Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tulips and More...

I took more pictures in our yard today ----so of course, I just HAD to show you... So much has changed ---even in two days! Above is a picture of some more of the Tulips blooming in our side flowerbed. Below are more...

The Phlox look pretty in our big rock bed beside the driveway. When we purchased our home and moved here permanently in 2003, we inherited a rocky, dirt, no-grass, steep, ugly area from the driveway down to the lower side of our yard. We knew we needed something growing in that area ---so we started out with the Phlox, Semps, Pinks, Candytuft, and then added our favorite ground covers, Periwinkle and English Ivy. It's taken several years, but this area finally is beginning to look really nice.

This is some of our Candytuft (Iberis) --in the same big rock bed. All of the colors in this bed now really have added alot to an area which used to be bare and ugly. Any gardener will tell you how much work goes into trying to make your yard look good---and many times, it takes YEARS.

I just had to include this picture of the pretty two-tone red/white Tulips---with some Periwinkle blooming in the background. Pretty, huh?

Here's a picture of our backyard---looking toward the golf course fairway. As you can tell, we have Periwinkle growing back there. NOTE: You can see the Bluebird nestbox in this picture also.

Here is the lower side of our front yard . You can see the empty lot next door. AND--you can also see one of our beautiful Redbud trees blooming.

Here's the upper side of the front yard. Our Pink Dogwood is beginning to bloom.

Finally, and I think I saved the best 'til last----here is our beautiful side flowerbed with Tulips and Daffodils blooming like crazy. The neat thing about this bed is that once the Daff's and Tulips are gone, we have Daylilies, Irises and Lilies coming next!!!!!! Yeah Rah!!!!

Now for the bad news!!!! We need your prayers for the next few days. There's some bad weather coming ---with storms and MUCH COLDER temperatures... I just pray that we won't lose all of this beauty!!!!!! Thanks for your help!!!!!!



Regina said...

How beautiful and delightful!
Thank you for sharing Betsy.

Kelly said...

Betsy....spring has definitely sprung around your place! I love all your tulips and periwinkle. Everything is gorgeous. Ours is in bloom too. We had horrendous rains last night and it's still raining now. I hope it has left a few bud on the flowers!

Beth said...

So beautiful, Betsy! I especially love the creeping phlox climbing over the rocks, along with the periwinkle. My mama always loved creeping phlox---she called it "thrift."

Our peach and pear trees have finally bloomed, but I'm a bit nervous about the coming cold snap. Seems like we've gone from winter to summer and now we're going back to winter again. I will pray, along with you, that we won't have a hard freeze.

Anonymous said...

I like your flowers, Betsy. Your periwinkle color is about the same color as our phlox.

Enjoy this day. It was your future yesterday.

Nina said...

Oh such beauty of Spring! Truly an awakening of sight and soul. Your gardens are beautiful and oh so colorful. We are still fairly brown here in western NY but there are splashes of color popping up all over. As always, thank you for sharing the beauty you have inside and out. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

(I am out of my element as I humbly ask for you to visit the Next Top Author site. If you like what you hear and read, please vote for me and pass along the information to all you know:
Thank You..Blessings to you and yours.
Love and Light, Nina Pauline)

Laura said...

Your yard is just lovely.
I have so many questions.
Are the plants you mentioned, other than the tulips, perennials?

I live in deep South Texas- zone 9, and I am investigating adding perennials where I can.

Enjoyed visiting-
I am now a follower.

White Spray Paint

Come see me if you have time.

Catherine said...

So much wonderful color in your garden! I will be thinking of you and hoping Mother Nature is kind to you and the storms and cold temprature pass you by!


Connie said...

Your yard is looking quite lovely with all the colors, Betsy! Thank you for sharing the pictures. I hope the weather doesn't cause any problems for you.

Anonymous said...

It is in the 50s here today and they are telling us we may have frost the next couple of nights. I will try to cover some stuff I guess. You are further south, maybe you will miss it. Your flowers are just beautiful. I love the phlox. One of my favorite flowers. I hope the frost does not get you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree, the last picture is my favorite. But I am also interested in the unusual looking rock border. Did you buy rocks that were already shaped that way? Next favorite is the periwinkle with the matching bluebird box, how cheery and lovely!! We are to have thunderstorms starting this evening, but they say they will be gone sometime in the morning. The temps are then to lower for the rest of the week, but only into the 60's, which is pretty normanl for this time of year. Is your forecast worse? Oh, my, I hope not!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

So much beautiful color!!!!
The only color in my yard is the weeds. :0
I hope your pretties fare well in the cold snap to come.

Joe Todd said...

I don't even want to think about a cold snap.. You sure have a beautiful yard..

diane b said...

I can see a lot of work has gone into your garden and it is looking beautiful. You must be very proud.I certainly hope you don't get bad weather to spoil it. Good luck.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have a wonderful and lovely yard. I am thinking it took lots of planning and planting and elbow grease to keep it this way. i see the rock wall that fell from the water is back to normal looking.

Sunny said...

I'm amazed at how much is blooming in your yard. I can't wait for spring to get to mine!
Your flowers are just beautiful.
Sunny :)

Sarah Knight said...

Looks very pretty : )

(and your yard looks impeccable! I'm a bit lazy when it comes to the whole "weeding part")

nanny said...

I can see all of the hard work you have put into your yard and it is just beautiful. I'll bet people drive by just to see it.
We had the bad weather yesterday afternoon and early evening! Hard rain and it was gone. At least it washed the pollen away....
I do hope it doesn't damage your flowers....Let us know.....

Janice K said...

It is obvious you two put a lot of work and love into your beautiful yard. Our daffodils were extra nice this year;however, we had a cold rain last night that took out most of them. The tulips are just starting to open and so far the deer haven't found them...Yea!

Anonymous said...

OH Betsy, I love the tulips, of course, but I also love the Phlox! It's just so pretty!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, Those periwinkles are a perfect contrast to the bulbs and the grass too. We have colder weather here too. Temperatures overnight will be in the 20's. It won't hurt the bulbs and probably not the perennials if it doesn't stay below 25 for very long. Usually the cold weather makes the blooms last much longer.

Kirigalpoththa said...


Snap said...

Betsy, you and George have worked so hard on your yard/home and it shows! Everything is just beautiful, the color spectacular! I'll send a few dragon vibes your way for a *friendly* storm ....

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Your yard is alive with Spring. I just heard someone say the S--- word for tonight and 38F.

Cicero Sings said...

Snowing and blowing here today!

Don't the deer chomp YOUR tulips??

Diane said...

Always something to cause a person to bite their nails. Your flowers are beautiful, Betsy. I'm especially fond of sideyards, they seem so cozy. Hope you escape the storm. Diane

I Am Woody said...

I LOVE tulips!!

Deb said...

Your yard gets more beautiful every day!

Cedar ... said...

absolutely lovely!

Glenda said...

You and George really know how to make a yard look beautiful, and you have such a wonderful variety of flowers and trees! I know you put lots of time and energy into it - and I'm sure you get much satisfaction and JOY from it!

Small City Scenes said...

So pretty, Betsy. You guys really made a barren spot beautiful. I like Creeping Phlox. I think I will get some to add to a bare spot in my Woodland Garden. I name all my areas.

Regarding have the young man staying with me: We all are products of our home life and oh so true when a teenager spends time with you. LOL. I just hope he went home with some positive ideas. MB

Cheryl said...

Oh my, I am in such awe over your beautiful flowers! Everything is just gorgeous. Your home and yard shows all the love and care you two have put into your home. Sure hope that the cold will skip right by you!

Diane AZ said...

You have a joyful garden! So many colors from the pink dogwoods and redbuds to your tulips and periwinkles. All around a beautiful show!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...


Together We Save said...

Beautiful!! I hope the cooler weather is not getting to them!

Anonymous said...

Lovely yard with all the flowers. I have been by to visit several times but I could not get your blog to download or comment! Thanks for stopping by mine!

Big Dude said...

Looks like spring is coming to the plateau

Unknown said...

Betsy you have inspired me to plant some spring bulbs later this year!! Your garden is a riot of colour and beauty, you should be very proud.

I also love your redbud, we see alot of those around here too.

Take care x

Tina said...

Wow, what a yard you have...how nice! You guys must work hard everyday to keep all your flowers and scrubs looking so nice! I remember that wall that Geo put in last yr..so nice to see all your hard work pay off! Nice Post!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I think my favorite is the Two-toned Tulips against the Periwinkle.This contrast is gorgeous.I so hope that the frost will stay away.

Anonymous said...

Your flower beds are all lovely. I LOVE that rosebud tree; it is very pretty. We're expecting cooler weather up here too.

The Retired One said...

Betsy: Your yard is gorgeous...and all those spring flowers are wonderful..my tulips are just poking up now and we got 2 inches of snow last night!!! (Sigh). Wonderful photos of your flowers!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

We have freeze warnings tonight here also Betsy...makes me want to run out with a big ole tarp and cover everything up and hug it all night...instead I'll bring my one houseplant in and go to bed...
These photos are gorgeous...your yard is beautiful and I can tell how much work you've both put into it...

dot said...

Wow, what beautiful flowers ya'll have. I especially like the perriwinkle. There must be a lot of work to do in your yard.

Dorothy said...

Gorgeous Flowers, Betsy!!! I don't even want to THINK about temps in the 30's!! I'm ready for it to be Spring! I hope it will stay waaaaay up north and not ruin all the beautiful flowers!

Jeanne said...

Wow - somebody's been working hard! I love all the ground covers you have. Beautiful pictures! Good luck with the cooler temperatures.

Cassie said...

Oh Betsy, your tulips and yard are just fabulous! You two must put tons of time into making it so appealing. Have a great weekend. (I put my Sunday & Monday posts on a timer since we'll be on the road.) X-C

Rose said...

Betsy, they are beautiful...all those flowers are eye candy!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betsy, your yard is absolutely beautiful. I also have tulips, periwinkle, candytuft and phlox. We have had two cold fronts move through with heavy rain, snow in the mountains and the winds I showed in yesterdays post. Our temps are near freezing at night but some how all of my flowers have survived and look as beautiful as ever. I'm hoping yours will also.

PS, your photos look gorgeous, the colors are very bright and crisp.

Mary said...

Your flowers are so pretty! I bet you have people walk and drive by just to see them. Hope the bad weather misses you.