Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

DeSoto Falls, Mentone, Alabama (Part II)

Yesterday I showed Part I of our DeSoto Falls pictures, taken in January of 2007. Be sure and check it out FIRST --if you missed it. Today, I am showing you more from this area. As I mentioned yesterday, we KNEW that there had to be a way to see the entire waterfall from a distance. BUT--no trails were listed in any of our books or information. We finally talked to a ranger and found out there was a 'back' way (on a bushwhacking type of a so-called trail).

Well--you know that George and I will do most anything to get BETTER photos, so we took off and hiked around the bluffs --trying to work our way back and around in those woods, searching for a good view... I will say that one reason that trail is not publicized is because I'm sure that winter would be the only time one could work their way back into that area.

We however did fine---and you can only imagine how excited we were when we got to a place where we could see that beautiful waterfall. Here are the remainder of our pictures from that day. Above was our FIRST view of DESOTO FALLS --from a distance. Below are more.

We wandered around along the bluffs until we finally got to a wonderful place to VIEW the waterfall. You can tell just how happy I was---after the bushwhacking!!!

Here it is, DeSoto Falls---taken from the bluffs, using our zoom lens.

George was thrilled to find this vantage point. Seeing that waterfall from above (yesterday's post) was nice---but hiking around to see ALL of it was truly awesome.

We just couldn't take enough pictures of this 'beauty'.

I was thrilled that we found this way to view the falls.

Look to the left side of this picture, near the top... You may want to enlarge the picture. That is where we walked down to get the pictures in yesterday's post.. Can you see why the warning signs are there along that railing?

Here's one last photo from our view of DeSoto Falls. You can see now just how far away we had to go in order to get these pictures. But--it was worth it!!!!! It was a great day in Alabama!!!!

Some of you may know that George and I were supposed to leave today for a hiking trip to North Georgia. The weather is perfect and we were looking forward to this trip. But I have been having trouble with my left foot for over a week now, and have had trouble walking. I thought that this pain would just go away, but it hasn't. And if I can't walk, then it's obvious that I cannot hike. Darn!.

SO-- after much disappointment and lots of tears, we canceled this trip. I don't know what is wrong with my foot (pain is on the TOP of the foot and hurts worse when I'm wearing a shoe)--but if it doesn't get better soon, I'll get myself to a doctor. George is taking me on a Surprise Trip on Valentine's Day---and he wants me all healed by then.... Say a prayer for my poor little foot to heal, please.



Small City Scenes said...

Oh My gosh!! A sore foot to a hiker is the worst!!! Foot--heal. There I said it and you WILL be better. Now go to the doctor.

Love the falls and the energy spent to get that perfect picture. LOL
Beautiful shots. MB

Beth said...

Oh Betsy, I'm so sorry to hear of your foot pain! Sending positive thoughts your way and saying a prayer for healing.

Those are wonderful pictures of the falls that you two bushwhackers took! That must have been quite a hike, but looks like it was worth it.

Arkansas Patti said...

I was all ready to compliment you and George on your hiking skills when I hit the yellow type.
Darn, I am so sorry.
I would definitely see a doctor. Could be a ganglion,stress fracture, or neuroma which can cause top of foot pain. These can be cured with orthodics.
Get better soon. I know you two love to hike. The trails are calling.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I love these beautiful photos, especially the ones of you and George with the falls in the background...I'll pray for your foot Betsy, to heal...that sounds a little funny doesn't it???

Connie said...

Your photos turned out wonderfully, Betsy. You were lucky to find that vantage point to get your shots. Sorry to hear your foot hurts. Hope it heals up soon!

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Betsy, what a beautiful picture of you...I'm glad you are still sharing nature. I love you!

Connie said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your foot Betsy. I will pray that your foot heals soon so that you and George can get back on the trails.

Love the water fall. Love that you took the extra effort to get a better vantage point.

Darla said...

Nice Falls Betsy. About your foot, go to the doctor!!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Don't put off the trip to the doctors, they can help you. I love the falls and the neat vantage point for the great photos.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, so disappointing that you couldn't go. I sure hope the foot is better soon so you don't have to miss another hike. Your photos of the falls are beautiful.

Tabor said...

Well worth that bushwacking. Lovely photos of the falls, would make a nice poster.

Joe Todd said...

If your foot doesn't get better real quick I'm sure you will go to the doctor as just about everyone has suggested. Your not stubborn are you? LOL I'm glad you had such a great adventure at the falls what a great place. (I did finish my six mile hike but talk about aches/pains)

Dirt Princess said...

That George is the sweetest! I hope your foot gets better! DeSoto falls is absolutely gorgeous!

Sunny said...

Such beautiful pictures, they could be postcards.
A while back I bruised a bone in the top of my foot and it was so painful, especially when wearing a shoe.
Sending prayers your way, hope your foot feels better soon.
Sunny :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This looks like a wonderful trip Betsy. I think it is funny that you will "do anything to get better pictures"...
Be careful!!!

You need to get to the DR. If it has not healed yet, I don't think it will. :0 That is my professional advice.

Reanaclaire said...

how i wish i have the opportunity to hike up these beautiful hills..

Anonymous said...

More WONDERFUL waterfall views! Sorry you've had to cancel your trip due to foot problems ... hope it's nothing serious. Seeing a doctor would be wise methinks.
Hugs and blessings,

Jo said...

I'l definitely pray for you and your paining foot, Betsy. I believe you will soon get to the bottom of the problem and be able to go on that surprise George has arranged! (((Hugs))) Jo

Big Dude said...

The pictures are awesome

D said...

Hello Betsy, I have had to play catch-up on your recent travels, but as you are aware, I've been a bit detained. ;) Wonderful excursions, even in the winter snow... you and George are amazing.

Betsy, so sorry to hear about your foot, but you must not stress it any further! Ice, ice, ice until you get to the doctors, and stay off it! That's my 'sisterly' as I continue thru a knee problem. Am sending prayers and positive thoughts that a little rest will offer repair. Diana

Betty said...

Your pictures a fantabulus.
Get thee to the Dr. to check on your foot so we can have lots more wonderful waterfalls. I am sending prayers for your foot.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

Diane AZ said...

Hi, you sure did end up with some marvelous views of DeSoto Falls and it looks like you and George had a wonderful time. So sorry to hear about your foot, Betsy, I hope it feels better in time for your Valentine's Day trip. :)

Dar said...

The waterfalls are beautiful and the folks in them are as lovely. You two sure have found hiking in your lives to share treasured time together. My prayers are with you for speedy recovery from your foot pain. I can relate. Once you are healed you can still take that trip together for hiking possibilities are endless.

imac said...

Beautiful Betsy, They are wonderful and glad you found a way to capture the whole view.
I should get your foot to the docs my friend.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely WILL pray for your wee footy to be muches & bunches better!
Beautiful waterfalls, Betsy

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! I love these photos, and am glad to see you and George in front of the falls, it gives perspective. Again, the first thing I noticed on your falls picture are the warning signs! But I know what you mean, having a camera does make you bolder and you want to get the shots more than you are afraid! One thing that amazes me is the color of the water at the bottom; it looks so blue and fresh! I wonder if you could drink it? I am sorry about your foot! I bet you would have come back with some amazing pictures. I must say it sounds like a stress fracture. I have friends who have had them.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I am so sorry to hear about your having to stay home and your foot. I have problems several years ago with pain in the top of my right foot. Went to dr. and after trying everything they went in and I had a hole in my bone. So please go to the dr. my friend if does not get better.

My love to you...m...

Cheryl said...

Oh Betsy I do hope your foot is feeling much better! I hope you go to the doctor's and get it checked out. Sounds like a big surprise is coming up and you want to be in tip-top condition!! Take care and rest that foot.

Anonymous said...

I love Desoto Falls and Mentone. But then I used to live in nearby Huntsville. I really miss north Alabama. Your pictures are fantastic!

Hope your foot gets better...and soon!

Janice K said...

That is one of the prettiest waterfalls in your collection.

I pray the foot heals soon. Why is it that when you get to the age that you are free to go and do these great things, the body sometimes rebels! Sure hope it is nothing serious.

Together We Save said...

Oh my word!!! Beautiful... right here at my back door and I had no idea. Hope the foot gets better soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shots, both of you did a super job. does anyone ever swim in the basin to the waterfall. the water made me think of swimming. i KNOW not in the winter time, but I wonder about summer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great job, both of you did taking the way far away shots. beautiful falls. do you know if anyone ever swims in the basin under the fall, it looks perfect for swimming. in the summer I mean

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OOPS i forgot my comment on your foot. the top of my instep hurts especially when i wear a shoe. mine is an arthritis spur, could be that is what you have, or you might have fractured it. might better check it out.

Arlee Bird said...

That is indeed a beautiful area. I went camping there back in the early 70s and absolutely loved it. I moved to Los Angeles from Maryville TN back in 1991. Sure wish I could get back there more often.

Thistlebrooms said...

Certainly have your foot checked out by the Doctor Betsy...Sometimes something Small can turn into Something BIG, Get it checked out before Valentines Day!!!
You certainly look very Happy in these photo's and I can see just why...Such a lovely place to be with someone you Love...
Always My Best

Dorothy said...

My goodness, Betsy, You can't afford to have a foot problem!!! I was intrigued by this waterfall, so I googled it and got a lot of info and lots of YouTube videos. It's a very beautiful place.

Chris said...

What an adventurous pair you two are but it was certainly worth the effort to capture those great shots. Oh! Betsy, what a shame that you've got to cancel your trip. I hope you find out what is wrong with your foot and get it mended soon. I bet your George has got something special for you on Venentine Day. Take care.

Cookie said...

Hope your foot heals soon. A week is a long time, what are are you waiting for? Go to the Doctor!
And I still love the pics that show the pool on the bottom of the falls. Great zoom lens.

Loran said...

I agree, don't wait, go to the doctor! You can't miss out on your hiking for any longer than necessary. Love these pictures and how you searched hard to find the best shots.

Rose said...

I am so sorry you are having problems with your foot...will say prayers for you.

This is another fabulous waterfall. A real beauty.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh Betsy, having been hobbled by foot problems, I sympathize with you ever so, but sounds like you need to rest it for a while in time for your Valentine's Day. I think you're very wise to postpone your trip until it feels better. More wonderful photos!!! Just love them.

Shelley said...

Betsy - I'm sorry to hear about your sore foot! Please get it looked at soon - I want you to heal fast and feel good for your next travel adventure w/ George!
Miss you!
Big Hugs,

Wendy said...

Awwww, I hate sore feet! Slows me down! I can just imagine how unhappy you are. I hope it heals soon and you and George can be off on your hiking trip.

Your waterfall pics are gorgeous. All that bushwacking and hard work certainly paid off. Thanks for sharing so we can enjoy them too!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This is a gorgeous water fall.I think the last picture is probably the best,it is so scenic.You had better get that foot taken care of,after all,how can you see more falls if you can't walk well.I hope it will heal soon.

The Retired One said...

OH NO! I bet you have what happened to me...I bet you have a stress fracture in your foot. I worked out on my treadmill for a few weeks pretty hard and one night I couldn't bear wait on it...went to the Dr. and he X-rayed it and I had a fracture! You need to get RIGHT in to the Dr. because if it is a stress fracture it will get worse unless you rest it...I have to wear a soft removable cast now for a few weeks until it heals.
Please see the Dr. and let me know if that is what it was, ok?????

Karin said...

Oh, dear Betsy, I'm so sorry you have pain in your foot. I do hope you'll go to the doc and have things checked out asap! Best to find out quickly what it is you're dealing with and then do the right treatment to heal it.

When things like this happen to me I usually see God's Hand in them, preventing my going somewhere because He is protecting me - not that I'll ever know from what - but that's often the thought that runs through my mind!! He is the Great Physician and I pray that He touch and heal your foot!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy

I had the same symptoms as you are having in November and it turned out to be a stress fracture. I had to wear a soft shoe and rest the foot Now I'm getting orthotics.
It happened without me knowing how -- just activity. Hope you heal quickly and can back to hiking soon as I know how much you love it! I love all the beutiful photos on your blog. Sending up prayers fro you!

Diane said...

That's really a beautiful waterfall, almost perfect. Hope your foot gets better, Betsy, that's no fun.

Kelly said...

Oh gosh....I would love to get out and hear the roar of some falls!!! They are so beautiful...

SquirrelQueen said...

The photos are gorgeous, you really captured the beauty of the falls. DeSoto Falls was a day trip when I lived in Georgia and one of my family's favorite weekend destinations. It sounds like a lot has been built there since I was a child.

I'm sorry to hear about your foot Betsy. I hope it gets better soon, especially if George has a surprise trip planned for Valentine's Day.


Cassie said...

Man, I'm sorry to hear about your foot. I found this on YahooAnswers:

the joint between the two bones is called a lisfranc joint.

Lisfranc Joint Injury
A Lisfranc injury is a cause of foot pain that may be difficult to diagnose. This infrequent foot injury occurs when there is high energy trauma to the top of the foot. This trauma may occur in road traffic accidents or during sports such as soccer when a player kicks the sole of an opponents boot. Because of the history of direct trauma to the top of the foot it is difficult to differentiate from a Tarsal bone fracture or bone bruising. There may or may not be a swollen foot.

Treatment is dependent on the severity of the injury. If there is a sprain of the Tarso Metatarsal ligament, with no widening of the Metatarsals evident on x-ray , then conservative management should suffice. Where there is more severe Tarso-Metatarsal ligament damage, the prognosis is not so good. This ligament damage causes instability at the Lisfranc joint complex, which is evident on x-ray as widening between the Tarso-Metatarsal joints. Many orthopaedic consultants advocate surgical fixation to reduce the likelihood of developing arthritis of the foot.

Now, I don't know if this is what ails you, but I think you better get to an orthopedic or foot dr.