Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 13, 2013

More Spring Photos from our Yard in APRIL

I have another group of photos from our yard which I took in April that I wanted to share with you.  I'm sure that by now,  the yard looks totally different --so I'm sure I'll have some May yard posts to share also!

Spring came to us LATE this year ---so it seems as if things bloomed at different times.  We never did get nearly as many blooms on our Pink Dogwood nor our Redbuds as we usually do.  The cold weather in March and April really messed things up!!!!  Oh Well--each year is a totally new year.  Right????

Today I'll share more photos from our yard in APRIL.  Be sure to click on them to see enlargements.   The photo above shows the upper side of our front yard showing the Ivy, Periwinkle,  Hosta,  Daffodils,  Siberian Irises,  and some Autumn Joy Sedum.  Right now,  the leaves were just beginning to come out on the trees and things were getting GREEN.

Here's one of the few photos I got this year of our Pink Dogwood blooms.  BUT--when it does bloom,  it certainly is pretty.

As I said on Facebook,  a pretty yard just doesn't happen.  It takes work!!!! Here is a picture of George mowing the front yard.  I walk ahead of him, picking up sticks and junk from all of the winds we have here. You can see a little of the blooms from the Redbud in the background.

Here's a picture showing the sidewalk (and Daffodils) in front of the garage.  I liked the photo since I was able to capture a good picture of our flag.  We had it at half-staff when I took this picture in memory of those killed in Boston.  (That is the bottom part of a windchime hanging down in front of the flag.)

Here's another picture I took from the upper side yard. I seldom take pictures from that angle ---so I wanted you to see our yard from that side.

Our Phlox is gradually spreading on our big rock bed on the lower side of the house.  This is the hardest bed we have to get things to grow due to the rain water running down that bank and washing things out.  In that bed we have Daffodils,  Daylilies, Phlox, Dianthus, Candytuft,  English Ivy,  Periwinkle,  and Sempervivum.

Here's a close-up of some of the Phlox.   I love the PINK color.

Here's one of the few pictures I got of one of our Redbud blossoms this year.  The entire tree is  usually gorgeous --but not as much so this year.

Here's a picture looking toward the upper side yard --toward the deck and backyard. This side yard bed is fairly shady --and some of our flowers don't do as well there.  However, the LILIES love it---so I'm waiting to see their blooms.  In this bed we have Daffodils,  Tulips,  Lilies,  Daylilies, Irises and Hostas.    Along the sidewalk on that side, we have Autumn Joy Sedum and Hostas.

Here's another photo of one of our beautiful Hostas.  These love our yard ---IF we can keep the deer from eating them!!!

Finally,   here is a picture showing the front of our home ---just as the big trees were beginning to 'leaf'.... This picture was taken on April 18.

Hope you enjoyed seeing the last of our APRIL yard photos.  I can't wait to share some MAY ones with you soon! We NOW have lots of Irises and  Azaleas and Rhododendron blooming...  SO pretty!!!

Hope you had a wonderful week, and a great Mother's Day weekend.  We just got home from Ocean Isle Beach --where we enjoyed a week of sunshine and seafood!!!!  Yeah!  Be sure to check out my Photo Blog (click HERE)  on Wednesday for a great photo from Ocean Isle Beach.  I also hope you followed me on Facebook this past week since I posted several photos from our trip. 



Linda P said...

Your photos of April in your garden show many plants that are way ahead of ours in the north of England i.e. our pink phlox won't be blooming for a while yet. It always gives a good show when it does.
I enjoyed seeing the pink dogwood as I've read about it in my recent novel with a US setting. It's very pretty.
I wonder whether you get slugs eating your hostas? They are a good contrasting colour against the other greenery. Well done, George and yourself with cutting and clearing the grassy areas! I like the flag photo blowing in the wind.

Jo said...

Betsy, your garden in beautiful! I love your patriotism and love and care for others. Blessings from Jo

Ms. A said...

I can imagine all the work put into maintaining that yard... which is why we have so few plants in ours. Yours looks lovely!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your garden is beautiful and I love the pink phlox. Lovely photos of your yard and house. Have a happy day and week ahead.

Fun60 said...

Your yard is looking beautiful already, can't wait to see it in full flower. Your hosta looks so healthy.

Neal said...

Beautiful Betsy!! You guys sure have a beautiful yard. Yard work is just NOT my cup of tea. I don't mind mowing the lawn but do not enjoy the rest so ours will never look as beautiful as yours.

Catherine said...

Glad you had a super weekend Betsy!
Wishing you a most wonderful week too!
xo Catherine

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your yard is so beautiful when it's all in bloom like that!

linda m said...

You have such a beautiful yard. I know how hard you and George must work to keep it looking so pretty. we are having a very late spring here this year. However, things are finally starting to bud out and the birds are returning. My Baltimore Oriole has arrived as has the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak.

Sharon said...

As always, love seeing your yard pics. We also have a section of daylilies in our back yard that we will actually SEE for the first time in several years. We are always traveling in June when they are at their peak,so my niece (who waters when we are gone) gets to enjoy them. But not this year!!

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures of your beautiful yard, Betsy! Yes, we can see that a lot of work goes into making and maintaining it! Enjoy the fruits of your labor! ♥

Elizabeth Edwards said...

beautiful. springy. ( :

Shug said...

Morning Betsy.....your yard is just beautiful. You two still amaze me....you are always out on some kind of adventure, but yet you find the time to keep things so pretty around your place. I admire the good shape that both of you are in....I love the mixture of all the plants in your yard. Enjoy!

Amy Burzese said...

Betsy, your yard is simply marvelous. I know you two, and your neighbors, enjoy it very much. It is a lot of work, but to me it is the most rewarding. Cutting grass is about the only thing I have ever done that gives instant and rewarding results. Have a great week. Looking forward to seeing May!


Hello JOY, I hope you had a lovely Mother's day... Your Spring blooms are all so beautiful. I also love PINK flowers... I look forward to seeing your May flowers.. Hugs Judy

Small Kucing said...

Happy Mother's Day Betsy :)

everything is blooming over there...like a picture out of the postcard

Serenity Cove said...

I'm trying to get that color of phlox started too and it just doesn't take off like the lavender one did. Yours is very pretty!
Talking about a late spring....we had frost this morning!!!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Janice K said...

Your pink dogwood look so red. Beautiful! Our white ones are blooming here now. For us the flowering trees seem to be blooming better and longer than ever--maybe because we haven't had any real hot days. I finally have a really nice bed of tulips this year that the deer haven't eaten. It think it's the first time ever.

Have a wonderful week!

Donna said...

It is a lot of work, indeed, but the beauty makes it all worth it! Glorious, simply glorious!

Connie said...

Your yard is lovely, Betsy! I know you and George must put in a lot of time to keep it looking so nice.

MTWaggin said...

Love seeing all your blooms and yup, the deer do indeed love hostas. People here that have them now have them netted!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the Phlox and the redbuds are my favorites of the photos, and the last one of the whole house with the trees against the sky is truly beautiful, also honorable mention goes to George the pusher of the mower... you go George.

imac said...

Alls looking well in your garden Betsy

Nellie said...

I have enjoyed this spring. It seems like it has been the way it was some years past. Hopefully it will not become as hot in the summer. We are just hoping the garden spot will dry out enough for working. There is nothing planted at this point!:-(

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful colors, lovely flowers and a wonderful home, Betsy!! It's great to be surrounded by so much beauty and difficult to do anything but smile and enjoy!! Just doesn't get any better than that! Thanks for sharing the beauty with us! Hope you have a great week!

Helen said...

love, love your yard!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The picture of the dogwood tree is awesome! And I love that last picture of your house. It's obvious that a lot of hard work goes into your place, along with a lot of loving care.

Sally Wessely said...

Everything is so lovely Betsy and speaks to the careful planning and care that has gone into creating this beautiful space. Love the phlox.

Mary said...

Everything is so beautiful! Isn't spring wonderful? I love phlox and have some tall phlox right now practically in the driveway....would love to move it, but it just comes up where it wants.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy if you ever put your house up for sale - call me first. GORGEOUS! sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

I had always thought Redbud blooms were nothing by themselves, that you have to see the whole tree to get the effect. BUT you have proved me wrong! The bloom is beautiful! And for some reason, this is the first year I have noticed the green color of your house, it is awesome and just perfect for the style.

DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous photos Betsy, your garden and home are fabulous.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your yard is looking splendid, Betsy! Lots of hard work goes into making a yard look this good, so kudos to you and George. I don't know where you find the time!
The redbuds didn't do as well in my area this year, no doubt due to the drought. I lost one in my yard.
Have a nice day!

Big Dude said...

I've got some terracing to do and your's always looks so good as do the flowers

Latane Barton said...

Your yard is so pretty, Betsy. I know you and George work hard at keeping it that way and we in blogland love looking at how pretty it is.

Anonymous said...

Those pink dogwood blossoms are simply delightful!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I have to say that the dogwoods are my most favorite. I wish we could grow them down here!
Having a beautiful yard does take work and you two apparently work a lot; it shows.
Glad you had a nice visit to the beach.

Joy said...

You have lots of spring flowers blooming already. I have to wait for mine yet:)

Ann said...

Your yard looks lovely. I like that you and George work as a team when doing the mowing. My husband just runs it all over...lol

Arkansas Patti said...

Betsy, you and George should be so proud of your beautiful yard. I know it is a LOT of work. I might have known George wouldn't be riding. He even hikes in the yard.
Good that he has you trained so well. Such a team.

Larry said...

Betsy... love the dogwood!! The rabbits did a number on my pink one, but it's still alive... for now at least. Your yard is lovely!

We got 28 degrees last night so a number of magnolias were damaged but it could have been worse... I wrapped and covered as much as I could and use hoses to save the buds on two of my magnolias. An odd year indeed! Larry

diane b said...

You have a bright sunny aspect and a neat and colourful garden.

Cicero Sings said...

Yes a lovely yard takes a lot of work. I arrived home today from the coast to find my yard in full bloom with dandelions. I dug out as many as I could until I got a blister and then dead headed. A thunderstorm moved in do I still have a fairly large patch to do. Got the cleared part mowed.

My tulips bloomed while I was gone and are already on the wane. Too sad!

I think I need you two to come and help me - so my yard could look like yours!

Wendy said...

My goodness you two certainly work hard - and it pays off! Your yard is beautiful! I like the flagstone path by your garage, and the American flag in the background completes the scene.

You and George have created a home that brings joy not only to you, but to us bloggers. Thanks for sharing. It's nice to walk around your garden.

Rose said...

You sure do have a beautiful yard...I enjoy seeing it. We like a lot of the same things.

carolina nana said...

Looks like everything is so fresh and pretty around your house. I love how the color of your house blends with the grass and leaves. We have had a nice sunny day today after a chilly morning. I am taking a chance and believing the weather people that we aren't going to get freezing temps in our area tonight so i am not carrying all my ferns and potted plants inside, wish me luck !!
Blessings Marilyn

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your yard is as pretty as ever. All those flowers put on a great show for you.I think my favourite this time is the Dogwood against the sky.

HolleyGarden said...

You are right about a pretty garden requiring lots of work, and anyone can see that you have put a lot of work - and love - into yours. So well kept, and that is not an easy thing!

Miss Debbie said...

Love the pink phlox...gorgeous color!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

You caught the flag beautifully Betsy, gosh I didn't realise that the front yard was so deep and large so its interesting you took a couple of photos from that angle! Does George need a ride-on perhaps?? :)
Lots of gorgeous blooms, love the dogwood!! Sounds like there will be lots more colour to come for May.

NatureStop said...

Betsy, I simply love your yard ...so full of life and so colourful...I can understand how much of hard work goes in to maintain that beautiful yard.Thanks for sharing.Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful pictures, Betsy. The weather has been perfect the last few days.

Beth said...

So lovely, Betsy. I hope some day to have such a yard--even half that would thrill me.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words on my blog.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy. You do have a beautiful yard and gardens and yes it does take a lot of hard work to keep it that way. Love the Dogwood too. I think I like Pink flowers although I will look at all colors. LOL

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful garden Betsy, with all the flowers in bloom and it looks so nice and bright.
Enjoy your day!


Janie said...

I love the pink dogwood blossoms, Betsy. Everything is looking pretty in your yard, but I know you put a lot of effort and loving care into all those flowers.

Out on the prairie said...

I can almost smell your lovely header. It has to be a Peace relative.Amazing beauty.

Marie said...

Your yard is so pretty! I can't wait to see it when the trees have their leaves! Hubby and I would rather work outside than inside. :)
I'm so happy you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Rohrerbot said...

Sounds like you had a fantatic weekend!!! Your yard is so well maintained plus I like all the changes you both made last year to your home. Very beautiful area.