I don't know about you ---but I seem to use the word STUFF to describe all kinds of things... Is that just a southern thing????? ha ha ..... Yesterday, I showed you my Christmas babies along with some of the questions that I took from Arkansas Patti's blog. If you missed yesterday's blog, be sure and check it out to find a link to Patti's wonderful blog.
Besides the other six questions which I will answer today, I will show you a few more Christmas 'pretties' in our home... Above is another picture of the little tree on our dining room table. I featured it on a previous blog, but some of you asked about the quilted table runner. SO---above, you will see a close-up picture of this beautiful Christmas tablecloth. It was made by my Colorado quilting friend --and was originally made for a small round table. I love it so much --so I use it in the center of our long table and then use Christmas placemats on both ends of the table.. It seems to work well. Below are more pictures.
This little sled (plus two other similar sleighs) were made by the father of a great friend, Debbie.. Her Dad made LOTS of these beauties for Debbie to give as Christmas presents. I was privileged to have received three different ones (over a three year period)---all of which I still put near our tree every year. Debbie lives in Texas and I don't see her as much as I'd like these days. AND her sweet Daddy passed away this past year. BUT--I will keep his memory alive every year for as long as I can---and Debbie will always be a very very special friend. Say a prayer for Debbie this Christmas --since this is her first Christmas without her Daddy.
Questions and Answers:
What words do you love? ... When Hubby says, "I Love You" to me!!! OR---when Hubby says, "Honey, it's SNOWING!"
What activity or behavior should be considered a crime?... Bloggers who put music on their blogs that I cannot find (since it is at the BOTTOM)... Ha Ha.... I prefer to listen to my own music. I wish that Blogger would allow people --who want to feature music -- to have it as an option for people to click IF they 'want' to listen to it!!!! Oh Well!!!
When is it OK to shed tears?.... For me, as an emotional female, almost ANYTIME!!! ha
This is a Colorado Snowball. It was given as a gift from a friend when she and her family lived in Colorado. They are now in Eastern Virginia---so I'll bet they don't see nearly as much snow as they did when they lived in Colorado.
This is my little Candy Cane Tree--which is now on my coffee table. When the string of lights on that little tree 'bit the dust' recently, I didn't want to dispose of the tree. SO---it is now a Candy Cane tree. (We purchased a new tiny lit tree for the dresser in our bedroom. )
More Q&A's:
Are you a dog person or a cat person? .... Neither now; Grew up with a cat; Had a dog when my sons were teens; Now---NONE --since we travel so much; I would choose a dog over a cat though if I had to choose.
When did you realize you were an adult? ... I guess it was July of 1963 when I had my first baby. I got married, had a baby and graduated from college when I was only 21. I'm surprised that that baby made it through his first year since I didn't know a darn thing about babies. Yipes!!!! (Thank God for Dr. Spock back then!!! ha)
What do you wish for your blog buddies? ... A Very Very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy and Healthy 2010++++++++++++++++++++
This little Santa was made at a church craft show many years ago. He is made by using a small flower pot.... SO---to all of your creative people out there------- get busy and make one!!! Isn't he cute???? Love his glasses!!!
When George and I were first married, we talked about 'wanting' a cabin in the mountains. SO---on that first Christmas, I gave him a small ornament of 'our' little cabin... Can you see George and me standing in front of that snow-covered cabin????? WELL---we didn't get our cabin, but we did buy this gorgeous little home here on the Cumberland Plateau, which we both love.
Hope you have enjoyed these past two posts listing more of our Christmas STUFF --and also answering more questions for you...
Have a wonderful Sunday, and remember to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus this coming week.
Hi Betsy, I love all your Christmas babies and all your stuff, especially the candy cane tree. My grandson would just love that! I think "stuff" must be southern. I say it, too.
You know what words I like to hear? I like "It's time to eat" :) I know what you mean about babies. When I left the hospital the day our daughter was born I got in the car and just busted out bawling ..... thinking what have I done, I don't know anything about taking care of a baby and now I responsible for that beautiful little thing. It was scary to me to realize that I was now responsible for another human being.
Wonderful post! I love looking at all of your Christmas pretties!
You have some of the cutest Christmas "stuff" ever, the little Santa with the glasses made me chuckle. The sled is so pretty, what a great way to honor your friend's dad by displaying it each year.
I love all your Christmas 'stuff' especially the candy cane tree.
Now I feel guilty for having music on my blog but it does have an off button if you scroll down.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Sunny :)
I love your "stuff". And just for the record - I use it all the time too.
Ok - that snowball is cracking me up - is it for real? Do you just haul it out for pictures?
It is very christmasy in your home! And I love the candy cane tree as well as that red sleigh! But you know - my ABSOLUTE favorite is that log cabin ornament!! Hope Santa brings you and George lots of presents! You 2 deserve it!
(And thank you for my e-card - it was so delightful! Greg liked it too!!)
You've got cool stuff! :) Happy Holidays!
I love the little snowman!! The snow covered house is my favorite. I wish the Christmas season lasted longer! Thanks for sharing photos of all of these beautiful decorations.
And, I'll overlook the fact that you stated you'd choose a dog over a cat :) Just kidding...I love dogs as well.
Wonderful post. So much fun!
Cute post, Be,
I call my stuff STUFF so I don't think it is a southern thang. It must be universal. When I email someone just for general talking I write the word 'stuff' in the subject line---cuz that's what it is.
Love all your little trees----I just have one.
If I wasn't such a clutterbug I would decorate more rooms than just the living room. I have boxes of Christmas stuff but never seem to get it all out and up. SOMEDAY!!
I think I am still trying to be an adult. LOL MB
You've got lots of fun and beautifully sentimental 'stuff'! Thanks for sharing that with us! I like that there is a story with everything! You have so many different cabins/motels you have stayed in over the years of hiking and waterfalling, in so many wonderful places, that it is probably a good thing you don't have one of your own. You'd be stuck in one place!
Have a blessed Sunday!
All of you Christmas decorations are beautiful, Betsy. I especially enjoyed the Colorado snow ball.
Have a joyous Christmas.
Thank you for sharing pics of all your cute Santa 'stuff'. I agree with you about the music on blogs...I keep my computer's sound off, so I'm not taken by surprise...
(my hubby is a musician, so it's not like I don't like music!)
Best Wishes for a warm and wonderful Christmas ~Natalie
Whew! Don't you just love stuff! I love useless stuff! And I do think STUFF is a Southern thing! LOL! I always like to hear stories behind things. The snowbll is great!
Ah ... more cute Christmas stuph ;-)
I'm with you about 'music' on blogs which is why I visit with the volume on my laptop set to zero these days.
Hugs and blessings,
I love to hear "Honey, wake up. It snowed." Which Vol Fan said to me yesterday morning. Yes, he loves to tease me!!
Merry Christmas to you! This blog post was very lovely. Thanks for sharing your wonderful Christmas decorations.
Oh Betsy, your home is so welcoming! I love all of your Christmas "stuff". I use that word alot as well. I loved the Colorado snowball and the little cabin, the sled, the candy cane tree....Thanks for sharing these delightful decorations and have a Merry Christmas!
Wow, you graduated from college, got married and had a baby all at 21, a busy year for you! I loved learning about your Christmas treasures. :D
I just love all your Christmas "stuff" esp the Colorado Christmas ball and the Santa made out of a flower pot! You've collected some neat memories!
Yes we did get dumped on...you would have loved yesterday...it was snowing so hard we couldn't see our neighbor's house across the street! Going outside was crazy and even the dog didn't want to visit the backyard to take care of business!!
Philly got 24 inches of snow!! Prob the biggest storm to hit since the 60s!
Well I don't think I've grown up yet. Decades ago I used to be a "dog person" now I live in a house full of Teddy Bears and I go out on a cold snowy winter day to look at a waterfall LOL Doesn't get much better
Your house looks very festive. I enjoyed reading more of you answers and I must say I'm not fond of music on blogs either. As for using the word "stuff" - I use it too!
I love your stuff--it's not just a Southern expression!
I totally agree with you about that music that Bloggers run. Sometimes, Johnny is taking a nap, and I'm catching up on my Blogging. Then, BAM! I open a post and out pours loud music.
I love all your stuff Betsy. You are so cute...I also can't take the music on blogs. I just keep my volume muted all the time.
Happy Sunday!
I love all of your stuff. I can tell you for sure "stuff" is not just southern I say it all of the time. Stuff and thing-y's are two of the words I use a lot to decribe stuff and things.
...ahhh...you're such a romantic. I love your little Christmas Log cabin. Fun post....with all your birds, you don't need a dog or cat, right? (I'm with you on the tears...wish mine didn't flow so easily sometimes!) Keep having a wonderful Christmas holiday...
I posted some of my Christmas treasures today too! Love the sled your friends dad made you, we do miss our loved ones most at the holidays it seems.
Hi Sweet Lady! Fun facts and good photos. Just love Christmas. x-c
Hello Betsy. Have wonderful Christmas!
What a wonderful pair of posts, Betsy--brimming over with Christmas cheer for all of us. Thank you and lots of Christmas hugs to you from a blogging friend in North Florida!
I love seeing your special Christmas decorations.My granddaughter would love the candy cane tree.Hmmm,I wonder why?
Oh,I too use the word 'stuff' for all those things that are too many to name.
I enjoyed seeing all your Christmas decorations, Betsy! That Santa made from a flowerpot is really cute. I liked learning a little more about you from the questions too. :)
I enjoy all your Christmas "stuff" and reading your answers to the questions was interesting.
Well that was fun reading all the answers for your questions... you are a comical girl. Isn't Christmas great with all the stories behind every knick-knack thingie we love to place out for decoration! You have some great memories ... thanks for sharing your treasures.
Hi Betsy,
I enjoyed looking at your 'stuff' and reading your Q & A. Have a Merry Christmas!
Betsy: You are really decorated for Christmas. We finally got some snow and have 2" on the ground.
Hi Betsy
Oh oh ..I am one of those bloggers who play music! I took it off once and then I got lots of e-mails asking me to put to back on. I may try taking if off again after Christmas, but I love all the Christmas music.
This was acute post and so was the one below...it was fun learning all these things about you and seeing all your pretty and sentimental Christmas decorations. I have so much from over the years but I only brought done a small portion this year from my attic and kept it simple.
I say "stuff" too, so it's not only a southern thing ..lol
The neighborhood I showed on my blog is pretty expensive ..mostly business owners or professionals live there ...there is sort of a competitive who has the best lights. It's a fun area to see!
That was a lot of good stuff!
I had music on my blog for a very short time and decided I didn't like it. I usually hit the mute button if it comes on but sometimes I really like the song and download it off iTunes. Go figure.
What lovely Christmas decorations you have sitting around Betsy.
I think you are a sentimental lady, and like myself, hold onto things because they have wonderful memories, not that they are just "pretty".
Sorry, I'm one of the guilty ones when it comes to music on the blog, I wish too they had a widget to turn on if you would like to hear, instead of the default "on" and turn off only if you don't want to hear.
You have so much Christmas stuff.That is such a sweet tradition to give ornaments each year. They all have a story and a memory. Great post. (Agree about the music)
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