Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Interesting Sky Pictures from Arkansas

On our recent trip to Mt. Nebo, Arkansas  (click HERE for more pictures from that trip),  we have talked about the weather that week ALOT.... ha....  Anyhow--every single time we go to Mt. Nebo,  we love to take both sunrise and sunset pictures... This year was a huge challenge...   BUT--as things always seem to work out for us,  we did manage to get some very interesting and 'different' pictures this year. Hope you enjoy some of our 'sky' pictures from Arkansas.

Above is probably the closest thing to a SUNRISE we saw all week.  A couple of mornings, we didn't even try since it was so cloudy.  BUT --two other mornings we got up early to see the sunrise at Sunrise Point,  but the fog and clouds definitely got in our way!!!!

This beautiful picture of the fog (mist) in the valley below was gorgeous --as we sat there at Sunrise Point waiting to see the sun!!!   You can see some lights in the valley --but what I loved was seeing all of the fog.

Here is one last picture taken from Sunrise Point --showing the fog in the valley,  and the pretty morning color in the sky.

We had a little better luck with getting some SUNSET pictures than we did sunrise.    From our cabin,  here is the beginning of a very pretty sunset.

I love this picture, also taken from the cabin.  There is always something special while watching a sunset when there are lots of clouds in the sky.... LOVE it.

This picture was taken on a very foggy afternoon.... I love seeing the sun through the fog --and also reflecting on the rocks outside of our cabin.

Here  is another good picture of the sun as it begins to set ---while peeking through the clouds!!!!  It was awesome to watch this while sitting on our back porch at the cabin.

Finally,  I saved the best 'til last.  At least,  it is MY favorite.  We drove to Sunset Point one evening for some pictures.  The sun went down behind the clouds --but all of a sudden,  the sunbeams just jumped out at us... Is this not awesome???? Wow!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our Arkansas visit photos.

P.S.   Did anyone see that tremendous Hallmark Movie on CBS last night,  entitled "Beyond the Blackboard"????  As a former teacher,  it made me proud to be in that profession.  Hope you saw it!!!


ratieh said...

last pic..my fave!! when i went to Dumai, i saw sunbeams like that too. unfortunately, i didn't get the pic. -__-"

btw, how are Betsy? miss u so much!
*hugs* =D

ratieh said...

oh, i almost forgot..Happy Easter!! ^^

Lisa said...

Hello Betsy,

Wow these are truly amazing pictures, you must be having a grand, grand time, and that last one, was so beautiful and amazingly I just posted one almost exactly the same at my post rest, rainbow and sunday (one post before USA, USA).

I am in this blog challenge where I blog daily in April, so :)

diane b said...

I must keep my out for that movie here. Love your photos from the top of the world. I love the last one but also the foggy sunset with the big tree.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks for sharing such gorgeous photos. That last shot is stunning. Hope you enjoy a great Monday.

June said...

Love them all. I like the ones of the foggy valley below and the cloudy sky above, with the sun still coming through.
A metaphor for life, isn't it?

Ruth Hiebert said...

The fog gave some amazing pictures.I think these images have a quiet beauty about them.I love those sunbeams in the least picture.

Connie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I love that last one too. So pretty! I hope you had a lovely Easter. :)

mamahasspoken said...

I like the first picture best. It's like a glimce of heaven thanks to the clouds.

Out on the prairie said...

Very charming pictures, the last with the virgo shooting out is great.I recieved some nice info from them about the state, and there is a lot of nice areas to explore.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love all the pics but the fog was one of my favorite! Then again I love the sunbeams too. Will have to look for that movie when played again

Janice K said...

Some of those sunrise pictures almost look like they had been taken from an airplane. All are very unique but that last one is definitely a "WOW!"

Dorothy said...

Good Morning, Betsy! Love your sky pictures. We saw the fog in the valleys like that in the Smokies and I just loved looking out over it. That last sunset picture is a beauty!

Reanaclaire said...

wow..i like the last picture best!! so awesome..how did you manage to capture that...

amelia said...

My favourite is the second picture. With the lights just peeping through the fog in the valley. I'd like to hang this one on my wall.
What a beautiful place it must be!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorites are the two above your favorite. they are all gorgeous and I love the sunrise fog. but those two really speak to me. looks to me like you could not have had a better sunrise or sunset. fantastic shots all of them

Busy Bee Suz said...

The sunbeam shot is just amazing Betsy.
I also loved the cloud covering the ground....gorgeous shots!

Rose said...

No, I did not see the movie, but will check netflix for it.

I love all these shots, but my favorite is the third up from the bottom. It is just simply beautiful.

Larry said...

Lovely photos! Larry

Snap said...


Karin said...

Each photo has its own amazing beauty and I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite! It's a gorgeous place to spend time and drink it all in - the morning mist, the valley, the sun - coming or going and those fantastic beams! Loved it!

Catherine said...

Those are some fantastic sky shots Betsy!!

Have a happy week!
xo Catherine

Small City Scenes said...

Love the fog---it offers so many different photo ops. and you did great. Yes I would say the last picture is amazing. MB

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are beautiful, Betsy, especially the last two. I did see the movie last night and thought it was one of the best Hallmark movies I'd seen in a long time. A good teacher who really cares about his or her students can really make a huge difference in a child's life.

Beth said...

These are absolutely stunningly beautiful. I see your point about the last pic, but my favorite is the 4th one from the top and 4th up from the bottom. I'm not sure why--I just like it best.
I forgot about that movie and I so wanted to watch it. I hoped I'd get some pointers for dealing with some of our kids. I'm so sorry I missed it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Yes, I agree with your choice for best. Have a super nice day today!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I'm all about light, but today my favorite picture is the first one!!!! You and George sprouted wings and took pictures standing on the clouds!! It is a fabulous perspective! I also love the second one!!! The sun rays are great. I find them almost impossible to capture, as they wash out no matter what my camera setting is.

Neal said...

That last picture is my favorite also...just gorgeous. I like all the others also. Very nice set of pictures!

Diane said...

That IS a fantastic shot Betsy. I bet you were so tickled to have such a beautiful show! Perfect one for Easter, isn't it. Have a great day, Diane

Darla said...

Love all the blues in the photos and yes that last photo is perfect...could have easily been a sunrise service photos...Pinks are a dianthus...yes, that is a dianthus in my header.

Together We Save said...

Your pictures are amazing, as always!!

Anonymous said...

♥Nice post.) Love your blog.))♥

Velvet Over Steel said...

WOW, those are all so breath-taking and Amazing pictures of our unpredictable sky!!! I think you could make a lot of money framing and selling these!!!

Have a wonderful week, Betsy!!
Coreen XOXO

HappyK said...

Amazing pictures!! Unbelievable how the sky is so different from day to day and moment to moment.
No, I didn't see the movie.

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, the skies at Pt. Nebo sure were beautiful when you were there. I love the fog - I don't see much of that here in the desert. And of course the sunset with the sunbeams is awesome!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

So very lovely...m..

Cheryl @ TFD said...

One word..."WOW" Simply beautiful photos. I love the 2nd and 3rd of the mist/fog and the last one of the sun rays is great, too. They are all really wonderful and I would be framing a few of these if they were mine. Okay, that was more than one word, but I just had to try to convey how wonderful these photos are and thanks for sharing them!

myonlyphoto said...

Betsy visiting from Georges blog :). The photos of the sun sets and sun rises are always very interesting when dressed with fog or clouds. They add sense of mysticism to the whole picture. I enjoy sun, but sometimes I need no sun days to relax. Beautiful captures. Anna :)

Shug said...

Outstanding photos. love the foggy afternoon picture and the one just below of the sun setting...Can only imagine the beautiful view if the weather had been sunny all week..always enjoy your post1

Anonymous said...

They're all beautiful, but you're right, that last one is WoW... I l♥ve the sun rays beaming out! =)

They've raised the flood threat from major to record severity... now, that's scary! Every time they come on the radio they talk about another section of the river levee breaking... I probably won't be able to work tomorrow... YiKeS!

Anonymous said...

PS I don't mean to sound so negative, I'm just worried, that's all! At least I don't have to evacuate my own home... THANK GOD!!! =)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Hi Betsy...
Did you realize that you are painting glorious landscapes with your camera...and I do mean glorious~!!!

Ann said...

You may have had a lot of fog and clouds but it didn't stop you from getting some amazing pictures. I love them all, each one has it's own wow factor to it :)

Unknown said...

The first pics could have been taken in California overlooking the ocean. LOVED the last pic! A great Easter picture!

Cicero Sings said...

Some very lovely shots!

Shelley said...

Excellent photos Betsy, made me feel like I was looking into the heavens! Last photo was my favorite too! Hope you and George had a lovely Easter!
Big Hugs,

SquirrelQueen said...

You and George saw some amazing skies on your trip. The last three photos are gorgeous but my favorite is the third one from the top. I love all the textures and different shades of blues and pinks in the fog and clouds.

Tracy said...

That first photo looks like you could step right out and walk on a cloud...I like it and I also like the silhouette of the tree with the moon; so lovely!
I actually didn't see the movie last night; but I did hear it was good so hopefully it will be on this summer and I can record it.
I hope you had a blessed Easter!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, I loved your foggy scenes, the sky and valley are beautiful. Gorgeous photos.

LV said...

Regardless of the weather, all these shots are breathtaking. I love the one with the tree and the sun in the background. Arkansas has a lot of pretty scenery.

Anonymous said...

These are all simply stunning photos of sunrises and sunsets! And the last is my favorite too! What a wonderful place to go, thanks for taking us along!

Lola said...

Great pics. Sorry I missed the movie.

Sally Wessely said...

Your last photo was spectacular! I missed the movie also. I wish I would have recorded it for later.

~mel said...

Thank you SO MUCH!! for sharing your Mt Nebo experience once again with us fellow bloggers. You KNOW I'm a huge fan of Mt Nebo since I followed your path and visited it in person. It really is a special place ~ and don't you just LOVE IT WHEN GOD PAINTS!!!! AWESOME!!

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

Great snaps.. Hope you had a nice Easter time.. My wishes!

KathyA said...

Just lovely!!
It almost looks like one could dive onto the clouds in that first pic, doesn't it?

Lynda said...

Love those last three the most!