From December 10-12, 2009, George and I were in the Brevard, NC area doing some hiking and searching for new waterfalls. It was a cold, icy trip ---but PERFECT for hiking and 'waterfalling'. During the three days we were gone, we saw a total of 23 waterfalls --with 16 of them being new ones for us. We have now seen over 400 different waterfalls since 2001.
Recently I showed you pictures from Looking Glass Falls and from Slick Rock Falls. Today, I am sharing three more waterfalls, all on Log Hollow Branch. From Highway 276, we headed up in the mountains on an unpaved forest road. We parked and hiked about two miles to see these three waterfalls. Above is a picture of us (taken with a tripod) at the middle one of the three, Log Hollow Falls. Below are more pictures of that hike.
See that trail??????? I don't either!!! BUT---that is what 'bushwhacking' is all about. We knew that somewhere UP that hill (there was no trail), there was a waterfall. SO--we took off up the mountain!!!! Below is what we found.
This waterfall is called the Waterfall on the Northern Tributary of Log Hollow Branch. I will call it NORTHERN LOG HOLLOW FALLS. Isn't it pretty???? It is 50 feet in height. Do you think this hike in the woods was worth our effort??? Yes it was.. Our elevation here was 3,480 feet.
Here's the top of Northern Log Hollow Falls showing the icicles. For those of you who question our bush-whacking, I will assure you that we are very careful. We have a hiking GPS and we always mark our car --so that if we happen to lose our way on a non-trail, we can find our way back to the car using the GPS.
We got back down to the trail and we headed on to the 2nd waterfall. This one (along with the 3rd one) was right off of the main trail. This one is named the Waterfall on Log Hollow Branch. I shortened it to LOG HOLLOW FALLS. This waterfall is 30 feet in height.
Log Hollow Falls is really in two sections. The picture (above this one) is the top part (main part) of the falls, but I wanted to show you the entire waterfall as it flows down the mountain. The elevation here is 3,280 feet.
We hiked further on the trail until we found this 'beauty'. This waterfall has the name: Waterfall on the Southern Tributary of Log Hollow Branch. I shortened it to SOUTH LOG HOLLOW FALLS. The upper drop is about 30 feet in height--but as you can see, it cascades on down the mountain, making it a very long cascade. The elevation here is 3400 feet.
This layered-Eskimo had her picture taken at the South Log Hollow Falls. The only thing missing were my gloves --which were in my backpack -while I took pictures. The temperature on this day was in the upper 20's/lower 30's.
I love this close-up of South Log Hollow Falls --showing the icicles on the rocks.
I had to take George's picture at South Log Hollow Falls. He did have on his gloves!!!!
Here's one more picture of us taken with our tripod, on the little bridge beside Log Hollow Falls.
As much as I loved all of the other waterfalls we saw during those three days, this hike to see these three waterfalls was probably the highlight of the trip for me. I enjoy being WAY back in the mountains with almost nobody around but US and our waterfalls. Life is GOOD!!!!!
On another note, our flooding subsided, and yesterday, George worked on the wall repair. Yesterday, it also SNOWED almost all day long... There were no accumulations ---but I keep wondering what is going on with this crazy weather all over the country.... My My My!!!!
Have a great Tuesday.
Love the matching coats!!
I admire so much your "get up and go" attitude to be out hiking to all of these water falls - such a great passion to have!
Just a side note - we have snow on the ground again this morning too, after all of the flooding yesterday. The temp is suppose to stay low for a while.
Gotta love winter!!
Beautiful! Love the matching coats!
I too LOVE the matching coats but what I really LOVE is how you and George are spending your time chasing waterfalls. That is SO SWEET!!!
The last picture was the only one to load up but it was a really cute one. Right now there are still 100 items remaining to be downloaded. My computer speed just won't handle the volume.
So glad George able to fix the wall. We have snow coming this week. Whee.
You and George are such adventurers going bushwhacking like that off trail. Looks like the rewards were well worth the effort though. Beautiful falls! Hope you have a great day, Betsy.
Those falls are lovely, Betsy. Definitely worth bushwhacking for, but I'm glad to know you have a hiking GPS. I do love the sense of adventure that you and George have.
Yes, this IS crazy weather, isn't it? Over the weekend, we had a tornado warning and flooding and now there is snow on the ground with more coming. *Sigh*
You are such a cute couple! Good idea that you have a GPS, wouldn't want to have you get lost.
I had my own personal waterfall yesterday, in my basement. We had tons of rain and a seal broke around a basement window and the water poured in. What a mess!
Sunny :)
Wow there sure are a lot of waterfalls in that one area. What fun to hike around and be together.
Love the icicle waterfall. Great shots.
I am glad the flooding subsides---but snow?--now?
We are having such mild weather iit sure is crazy. MB
Betsy: Neat photos of the three falls but I missed the photo of the hollow log that the area was named after. LOL That was quite the trail.
Glad George got to work on your wall in the snow. Just remember, your the one who always wanted snow in the glen.
What fun you had hiking to those waterfalls,...but how did you know they were there? Glad you use the hand held GPS. and i hope you are carrying a cell phone in case of an emergency. Love how you two enjoy your life together!
Ok, 1st of all, I have to say that you're probably in better shape than I am at this point - I haven't been getting a whole lota exercise lately, I've been lazy, shhh!
But 400 waterfalls? WoWeee! You guys have been very busy & good for you - It's great to get out & see the world & it's great that ya'll can, physically & financially!!!
These are beautiful falls! I love that close up that you like.
We got about an inch of snow and it is 19ยบ as I type. Sarah was coming but she cancelled.
What an adventurous (sp) couple. You hands are gonna crack Betsy! Glad your flooding stopped...and then snow, I know you were glad to see it!
Such a Sweet that your tastes match, whether cloth or waterfall...stay safe and let the good times roll
Bless You Both
The two of you certainly know how to sniff out those beautiful falls! Great shots!-- Randy
You guys are just too darn cute!!
You two are amazing.....and obviously don't mind feeling a little bit (?) cold.
You two are amazing.....and obviously don't mind feeling a little bit (?) cold.
I watched a special about Big Foot the other night and that was creepy and then I got on You Tube and looked at some of those and that was even more creepy and now, I would not be caught in any woods by myself, armed or armless. LOL
To think how I used to prowl around in the deepest woods sneaking up on deer to see how close I could get. I wonder how many times Big Foot or Big Feet were watching me contemplating their dinner.
You two are amazing and you always look so happy. I am going to have to go look for waterfall in our area Maybe they contain happy water. I love your waterfalls.
As usual, I love viewing your photos.
Awesome picutres and quite a hike in the cold!!! I love your matching jackets.
We're getting flurries today but don't expect any accumulation. It's a toss up about the snow they are predicting for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
It's East TN baby!!! the weather changes every 2 hours!
Well, you and George are just too cute for words! i must admit I like the pictures of the two of you better than the waterflls. Although that one with all the icicles is amazing. Almost like half of it is frozen. I can't figure out how you managed to see so many waterfalls in just three days.
Good for you two going out hiking for waterfalls in the middle of winter! The photos are awesome and I love the matching coats. :)
Wait a minute. I am STILL looking and trying to find that trail up there???!!!
This looks beautiful and funny thing is, it doesn't look that cold in the photos...but I believe you. :0
I think you should come up with a device taht makes snow and makes it stick to your house/yard!!
WOWSA! Those all are gorgeous wattery falls!
You live in a neat place on the earth...and your blog reflects your shining attitude! Popped on over from View from my porch's blog.
I love your matching coats too!
You have a neat hobby of collecting waterfalls. It puts you in nature and the hiking keeps you fit, a great combination.
It's nice you don't have deep snow to contend with on your trails. In the end you got to see more beautiful waterfalls. Cozy coats!
I'm glad you take that tripod along Betsy. Could you please let me know what kind it is? I am in the market for one as I think it was you who mentioned that we ought to take one along with us and I totally agree. I want to pick one up before our next outing. Loved all these photos, spectacular in fact.
What a gorgeous, long, cascading waterfall...loved that one!
And just look at you two lovebirds with matching jackets!!!! SOOO cute!
Your photos are just great but you are posting places I'd like to visit faster than I can figure out when to go there :)
oh the memories you two are creating for one another. Once again lovely photos, worth the trek through the woods.
Gill in Canada
Thanks for taking us on your hike Betsy, was well worth the effort you made bushwhaking , to get to such exciting places. I know just how you feel, it,s always good to know what's just around the next corner, or a bit further up the hill and the feeling of achievment when you get there is wonderful. Hope you keep it up for many more happy years. BTW love the matching jackets.
Beautiful and cold falls...glad your water has receded!!!
You and George equals adventure! You inspire us with your travels! I would go bushwhacking too, to see those beautiful falls. You guys look so cute in matching coats! :)
Hi there. I saw you comment on Kay's Way and saw you were from Tennessee. I don't know too many TN bloggers so I had to come visit. And now I'm following. We love hiking. My Hubby is named George also. I call him Hubby G on my own blog. You will have to come visit. Just click on my name and it'll take you too my profile and click on My Southern Home. I'm from around Nashville area. Love the waterfalls, so pretty!
That was a really interesting excursion, Betsy! (Glad y'all have the hiking GPS) I think we need to Crown you and George as King and Queen of the Waterfalls!!
You guys are adventurous.The end results are so worth it though.Each water fall is beautiful,and the icicles just add a special touch. By the way,I was back to work today,and the driving was good.
Yes I think it was definitely worth making your own trail and finding the falls. Your pictures are beautiful! Isn't it nice hiking this time of the year - you're not likely to run into snakes!
Such beautiful sceneries, its been a while since I've gone to see any waterfalls. Happy week ahead :)
It's so nice that you and your husband both like to go in search of waterfalls. I like them too but only really view them when I go on holiday :-) Have you every used "walking poles" when you are out slogging through the bushes?
bundled cute you are!
true woodland troopers :)
daring duo!
oh the outdoors!
Cute photos of you and George, and of course the waterfalls are gorgeous. Funny, your "trails" look like a lot of the ones Steve leads us on. But when it leads to a beautiful miracle of nature, the bushwhack is well worth the effort.
Wow, great waterfalls Betsy. The best things are always off the beaten path. I love the matching coats.
your tripod did a great job. I really like the photos of the two of you in your matching jackets. you both look so happy in all your photos.
Wonderful photos of the two of you in your matching coats and those lovely falls ... the icicles are really kewl ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
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