You must have hands of gold to do so.

Congratulations from Brazil!


Anni said...

Love your tulips Betsy. I think, not only the beauty of the color, but the name of the tulip..."All that Jazz" is my favorite.

Love the landscaping as well.

Hope you're enjoying your time off to do other things went well.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Can't wait to hear about the Isle visit Betsy and George........and a few pics, of course!

Mary said...

Love that First Cherry tulip...very pretty!