Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All Fixed!!

If you saw my blog a few days ago, you know that our recent flood washed out part of our new wall... BUT---thanks to my HERO (my hubby), this Flowerbed Wall out front is all fixed (well, almost)... He started at the bottom and found some big flat rocks to fill in where the dirt had washed out under the wall in that one area. Then he realized that he had to take down the top part of the wall in order to get it all back in properly and evenly.... Above is a picture of the new WALL --right after it was completed, in September, 2009. Below are more pictures taken on a cold, snowy day in Fairfield Glade yesterday!!!!

George is working on the bottom part--to make the wall sturdy, AND he is taking off the blocks from the top--to fit them back in properly.

It's all taken apart now!!!! Hope the wind doesn't blow too hard today---or the entire wall could come down!!!!!! Yipes!

There it is----all ready to rebuild!!!!!

Well---Lookie there!!!! He did it!!!! The wall is FIXED!!! IF you look carefully at this picture (you may have to enlarge it more), you can see some white streaks.. Those are the snow flurries we had coming down ALL day!

Except for the shovel sitting there and a few rocks, the Flowerbed Wall is finished. HOWEVER, alot of dirt washed out all along the side of the entire wall--so George is going to work on that soon, by rocking and concreting all along the bottom. AND--he'll move the water flow farther away from the wall... Hopefully, we won't have THAT much water coming down the hill for a long time. BUT--if so, we'll be ready.

Isn't it amazing the difference in this picture (taken today-during Winter) and the first picture at the top (taken in late Summer)?????? WOW---looks like a different place entirely!! As much as I enjoy Winter, it is not a pretty time of year here!

Here's one last picture for you today... While George was out front working on the wall, I was busy taking pictures. When I went back inside, some of our Bluebirds were busy on the deck having some lunch. Here are three of them.. Two are enjoy suet and the other one is on the plate above-- very patiently waiting for a turn!!!! (That little thing on the top left is a seed bell covered with peanut butter.)

Hope you have a wonderful day. We are headed to Hendersonville today (instead of Friday) to check on George's parents. Our weather is supposed to get 'rough' (rain/ice/snow) on Thursday and Friday--so we will make this trip today!!!!



Connie said...

I'm so ready for spring and warmer weather. I.m looking forward to spring flowers and sunshine.

Darla said...

Oh that first photo just leaves me longing even more for warmer temps. Your Hero did a wonderful job. Travel mercies for you and George, hope this finds his parents doing well!

diane b said...

That looks an awful lot of hard work. George is certainly a hero and very fit.Hopefully the wall will stand up to any more bad weather you may have. The heat here is starting to get everyone down. We are hoping for a cool change soon. Poor old Carol and David are feeling it badly after London.

Jane said...

The wall looks good. Enjoy your trip to Hendersonville. I am hopeful for snow this time as well!


pam said...

George did good!

Jayne said...

Yea George! I can imagine that was a bit hairy as, like you said, the entire wall could have crumbled in.

RoeH said...

The wall's nice. And your garden looks like it is gorgeous build with tender loving care. How I miss dirt you can grow things in.

Beth said...

George did a wonderful job, Betsy! I'm so glad he was able to fix that. Let's hope the next precipitation is a nice, soft pretty snow that melts quickly. And let's hope that spring comes early this year! :-)

Thistlebrooms said...

Great Job George!!!
The water must come down there pretty rapidly and wash the soil out...
Lets hope he doesn't have to rebuild again once the Spring Rains come...
Looks wonderful Betsy...

Dorothy said...

George is wise to move the waterflow out from the wall! I'm sure he doesn't want to repair that wall real often!

Arkansas Patti said...

Great job George and hope that is the end of super rains.
We are looking at bad weather on Thursday also and are hoping we don't get a repeat of of last year's ice storm.
Have a safe and pleasant trip.

Connie said...

Wow, that looks like a lot of work. Glad to hear it is all fixed again.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy. That was a lot of work your husband had to do. In cold weather too, that makes it hard.

Your little bluebirds look so cute. You are so lucky to have them.

Sunny said...

George did a great job, it looks as good as new.
Enjoy your day.
Sunny :)

Cedar ... said...

good job! :)

Cedar ... said...

good job! :)

Lisa said...

It must have been quite a flood to come up on a slope.

Your garden is perfect Betsy.

DeniseinVA said...

Sounds like a wise choice traveling today Betsy. Safe and happy journey. We may be getting a little flurry tomorrow and the next day. I am really impressed that George fixed your wall, a hero indeed. Great photos and I enjoyed that last one of the sweet little bluebirds too.

~mel said...

I'd be willing to bet George would have rather been putting together a jig saw puzzle than fixing that wall. He's a good man! Let's just pray it holds up and he doesn't have to redo it.

Rose said...

He did a good job of repairing that wall! Sun is shining here today!!!! Even though I would like one more good snow at least, I see the pictures of summer and I long for it to be warm again.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy!
It looks like a lot of hard work ...George did a good job! Water can be so damaging...hope George can deflect the flow to go another direction.

Our area is cold and gray also but I still try to look for the beauty in it. Before we know it Spring will arrive and everyhting will be glorious green again!

X0 Pat

Joy said...

Wow, that did a number on your wall. George did a great job repairing it.
We've had some really nice weather this week, but the cold is suppose to hit Friday.
♥ Joy

Anonymous said...

excellent! that was quick. i wish my plumber was as efficient.

Big Dude said...

Nice job on the wall. I hate to have to go back and redo something I've already done. We've been lucky with no weather damage so far.

LV said...

Bless you George for a great job. So glad things were not worse. You have a lovely yard and would hate to see all your hard work washed away.

Diane said...

I'm sure that took a lot of work to get the wall back in place, I'm amazed sometimes how destructive water can be. It will be interesting to see how George diverts the water flow. Drive carefully. Diane

Busy Bee Suz said...

Safe travels to you both.
George is a hero; a handy dandy hero!!

I Am Woody said...

Wonderful job on the repair! I was afraid he would have to take the whole thing down and start over!!

Janie said...

Fixing the wall looks like a lot of work, but George is so efficient to get most of the rebuilding done already.
Love your bluebirds. They're so pretty.

Cicero Sings said...

That George is an amazing man. He sure doesn't let the grass grow under HIS feet!!! Glad the wall came back together again without out too much hassle.

Not a beauteous time of the year but hey, spring is just around the corner.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

George has done a good job of fixing that wall.I hope your weather is not too bad.Stay safe and warm.

imac said...

George did a wonderful job there Betsy.

SquirrelQueen said...

George does great work, the wall looks as good as new. Have a good trip and stay safe.


carolina nana said...

Wall looks just like new. Hope you have a safe trip to Hendersonville. I always perk up when I see you are going to Hendersonville,then I realize you are talking about Tenn. Haha. Have a great day and get ready for our snowstorm!!!!

Dar said...

Hooray George...What an Undertaking...Constructing and reconstructing is extremely strenuous work. Thank God for your hiking to keep you both so fit. Your rose garden is wonderful Betsy. I'll bet they smell of raspberries and wine. Stay safe on those dangerous winter drives. hope George's parents are doing well.
Blessings To You All

Jen said...

That George sure don't mess around!
have a safe trip.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, I funally get to see more of your yard! I can see some of your rose beds, and is that a gazing ball in the distance? The wall looks like a hard job, especially in the snow! How long did it take him to do it all? The little wall circle around the light, that looks like he made it as well, and it matches the big wall. How cute of the bluebirds eating and looking on! How far away is Hendersonville? Yes, we are to get more snow starting Thursday or Friday. We've already made our desperation trip to the grocery store so we won't be going in a rush at the last minute. I hope your trip is nice, perhaps you will stop somewhere and eat something good?

Together We Save said...

I love the blue birds!!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Wow, he sure took care of that really quickly!

Neal said...

That's a lot of work but it looks good. When building a wall like that the first row is the most important row. The first block should be below ground level. If I was doing it I would almost bury the first block unless I had something solid (like rocks :)) under it.

penny said...

Betsy, its a good thing Humpty Dumpty wasn't sitting on the wall. George would have to fix him as well as the wall:)
Peanut butter sounds yummy. You serve a nice buffet to the blue birds.
Your photos are always pretty to me, no matter what season is.

Cheryl said...

Wow, what an amazing job George did in repairing the wall! It must have been as hard as building the wall originally! I have to say your yard looks so nice to me, since my yard is covered with snow! Your first photo gave me something to smile about though, the thought that spring will come! Love the birds!

Anonymous said...

I like to see other people and their work. I also like to build walls of stone and have several. I must say your wall looks a lot better than any of mine. Mine are made from old flat rock. Millions of years old, I guess.

I wish I had your blue birds.

Anonymous said...

That header picture is awesome. I just love it. Glad you got your wall fixed and hope you don't have anymore water for a long time. Your hubby sure is handy! They are forcasting a winter storm for here on Friday and Saturday.

The Retired One said...

Aren't husbands wonderful? Mine fixes everything too....love that!
Your bluebirds are so cute!

Unknown said...

Great job George!

Tammie Lee said...

that looks like a lot of work, a bit like making a puzzle that has huge rewards when complete. I am sure your flowers will be lovely this summer!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow that was one huge job for your 'hero' and he acomplished it. Bravo!!
Yes the summer picture sure looks good. Allthe trees filled out and everything so green. Thanks for the memory. MB

Kirigalpoththa said...

Weldone George!

Jo said...

Well done George, beautiful neat job. Have a safe journey and come back safely. Thanks for your concern re my wrist injury. It is still a little sensitiv and I'm keeping it bound for a day or two more. (((Hugs))) Jo

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Hooray for it being fixed!

Did you happen to see the damage in town, I pictured in my Pix Muse blog? [Clicking on my name above, takes you to my Profile, where my blogs are linked to]

We surmise that a lot of rain around here, may have weakened the hold this big trees roots had and ... wind came... and... booooom!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

here i am still catching up on my favorite bloggers blogs. as I looked at the first picture I thought, wow, nice yard for January, then as I read I saw the big difference and I can see the flurries of snow. love the little birdies at lunch

storyteller said...

Now THAT's a handy fella ;-)
Glad George was able to fix the damage and hope you don't have problems again.
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations