Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Arkansas BIRDS and DEER

There are many reasons that we love going to Mt. Nebo, Arkansas... If you missed my first two posts from this trip,  click HERE.   Today I will share another reason I love going to Mt. Nebo---the WILDLIFE.

The picture above was taken the first afternoon when we got there.  This deer (and others) were there to welcome us... They are not really tame--but they are used to people being around, so they don't run away very quickly..

Be sure to click on the photos to see them larger!

Of course,  I take birdseed with me when I travel  (why wouldn't I????? ha) ---hoping to see some little birds... They must have been waiting on me to get there in Arkansas since as soon as I sprinkled the seed out on the back patio,  we had visitors!!!!    Here is one of the many Dark-eyed Juncos I saw that week...  There are many more Juncos in Arkansas than we have in my part of Tennessee.

All of these photos were taken through a window and a screen --so they are not as good as some that I've taken...  BUT---you can recognize them (I hope)...  This is a Pileated Woodpecker on a nearby tree.

And of course,  the gorgeous red Cardinals visited us there.

There were many Tufted Titmice around --flitting in and out!!!

And where you see Titmice,  you always see White-breasted Nuthatches.  (We had Chickadees --but somehow,  I didn't get their picture.)

Guess who showed up for dinner??????  Three little deer came by the patio to check out the bird food... Isn't he a cutie????

I got alot of screen reflection in this photo --but I still wanted to share it... There was a third deer --but he was out of the picture.  They were busy looking at someone walking down the street....

Here's one more of the pretty little deer peaking over the rock wall.  I think I heard him say:  "Peek-a-boo"...

We didn't see these Turkey Vultures this year ---but I took this picture of them here in 2011...  Decided to include it in case you missed my Mt. Nebo photos that year.

Finally,  here's another picture of the ROADRUNNER...  That is one of my favorite captures EVER.  I am still excited about seeing this bird.  I had no idea they were in Arkansas now...Maybe they will move on farther east into Tennessee.  Ya' think???  "Beep Beep"......

Here is a map showing where one can find Roadrunners in our country...  You can see that they are found in Arkansas!!!   If you want to read more about this bird,  click HERE.   Neat neat bird!!!!

Seems like each time we go to Arkansas,   we see something new to share!!!!  It's just a very special place for us!!!

Thanks to so many of you who added the email option to your sidebar.  I now have 40 of my blog friends' blog posts coming to me through email.  LOVE it.   Some of you said you didn't know how to put the little notice on your sidebar.  Here's what you do:  Go to the very top of your blog on the right and click on DESIGN;  Then click on LAYOUT;  Then click on "Add a Gadget" (the one on the right );  There are several things for you to add if you desire.  Scroll down to "Follow by Email" and click SAVE.  Then just go back to View Blog --and that is ALL you do.  Having that option on your sidebar does NOT effect you in any way at all.  It is for those of us who choose to follow by email..  Thank you so much!

Hope you have a great day.



Rose ~ from Oz said...

The Road runner is a beauty - but Betsy, now I have that song "Roadrunner" going round and round in my head!!
The deer-over-rock wall is just too cute. Doesn't matter about the windscreen either, we got to see what you saw and they were fine!
Gorgeous gorgeous place!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

great bird shots. so cool. i have always thought vultures so cool. such character. have a great week. big big hugs. ( :

Arkansas Patti said...

Great shot of the roadrunner Betsy. They are hard to catch as they are really quick and seldom still.
Really loved those big hairy birds the best. How adorable.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, wonderful wildlife sightings! The birds are beautiful and I love the cute deer! Great post ! Have a happy day!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, wonderful wildlife sightings! The birds are beautiful and I love the cute deer! Great post ! Have a happy day!

Big Dude said...

Looks like a similar collection of animals as here - they should put a plaque in that cabin calling it the "Betsy and George Honorary"

Busy Bee Suz said...

The peekaboo deer are so darling.....I bet they remember you both.
I love roadrunners too....and I thought they only lived in the desert.

linda m said...

My favorite pictures are of the deer poking their heads over your patio wall. Those are great pics.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the deer pics just took my breath away. especially the one peeking over the rock....

Linda P said...

Wonderful wild life wherever you go, Betsy. I love the photo of the adult deer just standing there in the woods.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That's a wonderful shot of the Pileated Woodpecker! I loved the deer searching the wall for birdseed, too, as well as Mr. Roadrunner. Great captures.

Eat To Live said...

Those deer do look almost tame, and I love seeing a Pileated Woodpecker. I haven't seen one since we moved from our 100 acres in the country.

You got some great shots!! Good Job!

LV said...

My son and gret grandson would love this area. They enjoy deer hunting and just being in the woods. The birds are pretty but you have shown some around your place just as beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

love the sweet deer peeking over. :) and the pileated, too!

Terry and Linda said...

I love your header...I can hardly wait for June here!

*♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨) (¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

Ruth Hiebert said...

With all that wildlife and birds around,I'm surprised you ever leave that mountain.LOL

MTWaggin said...

Fun shots and I can certainly see why you love it there.

Latane Barton said...

A road runner in Arkansas! What is this world coming to? hehe. Great pictures. Love the deer. You and George have the best time traveling around. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

That deer peeking over the wall is delightful. What wonderful shots.

Becca's Dirt said...

I love seeing the deer. I've never seen a road runner. Love it. Glad ya'll had a good time.

Sylvia K said...

Delightful captures for the day, Betsy! I do love the deer!! Hope you had a great weekend and a good week ahead!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The little deer is so cute! Deer are pretty...love the woodpecker, red cap is so bright

Nellie said...

I have never been to Arkansas. The pictures you show give me some motivation to put it on my bucket list.

More technology! I am still trying to figure out how to put the Twitter symbol on my page!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love your bird shots, I see all of these in my back yard all winter long, except for the Pilated and the Roadrunner. Lucky, aren't I?? Well, no Turkey Vultures here either...I can do without them, too. I've see the Roadrunners in TX when my son lived there. They're so neat!

I just added the Follow by Email for you! Thanks for reminding me.

Have a good day! We're expecting another round of snow here tonight and tomorrow.

Rohrerbot said...

Oh I am glad to know someone is using that email gadget. I put it up there awhile back. I know for me, it's nice because I get the posts directly to the email.

As for your title today....you had me excited:) Two of my favorite things. Really nice birds you both saw! That Tufted Titmouse is really a delight! And congrats on the Roadrunner.....I had no idea that their range extended on the Eastern side of the US. Very cool. All my best:) Chris

Lady Di Tn said...

Even though the photos of the birds were not perfect, I love the fact that you shared them with us and we could pretend we were there with you as you watched. Peace

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love the vultures, they are kind of making an X! Also the sweet deer peeking over he wall, the pair of deer. But my FAVE is BEEP BEEP!!! Wish I could see a real one just once!! Maybe if I hang at an Acme store? We have an Acme here, too.

HappyK said...

Really like the head shots of the deer!!

From the Kitchen said...

I love that nosy little deer! And the birds enjoying their "picnic".


Unknown said...

Beautiful photos Betsy, I love the first one with the deer. I absolutely love nature and to see your pics always brings a smile to me. Enjoy your Week.

Carletta said...

A great capture of the buck!
Looking at the little ones you can tell they are finding a lot of food. They are more plump than those we have here.
Congrats on your roadrunner shot. I know you must be tickled to pieces. I know I would be.

joy said...

I wish I can be there to witness those creatures with my own eyes. Just adorable:)
Hugs from me:)

Anonymous said...

It must have been a joy to see so many wonderful birds and Deer visitors this year.

Kay said...

Fantastic photos.

Miss Debbie said...

Aren't deer beautiful? Great shots of them!

Ann said...

Enjoyed seeing all your wildlife shots especially the peek a boo deer :)

Chatty Crone said...

You got some great bird shots there Betsy. And the deer - they really do trust the people there don't they. I enjoyed them. sandie

Chatty Crone said...

You got some great bird shots there Betsy. And the deer - they really do trust the people there don't they. I enjoyed them. sandie

Small City Scenes said...

the peek-a-boo deer are so cute. They have such sweet faces. We have the red breasted Nuthatch here and he is one of my favorites. All the bird shots are fine---through the window screen or not. LOL. thanks. MB

Catherine said...

Arne't deer just some of the most amazing and beautiful creatures put on this Earth? Pure joy!
Have a happy week Betsy!
xo Catherine

carolina nana said...

Beautiful photos of the deer sneaking a snack of birdseed.
We are expecting more ice over night tonight and then a lot of rain tomorrow,oh boy !!

Grandma Bonnie said...

So many birds. I think the Pileated Woodpecker has got to be my favorite. I have never been lucky enough to see one in real life. We do get tons of birds around our home. I need to start paying closer attention and see what type hang around. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures.

Connie said...

I love the little deer peeking over top of the wall. That's so cute!

Lynda said...

Thanks for the detailed instructions on the email option. I will do that now! What I need to figure out is how to stop following some blogs that don't interest me like I thought they would when I started following them. One of my goals this year is to learn how to change the appearance like you all do - - more than just pulling a background from blogger - - but using my own photos.
Speaking of - - - the deer playing "peek a boo" are my favorites!

Marie said...

I really love the deer! They have such sweet faces! I love all your wildlife photos, Betty!

Pat Tillett said...

It's always nice to have a welcoming committee or unexpected (but appreciated (company for dinner)! As always, great photos of your adventures Betsy!

Marie said...

Hi Betsy, sorry I typed Betty above...type too fast at times. LOL
I just added follow by email. Hope I did it correctly, thanks a bunch for the idea. :)

Pat Tillett said...

I almost forgot... I added that gadget to my blog. I already have quite a few people follow via emails, but I never knew about this. thanks for the tips!

DeniseinVA said...

I always love to see deer and birds, what a fabulous series of photos Betsy.

diane b said...

It must be nice to be in a cabin surrounded by singing birds and beautiful scenery.

Neal said...

You still got some great bird pictures. I love the picture of the deer peeping over the wall...that is so cute.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that you bring bird seed on your travels. That is so sweet.

Jeevan said...

Very beautiful post on birds and deer – they all look so cute! I loved the little one peeking over the wall. Among the birds, I find the woodpecker very similar to one I see here.

Jeanne said...

I love our trips through Arkansas too! There is a lot of exploring to do there and I hope we can do that this summer.
My favorite picture is the deer peeking over the bricks!! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Great series of pictures of the Arkansas wildlife you got to see on that trip. I am temporarily back in Crossville. Have a super rest of the week and stay warm - we may, yes may, get snowed on.

HolleyGarden said...

Wow! I am so impressed with the Pileated Woodpecker! I have only seen one in my life - and it was gone before I could get the camera. I would love to see another! I like to get new blog posts by email, too. I wish everyone would allow that option.

Andrea said...

I love the photos especially the peeping deer, but the red color is still a bit sharp for my eyes. I wonder if i have some eye difficulty, i guess i need to have shades or filter in viewing your site, haha!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thank for sharing these wildlife photographs. So much serenity.

And thanks also for explaining how to add that gadget. I've got to check if it's on by two blogs. Peace.