Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Old Man's Cave, Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Neal and Patti;  George and Betsy
Continuing our October trip with friends,  NEAL and Patti Treadway,  the next morning we first went to  OLD MAN'S CAVE, the most popular area of the Hocking Hills State Park, near Logan, Ohio.  If you missed any of the other posts from this trip,  click HERE.  Besides this one,  there have been 5 other posts.   Hope you enjoy our photos from this gorgeous place.  If you want to know more about the history of Old Man's Cave,  click HERE.   Be sure to click on the photos to see them larger.

Above is a picture of the four of us taken at Old Man's Cave ---near the Upper Falls.  Speaking of waterfalls,  there is a Lower Falls and an Upper Falls in Old Man's Cave.  We have been there two different times --and there was no water much (other than a trickle) coming over the waterfalls... However,  even without water in the falls,  this is a gorgeous area.

George took this picture of me standing on one of the bridges ---while I was busy taking my own pictures... The trail all along this area is FABULOUS...  It's not a cave ---but you are down in a canyon-like area as you walk, or gorge.

Here is a collage showing more of the beauty in that area...  It's another one of those places you have to visit in order to really know what you are experiencing.  Photos are okay---but being there is much better.

I love the reflection in this photo, taken at Old Man's Cave.

This is a picture of four friends having a great day.  Top:  Betsy,  and  Betsy and Neal;  Bottom: Neal and Patti, and George.

Neal and Patti are climbing the steps after we left the Lower Falls area.

Here is more of the great trail at Old Man's Cave.  Our visit was in October --so you can see many fallen leaves.  AND--in some of the pictures,  you can see the Fall Colors.

Above is a collage  of friends hiking in Old Man's Cave.  Top:  Neal and George;  George and Neal/Patti;  Bottom:  Neal, and Neal/Patti.

Here is a good picture showing some of the left-over Fall Colors inside the Old Man's Cave area.

This shows some of the cliff that we had to come down in order to get to the bottom of the little gorge area.  However,  the trail down was not hard since we obviously did not climb straight up and down a cliff.  As I've said many times, there is a great trail in this area.

Here's another photo of the tiny bit of water in the area --and all of the vegetation.  I love seeing the tree roots like that.  (I'd love to visit here after a huge rain --when the water is flowing through this gorge area.)

You can tell by my smile how much I enjoyed hiking in this area.  Hope you can get there sometime yourself!!!!

Finally,  here's a final picture of four friends enjoying a beautiful area.   Being here and hiking on a gorgeous Fall day was fun ---but being with GREAT friends was even better.

Have a wonderful day.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Arkansas BIRDS and DEER

There are many reasons that we love going to Mt. Nebo, Arkansas... If you missed my first two posts from this trip,  click HERE.   Today I will share another reason I love going to Mt. Nebo---the WILDLIFE.

The picture above was taken the first afternoon when we got there.  This deer (and others) were there to welcome us... They are not really tame--but they are used to people being around, so they don't run away very quickly..

Be sure to click on the photos to see them larger!

Of course,  I take birdseed with me when I travel  (why wouldn't I????? ha) ---hoping to see some little birds... They must have been waiting on me to get there in Arkansas since as soon as I sprinkled the seed out on the back patio,  we had visitors!!!!    Here is one of the many Dark-eyed Juncos I saw that week...  There are many more Juncos in Arkansas than we have in my part of Tennessee.

All of these photos were taken through a window and a screen --so they are not as good as some that I've taken...  BUT---you can recognize them (I hope)...  This is a Pileated Woodpecker on a nearby tree.

And of course,  the gorgeous red Cardinals visited us there.

There were many Tufted Titmice around --flitting in and out!!!

And where you see Titmice,  you always see White-breasted Nuthatches.  (We had Chickadees --but somehow,  I didn't get their picture.)

Guess who showed up for dinner??????  Three little deer came by the patio to check out the bird food... Isn't he a cutie????

I got alot of screen reflection in this photo --but I still wanted to share it... There was a third deer --but he was out of the picture.  They were busy looking at someone walking down the street....

Here's one more of the pretty little deer peaking over the rock wall.  I think I heard him say:  "Peek-a-boo"...

We didn't see these Turkey Vultures this year ---but I took this picture of them here in 2011...  Decided to include it in case you missed my Mt. Nebo photos that year.

Finally,  here's another picture of the ROADRUNNER...  That is one of my favorite captures EVER.  I am still excited about seeing this bird.  I had no idea they were in Arkansas now...Maybe they will move on farther east into Tennessee.  Ya' think???  "Beep Beep"......

Here is a map showing where one can find Roadrunners in our country...  You can see that they are found in Arkansas!!!   If you want to read more about this bird,  click HERE.   Neat neat bird!!!!

Seems like each time we go to Arkansas,   we see something new to share!!!!  It's just a very special place for us!!!

Thanks to so many of you who added the email option to your sidebar.  I now have 40 of my blog friends' blog posts coming to me through email.  LOVE it.   Some of you said you didn't know how to put the little notice on your sidebar.  Here's what you do:  Go to the very top of your blog on the right and click on DESIGN;  Then click on LAYOUT;  Then click on "Add a Gadget" (the one on the right );  There are several things for you to add if you desire.  Scroll down to "Follow by Email" and click SAVE.  Then just go back to View Blog --and that is ALL you do.  Having that option on your sidebar does NOT effect you in any way at all.  It is for those of us who choose to follow by email..  Thank you so much!

Hope you have a great day.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Mt. Nebo, Arkansas 2013

Today I will share a little more from our trip last week to Mr. Nebo, Arkansas.  If you missed Monday's post,  click HERE.

The picture above is a picture I took from the valley below our mountain ---looking up onto Mt. Nebo....Mt. Nebo is a flat-top mountain --where, depending upon where you are (and the weather of course),  one can see both the Sunrise and the Sunset each day.

Here is another photo of our cabin (taken late afternoon on 2/14).  You can see some of the gorgeous view of the valley below in this picture...

Here's is a collage  I put together of almost the same view from our cabin --on three different days, at different times of the day.  The picture on the top left was taken on Feb. 12 at 7:08 a.m. The one on the right was taken on Feb. 14 at 7:06 a.m., and the one at the bottom was taken on Feb. 11 at 5:20 p.m. 

George and I both took lots of pictures of the valley below and the upcoming sunset almost every single day.  This picture was taken on 2/12 late in the afternoon.

Here is a picture taken early in the morning on Feb. 12 --showing fog in the distance.

Then,  during the afternoon of  Feb. 12---look what rolled in where we were.  This foggy photo was taken outside of our cabin that day... Needless to say,  we didn't get to see the sunset THAT day.  BUT--that was the only day we missed it!!!

On Valentine's morning,  inside the cabin,  while we were eating our breakfast,  we exchanged cards.

And then came a HUGE surprise for me!!!!!  (George isn't usually able to surprise me since I am so NOSY... ha)....  He gave me a gorgeous wrapped canvas of a beautiful photo which he had taken when we were visiting Ocean Isle Beach this past December.  I was SO surprised and PLEASED.  What a perfect gift!!!!  Thanks, Honey!!!

One of my favorite places to sit when we are at the cabin is NEXT to the wood-burning fireplace.  There's just nothing better than sipping my coffee,  checking my emails and Facebook messages,  and keeping warm by the fire....

I'll close with another photo of George and me --while sitting on our picnic table --waiting to see the sunset... Hope you have enjoyed this set of pictures...  We had a marvelous time at Mt. Nebo this year!!!

BLOGGER REQUEST:  I am one who uses email for everything I can... I get comments via email and even Facebook posts/comments.  I check email more than anything else... Do you????  Anyhow---I am requesting that you add a gadget (if you are on Blogger) to your sidebar (hopefully near the top where we can find it) which allows for Email Sign-up.  That way anytime you publish a new post,  I'll get it through email --like I do those who are on Wordpress.  LOVE IT....  Yesterday,  I signed up for about 20 of your blogs who have this on their sidebar now.  Over half of you do not though --or at least I couldn't find it....  ALSO---I have that gadget on the top of my sidebar --if you want to get my posts by email.  

Interesting what people have on their sidebars.... It says alot about us as unique and special people!!!!!  Three things which are definitely needed (in my opinion) on all sidebars:  1. Email sign-up;  2.  Search this blog;  and 3.  Translate.    Thanks for your help!!!!!! 

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.
