Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow Birds--Part II

Be sure to read Part I (click HERE) of my Snow Birds if you missed it yesterday. Today I will show you some more of these cold little birds trying to survive in winter. Above is a close-up of a little Goldfinch I showed yesterday. This little guy sat there for a long time --staying dry from the falling snow. Below are more!

I couldn't get a very clear picture of this guy, but was just happy to get his picture at all. This is a Dark-eyed Junco--and they don't come to the feeders very often. Actually, he wouldn't go to the feeders at all--but searched the deck floor for some 'spilled' sunflower seed. I first saw this bird on our winter trips to Arkansas. I 'thought' we must have them here --but I never see them --unless the weather is bad.

The little Downy Woodpecker came to the Suet feeder... He had to work his way through the ice and snow in order to get some suet. BUT--he did it!!!

All of my feeders (except for one in the front yard) are on the deck---outside this sliding glass door. There are a total of 7 different feeders out there. This is a typical picture of some of the birds on the deck (usually there are many more than this) ---scrounging for food as it drops to the deck from the feeders above. You can see all of the snow coming down out there!!!

This is PETE, my male Red-bellied Woodpecker... With that beak, he doesn't have any trouble pecking through the ice and snow in order to get some suet. (This one is for you, GINNY.)

You know that I just have to show you another picture of one of my Bluebirds. This picture is much better because it was taken on Sunday---and the snow had stopped and the sun had come out... Do you think Mrs. Bluebird is smiling???? WELL---since the clothesline wire is still icy, maybe not YET.

OOPS-----this is a mighty big bird!!!! How did you get in this set of pictures, Little Deer????? (Well---I couldn't help myself... I captured this guy's picture early yesterday morning along with 3 more deer as they were running through the yard belonging to our neighbor across the street. I liked the picture of them in the snow---so decided to share it today, along with the birds!!!!)

On another note, we did get OUT yesterday. It was our first trip out of the house since Thursday. The main roads are fine --but the back roads are still quite snowy and icy. I'm not sure when schools will be open again up here since we are in a large county with many mountain and back roads. We ran some errands, and it felt good to get out of the house for awhile.

Have a great Wednesday!



Darla said...

Love seeing your snowbirds...are you ready for the snow to be gone? I bet it was nice to get out for a while, ya'll be careful! Great deer capture...looks like you might need to get some more invisible fence for spring.

June said...

Your smart little goldfinch looks as if she's cuddled up in a big feathery comforter. Hm. I guess she is, at that!
What's ice and snow to a downy woodpecker? :-P Aren't they pretty little things with their crisp black and white?
His cousin, the red-bellied is just beautiful...birds' coloring is always so much brighter than bright! ...like Christmas lights!
Mrs. B-bird looks a little pursy-lipped to me. She's a persnickety little thing.

And the deer! Oh I love the little deer. We had a herd of twelve go dancing and playing by a couple of days ago. Wonderful.

Valerie said...

Love your birds, deer AND your snow - Stay warm and safe (on those back roads!)

Jayne said...

Love seeing your snow friends Betsy. All of ours is mostly melted now, though there are still areas where it is still on the ground. Streets are fine now.

diane b said...

I like the red headed woodpecker he is very showy. Their poor little feet must be frozen. Take care on those icy roads.Keep safe, keep warm. The deer looks gorgeous on the snow. I had a wallaby visit today and eat my plants.

diane b said...

I like the red headed woodpecker he is very showy. Their poor little feet must be frozen. Take care on those icy roads.Keep safe, keep warm. The deer looks gorgeous on the snow. I had a wallaby visit today and eat my plants.

Pedaling said...

i love Pete best.

i love seeing the deer around.
we get them here at our home, too.

beautiful images!

Big Dude said...

Forgot to tell you yesterday that I really like your title photo.

Arkansas Patti said...

Beautiful shots and I am glad you got my favorite bird, the Junco. I have tons of them here and they do tidy up under the feeders along with the doves.
Great shot of the deer. Love those "big" birds.

Busy Bee Suz said...

All your birds are so cute. I would never get used to seeing such beautiful deer all over the neighborhood. I would have names for them all. :)

Betsy Brock said...

Well, you know how much I love birds, so this post was a real treat! I could watch them all day! Gorgeous shots!

Betsy Brock said...

And....love that header picture! Now that is just TOO cute! :)

Snap said...

Snow Critters! (Including you and George!)

Harriet said...

The snow is beautiful but I think we are all ready for SPRING!

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shots of all the birds--ever that rather large four-legged one. I am glad you got to get out a little bit but I am sure you were busy at home with all the birds. teehee even George.
Excellent shot of the woodpecker. MB

Sunny said...

Hi Betsy,
Your birdie pictures are delightful. The little Goldfinch trying to keep dry is priceless. Great deer shot too!
We got more snow overnight and more on the way...I've had enough.
Love your header picture.
Sunny :)

Cedar ... said...

you are getting some outstanding closeups with your new camera! Love them! Surprised your schools are still closed,.. perhaps your towns don't have snowplows as there isn't enough need for them? So far we've not had to use a snow day at school. We get 4 each year in the calendar and if not used they will be added to spring break or Memorial Day weekend. :)

Dorothy said...

The bird pictures are great but I really like the deer since I don't get to see them often! Have a great day!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning Betsy. You are getting some wonderful bird photos with your new camera. Love the RB Woodpecker. I have one here I call Chuck:)

Loran said...

I'm loving your pictures with your new camera! But I especially like your new header. It is all about love!

Kelly said...

...you're really getting some good snaps with your camera! Love the red-bellied shot, and isn't it amazing to have a deer across the street!

Anonymous said...

What a complete picture. You are about as close to Nature as people get. Nice photos. Love that deer.

Unknown said...

G'morn, Betsy ~ We had a huge herd of deer go thru our backyard 2 nights ago but you can't get pics well in the dark, durnnit! I get so excited!!!

Love the birds pics ... we had 6" more of snow, altho only predicted 2" last night, a bigger storm Fri/Sat & then another Tues next week ... Yippee!!

I can only remember one bluebird ever spotted here. Same with the B. Orioles ...

Happy Valentine's
Have a beautiful day ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

I Am Woody said...

Man oh man, you are getting some fantastic shots with that new camera!!

NCmountainwoman said...

We still have tons of snow and I'm sort of hoping you will stop wishing for it! Lovely photographs of the birds enjoying your bounty. We can hardly keep the feeders filled.

Peggy said...

Hope I am soon taking bird pictures at my feeder! There is a beautiful big red headed woodpecker that visits a tree across the road from me. I love watching and listening to him. I know you were glad to get out of the house. I stocked up the pantry for the next one though they now are saying it won't be as bad.

penny said...

The deer must have spotted the birds enjoying brunch at your house and decided to check out your menu. It must be delightful to see so much wildlife come to visit.
Have a wonderful day, Betsy.

Diane said...

Love your birds, Betsy. You really are taking some great pictures with that new camera. The deer is beautiful against the snow, isn't it. Blessings, Diane

Connie said...

Nice photos, Betsy! I especially liked the one of Pete and the one of the deer too! Glad to hear you were able to get out and about. :)

Kirigalpoththa said...

i like that mighty big bird best!

Ginny Hartzler said...

GREAT post today! You got the picture of the woodpecker!! Yes!! It's so clear and sharp. I have never seen one except in bird books! Wonder why it's called red bellied with that red head? Maybe because there's already a red headed woodpecker. The deer picture was a lovely surprise!! He's right by your door!! Your camera rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Betsy, now I want a Rebel camera even more! These shots really are nice!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Great photos of those glorious birds Betsy...and the deer...are you enjoying that new camera???

The Retired One said...

Loved PETE! Wow!

I love watching our bird feeders too...they are all so cute.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The birds look great.I think the Red-bellied Woodpecker is my favorite from this bunch,but I do love them all.

Cheryl said...

Lovely photos of the cute birds! What a wonderful camera you have. I just loved seeing the deer photo!
Glad you had a safe travel yesterday.

Rose said...

I very seldom see the juncos either, except in winter. Then I bet I have at least a dozen or more, always under the feeders. Or almost always.

carolina nana said...

Hi Betsy, I ventured out today for the first time since last Thursday.The roads i went on were good and they had school on a 2-hour delay this morning so I waited until about 10:00 to get out. There is still a lot of snow around stores so you have to be really careful not to fall. Have a great afternoon Marilyn

Windie said...

I love your bird pictures. The birds are so colorful and beautiful. I invite you to come visit my blog. www.smile-windie.blogspot.com/

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Outstanding photos of the birds and the deer, so nicely done in your snowy world. We got an inch today so we are snow covered again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the OOPS bird. I have never seen a downy woodpecker, i have seen different red headed ones. these are both so cute and sweet and all the little birds in their snow covered condos

Together We Save said...

You have the best pictures!! Those closeups on those birds were amazing.

Betty said...

I love your little bird's and the dear is very cute. You got your snow and you look so happy in your header.
♥ Hugs ♥

LV said...

I hope the weather improves real soon. I am afraid you and George will catch cabin fever. You have made a lot of birds happy during all this bad weather. Be careful.

imac said...

You really got the hang of your new camera Betsy, super shots and the deer,

Karin said...

Thoroughly enjoyed my visit!

Joe Todd said...

Everything has been said but I still enjoyed my visit

Dar said...

Wow Betsy, You sure are having fun with that wonderful camera! The Juncos are ground feeders so I always throw a handful down for them. If you want the deer to feed in your yard, just throw some corn on the ground or build a box feeder. They will find it in no time and you will have photo opportunities galore. Great photos girl.
Bless You and George

EG CameraGirl said...

REAL snow birds. Nice shots, Betsy. The birds are lovely in the fresh snow.

Jen said...

Glad to hear you ventured out. That's a long time to be cooped up.
Love your bird pictures; I bet you are taking more and more now with that new camera! it's easy to do.

Jen said...

Glad to hear you ventured out. That's a long time to be cooped up.
Love your bird pictures; I bet you are taking more and more now with that new camera! it's easy to do.

Jen said...

Glad to hear you ventured out. That's a long time to be cooped up.
Love your bird pictures; I bet you are taking more and more now with that new camera! it's easy to do.

Mary said...

Love the deer in the yard! How nice! That's a great Red Bellied shot. I have trouble getting shots of Juncos. They are ground feeders and their pink bill never shows up well.

Unknown said...

That Goldfinch is Adorable trying to stay warm and dry! Great shot of the deer too, you are putting the new Canon to excellent use.

Cookie said...

Wow! That is a lot of snow! and a long time to be stuck in the house.
I love the picture of the deer and the bluebird. Idont' like woodpeckers! They destroyed too many trees in my yard. I have a feeling those woodpeckers think it's their yard, not mine.

SquirrelQueen said...

That poor little Goldfinche, he still looks so cold. I love the woodpeckers, they are beautiful. Great shot of the deer.


Janie said...

The red-bellied woodpecker is a beautiful bird.
Your deer sure isn't shy!
Great photos!