When the big storm came through here this past Friday and Saturday, I spent alot of time (and money) feeding the birds. They FLOCKED to the feeders ---and I kept the feeders filled for them... During those days, I took TONS of pictures of these little birds (as I'm sure you can imagine--ha). Some of the pictures are not that good because of the storm and dreary conditions. But---I have chosen several to share with you. I will divide them into two different posts --so that there won't be so many pictures on each one. Above is one of my favorites, a male Cardinal in the snow. Note the ice on his tail. Below are more.
The snow and ice kept covering up the suet... This little Carolina Wren waited for the Red-bellied Woodpecker to come first and loosen up the suet a little for him.
Don't you just feel sorry for this sweet little Goldfinch --sitting there on top of the deck railing in the ice/snow???? He took that sunflower seed laying in front of him, from the feeder to the railing so that he could eat it. But--he just sat there looking at it for the longest time. I can only imagine how cold he was, sitting on that rail. Poor thing!
Look how puffed up this little female Bluebird is... I take many pictures of Bluebirds --and love them all. But this little gal just looked so cold!
It was snowing like crazy ---and this little Goldfinch had a good idea. He crawled up there under the roof of the birdfeeder and stayed there for a LONG time. He wasn't eating --but was just staying dry!!!! Smart bird, don't you think? (Tomorrow I will show you a close-up picture of him!)
I need to put an umbrella over the seed plate and the peanut butter seed bell.. The snow began to cover everything up.. BUT--that didn't stop all of the birds (especially the Goldfinches) from digging in to find food!!!!
I am so glad that I am able to feed the little backyard birds ---especially in weather conditions such as this. Birds that have come to the feeder recently: Robins, Pileated Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, Carolina Wrens, Eastern Bluebirds, Cardinals, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches, Carolina Chickadees, Goldfinches, House Finches, Mourning Doves, and Dark-eyed Juncos. As you know from a previous blog post, Robins generally do NOT come to the feeders. But--even they have to eat!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday... We will probably venture out today to run some errands. We've been house-bound since Thursday!!!! We still have alot of snow --but the temperatures are warming up this week ---so hopefully, most of the snow will melt. Blog friend IMAC asked me how much I would love the snow after it had been around for about six weeks. I laughed and told him that I am ready NOW for the snow to leave!!!! I've had my SNOW now---so let's have SPRING...
A Pileated Woodpecker showing up would be like seeing the real Santa Claus. And the bluebirds. Wow. You are so lucky.
I will tell you that big difference in seeing the House Finch and the Purple Finch is two things.
The top of the male House Finch is brownish and not red. The Purple is red on top all over.
The Purple is a raspberry red color and once you see it there is a big difference in the color red on it and the red-orange color on the house finch.
I have never knowingly seen or photographed a Purple Finch here where I live. I have looked at thousands of photos I took of House Finches hoping just one would not have the top of his head covered in a circle of brownish feathers. So far, they all have. I have to go to Cornell Labs and look at the two species all the time to see if anyone has posted more birds but their bird pictures are not very good and some are old, very old.
I don't believe it! Betsy has had enough of the snow. And the outside girl has been housebound for a few days. You must be itching for Sring to come. You have such a variety of birds and the poor things do look cold. They are lucky to have your feeders to help them through the bad weather.
You mentioned you would rather be out hiking rather than visiting a museum. Well so would I, but when the temperature is nearly 100F it is too darn hot for hiking. We have to wait for Autumn.
Aww... poor little birdies but I'm so happy for folks like you that are able to put out goodies to keep their tummies full so that they can endure those cold winter days... bless you!
Beautiful photos!
Wonderful bird pictures, Betsy---you're doing great with your new camera. We got a lot of snow melt yesterday, and I was very pleased to see the sun and the deep blue skies.
Woman you and that camera are quite the pair! Awesome pics Betsy!
Get out and breath today!! I'm getting out too!! XOXO
They are all so cute.
I think you should open up an indoor aviary for them all...they would appreciate the warmth from the space heaters you could provide. :)
......I love your bluebird shot. Seeing the snowflakes falling in the background and the frosted line he is sitting on adds to the winter feel. You're so lucky to get bluebirds. For ten years we've been hoping, but no luck. Maybe this will be the summer they show up!
G'morn, Betsy ~ You have truly captured beautiful bird pics. Our little birds were like pigs in heaven at the feeders this weekend in our snowfall. I am posting a few of those pics today. I was so excited because the woodpecker that lives in my neighbors property somewhere came by.
Pop over for our giveaway ..........
Happy Valentine's ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
Wonderful shots Betsy. Blue birds look so ticked off when photographed face on. They crack me up.
I moved my feeders under the porch and they loved it but made a huge mess. That's Ok, cleaning up is my job also.
I got out yesterday which eased the cabin fever. Met a lot of friends also shopping for nothing... just wanting "out."
Since that outing, I am content to enjoy the snow again.
wow..u r a good photographer, Patty.. great pictures of the flock here.. God's creation..
It breaks my heart every winter seeing the little creatures fighting to survive and as much as I love winter, I'd do without it if the little things could live a bit easier.
We spend at least forty dollars a week and go through one fifty pound bad of black oil sunflower seed a week too.
I am outside daily many times, sweeping snow off feeders and keeping our heated birdbath clean and filled.
When we go to bed at night and it's twenty five or thirty below, I can't stop thinking of the tiny chickadees and the like, trying to make it though another night.
Betsy: Your new camera is doing a great job. I love how red/purple the Cardinals get this time of year.
I want to take your little bluebird inside my cabin and warm her up! So cute!! Yeah - I'm ready for snow to leave too! LOL! School is going great...looking forward to some free time this spring!
Excellent shots, Betsy. You new camera I am sure. I love the Cardinal--since we don't have them here. He looks so bright in the snow. The birds really do look cold--I feel bad for them and am glad you are feeding them. Even though it is quite mild here they birds zip through my feeders. The Stellar Jays show up and hog everything. And the Towhees just sit under the suet feeders specially waiting to grab anything that falls.
I am ready for Spring too. MB
Very special photos! Can't believe the little goldfinch didn't even make a dent in the snow! So you think you've had enough now, eh! Me too and ours probably won't leave until March or even April. Apparently it has snowed up here in every month of the year at one time or other. Love it only when it is freshly fallen. Please Lord, send the spring soon!
Hugs, Karin
I really enjoy your birdie pictures, the Cardinal is so beautiful against the snow.
I'm ready for Spring too.
Sunny :)
TY, Betsy for the name of that woodpecker ... wasn't sure in my book which one he was. Just love watching them all ... TTFN ~Marydon
Wow! Betsy, you DID see a lot of birds!!! The bad weather always sends them to the feeders. Can't believe you have had enough snow! Guess we won't get any, as usual. I enjoyed seeing you enjoy your snow!
Love the Cardinal!!!
Early wishes for a Happy Valentine's Day!
Wonderful pics!! I tried to refill my feeders but they were frozen shut!!
Wonderful pics!! I tried to refill my feeders but they were frozen shut!!
We get 'snow birds' here in Florida too but they are birds of a different kind...
and none are as beautiful as those at your feeders, Betsy.
Great pics as usual. Our feeders are very busy as well with the same bird varieties, but I can't get the close-ups with my camera, so I'll enjoy yours:)
Hi Betsy, I'm ready for the snow to leave too. We are getting a few more inches today with more coming midweek.
I felt sorry for my birds this morning. I always throw sunflower seeds on the ground for juncos and cardinals who don't like the feeders. The seed was covered with snow in a few minutes. It will be a hungry day for them.
Ah, the male Cardinal! I love em, their just so darn pretty!
Did you take these w/ your new camera? They look grrreat!
I truly don't know how birds survive winter, other than God's hand on them, of course!
I think you live in a birder's paradise, Betsy!
Poor birds.They are lucky to have someone who puts out good food.
We were doing similar work Betsy during our 4 day weekend here. I spied a Red Cardinal on a high wire but unfortunately was sans camera at the time.
BTW your new header is adorable.
The birds all look happy and well fed and Betsy looks very happy, too! Our snow is quickly going away...yeah!
Beautiful and fantastic shots !!! I hope everything is well !!
I am always making the comment we need to invent something and make a lot of money selling it on TV. you gave me and idea! a bird umbrella, how cool is that? love the little red cardinal in the snow. and each time i open your blog and your red and white and snow photo pops up at me with you in the middle i get a big smile on my face.
Oh brrrr for the birds and bless you for taking such care of them. Beautiful images of birds. You're doing so well with your new camera. I love your "warm" new blog look. (((Hugs))) Jo
I just hung my first birdfeeder at the cabin. Can't wait to see what shows up for meals. Megan has lots of birds at her feeders so maybe they will come on over and snack at mine.
Betsy, you not only captured beautiful pictures of the birds but showed how they were trying to cope. It has to be so hard for them. The little bluebird is spectacular. Enjoy your day.
Betsy, you not only captured beautiful pictures of the birds but showed how they were trying to cope. It has to be so hard for them. The little bluebird is spectacular. Enjoy your day.
Really super shots Betsy.
Well, Phil & I are birdwatchers, so I adore this post and really look forward to tomorrow's one. The ruffled up bluebird picture is funny, sad and touching all at the same time. I love the smart little goldfinch finding shelter where none of the others did! One bird we have never seen in person is a Carolina Wren. So I'm hoping you'll post a photo of that red bellied woodpecker, as we've not seen one of those, either. I think I'm going to be loving your blog posts so much that I should have bought you that new camera myself!!!!
Beautiful and fantastic shots !!! I hope everything is well
Work from home India
Besty I always love your photos of birds! These are heart rendering becasue it is hard not to feel sorry for them trying to find food with all the snow that many states has been getting. I'm so glad you are diligent about feeding them!
That little bluebird was looking right at you as if to say, "Can't you do something about this snow?" Too cute!
The male Cardinal is beautiful with its red colour on the pure white snow. Yes, snow is lovely, especially for photos, but the heat of summer is wonderful!
I love your header your smile makes me smile. All of your little birdies are so lucky to have you to keep their feeders full.
♥ Hugs ♥
Each time I fill the feeders, I am deluged with blackbirds and starlings. They can be quite naughty to the smaller birds, and I used to shoo them away, but they are all birds, so what the heck.
I am loving your pictures taken with your new camera, can't wait to see your roses up close and personal, I can almost smell them now ;)
Our snow is fading, but I've so enjoyed the nesting time ....
Birds in the snow is something I've only seen in pictures. You have some sweet captures here like the goldfinch staring at the seed on the railing and the goldfinch under the roof of the birdfeeder. My favorite is the puffy bluebird in the falling snow.
Betsy, your post today is a fresh of breath air to me here in cold Maine! What wonderful photos of the birds you've taken. They are so fortunate that you take such great care of them. Have a good time while out!
Hi Betsy, We got lucky last night as well and only had rain but with temps at 33-34 the rain didn't melt much of the snow,then it stayed cloudy the rest of the day so we still have plenty snow.You know what they say it is just waiting for another one!! Hope not, have a wonderful evening Marilyn
I love birds too and enjoy feeding them throughout the winter as well. Beautiful photos!
That red bird is a beauty!
Hi Betsy, beautiful birds, great photos, so much joy. I wanted you to know the mystery bird at our place has been solved: a juvenile Golden-crowned Sparrow.
I hope you have had a wonderful day. Diana
I like the photo of the little goldfinch huddling under the feeder's roof. He must have been glad for the shelter. You've captured the portraits of so many beauties here.
I don't know how any birds ever survive the winters. I wish I could somehow bring them all indoors to warm up.
Great photos Betsy!!
Beautiful photos!
Beautiful birdie friends!
We spend lots of time and $$$ on your birds too! Such a rewarding pastime.
We have many of ths same bird visitors at our feeders...We have a pair of Pileated but they have never come to feeders, lucky you!
Do they prefer millet, sunflower seeds or the suet?
Would love to see that photo!
Do you have a pet now?
How many squirrels have you caught?
Ready for the thaw already huh? Ha. Yes, it doesn't take long to get tired of it--I know the feeling.
Seeing that Blue bird in the snow seems so strange, since they don't seem to hang around our yard for the winters.
I love the picture of you in the snow.
We got six inches yesterday. It's so beautiful.
Thanks for posting the great bird pix--it brightened my day.
Lovely pictures, Betsy. Aw...I feel sorry for that little one curled up under the roof of the feeder trying to stay dry. He looks so cold there. I'm ready for spring too, but it won't be here for quite a while yet, I'm afraid. We got another half inch or so of snow today. Not much--but it just added more to what is already on the ground.
Betsy, I love your new header picture!!!...and love all those birds. I do feel sorry for them when it is so cold...when I put out feed, and it is so cold it is amazing the way they flock in the minute I leave.
I flew over an eagles nest with two eggs in it today ... but no snow!
how wonderful to have these beautiful critters to fill your days!
Yippee! I had never heard of a Carolina wren until I saw it on Abe Lincoln's blog...and when I scrolled down and saw your picture, I thought, "I'll bet that's a Carolina wren!" and it is!
I love cardinals, and bluebirds...and all of them! Someday I'm going to have lots and lots of birdfeeders. Someday when they won't be like a lure for the cat's use!
Great pictures, Betsy. Just beautiful!
Did I read that right? Betsy is getting tired of the snow. I'm like that too, I like it for a little while but then it should go away.
Great photos of all the little birds. The little Goldfinches look so cold, poor little things.
Loved loved loved that bluebird and Cardinal!
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