Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anthony Chapel at Garvin Woodland Gardens, Arkansas

I posted a blog on this subject in 2009---so some of you might remember it.  However,  I have many different bloggers now than I did in 2009.  SO--I'm going to show it to you again with pictures taken from our last trip to Arkansas the end of March, 2011.

On our way to Mt. Nebo,  we took a side trip and stopped at Garvin Woodland Gardens.  If you missed seeing that blog and all of the beautiful flowers there,  click HERE.  The Anthony Chapel is next door to the gardens.  This gorgeous little chapel was designed by Fayettesville architects Maurice Jennings and David McKee.  The 5.8 million dollar chapel complex was funded entirely through private donations.  Begun in September of 2004,  the chapel was dedicated on Sept. 30,  2006.  It was named after benefactors,  John Ed and Isabel Anthony.  The chapel sits on a hillside overlooking Lake Hamilton.  As part of the complex,  there also are Bride's quarters,  Groom's quarters,  and a beautiful carillon.

An elegant blend of native wood,  glass and stone,  the 160 seat chapel is a serene sanctuary where visitors to the gardens can pause to meditate and have their spirits renewed.  I sat there and wondered how many weddings have taken place at this chapel.... I also thought how wonderful it would be to have been married there.  This is one of the prettiest chapels I have ever seen.  Pictured above is a photo of the chapel as we approached the door.

This was taken from inside the chapel looking toward the altar.  The dimensions:  138' long and 57' high. There are 9860 square feet of glass walls, and they used 4800 square feet of stone walls.

As  I sat and meditated inside the chapel,  I took my camera and pointed it straight up at the ceiling.... Amazing, huh?  There are 1230 square feet of glass skylights.

Here is a picture of the altar area. There were 126 tons of flagstone used in the floors and sidewalks.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of the chapel, taken from the altar --looking toward the door where we entered, at the back of the chapel.  There are 11,000 square feet of roof area,  and 65,500 square feet of structural lumber.

This is the Anthony Family Carillon.  It is the newest addition to the Gardens.  Composed of sixteen,  54 feet tall steel columns clad in copper,  the lofty bell tower welcomes visitors to the chapel.  The Carillon is played for weddings, memorials and other special events.

Finally,  here is a picture of the chapel from a distance.  It is very secluded and can barely be seen --even in winter when the leaves are not on the trees yet.

If you want more information about the Anthony Chapel,  you can google:  "Anthony Chapel,  Hot Springs, Arkansas".

Many of you know by now that my sweet little mother-in-law died yesterday morning, June 6.  Mom Katherine (Kay) Adams was 91 ---and she and Dad (who is almost 99) recently celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary.

Mom died peacefully at home ---and now she is displaying her gorgeous SMILE in heaven above.  George did a tribute yesterday on his blog.  Click HERE  to read his post if you didn't see it yesterday.  The funeral will be Wednesday in Hendersonville, TN.

I apologize to all blog friends for not visiting your blogs this week.  I luckily had/have all of my blogs ready to publish for the remainder of this week.  I'll catch back up with you and your posts as soon as possible, although we are also getting ready for a HUGE 3 week trip. Please don't give up on us!

Have a wonderful day,  and give those whom you love, a HUGE HUG today!


Unknown said...

great shots! great composition!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I adore this chapel. Such a gorgeous setting and an architectural masterpiece.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all in the loss of George's Mom.

pam said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and George.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This Chapel looks beautiful.A place of peace and tranquility.

Arkansas Patti said...

My heart is with you and George. Drive safely and lean on each other for strength. I will visit George's site now.

Out on the prairie said...

A lovely area, I had forgotten about this chapel.Sorry to hear about your lose. The unique part is the time you were able to share.

diane b said...

An amazing structure. At first I thought it was open but it is glassed in. A most beautiful chapel and in an ideal position among the trees.

amelia said...

I hope everything is going smoothly with all your plans.
I will be the only one to say something bad about this gorgeous building. While it is magnificent and it truly is, I wonder how many birds have been killed trying to fly through it thinking it's open like the trees...

Beth said...

I was in awe of this chapel when you posted it previously, Betsy, and I am in awe of it now. Tom and I have it on our list of places to visit someday.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and George. I am very sorry for your loss.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I Love this open air chapel, well it looks open! Glad you reposted it. Sorry about your loss.

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

I would love to just sit in that chapel for hours. Thinking of you.

TexWisGirl said...

this is an amazing place. i love how the architecture compliments the woods and trees instead of taking away from it. just awe-inspiring. yes, to have a wedding there would be magical.

don't worry about us. we'll be here whenever your life settles back down again. in the meantime, be with family.

Catherine said...

Sending George and yourself big hugs Betsy!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

truly the most beautiful chapel I have ever seen. i would love to see it at night. i saw a night shot when i googled it. a wonderful place to visit. one thing i am thinking is HOW do they clean all that glass? inside and outside boggles the mind.

I Am Woody said...

{{HUGS}} to both of you!

nanny said...

Such beautiful shots....and only a couple of hours from me. I have only seen it through your photos. Isn't that awful? I need to get in the car and take a day trip.

So sorry for you and George's loss but like you say, she' smiling in heaven now.

Looking forward to hearing about your huge trip!!!

Barbara said...

Wow that is just spelendid, my husband would love that

~mel said...

It looks so serene and peaceful there! I hope to see it in person some day ~ you're such a great tour guide:)

Beth said...

Incredible and awesome are just two of many adjectives that come to mind when looking at these photos. Just sitting in that chapel would be a privelege.

Blessings to you and George as you venture forth on this next path that is part of life. I will pray for safety, good memories, good moments with others who celebrate her, and energy and strength for this journey.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That is a beautiful chapel and your photos of it are wonderful, Betsy. Don't worry about us here in blogland, we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip to Hendersonville. Again, I am sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and George. I'll go check out his blog now.

RoeH said...

Now that's the way I'd like to go to church. I LOVE it! Anything with nature is home to me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You and George and your children have my sincere condolences. I lost my mom in 2009 when she was in her 90's. Have a good day in spite of this loss.

Janice K said...

At first glance at the first picture, I thought it was under construction. How wonderfully it fits into its setting.

Please take your time and don't worry about blogging. George's father will need you. God's Peace!

Diane said...

This is a beautiful chapel, I love the way it is connected to the outside by all the glass. And the timbers make it fit into the forest. Thanks Betsy.

Loren said...

My Uncle was married in this chapel and it is truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever been! Truly breathtaking! Was hard to focus on the wedding LOL because you are just in AWE of the chapel and all the beauty surrounding it....

Love and Hugs & Prayers for you all!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I do remember this chapel, though not all of these pictures. It is astounding. My favorite is the one taken from the alter. And that Carillon is really something. My prayers are with you and George as you travel on this sad trip.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That looks like an amazing place, and you showcased it well in your photos. So sorry to hear about George's mother's passing. This is going to be terribly hard on her beloved husband.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful series!I found this article and the link to the gardens especially interesting because I was stationed in Jacksonville, AR during the early 70s and I'm a University of Arkansas, Little Rock alum.

Glenda said...

Thanks for bringing back good memories; we've worshipped in that beautiful, serene spot, although it's been a long time.

May God wrap George, you, his dad, and the entire family in his arms.

imac said...

Amazing Chapel Betsy, I love it for its simplicity, but very Arty work.

Jane said...

My sympathy over the passing of George's mother. I hope that you are both doing well during this difficult time,


Cicero Sings said...

That chapel is really amazing. I love how it blends in so with the Creator's creation.

I'm indeed sorry to hear of Mom Adam's passing but at the same time I'm rejoicing for her and with her. It may have been her mortal heart that gave out but but I know her immortal heart is just bursting with all the wonders of heaven. Pa Adams will miss her ... as I know will the both of you.

Karin said...

I did recall that chapel from your past post - that's how long I've been here, lol! It is so stunningly beautiful! You two take care - have a safe trip. God bless you as you go through this valley of sorrow!

Chatty Crone said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.

That chapel in Arkansas is absolutely a gorgeous place to worship at. Loved it.

carolina nana said...

That is an awesome chapel.
I'm so sorry about George's mother. Blessings go out to him and you during this time.

Betty Manousos said...

fantastic shots of a beautiful chapel! and very atmospheric!

great angles, too!!

hope you're having a wonderful day!

betty cc

Diane AZ said...

Betsy, That is the most beautiful chapel I've ever seen. I would love to visit there sometime. Thinking of you and George during this difficult time. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Ms. A said...

My goodness, I've never seen anything quite like that.

Thought and prayers.

Janie said...

I love the design of that chapel. It's simply inspirational.
I'm so sorry about George's mother. I'll be thinking of you and thinking of her beautiful smile lighting up the heavens.

Tracy said...

The chapel is simply gorgeous; so many clean lines and a variety of angles...wow! thanks for sharing that!
Again, so sorry about George's mom. I'm going to the tribute he posted.thanks for telling me about it!
hugs to you and be safe tomorrow...

HappyK said...

The chapel is absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful place to praise God!!

Shug said...

Hi Betsy...
Blessings to you and your family today.

Now, my mind is going crazy...I have seen this before and just recently at that....I just cannot remember who posted a picture of it.
Such great photos and a wonderful place to visit I am sure..

Thinking of you all and hoping that tomorrow will find you with much peace..


Neal said...

Those are such beautiful photos. I remember seeing them the first time but it's always good to see photos like that again.

Ann said...

Gorgeous chapel. It's simply amazing.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and George.

Fred Alton said...

Overwhelming! Awesome! Looks like a great place to consider the handiworks of God.

Connie said...

Such a beautiful spot!

Hugs to you, Betsy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and George.

Lynda said...

That chapel is unbelievably beautiful! It is one of the few reasons I have seen to visit Arkansas.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful chapel! You photographed it so well too.

mudderbear said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your dear mother-in-law passing. It's never easy to release them from our loving hold. I hope you find peace and comfort with the love in your family. These things bring us closer together and remind us what is important.

I am trying to remember if the Anthony Chapel is the one my husband and I visited when he was living in Fayetteville, Arkansas a few years ago. It certainly looks like it, but I don't think the Family Carillon was there. Steve isn't here right now or I would ask him. I don't remember things anymore, especially names. But I bet it's the same one....very breathtaking. We loved it.

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a gorgeous chapel Betsy, it would be a beautiful place for a wedding.

Not to worry, we will all be here when you get back. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Pat - Arkansas said...

The Anthony Chapel is very similar to Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs; they perhaps have the same architects (I'll have to research). The Anthony Chapel seems to be a bit more "airy" and is very beautiful.

myonlyphoto said...

Betsy my sincere condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. That was a very sweet tribute to your mother in law by George. Thank you for sharing. Anna :)

Rose said...

Believe it or not, I do remember when this was posted before. I did not remember the name, though. Did not remember who posted it, either. And when Pat, the Arkansas Stamper posted about the wedding, I thought that that chapel was this one but could not remember who had posted this one....now I see the difference.

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm doing an architectural thesis on a Church Complex and came across this while researching. Thanks for sharing!