Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Garvan Woodland Gardens, Arkansas

The first day of our vacation was spent visiting Garvan Woodland Gardens near Hot Springs, AR.   One reason we waited until the end of March to make our annual trip to Arkansas was because we wanted to visit Garvan when the tulips were blooming.  WELL--we made it,  but glad we went when we did, since the tulips were almost at the end of their blooming period...

The last time we went to Garvan was March 9, 2009.  At that time,  the Daffodils,  Hyacinths, and Pansies were blooming.  This time,  the Tulips, Azaleas and Camellias were blooming. But overall,  the gardens were not as pretty as they were 2 years ago.  We didn't realize that Arkansas has been in a drought this year--and we could tell it.  BUT---the gardens are still pretty.  If you want to learn more about these beautiful gardens,  click HERE.   Hope you enjoy some of our pictures..

This shows just SOME of their rows and rows of Tulips.  They have a total of about 100,000 tulips during the 'tulip-blooming season'.  These were awesome,  and I also loved that beautiful red Azalea bush.

I loved this white Camellia blossom.  There were also red ones and pink ones --but somehow,  this white one captured my attention.

Someone will have to help me identify this gorgeous bush --with red leaves.  There were several around the gardens --and they were beautiful.

I love this photo of more of the Tulips.  We walked and walked around all of the paths taking a kagillion pictures!!!!!!  ha ha.... You just had to BE there to get the full effect!!!

Garvan Gardens is laid out with several waterfalls throughout the area.   You know how much George and I love WATERFALLS... We are certainly glad we got to see some on this particular day ---since we didn't see any the remainder of the week (due to the weather ---and the drought)... Speaking of the weather and drought,  I guess we should be happy for the people of Arkansas since they needed the rain they had while we were there.   We were glad to bring it to them... ha ha

I'll publish some more pictures from Garvan Gardens in another post...

Hope you have a wonderful day! I'm still enjoying the eagle births.. The 3rd eaglet finally hatched last night... Check HERE.


diane b said...

The fields of tulips are beautiful. I didn't realise they could grow under trees. It makes the gardens look so natural. Looking forward to more.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, what a beautiful place. I love how the tulips are growing nea rthe trees. Looks very pretty. I love the first shot wiht the bridge and azalea. Gorgeous photos, Betsy!

Beth said...

Betsy, that second photo looks like an impressionalist photo--the colors are surreal--incredible photo, friend!
I enjoy visiting gardens and even though Mike isn't in to them like George, he's begun to appreciate them.
I caught up on your last post. I really enjoyed the bit of history lesson telling us about Nelson's Dock. Beautiful coastline there and at the end. I was surprised at the dessert-like characteristic also--didn't realize that.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Betsy,I am speechless at all this beauty.thanks for being there and taking all those pictures.Now I get to go there as well,via your pictures.

Bobbie said...

Oh wow!!! This is absolutely beautiful!! Tulips are one of my favorites.. You must've thought you were in heaven on earth.

Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks for the teaser. GWG is on my bucket list and hopefully this year I will make it.
I just love the woodland settings.
I told you, you and George could hire out to drought states.
Thank you for the rain, we really needed it.

Unknown said...

This is the kind of place I dream about. Taking photos of the flowers. Beautiful.

linda m said...

What a beautiful place! The tulips were incredible. Thanks for sharing.

nanny said...

You are killing me with the beauty in my own backyard (so to speak) I've got to get out more/ha
The bush is a Red-Tip Photinia. They grow very large if not pruned. The new growth has the beautiful red leaves. Seems to be a very popular in Arkansas.

Larry said...

What a wonderful place... I'm glad you shared these photos... the tulips are spectacular! L

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those tulips are wonderful to behold. i have never seen that many in one place. i especially like the red ones with the two beautiful pine trees on either side, like the composition of that photo. a beautiful beautiful garden, glad they got the rain.

Kelly said...

....gorgeous tulips! Reminds me of Holland, Michigan (if you take out the trees!).

Rose said...

That must have been something to see in person...I love all those tulips.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I love the shot w/ the tulips in the trees... WoW! =)
That's a pretty waterfall, too!
My aunts & I drove up north to an old mill last weekend & when I rounded the corner & saw the waterfall... I thought of you & George! That's just so funny, too, cuz I don't actually know ya'll, but we visit each others blogs all the time & know at least a little bit about each others worlds! =)

amelia said...

I have never seen tulips in a setting like that before! Quite spectacular and so different to the plain old row upon row that is usually seen. Lovely!

Out on the prairie said...

Love those pictures, the tulips are really nice. I have a Dutch town an hour away that has a great tulip festival each year in May, but this may have them beat with all the other themes.I looked over the cabins yesterday at Nebo.Thank you for the lovely comment, I always enjoy hearing from you.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The beauty of the park, I cannot describe. Photos are so talented also....Yes always glad for rain after our drought a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the colorful garden with us - it is beautiful! Wishing you a good day friend.

Beth said...

Hi there, Betsy...sorry to be missing for a while. I've enjoyed catching up on your posts and am just amazed at the endless expanse of tulips in your photos. Lovely! I really like them under the trees like that. It almost makes you believe that they're growing there naturally. You have definitely convinced me to visit Arkansas someday...and hopefully we'll get to stay in those pretty stone cabins at Mt. Nebo!

Betty Manousos said...

Hi Betsy,
I just breathed all in and I'm ready for a new day.
Excellent captures of a lovely place.

Happy Thursday!

Betty Manousos said...

Oops I meant to say "breathed it"

Harriet said...

Beautiful place!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

Glenda said...

The bright, colorful blanket of tulips is breathtaking!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The tulips growing among the trees in such abundance certainly made for some stunning photos. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wow! Excellent pictures of your adventure in Arkansas. I so miss Camellia flowers. I had them in CA at two of my homes. It is too cold where we live for them. Have a wonderful day today!

KathyA said...

Those reds are truly BREATAKING!!

And I believe that bush is a pieris japonica.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing pictures of the gardens. The flowers are beautiful!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, Wow what a beautiful park. One of the reasons I love your blog is that you show such beautiful photos of places that I've never heard of or have seen. This is another place to put on my list. Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to more photos. Have a good day.

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shots Betsy. I love all woodland gardens. I have a small one but our extra cold weather has set everything on hold.
Our Tulips in the valley are barely blooming and we got snow yesterday. I am fast losing hope so I will just enjoy your shots. MB

Carletta said...

Oh my goodness Betsy! These are beautiful!
Walking along the paths must have been a wonderful experience. You had me at the first picture. :)
The trees with tulips underneath and the pathways just seemed like a fairytale land of beauty.
It's hard to photograph white flowers but you did a wonderful job with the Camellia - lovely!
Have a wonderful day!

HappyK said...

Ah all those tulips are just beautiful. I can imagine how gorgeous they looked in person.
Wow the colors are fantastic.
Great photos!!

Darla said...

Those tulips are breathtaking!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The first picture is my favorite, because I just want to walk into it! An idyllic scene!! But the camelia comes close, because I may have seen one on a blog, but that's all. Never saw a real one, and this one is perfect!! When we went to the botanical Gardens last summer, it was the same. Nothing was blooming because of a draught!! And I had been looking forward to their wildflower garden, rose garden, and a bunch of others. This spring I will call first to find the best time to go.

Shug said...

Beautiful...Can you imagine how many Tulip bulbs are planted out there....Absolutely breathtaking...A gorgeous masterpiece painted by our Heavenly Father...

My dear sweet husband looked for the eagles on your post yesterday and could not find them at all....You have him spoiled to clicking HERE. He has so much enjoyed watching them...


Karin said...

Just love that dogwood header but my virtual walk through the park right behind you was a beautiful way to enjoy my day! So glad you shared your trip with us!!

Janie said...

The color is gorgoeus with so many blooms. What a beautiful place! Nice that they have some waterfalls for you and George to enjoy, too.

LV said...

No wonder you enjoy going back there. That is truly a lovely area. I have never been there. My sister and I will have to plan a trip next spring.

Mark Kreider said...

What a joy it must be to see everything come to life in such a big way. We're just seeing forsythia beginning to open. That camellia is a jewel. Very fine photos indeed!

Ann said...

all those tulips are gorgeous. What a beautiful place to visit. It seems so strange that their tulip season is almost over when ours hasn't even begun yet.

Connie said...

I love the tulips, Betsy! They are just spectacular! Thank you for sharing the pictures. :-)

mudderbear said...

Hi..I love the walk around the gardens. It's so woodsy where you live. Did I ever mention that my husband and I lived in NW Arkansas for a few years. I loved it. You could drive in any direction and see so much of Nature's beauty. Your photos are really a treat, as is the video of the eagles. Thanks so much for sharing.

Diane said...

This lookes like an absolutely beautiful place Betsy.

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, i guess you are already fully rested by now! Your lots of friend-commenters are always around. I saw tulips the first time in Sweden, and they are just weeds under trees almost like that, but they are not tended there. It was so amazing, how much more if they are growing like that. Is that waterfall manmade, the water seems so little though. Happy eagle caregiving!

Sally Wessely said...

The tulips look absolutely amazing. Last year we were in Holland to see the tulips. My husband go sick and was not able to go with me to see the gardens. I think I will just have tell him he must take me to see this beautiful garden in Arkansas. Thanks for sharing.

carolina nana said...

Tulips are really pretty flowers in all the colors they come in.
I've noticed that they apparently don't like rain as mine lost all their petals when it rained on them.
Have a blessed tomorrow

Unknown said...

LOVE these beautiful woodland pictures with the flowers and waterfalls. They are almost captivating enough to take me away from the noise of my darling Tall Guy snoring in his chair! ;-) Time to herd him upstairs. Thank you so much for sharing, and yes, I am keeping up with our eagle family. Those eaglets are pretty serious head bobbers! ;-)

SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy, it's like a sea of tulips with waves of color. Even with the drought looks like you got to see lots of blooms.

We are have a cold spell with temps around freezing each night, it's really slowed down the blooms here.

penny said...

I love how natural and informal the flowers look growing under the canopy of trees. Garvan Gardens is a magnificent place.
Thanks for sharing the beauty, Betsy.


Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely photos of the gardens, Betsy. Arkansas can be proud of Garvan Woodland Gardens; it's a wonderful place, year round. Did you know that it once was accessible only by boat?

Mary said...

Oh, my....this is absolutely gorgeous! What a great place!

Lynda said...

I believe that is the Red-Tipped Photonia. We one of those in front of our house that we cannot kill - - but have to because it is damaging the foundation.
The tulips are so very, very GORGEOUS!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Betsy,
That sounds like a fun vacation. I enjoyed your beautiful photos. I love flowers and waterfalls, too.