Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Last Views of our Autumn 2011

When we took a ride a couple of weeks ago,  we got some great Autumn photos right here in Fairfield Glade...  Today all of those colors are gone ---and the leaves are ALL on the ground.  We had rain yesterday all day ---and expect more today... But---as George would say,  "At least it's not SNOW!!!"

I showed some Autumn photos on November 7 (click HERE if you missed  that post)...  Since I had a few more to show,  I decided to give you one last look at our Fall 2011 pictures.  You can enlarge the photos to 16x10 by clicking on them.  

A similar photo (to the one shown above)  was a favorite in the Nov. 7th post ---so I decided to show you another similar one today... We are looking across Canterbury Lake ---and the sun is setting behind us.  The sun is providing a fabulous look to the trees ahead of us,  making it look like everything (including the lake) is on FIRE.... Hope you enjoy this one and the ones below.

The Burning Bush is a favorite here in Fairfield Glade...  It also shows off its RED color in late Fall.

These gorgeous trees were beside the lake.   Aren't they pretty --against that beautiful blue sky????

Finally,  here is another photo showing Autumn in Fairfield Glade --along with more of the Cumberland Plateau.    Fall turned out GREAT here this year ---especially late Fall --when all of the trees were turning.

Hope you enjoyed my last set of Autumn photos from 2011....  Now--we'll look forward to a long winter followed by a gorgeous spring..... Life goes on!!!!

Since many of you have asked about my health,  I am here to tell you that I am doing much better.  I even went with George on Monday to Tullahoma (2.5 hours from here) to see his 99 yr. old father.  I did well---although I was tired when I got home.  My energy level is still zilch---but with each passing day,  there's improvement... Yeah Rah!!!!

Dad Adams seems to be doing okay other than the fact that his memory is getting worse.  He 'wolfed down' an entire fish sandwich for lunch and loved the RIDE we took him on. Bless his heart!!!!

Have a great Wednesday.


Catherine said...


Glad you are feeling better Betsy!

xo Catherine

From the Kitchen said...

A great wind came a few days ago and now all of our beautiful leaves are on the ground!!

So glad to hear that you are feeling better. I'm sure it will take time to get back to feeling tip top but sounds like you are on your way.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

What breathtakingly beautiful pictures Betsy, it's hard to not be in awe of the Fall colors in Tennessee, we are so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty.

Glad you are feeling better, and good to read that George's dad enjoyed your visit.

We've just had another torrential downpour this morning, looks like it's in for the day again !

Tabor said...

Fall is the time I fill my camera chip every day. Each shot is so colorful. You live in a beautiful area of the country.

Chatty Crone said...

I love the rainbow in the header. I love the first picture with the red trees above and in the reflection of the lake. Glad George's dad is doing well.

And I am so happy you took your first trip out! Yeah.


Snap said...

Love the first photo with all the reflections on the lake. All your shots are great. So glad to hear you are feeling better ... keep it up!!! :D :D

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful Betsy! To echo what your other friends have been saying, I am happy to see that you are feeling better.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful pictures! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. hopefully the energy will return soon too.

As for the word verification - yes, I am right there with you. I mention it now and then on my blog, but people still like to keep it on. Oh well, their blog, their decision.

Harriet said...

Wow! I love the first picture!! It should be framed. So glad you are feeling better.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous pictures. All that colour is amazing.Glad to hear that you could get out and see something else than just you house,lovely as that is. I know that when I have been ill,I can't wait to see the world outside the four walls of my house.

Anonymous said...

You sound chipper, Betsy, despite the low energy level. The colorful trees do look like everything is on fire.

linda m said...

Your pictures are very breathtaking. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Gorgeous photos as always, Betsy! Love the fall color!

So glad you were feeling good enough for a little trip. Here's hoping you continue to improve every day!

Sorry, my link didn't work. I think it's fixed now. At least it was!

Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you got to vist your FIL and the fish story made me smile, daddy was 91 when we visited him in Savannah. we went to Burger King because he wanted a big fish sandwich. he rarely finished what was on his plate. we sat stunned as he wolfed down that whole sandwich. that first photo is totally spectacular! love it, so very beautiful.

Neal said...

Wow....that first shot is really gorgeous. All are beautiful but the first one is special.

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, I'm blessed every time I visit your blog. What wonderful caring people you and George are. I'm sure Dad Adams knows that he has exceptional children in George and you. Its nice to have friends like you two. The beauty of the leaves has retreated until the pastels next spring as new life bursts forth. Your pictures are awesome!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Wow! Those trees across the lake are just glowing. You certainly did have a beautiful fall down there in God's country. :)

pam said...

So glad you are feeling better!!! The colors this year have been beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

so glad to hear you're getting stronger each day and even able to travel a bit. :) i know that means everything to you!

thanks for sharing these brilliant reds and oranges with us. truly magnificent views!

I Am Woody said...

Wow! Those are just stunning!! I could handle living in that house in the first pic:)

Glad to hear you are feeling better and better! It is long road, isn't it?!?

Dorothy said...

Those are some awesome Fall photos, Betsy! So glad to hear that you are improving and also that Dad Adams is doing well!!

Twilight Man said...

I have yet to see any blogger in my list who has the widest collection of beautiful photos like yours. You are naturally gifted with the eye to capture nature's beauty! Well done and thanks for sharing always. Falls has always been my favorite and I used to ride the subway from one end to the other end of the route just to admire the red and golden yellow tree tops from the train.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am happy that you are getting better....slowly, but it will happen. (remember the hare and the turtle?? :))
So nice you are able to visit with Dad Adams! At the rate I am going, my memory will be gone by January. Bless his heart!!!!
Gorgeous photos Betsy!!!

Linda@VS said...

That top photo is simply spectacular. How great it is that Mother Nature can create that scenery and that you and George are talented enough to capture it on camera to share with those of us whose autumns aren't nearly so bold.

Glad you're feeling better, Betsy.

Terry and Linda said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better and that you are able to get out and about some. A change of view helps the mind heal, which helps the body!


Ginny Hartzler said...

These are STUNNING, Betsy!!! The first one is maybe the prettiest picture you have EVER taken!!!

A Colorful World said...

So glad you are doing better Betsy! Oh, these shots are just breath-taking! BEAUTIFUL! I am so jealous!!!!!

Thank you so much for the sweet things you had to say on my Visit post! Hope you keep getting stronger and stronger! God bless--

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Gorgeous pictures as usual! I will miss FFG but then, I do have my new mini farm to have a big garden. Love that picture of Lake Canterbury. Have a great day and stay dry! Lots and lots of rain today!

Anonymous said...

Betsy, that 1st shot is sooooo beautifully colorful & the reflections are incredible! Last year was more colorful in my neck of the woods, but still very beautiful!

have a great week =)

Anonymous said...

God bless dad Adams & I 2nd your comment... Bless his heart!!! =)

Jo said...

The autumn reflections in the lake are beautiful - again. Glad to hear you managed to visit George's dear ole dad. Glad that you're feeling better too, dear Betsy. Take care. Blessings, Jo

Sally Wessely said...

As always, the photos are spectacular. The news is good about you and Dad Adams. That makes us all happy.

Ms. A said...

Betsy, (and George) I thoroughly enjoy your photos and views of the world and admire the energy it takes to get out there and get these magnificent shots. Thank you!

Christine said...

Betsy that first photo just takes my breath away! I love all it's flaming glory!

imac said...

You seem to have had better Autumn colours than us Betsy.

nanny said...

those colors are just some of the pretties I have ever seen!!! Can you imagine living in that house with that view....don't think I'd get anything done but stare out the windows/ha

Glad you are feeling well!!

Diane said...

So glad to hear you're doing better Betsy. It will probably take a while for the energy to return. In the meantime you'll just have to take it easy, be waited on, take bubble baths and just sit on your throne and watch the birds. Ha, ha, if it's like around here.

My husband says just stay off your feet. Then lunchtime rolls around, what are you fixing me for lunch, he asks!!!! Diane

camp and cottage living said...

Thanks for the fall photos, Betsy!
Ours colors have been gone for a long time now.

HappyK said...

Glad to hear your health is improving day by day.
The colors in your photos are stunning. What a beautiful time of year.

DeniseinVA said...

Aren't those absolutely gorgeous fall colors? You've captured them well Betsy. Good to hear that you continue to feel better and I'm happy to hear Dad Adams is doing okay too. A fish sandwich sounds real good right now :)

HolleyGarden said...

Good to hear you're feeling better. And that your Dad Adams is doing well. My memory is getting worse too! Every time I see your autumn pictures, I am just amazed. Our trees are just now starting to turn! And they are actually pretty this year - some years they are, some year they're not.

Ann said...

the fall colors are just gorgeous. Our leaves are all pretty much on the ground now too. We've had quite a lot of rainy windy days here.
So glad to hear that you are feeling better.

Out on the prairie said...

Missing all those colors, we had a lovely show here this year.

Larry said...

A very beautiful post indeed Betsy! It's getting a bit bare around here now and I am thankful for the conifers this time of year! Larry

Donna said...

Those are lovely photos! The rain has knocked most of the remaining leaves on the ground here too. Bye, bye fall! I am NOT looking forward to anything icy. Snow is fine. I just don't want ice! I'm so glad you are on the mend. It takes a while to get that energy level back up!

Connie said...

Such beautiful pictures, Betsy! We really did have a gorgeous fall this year. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I hope you keep getting stronger and soon feel good as new again. :)

Karin said...

So glad you are feeling much improved Betsy! Thanks so much for the last look at fall in your neck of the woods! So nice that you could visit George's dad! Do have yourself a wonderful week-end you two!

Rose said...

Glad you are feeling well enough to go on that trip...

These photos are just wonderful. Such color!

Ours is all gone, too. Every now and then there is a tree or two with a bit of color left, but 99% are bare.

Andrea said...

I am happy for your fast recovery. That first photo is extremely, as in extremely lovely! It really is like a soft fire glow. You remind me of what i am missing in this world. haha.

diane b said...

Just absolutely stunning. It might be cold there but it provokes beauty. Glad to hear you are getting stronger everyday.

mudderbear said...

I really love your photos and the farewell to Fall. The reds are my favorite color, those and the yellow green ones we have here. Do you live on that lake? Wow..it is beautiful. Glad to hear you are coming along and getting such good care. And also that George's dad is still alright. It sounds like you're taking good care of him too. Hope you finish the week with peace and tranquility. love, Rosalie.

P S You can read about my car trouble on my blog. You'll love the explanation for why it was towed.

SquirrelQueen said...

All those red leaves are gorgeous Betsy. I love your first shot with the reflections. Our leaves are pretty much gone now, the 45mph wind gusts we are getting right now will take away the few that were left.

Glad to hear you are improving. It's also great to hear that Dad Adams is doing good.

Big Dude said...

We’ve been on the road without wi-fi access since Monday morning, so I’m behind in my blog reading. The colors on the plateau are gorgeous as are your shots of them. We spent yesterday in Hot Springs, Ark and it still looks about like your shots - which surprised me - guess it's the lower elevation here - 1000' mountaintop (hill).

Arkansas Patti said...

Now that is RED. Ours never got beyond rust.
So glad you had a nice visit with George's father and that you are doing so much better.
Keep up the good work. You will be hiking in no time.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Gorgeous Fire!

That takes a lot of effort to ride that long...so you are doing better! Yay!

at 99 He should be forgetful, I am getting that way at 51:)

carolina nana said...

So glad you are feeling better and getting your strength back. I hope you have more leaves on your burning bush than I do.
Our high was 44 for the day this morning. I'm sitting at market now and I can tell it is getting colder outside by the minute. We are also supposed to be in the low 20's tonight, then back to above normal for the weekend. I hope I don't catch a cold with all this temperature changing !!
Blessings to you

Haddock said...

The wonders and colours of nature.
Truly a gift of God.
And you have captured them so well.

Diane AZ said...

Hi, I'm glad to hear you're doing better and that you had a good visit with Dad Adams. Your fall pictures are spectacular!

Carletta said...

Wow, that first one shows a fiery autumn! It's gorgeous!
I like the third photo too with those red leaves against the blue sky.
So good to hear George's Dad is doing ok. 99 years is quite a milestone.
And you, Ms. Betsy - good to hear you are getting better and better!

Angela said...

I love your fall pictures Betsy! They are just a perfect example of what fall is supposed to look like! Our leaves are all gone now and we just have mostly naked trees around here! lol

Wow! I love it that your father in law is 99! That is amazing to me when one lives to be that age. I hate to hear that his memory is going but God Bless him! Hope you continue to get better too!


Lynda said...

Praise God for your improved and improving health! I am glad you focus on the things you can do rather than any limitations you still have.

Those pics - - - - words aren't adequate to describe the gorgeous beauty you captured with your camera! THANK YOU for sharing those - - - some of the absolute prettiest I have seen this year!!!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, sorry I am late commenting. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. I loved these Autumn photos. The first shot is just gorgeous. Take care and have a great weekend!