Are you tired of all of my waterfall pictures???? We have so many---and I have really showed so few of them (even though for you who don't care that much about one waterfall when compared to another, it may seem as if I post waterfalls constantly-- ha ha). But--the bird lovers know better since I post birds alot too!!!!! Oh Well---I apologize and just ask you to wait 'til spring when our flowers come in including our beautiful roses... THEN, I will post alot of those too!!!!
Today I am sharing a special waterfall found in the DeSoto State Park area in northeast Alabama (between Mentone and Fort Payne). Nestled atop of beautiful scenic Lookout Mountain, this 3,502-acre park provides chalets, log and rustic cabins, motel rooms, meeting rooms, campgrounds, swimming pool, nature center, and over 19 miles of hiking and mountain biking trails.. George and I have visited this area on two different occasions --and I'd go back there in a heartbeat.
Today's pictures were taken on January 11, 2007. This is only one of several waterfalls in that area which we visited at that time. I will divide the pictures into two different blog posts. The first set was taken from the side of the upper part of the falls, and the second set was taken from farther away where we could get photos of the ENTIRE waterfall after we hiked (and bushwhacked) to get to a place where we could see ALL of it. The picture above is DESOTO FALLS, and below are more.

We are at the overlook near the top of the massive waterfall.

There was alot of water coming over the waterfall this time.

George 'poses' for the camera now... (Oh how he hates that --especially when I say "Smile, Honey"-- but he is a good sport!!!!)

Another beautiful picture from the top/side of the waterfall

Now--I 'have' to pose for the camera ---just to prove that I walked down there!!!! ha

This is a side view of the bottom of the waterfall... Isn't it pretty--and BIG????
OKAY..... Now, scroll back up and look at the first picture again. That is a picture of the ENTIRE waterfall.. We had seen pictures of this waterfall in its entirety on their website---so we knew there had to be a way to hike around and find out how to get a picture of the entire waterfall. Tune in tomorrow for these pictures...
I don't travel out of state, so I appreciate all of your photos. They are beautiful.
Also, I LOVE your header!! Wow!!!
I'm new to your blog, so, no, I'm not tired of your waterfalls. I couls stand an awful lot more of images like those! Thanks for them.
Beautiful falls Betsy! I've never been there, but will certainly have to add it to my list of more local places to go. :c)
Love the falls!
What started your interest in waterfalls? You have such a great collection of them.
They surely are more enjoyable to look at than the grey dirty snow we have melting and making a mess around here!!
It is pretty when it first comes down - but as it gets old and melts and freezes and gets filthy - that is when we start to tire of it all!
Thanks for taking us all on your trips!
I never tire of waterfalls. They are like life, ever moving ever changing. Regardless the size, water moving is an amazing, and beautiful force of nature. God sure knew what He was doing when He made waterfalls. I have trekked around NH and seen many of their covered bridges and waterfalls. You can never show me too many my friend.
I Love all your travels and someday, I'll get to some of these wonderful places you've been.
Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
It just amazes me at the steady flow of water!! Lovely!
my favorite for today is the side view of the BIG waterfall. love that shot. I have been to Lookout Mountain but i was only 8 at the time and remember a few things, no waterfalls in the memory.
I love your waterfalls. So much water. Ours are just a trickle until the wet season. These pics are fabulous. You are motivating me to go and visit some of our national parks and waterfalls that we did years ago when young and fit. Unfortunately Bill is not a keen walker anymore since he has had heart arythms.
I don't tire of seeing them but it does make me wish I could be there and see them for real!!!
The water is so beautiful Betsy. Are the sections natural? They look equally divided.
Oh so beautiful. My dream is to live in an RV and visit every single spot in the United States on the back roads. Well, it'll never happen, of course. I wonder if, after we are gone, we get to 'come back' anytime we want to and flit here and there to anywhere we didn't get to see while living. Nice theory, anyway.
Lovely pictures of the falls Betsy! I especially like the one of the side view. I can almost hear that water rushing by. :)
Now if you could just add sound.
I really liked the first one with the overall look. However, each close up looked like an intirely different falls.
See ya tomorrow.
There was a story about waterfalls in general and how they have shaped our landscape. I found it interesting at the many, many, miles the Niagara Falls have moved since they began.
Betsy, I'll never get tired of your waterfalls. On the contrary, I look forward to seeing every single one. And, as others have said, I've made note of them with the hopes that someday I can see them for myself. Tom and I have a dream of doing just that once we retire. But until then, I travel vicariously through your wonderful posts!
I am just really enjoying these waterfall pictures. I don't think I've ever seen a waterfall in real life! Each shot is so different, they look like different waterfalls. And I see what you mean by looking at the last one then the first one. You were so close you even got water drops on the camera lens! But it's scary to me, as well! I see the danger signs! It must be very slippery. I would be too chicken to get close. What is that thing that looks like a tank in the middle of the fall? I clicked on it and it's a mystery to me. I guess every waterfall is totally different. Can't wait for the next post, and for spring and your bird posts. We are birdwatchers and have a life list. I have several posts with a lovely great blue heron we spotted late last year.
I remember visiting these falls when I lived in Alabama. Very beautiful.
I still think you should publish book of waterfalls!!!!!
Thanks for sharing another beautiful set of pictures.I am happy to see these falls from the comfort of my house.Yes,I would also like to see them in person.
I agree with Snap you could make a great wateerfall book with all of your beautiful pictures. You could make one on birds and your roses too.
I love your waterfall pictures. One of these days I hope to visit some of these falls myself. Especially the ones near my home.
See, I'm not the only one that said you should design some coffee table books on all those fantastic waterfalls, and birds, and roses!! I love them! The view from my window right now is dreary sky, slushy roads, filthy cars! I'm glad that in through your photos in my minds eye I'm instantly transported to hike to the falls with you!!! Thanks for sharing!
Betsy, I don't get tired of the waterfalls. I have always loved them. I just wish I could see them in person!
Not to worry ... I enjoy your waterfalls, birds, and the tales you tell about your adventures with George too!
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations
I meant to add that this is one of my favorite, favorites!
Gorgeous! Now this is the best waterfall of all! Would like to see this in person.
I agree with Arkansas Patti. Wouldn't the sound added just be great.
That was a pretty one, Betsy.
Hi Betsy,
I came to visit you from Tammie Lee, and I've enjoyed your photographs of waterfalls. I love them, too! I can almost hear the roar of the water and feel the mist from yours.
What impressive waterfalls. Looks like very powerful water.
Snowed again but the sun finally came out.
Sunny :)
I'm hoping in the Spring A.J. and I can do more exploring and find a waterfall or two.
Gorgeous photos Betsy!
Neat falls, a mini Niagra. One never tires of waterfall pictures. I read where someone had never seen a waterfall. I wondered how that could happen but I guess it can happen. MB
Hey do the lists of 8 things. Didn't you do something similar once? MB
Hi Betsy. I enjoy communicating with e-mail, and among others, e-mail Sandra and Beverly. I have three e-mail addresses, but here is the one I use regularly..
I LOVE your waterfalls. Until you started posting about them I had no idea there are so many out there.
I don't think I will ever get tired of your waterfall pictures Betsy, they're always so beautiful. I will always enjoy my visits here. It's like visiting a good friend :)
No, I'm not tired of the waterfalls. I think they are beautiful. Keep them coming.
Excellent photos of the waterfalls. Water just takes on a different persona when it falls off of something. We got a foot of snow, no hiking for me.
Another one of your many wonderful waterfalls, Betsy! Your photos are so refreshing, they take the gloom away! I will never tire of your beautiful falls. I wish i can see some of them if not all, they are so lovely. You and geaorge are so fortunate to have experienced all those beauties! Thank you for sharing, Betsy! *hugs*
That is a LOT of water! It's amazing how close the overlook is to the falls. But the first and last pictures are my favorite. They way the falls go to a pool at the bottom looks like a paradise.
I have traveled a lot in my day, but never to as many places as you. I enjoy seeing falls or anything else as it makes me feel I have been there too. We had a beautiful warm day here and I have worked in my yard all day. So tired.
Love, love, love your waterfall pics! They are so majestical! Keep them coming (and the birds too, of course).
That is a super watrfalls!
Hello Betsy,
That is a pretty water, isn't it? And that park is really nice too. The home we sold in NE Alabama was at the base of Lookout Mountain in Valley Head..about 4 miles from Mentone. Obviously, we liked it more as a tourist and not a resident..hehe!!
It was kind of a stopping point for us after Hurricane Katrina but we both knew that we would wind up here in the Smokies. It really happened sooner than we thought. :0)
Funny that your post this at this time because it would have been four years ago that we bought that home there and we sold it the summer of 2008.
I never get tired of seeing pictures of the waterfalls..I think we should all be able to live close enough to one to at least hear it..it's such a soothing sound...to me anyway. :0)
Have a great day,
Beautiful shots. I love how this waterfall cascades down so many levels.
not just the beauty, but i soooo enjoy the sound of that much water! i can almost hear it.....
I won't get to your part of the world anytime soon, Betsy, so I LOVE your posts. Are there really so many waterfalls in your state? Amazing. And beautiful captures. I could almost hear the roar of the water. Off to read part 2! (((Hugs))) Jo
I love all the wonderful waterfalls you share with us! I just love this one!
I LOVED that last shot where it pours into a little pond...gorgeous!
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