Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Roses in our Yard in July

I have been talking about many of our other gorgeous flowers (lilies, day lilies, etc. ) in our yard  this summer ---but have neglected to talk about more of our beautiful Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses blooming in our yard this summer.

If you missed seeing the other Rose posts so far,  click HERE.  There are 3 other posts besides this one for you to see (which were published before our June trip out west).  Today I will show you 7 more of our little beauties.  The one above is called DOLLY PARTON.







If you are new to my blog,  you may not know that we have 55 different varieties of Roses in our yard.  George is the 'keeper' of the Roses ---and I am the 'lover' of them!!!  How's that for the perfect job for me???? ha....  

To tell you how wonderful my hubby is to me,  I must tell you that he brings a rose in from the yard for me to enjoy inside every single day!!!  Am I not the luckiest gal in the world????

Have a great day... AND--remember to get out there and "Smell the Roses" wherever you are... Get out in nature and enjoy it!



Anonymous said...

The roses are beautiful and the fragrance must be heavenly. Have a nice day, Betsy.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, they are all gorgeous roses. The colors are so pretty, I can just imagine their scent. Lovely photos, have a great day!

Ms. A said...

I'm loving your Chicago Peace!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your roses are so beautiful - I bet your yard smells sweet!

Catherine said...

Your garden truly must be a delight for the eyes sweet Betsy!

Happy Tuesday!
xo Catherine

Karin said...

So partial to the yellow roses - as I had them in my bridal bouquet as well. Such beauties! I'm sure George must love roses too, to care for them so well! Thanks for sharing your lovelies with us! Enjoy your day!

Ruth Hiebert said...

What can I say?Each one is perfect and absolutely gorgeous.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

You are the luckiest gal in the world! The roses are beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

those are gorgeous! the peppermint splash made me laugh. how cute!

PCovi said...

You are the luckiest!
I purchased that peppermint one this year and have not watered as I should.
Yours are all so pretty! I must get busy and take care of mine.

linda m said...

your roses are to "die for". Lucky you!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are all gorgeous, I like the peace rose, it is glowing. so happy to know you bring them in. i love flowers in the house but will not spend the money on our tight budget. you are truly stopping to pick and smell the roses

diane b said...

They are surely beautiful, I like the Yellow one best. You are a lucky Gal to have a rose every day. I guess I am lucky too, I get dinner every night.Your header is stunning.

HappyK said...

As always your roses are beautiful.
I was out very early this morning enjoying nature. : )

Out on the prairie said...

The Kennedy rose is always my favorite for nice smelling. I planted one last year to honor a grandaughter, Audrey Rose Kennedy.I love all of these lovely shots.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Betsy, you have a really good thing going...George tending to the roses and you enjoying them! :D I think you are one lucky lady, but then George is lucky too to have you. I bet it gives him great pleasure to bring you a beautiful rose every day! He does a fantastic job in raising them...they are gorgeous!! BTW, I love your header!

Lola said...

Your roses are gorgeous. I can imagine how you garden smells. It is hard for me to make a choice of favorites. I love them all.
Have a great day & enjoy your time with your husband. Those times are so precious.

LV said...

How refreshing to see such beauty. Nothing is blooming here. The heat is getting much worse.

Lady Di Tn said...

You are one lucky woman just like I am. We got some romantic guys to share our life. Love the new header. George has a wonderful green thumb. Peace

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You ARE indeed a lucky (blessed) gal. You're married to a man with a talent for growing roses, for sure. And he loves you enough to "sacrifice" one for you every day. Sweet.

mudderbear said...

They are all so beautiful. And George is so romantic. How happy you must be.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I truly enjoy your roses each year Betsy, it must be such a joy to look outside and see all those different colors in your garden.
Sweet George, bringing you a rose each day, my husband brings me pieces of bushes that are in bloom, the last was a bloom from the Butterfly Bush, it was so fragrant in the kitchen :)
We're fortunate to have such caring men in our lives !

Janice K said...

So, so beautiful. I may have said this before, but you need to invent a "scratch and sniff" to attach to your website.

Have a happy day!

blueskyartist said...

55?! Wow! I have 4! Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos so we can enjoy your yard from afar!

Darla said...

I'm always impressed with your roses...and I would not be able to choose a favorite!

Beth said...

They're all beautiful! That's a lot of work to keep them up!

My dad would bring in a rose for my mother, but we only had one big rose 'bush' so she didn't get as many as you do. But she loved them all and the gesture left a lasting impression on me.

My favorite of these is the the Glowing Peace Rose. I like the gentle striations and mix of color. Next is the Chicago Rose: it doesn't have the noticeable striations, but neither is it a solid pink. However, for a solid color, I'd vote for the John F. Kennedy rose---that white is quite lovely.

A 'pick me up' post Betsy! Thank you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite today would be Glowing Peace!! Just checked out your Hoover Dam post, wow did you get some great shots, the perspectives are wonderful!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful series, Betsy! I can't pick a favorite.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yes, you are a lucky gal...but I think George feels equally as lucky. :)
I love all your roses...it is amazing how they LOVE the heat!

Twilight Man said...

I love all your roses esp the Dolly Parton and JFK. How did they get the names? You should create one and patent it as Betsy George!!!! I am sure that rose would look happy and colorful like your lives. Thank you for sharing.

Diane said...

Your roses are beautiful.
Roses are just the most wonderful flower and I love the gorgeous shades. Diane

Diane said...

Your roses are beautiful.
Roses are just the most wonderful flower and I love the gorgeous shades. Diane

Beth said...

Your roses are so lovely, Betsy! George does a great job with them---they look so perfect. It's terribly dry and hot here, so my poor flowers are a bit beleaguered by bugs and lack of water. You must have had more rain than we did! I'm praying for it now...

By the way, your Hoover dam post was wonderful! Great photos!

imac said...

Rose by photo and Rose by Nature, eh Betsy.

Fred Alton said...

I love roses! I just don't enjoy all the work required to grow them like Frances does. Yes, Frances would say that you are a very fortunate woman to have a man who will take care of them. ☺

Connie said...

You're a lucky gal, Betsy! Those roses are stunning. :)

Birdman said...

Your yard must smell wonderful. Why travel? hahahaha

Ann said...

The roses are all gorgeous. I think my favorite is the peppermint splash.
How sweet your husband is to bring you a rose a day. He's a keeper :)

Chatty Crone said...

You are indeed a lucky gal and I love the peppermint rose!

Kelly said...

Hi Betsy! Glad to see some of those roses! I have a lot of catching up to do. I have barely been home the past two months. Where on earth has summer gone! (I love your header...your trip must have been fantastic!!)

Arkansas Patti said...

They are so beautiful Betsy. You all must have an awesome water bill. I have had to neglect my flowers in favor of the veggies with water. Thanks for letting me see yours.

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful roses Betsy. I could never pick a favorite. It is so refreshing to see them in July, especially with this heat. I've had to water my flowers alot or they would be gone for sure...Susie

Loren said...

Betsy, your roses are BEAUTIFUL!! George is just so precious and I love how "in love" you all are! What an example the two of you are! Being given a rose everyday is sooo sweet...having such a variety in your own yard ~ WOW!!!

You are truly a blessed woman in many many ways ♥

Janie said...

The roses are all stunning. George is an amazing gardener.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Gorgeous Betsy...tell George that he did "real good"!!! I've always loved roses and having several around. The Japanese beetles love them too...I think I need to plant a few next year.
Have a great day and enjoy those beautiful roses!!!

Leontien said...

Hi Betsie!

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my withdrawal post! I am sorry to hear about your friend.

That you quit the caffeine, you get wrinkles from that stuff anyway, hehe!


SquirrelQueen said...

I'm just imagining that a walk around your yard is a treat for the senses, beauty for the eyes and a delightful scent for the nose.

They are all beautiful Betsy but the Glowing Peace rose is my favorite.

Sally Wessely said...

Does George hire out? I actually have thought about him recently as I have worked in my roses. I am self taught when it comes to roses, and I have a lot to learn.

My John F. Kennedy nearly died a few years ago. I keep working at saving it. I don't think it has bloomed this year. I planted it in honor of my mother who was born on the same day as JFK, a year earlier. Sadly, May 29th is also the date of my daughter's death. I hope I can nurse this rose back to health.

Sciarada said...

Buongiorno Betsy, I did a dip in beauty!
Have a good day!

Rose said...

I wish we had scratch and sniff computers! I do so love the smell of roses.

I have meant to tell you, I love your header shot. I think I noticed it the very first day you had it and keep forgetting to tell you that!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely, lovely! I have only four rose bushes, two of which are John F. Kennedy. Love those.

George does a great job with growing the roses, and you do a great job with the photos!

Lynn said...

Go George. What a guy! Seriously, that is such a lovely gesture each day. Love that peppermint splash! So delightfully different for a rose. I love anything just a bit "different", so it catches the eye in a surprisingly beautiful way. Blessings

Carletta said...

Beautiful photos of gorgeous roses Betsy!