Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Babies in my Home

I seldom participate in a 'tag' ---but LOVE reading them since I learn so much about blogger friends that way. Yesterday, my friend Arkansas PATTI chose some questions from PLINKY/PROMPTS and answered them on her blog... I enjoyed reading that so much, so I have decided to answer some of those questions for you today and tomorrow, along with sharing more of my Christmas sweeties with you.

Above is a picture of one of my Santas. Below are more---including some Q&A's just for you. I encourage you to choose some of the many questions offered on Plinky --and tell us more about yourself this way... It's really FUN--and we do learn alot about each other.

Here's a cute little snowman who lives with us during Christmas!!!

Q&A's from Plinky:
What helps you wake up in the morning?---My birdies (especially the Cardinals), begging for breakfast

Your high school reunion is tomorrow--what lies do you tell people about yourself?.... "Of course I don't 'color' my hair!"

Name some things that make you wish you were a kid again?... What do you mean??? I'm still a kid, aren't I?????ha ha (I guess I'd love some of their ENERGY.)

Meet Mr. Christmas Bear!!!!

Another of our sweet little Santas

More Q&A's
What chore do you wish you had a servant to perform? ... Housecleaning; As much as I enjoy yard work, I truly detest vacuuming and dusting... Anyone volunteer to help me?????

If you had to lose one of your senses for a month, which would you choose? ... I guess TASTE--since maybe (just maybe) I wouldn't enjoy food so much!!!! ha.... Definitely don't want to lose my SIGHT since there is still so much to see!!!

What was your dream occupation that never occurred? ... Several: a Pilot, an Accountant, a Weather-Girl (think I must have been this in a previous lifetime)... ha

I'll answer six more questions tomorrow!!!!!

Another of our little snowmen

And finally, I want you to meet my Christmas COW..... Bet you don't have one of these, do you??????? ha ha

Have a wonderful weekend.



mint said...

I'll help you clean, I don't mind housecleaning! Then you can take me around & show me your beautiful state!!

T said...

pilott? very interesting!

Come have a look at the snow we are getting!

RoeH said...

I love the Santa and snowmen. And that cow. One of my blogger friends in England loves cows. Think I'll send her this link. Have a fun week before Christmas.

pam said...

A Christmas Cow! Nope, I don't believe I have one of those!

Dorothy said...

I don't like to clean MY house, but it might be fun to clean YOURS! Interesting Q & A's

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Love the Christmas babies...and the questions are neat...who knew...!!!

Sunny said...

Your Christmas babies are so cute. I don't have a Christmas cow but I do have a sheep!
It was fun to read your answers and learn more about you.
Have a happy Saturday.
Sunny :)

Neal said...

A pilot??? That's scary! :)
You like housecleaning as much as I do. :) I don't mind washing clothes, washing dishes, cooking, etc but I absolutely despise dusting, vacuuming, etc.

I Am Woody said...

An accountant? Really?? Take it from me - it is not as glamourous as its cracked up to be:)

Snap said...

Great post, Betsy. Loved all your treasures, but really got a chuckle out of the Christmas Cow! :D :D

LV said...

As always, enjoyed seeing your neat post. Also, I am glad you are sharing a little part of your personal self. I am not one big on that, but nice hearing about you.

Karin said...

Awww - these are cute. Did you make them yourself or were they gifts? I still enjoy cleaning, dusting, re-arranging stuff, but I can't vacuum anymore. Fell down the stairs once and hurt my shoulder. Hubby took over then and it's working out just fine. Anybody know anything about the robot vacuum and how effective it is??

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your Christmas babies are adorable and I LOVED the q and a. The cow? Precious!!!! Have a great day, suz

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I dont have any of your sweeties, but I love them all. No cow sweetie here but he/she is a cutie pie. Love all the Q & A. I would choose housekeeper that could cook. I hate all things cooking and housekeeping.

Joy said...

what a great idea to put the questions in with your adorable Christmas babies. The Christmas Cow is my favorite. Did you make these or did you collect them.
I love them all.
♥ Joy

Unknown said...

Ohh, so darling BUT I LOVE LOVE that green one ... a wee bit of Irish in him. Chuckle!

Glorious breathtaking snow everywhere surrounds me today .. Yippee Skippy!

Merry Christmas,
TTFN~ Marydon
read/follow @ new blog

Betty said...

I love all of your Christmas babies to bad that they only are able to play once a year.

Nance said...

I'm like you, Betsy with house cleaning. I'd rather work in the garden! lol
Love your Christmas collections they are so precious! Your post just reminded me of maybe featuring all my Father Christmas collections too. I love displaying them all over the house. ;)
Wishing you and yours all the joys this holiday brings!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, great stuffed menagerie.

Love hearing your answers to the questions. It's so much fun to get to know someone better.

My dream job was to be a veterinarian, but that didn't happen.

I would love to have someone dust and vacuum. I have asthma and I hate it when the dust flies.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Love your Christmas decorations.Each one adds a special dimension to your home.No,I don't have a Christmas cow,strange,isn't it?

Anonymous said...

you have some sweet babies around the house, Betsy! they're all so cute & I liked that... Of course I don't color my hair! heheheee

imac said...

I love all these costumes that you and George wear.lol.

Diane said...

Nice to know these little secrets about you, Betsy. I love the green Mr. Christmas Bear. Cute Decorations.

Connie said...

Loved seeing all your Christmas babies, Betsy, and it was fun to read your answers to the questions. I want someone to come and clean my house too! HA! :D

Janice K said...

Your posts are always so much fun, versatile and interesting. By the way, I did go to ground school for becoming a pilot. My youngest son was a pilot and my oldest daughter decided she wanted to learn to fly too, so I went along to ground school with her, so I know what they were talking about. I loved flying with my son. He used to take me along when he did touch and goes. I figured if I was paying for the training, I might as well enjoy the ride!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Fun Christmas items and loved your question answers.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cleaning houses. Mom used to say she gave it a lick and a promise and left it at that.

jlshall said...

I love your Santas. But those snowmen make me think too much about what's going on outside right now! Oh, and I agree about the housework.

Valerie said...

Oh I am the biggest procrastinator there is when it comes to cleaning! enough said! I love your first santa and your Christmas Cow! How cute!

Thanks for the heads up on the PBS show, I will keep a look out, hopefully I can see it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy,
How are you? I'm thinking of you especially this time of year....it being the first Christmas without your brother.
Very cute photos. I love the Christmas photos and colors on your blog!
I have put my 3 blogs into one, so I ask that you make the transition with me. My new blog is marcisphotos.blogspot.com
Take care!

Cheryl said...

First of all I will come and clean for you and you and George can take me on some of your wonderful hikes! How's that?

LOVE the header photo, so pretty. And what cute, cuddly looking Christmas Babies you have. The quilt backdrop is sooo pretty too. And no, I never have seen a Christmas Cow!

marmee said...

love all your answer...but if you had any more energy none of us would be able to keep up.
happy december.

Rebecca said...

Your Christmas cow made me smile! Ok, giggle! :) Just stopping by to wish you a very merry Christmas!

Back Porch Blessings,

diane b said...

Love your Christmas family and the answers to the questions. My little Christmas friends have been let out of their box and are happy under the tree. They keep asking me to put them on the blog but......

Nina said...

Oh what cute and fun Christmas friends you have to decorate your home. Great Post here! A pilot.. hm... it's never too late?!?! may be one of those virtual ones that you go in and sit in a realistic cockpit and fly. hmmm a new adventure for 2010! Merry Christmas my friend. May all the Peace Love, Joy and Hope fill your hearts this Holiday season and always. Love and Light, Nina P

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoyed reading your answers, Betsy! You are such a character!

Small City Scenes said...

I think my answers to the questions would be about the same as yours.
Cute Christmas animals specially the cow and the green teddybear. MB

SquirrelQueen said...

What an adorable group of babies you have. I really like all of them but my favorite is the Christmas bear, he is so cute.

Shelley said...

I can see you as a weather girl! And picture you smiling as you announced snow in the forecast! Ha!!!
Love ya,

storyteller said...

You sure have some adorable 'Christmas cuties' ... many more than me these days but then I'm trying to get RID of 'stuph' wherever possible. I enjoyed learning more about you but probably won't take up these questions because I'll be spending the afternoon and evening with my sister and life's just way too busy to blog daily right now which is why I've 'multi-tasked' on each of my blogs to carry me through the weekend. I'm with you ... I don't care much for 'housework' like dusting ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

SmilingSally said...

Of all the senses, I would least like to lose my sight. My eyes are so important to me.

Mary said...

I love that Christmas quilt and I think I have made bears from the same bear pattern! I gave them as gifts to all my nieces and nephews one year.