Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tea for Two.....

Just so my 'other' birds (besides the Bluebirds) won't get totally JEALOUS, I thought I had better feature some of the other 'pretties' at my feeders recently... Above are my two Mourning Doves who clean the deck floor for me--so that I don't have to sweep very much! Doesn't it look like they are dancing???? "Tea for Two--and Two for Tea"........

I focused on the back one this time ---since he was 'cocking' his head---telling his friend that she wasn't dancing right!!!!! Male Mourning Doves have a bluish head and a rosy colored neck/breast. The female is much browner in color.

The male Goldfinch is showing off his beautiful yellow color now.

Here's another picture of a male Goldfinch at the birdbath.

The little Downy Woodpecker loves to come to the nearby trees and wait for a turn at the Suet feeder.

This is not a great picture ---but I included it since I seldom get a picture of a Downy Woodpecker from the front like this....

This is one of the best pictures I have gotten of one of our White-breasted Nuthatches. These guys love me since I put out peanuts JUST for them. They will go back and forth to the plate feeder --until all of the peanuts are gone!!!!

Finally, this is one of the best pictures I have made of one of our Carolina Chickadees. When I was sitting at the picnic table on the deck watching the Bluebirds going in and out of the nestbox, the Chickadees, Nuthatches and Goldfinches would go to the feeders --even with me out there. That's how I got some good pictures from outside.

I did see two new birds (LIFERS to me) this week---but didn't get a picture yet. They were ground feeders in my backyard. One was a male Cowbird and one was a female Cowbird. I hope to see them again --and get a picture sometime.

So far (thanks to your good thoughts and prayers), we have missed the worst of the storm --and I don't think our temperatures will go down as low as we once heard that they would...... Yeah Rah!!!

Have a wonderful Friday.



Anonymous said...

I like your nuthatch picture. I have had at least one pair here all winter and they eat one half of one peanut at a time. It is no time and they come back for another half.

I think the sun or light has to be just about right for me to tell the male from the female mourning dove. Here, the males are after the females constantly. It doesn't take much feather color to tell who is who. But then when this episode is over the difference is harder to see.

Kirigalpoththa said...

The one with the peanut in his beak is the best photo!

Valerie said...

Yep I like the nut in the beak best as well! If I put out a plate of peanuts - I think I would be attacked by the squirrels. Between them and the deer emptying the feeders - I have to limit the number of times I fill them up.

I had attracted so many woodpeckers of late - I had to take a few days off from the suet feeder since one of my sons came down and said - mom - I think I woodpecker is pecking at the house!!

Loved looking at the birds in your shots this morning. On these days when I have to go to work - I love seeing all the shots before I go - just to start the day off right!

Have a good one.

Carol Murdock said...

Hey Betsy & George! Your birds are WONERFUL! We have some Doves hanging out in the chicken coop yard now that the door stays open all day! They love that corn scratch. I hope all your flowers are OK, they are GORGEOUS!! XOXO :)

Darla said...

Great captures here. We are having a cool down, sort of. Back to Spring like weather instead of Summer...for that I am grateful.

penny said...

I am in awe of the Goldfinch and its beautiful yellow color. Oh how I would dearly love to see one in person.
They just made my day, Betsy...thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos.
Have a fantastic day!

Catherine said...

So many lovely birds you have today! So glad the storm missed you ~ but did you send it up here? We seem to be getting it today! :(

Have a lovely weekend Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Love the nuthatch and the doves. I had two in my driveway yesterday. I had not seen them around here before and they looked like they were dancing, too. I think doves are such pretty birds. Have a good weekend.

Dar said...

LOL, I got a giggle out of your dove song...don't you just love when they start their mating dances. Doves mate for life, so I love seeing my pairs return. Some even stay all winter. Chilly this morning...at 14 degrees cold. Back to our 'normal' temps. for awhile. We are finally 'supposed to' get some rain next week. Keep your fingers crossed.
Lovely pics of all the birds. Love your background.
Have a great weekend and stay warm.

diane b said...

So many beautiful birds in your yard. I love the yellow finch, he is so bright.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Neat captures of the birds. I really like to see the Nuthatch. We have snow predicted for today.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of the birds. My favorites are the last two photographs. I sometimes sit outside on our front porch, wait for the birds to get comfortable with me out there, and then take their pictures. I've gotten some good ones that way. Another good spot from which to take pictures of birds is from our picnic pavilion in the back yard. We'll be opening that up for the season when it gets warm again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am delighted when the sound of the mourning doves echos back and forth and back and forth in our yard. we love them and their cooing speech with one another. nothing like it. they are not very smart birds, they like humans and are very trusting. they will sit and let the dogs almos walk on them, we shoo them away so they will not get hurt. love that yellow bird

Shelley said...

Fantastic bird photos Betsy! YOur chickadee was my favorite - such a cutie!! I think your bird photos get better and better with each post!

I Am Woody said...

I love the call of the mourning dove:)

Loran said...

Our goldfinches turn yellow before we get flowers but when they are all perched in the cedar tree they look like little blossoms. If I was a bird I'd want to come to your feeders!

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent bird pics, Betsy. They all look wonderful and happy you are so good to them. That is why they pose so nicely for you.

I am glad the worst of the weather passed you by. But did you have to send it out here. It has been windy and cold. We had a trace of snow yesterday. And this morning doesn't look any better although the sun is supposed to come out later today. It did yesterday too but the wind was icy.

Well take care, MB

Roses and Lilacs said...

I think doves are so pretty. Silvery taupe with that pretty blue eye shadow:) I always enjoy seeing blogger's bird photos.

Joe Todd said...

Great photos. Sun is shining today I'm heading for the woods LOL..

Beth said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I especially like the nuthatch and Carolina Chickadee photos.

I'm glad to hear that your temperatures are not going to be as low as you thought. We are still holding on to hope for the next two nights here. A freeze is predicted. I just pray it won't affect our beloved pear trees.

Deb said...

I can't get that cloose to my mourning doves but I love to listen to them coo. Happy Friday to you!

Pedaling said...

pretty blog look.
mmmm- green, love it - so fresh.

nice shots of the variety of birds.
too fun!

Busy Bee Suz said...

All the birds are cute, but I imagined the dove with his head cocked saying: "Why is that woman watching us???"
Have a nice "warm??" weekend!!!

Peggy said...

They are some very happy birds! Love the one with the peanut. Can't wait for my camera to arrive so I can take some photos but they won't be anywhere near as good as yours!

Diane said...

Great shots, Betsy. It's kind of interesting the different calls of the mourning doves and the eurasian collared dove. Have you heard both of them? Glad you escaped the storm. Diane

Snap said...

You are putting your new camera to good use! Lovely shots.

Together We Save said...

Those yellow finches are amazing!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

LOVE the pictures! Of course the doves are dancing!! There are two kinds of chickadees and ours is the other, smaller one. I can't think of it's name right now, but you remember when I posted it's pictures? Tiny with a short tail. We have a life list as well. We've seen a cowbird once, a long time ago. About that downey Woodpecker!! Check out my post from Sept.14, "One Crazy Bird". Maybe you have an answer for me.

Anonymous said...

nothing but black bird here

Diane AZ said...

Your dancing mourning doves and Carolina Chickadee are adorable. I'm glad the storm wasn't too bad.

nanny said...

Oh your pictures are once again, awesome! I do love the peanut picture. I put some peanuts in the suet holder, don't think anyone has found them yet...Don't you love to sit and listen to the doves? So peaceful!
Have a great weekend, Betsy

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,

Blue skies with billowy clouds today and in the 50's...just beautiful. I was ready for it since it has been trying to act like summer! no, no, no...Springtime please. :0)

I have lots and lots of doves here...it took them months of perching in the trees off my porches before they worked up the courage to come get the nuts and seeds....I've seen as many as 8 on the handrail at a time but there are dozens of them lined up around the roof every afternoon.

The pileated woodpecker are all over right now and try as we will they are just too smart for us to catch a good photo of them...one day [sigh]

Thanks for coming over to see me..always glad to see you. ♥

Stephanie ♥

NCmountainwoman said...

I also saw two cowbirds this morning. I hope that is not a sign of things to come. Glad the storm passed you by. Have a good weekend.

Karin said...

I enjoyed my bird walk at your place this morning! Absolutely stunning photos! Thanks for sharing!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy I am enjoying your birds so much.Glad to hear that the weather is not too cold.Keep those pictures coming they are great.

Rose said...

I just love mourning doves...just something about them. that is one of the best photos of a chickadee I have seen!

SquirrelQueen said...

I love all of your "other" birds. I am seeing a couple of pairs of mourning doves but they are staying way up in the trees and on the top of one of the utility poles. That little Nuthatch with the peanut in his beak is so cute, great capture on that one Betsy. I hope the Cowbirds come back so you can get some photos.

Glad to hear the storms passed you by.

Glenda said...

I'm glad the the storm wasn't so bad!

You got some really good shots! Aren't the doves so pretty? We have several that feed here, as well as the cowbirds. I love the shiny black/brown feathers of the male cowbird.

Hope you have a most pleasant weekend!

LV said...

I do not know how you do it, but you keep coming up with some outstanding bird features. They never stay still for me. Very nicely done.

Joy said...

Love that little chickadee. So cute.
I'm finally just now getting my hummingbird feeders up. I'm doing two this year so they won't fight.
♥ Joy

The Retired One said...

Love those mourning doves..we have them here too and I could listen to them coo all day long...nice bird photos of them all, Betsy! I am enjoying your posts of them.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy, you take the nicest bird photos! I have a mourning dove couple that sit on my garage roof and coo an coo while they wait for me to fill my bird feeder. They eat all the sunflower seeds that drop.

Glad the storm passed by without damage!

carolina nana said...


Mary said...

The birds are certainly active right now with all the mating and nesting going on. I hear a constant chatter when I go out! Good luck on the Cowbirds...wonder whose nest they are waiting to put their eggs in?

Carletta said...

Soem people don't like the cooing the doves do but I never tire of it. I think it's a lovely sound.
My hubby who isn't much of a bird watcher but knows I enjoy it and he fills my feeders for me. He noticed this week and asked me about the yellow finches. He is paying attention. :)
Wish you were here. I have crackles and cowbirds galore. Come on up!!!

Cheryl said...

I do love the mourning doves. I have a pair here. There is just something about them. You got some fantastic photos, I love the one with the bird and his peanut! Your backyard must be listed in the Birds Flight-Plan or something!