Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Late Fall in Fairfield Glade

There's something uniquely special about LATE Fall...  I love all of the REDS and RUSTS this time of year... All of the Fall colors are special---but right now, ALL of the leaves left on the trees are showing off their end-of-the-year color!!!!!

George took me for a short ride on Saturday afternoon late. The sun was going down ---so the colors were magnificent... I want to share some pictures today that we took during this little ride... The picture above was taken at an over look near Fairway 14 of the Druid Hills Golf Course.  You get a great view of the Cumberland Plateau in this picture.  You can enlarge all of my pictures to 16x10.

I love the REDS of Fall ---and this particular Maple is showing off for us...  Pretty, huh,  against that blue sky????

AND---I don't want to forget the YELLOWS of Fall... Here's a pretty one for you!

Finally,   here's a picture we took across one of our many lakes (Canterbury) in the Glade.  The sun was really going down ---but I loved the way that sun portrayed its colors across and on the lake... Looks like the trees are on fire,  doesn't it??????

I have more Late Autumn pictures to share ----so will show you another set on Wednesday.   Thanks again for the MANY get-well wishes.  I am gradually getting my strength back---but am trying to take it easy ---as much as possible.



Ms. A said...

Betsy, you and George take the most amazing photos!

Feel better soon!

Beth said...

These are wonderful. Such incredible colors! I'm glad you got out for a little drive---nothing like a drive on a beautiful day, wondrous scenery, and a camera to soothe our bodies and souls.
I grinned at your comment. Yes, that is just like life! And it's the fun part that does really matter. :>)

Jo said...

Oh my, Betsy, these colours and your capture of the beauty are AMAZING. They're just so beautiful.Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you're feeling better. You had me worried there. Take care my dear sweet friend. (((hugs))) Jo

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so glad your are feeling better and nothing like a glorious leaf peeping tour to pick you up your spirits. No hiking OK??
Amazing colors Betsy, especially that reflection shot.

Ruth Hiebert said...

First let me say that I am so happy to see you posting again.Praise God for answered prayer.
These pictures are unbelievably beautiful.I love that reflection shot.WOW!!!

Valerie said...

Gorgeous colors!! Hard to imagine heaven - when God has created such beauty for us here.

Glad to hear your progress. Little by little!
Have a wonderful day!

June said...

You are a Fortunate Woman, Betsy.
All that beauty and a Good Husband to care for you and take you out to see you the show. <3

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

All of those reds around the lake are amazing! We have more yellows than reds here.

Catherine said...

Those are some gorgeous fall colors you have Betsy! It beats my white by a mile! Thank you for sharing them.

xo Catherine

Kelly said...

Wow, Betsy! You really do have the reds now. It's gorgeous...

mamahasspoken said...

Nothing will make you feel better than a drive that lets you enjoy the beauty around you.
Glad you got a dose of good medicine.

Jeanne said...

Wow! I must add Tennessee to my list of places to go in the Fall. Gorgeous pictures Betsy and so glad you were able to get out!

From the Kitchen said...

Your beautiful photographs are the most color I've seen this fall season. We arrived in Virginia after the peak of color. Even driving through West Virginia on I-64/77 wasn't very colorful. Oh well, fall was still in the air!


Harriet said...

Love all the pictures but especially the last. It does look like the trees are on fire. Glad you are back!!

Fred Alton said...

WoW! Betsy, that is the most beautiful shot of the lake with the trees all showing a rusty red! Amazing! Glad you were able to get out and take these pics, and hope your health continues to improve rapidly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy to hear you feel better enough to go for a ride and what a spectacular ride it was. the first one is stunning and I picked it as my favorite until I got to the last one. wow wow wow. that reflection is pure beauty. the first one is so perfect it almost looks unreal. like a Hallmark movie, everything is perfectly beautiful.

CottonLady said...

Just absolutely gorgeous, Betsy! So glad you are feeling better. Many prayers were and are, coming your way.


nanny said...

They are all just wonderful but that last one.....oh my!!!
You have truly perfect scenery in your part of the world!!!
Hope you have a great week!

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

I was sorry to hear that you were ill. Hope you are feeling better and your pictures are gorgeous as usual.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to read you are up and about some, do continue to take it easy Ms. Betsy. I love,love,love that last photo!!!!

Snap said...

Gorgeous! The colors are amazing. Think the last shot is my favorite. I'm sure it was good to get out for a drive. Wishing you well.

Mary said...

Such concentrated color everywhere! Wow! Our color is more hit and miss. Lots of dead leaves and so many falling already. I mulched leaves yesterday...most are off the trees now.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, what vibrant colors! WoW!!!

Linda@VS said...

Those colors are magnificent! I'm so happy that you're feeling well enough to take such a beautiful little ride with George (and your cameras, of course).

Christine said...

That last shot was awesome! The trees look like they're on fire.

Anonymous said...

Were all these pics taken in Tennessee? If so, wow! The colors are incredible!

Do take care of yourself, Betsy. We don't want you to have a relapse.

KathyA said...

As always, your photos take my breath away! I, too, love the fall colors -- especially of the sweet gum tree. It's multi-colored!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, The shot of Lake Canterbury is stunning! I miss seeing the treed lakes but am still glad I moved to the mini micro farm! Have a great day!

Larry said...

So beautiful Betsy! I'm also very pleased to hear that you are feeling better... Larry

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy! These are all spectacular shots. The end of fall colors are amazing! So glad you are feeling better. Take care and have a wonderful week!

LV said...

Thank you for this wonderful showing of this lovely place. Great shots. Nice seeing them, but your health is more important. Take care.

Diane said...

Great shots Betsy. That last one is incredibly beautiful. Diane

Cathy Kennedy said...

Hello fellow Tennessean, What lovely autumn pictures you've captured from your neck of the woods! I stumbled on you from Empty Nest in IL's blog and had to hop over to visit your site since I noticed you are also a Tennessee gal. =D

Your newest GFC,

Kirigalpoththa said...

The last picture is the best. All leaves are red! Brighter than a forest on fire.

Lynn said...

We were only in your beautiful area one night before we headed East and then South to go home, but I can picture your ride with all the beauty surrounding you. I have to admit seeing these gorgeous photos I am reading to head North again, lol. So happy to see a post from you, but please take very good care of yourself first of all! Big happy hugs,

Unknown said...

Beautiful post. The last photo is so outstanding.

Big Dude said...

Glad you're out and about. I thought the first shot was spectacular until I saw the last one. Nature can sure put on a show.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy - that last photo looks professional - you could sell that somewhere! I know that is not your purpose, but . . .
I love the red ones!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such gorgeous autumn colors there, Betsy. I think your area is even prettier than New England's fall folliage!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are just awesome, Betsy. That row of red trees reflecting in the water is stunning.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so glad you are resting up Betsy...I know that is NOT easy for you. :)
Love all your fall colors...makes me so jealous. The lake photo is absolutely breathtaking!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty photos, Betsy. Sometimes, the prettiest colors are near our own homes! Take it easy and feel better soon. Sending our love and prayers.

Dorothy said...

Betsy, your pictures are outstanding!!! I love all that color!!! Be good to yourself. ♥ ♥

Lady Di Tn said...

Very colorful and beautiful photos. I especially like the reflection on the lake. Like the new header too. Take care and do not over do it. Peace

imac said...

WOW, what wonderful colours.
Take care my friend.

Ann said...

Gorgeous fall colors. What a display. I really do enjoy this time of year or at least I do once I stop whining about summer being over :)

HolleyGarden said...

Oh, wow! That really is magnificent! I don't think I've ever seen trees as red as those around the lake. That is truly an amazing sight.

Susie Swanson said...

Gorgeous colors..I'm so happy you were able to get out. This is something to behold..Thanks for the post..Blessings,Susie

HappyK said...

Wow that is breathtaking! I love the late fall colors too.
I've had my car for 9 years and I'm not tired of it yet!!! : )

Diane AZ said...

Gorgeous autumn colors, the last one with the reflection is breathtaking. What a wonderful place to enjoy fall leaves. Beautiful shots!

Donna said...

Your colors are glorious up on the plateau this year! Wow! They are mediocre here in the Knoxville valley area. Pbbbttt...

Connie said...

Gorgeous colors and spectacular photos, Betsy! Such a beautiful time of year.

I hope you continue to feel better and stronger all the time until you feel back to your old self. Take care. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am glad you are getting your strength back! Take your time....I Love the trees on fire pic!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Love the new header and the green background color. The fab reds of the trees look great with the green background too. Super nice shots and great reflection too.

Glad you are up and at 'em again, Betsy. MB

Anita Johnson said...

WOW! These are just beautiful!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

GORGEOUS! I thought the first photo was my favorite....the last photo just takes my breath away!
Glad you're back to feeling better!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Breathtaking colors...Tennessee is the prettiest in the fall!!! Love that new header photo too!!!
Take it easy and feel better!!!

Rose said...

I can't believe you are out and about already! But it does make one feel more normal, I think. I am so glad to come and find a post from you.

I love the lighting in these...and love the color. we don't have much left around here.

camp and cottage living said...

You still have so many beautiful and amazing colors there!

Sally Wessely said...

I have one word for you: stunning!

Carletta said...

First and foremost it was wonderful to find your comment on my blog today and come here and see you are back posting and doing much better - such good, good news!!!
These photos are gorgeous!
I can hardly believe that first one - so breathtaking.
Hugs Betsy!

mudderbear said...

The leaves and pictures are just stunning. It's unbelieveable that all the trees turn the same color. They are very mixed around here. And today it's trying hard to snow so even though there are a lot of leaves left on the trees, Autumn is pretty much over.

P S I realize the trees are all the same color because they are the same kind of tree...didn't want you to think I was having a DUUH!!! moment. ^.^)

diane b said...

I can see that I have to add a trip to Tennessee in the Fall to my bucket list. Although I am lucky to have you show me the splendour of the trees in their Autumn clothes. The colours are amazing. Great shots especially the last one. Unbelievable.

Loren said...

Betsy! I am sooo glad you are doing some better and even happier you are taking it slow! Praying for you my friend and sending you love & hugs!

Your pictures are just GORGEOUS!! I LOVE all the reds and oranges and yellows as well! I am sooo very thankful. With the heat this summer I was really concerned we would not have any fall colors on our trees. We were not able to water them and so many of them died. But we have seen some really pretty ones...NOTHING LIKE YOURS but pretty nonetheless!

One day at a time ok :) Let George love & care for you!!
Oh ya! We had another EARTHQUAKE tonight!! Can you even believe this ??? Just crazy I tell ya :)

Love you

SquirrelQueen said...

I am so glad to hear you are feeling better Betsy. I'll bet you were ready to get back to a little nature viewing.

Gorgeous photos all but I love the last one with the reflection.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are getting your strength back and able to get out and about. The photos are amazing, especially the last one. God is good in so many ways.

Becky said...

Just Beautiful! The fall colors have really "popped" here on Lookout Mtn. this year also! It has been a great year for fall color! Take Care.

Neal said...

Wow, those are absolutely gorgeous!!!!

trump said...

Betsy you outdone yourself with these pictures of fall, the camera seems to be a very good friend of yours and it shows. And i hope your coming along in your recovery. Richard

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous beauty, Betsy!!! The trees are on fire, and it has spread to the lake! I can't say that I have a favorite, they are all so beautiful! Aren't we so very blessed to live where we do??? I'm glad to hear you got out for a weekend ride, snapping again should raise your spirits!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos Betsy! Nothing like that around here where I live :-(

Take care and have a nice day :-)

And thanks for your recent comment on My Blog

The Retired One said...

Gorgeous Betsy! Ours have all been down for such a long time already! I miss them all over again when I see your photos. Been trying to read other's blogs, I am soooo behind!

carolina nana said...

Those a beautiful pictures, ready for a magazine !!! Glad you are feeling better but don't over do !

blueskyartist said...

Wow, beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Twilight Man said...

The photos are so awesome and beautiful. Honestly, my eyes moistened on seeing your photos as I miss the Falls in America and it is now my happiest memories that I carry with me.

Cicero Sings said...

Some absolutely gorgeous fall colors here Betsy ... don't think I've ever seen such intense fall colour!

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

OH Betsy!!! Colors of fall are my favorite colors..next to the spring coloring...I just cannot imagine what life would be like without color in our lives...Thank you so much for your love for others...in wanting us to enjoy what God has created for us....You are one in a million...