Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 9, 2009

More from Tallulah Gorge, GA

This is a continuation of our latest trip to Tallulah Gorge, near Clayton, GA. Before reading this post, click HERE to see the other two posts about this incredible hike (which we took on October 14, 2009). There is also a post showing the gorge in Summer (when we went there in June).

WELL---if you remember from my last post, we were on the top of the South Rim---wondering how we would get back to the North Rim. Hmmmmm---should we go back down those 600 steps and then back up 600 more on the other side???????? I may enjoy hiking and it may be good for me to get all of that wonderful exercise---but my answer to this would be: "I think NOT." ha ha

Today ---I want to show you more of the beauty we enjoyed while on the South Rim. Above is one of my favorite waterfall in the gorge, TEMPESTA FALLS. Isn't it just totally amazing???? Below are more!

Even with all of the rain that day, I still loved seeing the Autumn colors all around me.

Besides the 5 waterfalls that are part of the Tallulah River, there were two wet-weather waterfalls/cascades flowing down the mountain on the north rim into the river. You may have to click on the above picture to make it larger in order to see the CALEDONIA CASCADE as it flows down the rocks (on the left side near the top) ---and on to the bottom of the gorge. That cascade falls for 600 feet. Amazing!

Here is a close-up of the bottom part of CALEDONIA CASCADE.

This waterfall is harder to see from the South Rim. Its name is OCEANA FALLS.

The fog was quite heavy while looking across the gorge at the other wet-weather waterfall, as it pours down the rocks toward the river. This waterfall is named HIGH BLUFF FALLS.

I loved seeing the huge rocks all around the gorge--on both sides. This gorge is 1000 feet down in some spots. Amazing!

O-ke-dok-ee... We have seen everything there is to see on the South Rim .... SO--now where do we go?????? To be continued (for one more post)...



T said...

what a stunning view of Tempesta falls!

The rocks (and it's colors) around the falls are so lovely - I miss seeing that type of rocks.

pam said...

Beautiful! Makes me wish I had found some time to do some hiking this weekend!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Trully amazing place! You may keep on posting more photos of this place :)

Darla said...

Breathtaking !!!

Beth said...

What a gorgeous place, Betsy! I like all your pictures, but I've especially enjoyed Tallulah Gorge. We are definitely going to go there someday---thank you for introducing us to this beautiful place. I'm looking forward to hearing how you and George got out of the Gorge!

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Betsy, you REALLY take time to smell the roses, don't ya girl. :) Your photography is the best...you and George both know your cameras are your best buddies LOL...LOVE YOU

Kelly said...

...how cool you walked through the rain! I can see the leaves are shiny wet. I guess with the gorgeous views you have here, rain or shine they pull you on. (I love the name Tallulah! It just rolls off the tongue...)

Tabor said...

Waterfalls can certainly take your breath away, and this first one does! I feel the same way you do about hiking. It is good for you and so rewarding spiritually, but sometimes you wonder why are you are not just sitting somewhere.

Connie said...

Even with the rain and fog there, I can see what a beautiful place it is. Thanks for sharing your photos, Betsy. I enjoyed them. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

The falls sure are pretty, Betsy! But you do look a tad wet and cold.

I Am Woody said...

Such a beautiful place!!

Dorothy said...

I KNEW we missed a lot by just viewing the gorge from the top!!! Wet and wild looking, but beautiful!!

Sunny said...

Such incredible falls and beautiful foliage.
I can't wait to see more.
Sunny :)

Mary said...

This place seems to have just one beautiful wonder after another....great photos and those drops are truly DEEP!

Susie said...

Betsy I have really enjoyed seeing these pics! It's so beautiful there. Can't wait to see more.

mint said...


Arkansas Patti said...

Playing catch up here now that my company has gone.
I loved your last post about George's parents. How sweet of you all to take them back in time. Wasn't courtship wonderful in the "old"days. You really had to care to walk so far.
Enjoyed todays trip but as usual, I had to go to the bathroom in the middle. Even pictures of running water do that to me.
I admire how you all walk so far to enjoy your passion but can see it is worth the effort.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am anxiously awaiting the next post and HOW you got back to the other side. Fab Falls is what i say for all of them. Incredible beauty, caught forever by the lens of your camera. keeps snapping and story telling

Roses and Lilacs said...

What a lovely place. Those cliff faces are beautiful covered in moisture.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a lovely 'damp' hike. You guys are hard core hikers...not sure that I could do this. Love the fall colors!

Loran said...

I love the foggy falls!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow Betsy, such beauty you get to traispe through. I guess I need a hiking partner. The waterfalls are gorgeous, the colors are gorgeous and the views are too. I love the huge rock walls. Lots of rock in the mountains out here. MB

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This is a spectacular place.I love the misty look of some of these pictures.All those stairs would do me in for sure.LOL

Sunny said...

And those Fall colors suit you just fine, Betsy !! :)

Thanks for taking us on a tour! Gorgeous photos, nice of you to share this :) Hugs.

Diane said...

Ohhh, my head's swooning from those heights!!! Very beautiful pictures though. The red leaves that you're standing by make your complexion rosy or maybe in was cold. Cute anyway.

Salitype said...

oh! it's stunning! the falls, the colors and the mist but my fave is the last one with george. i think its a lovely shot!

have a lovely day, betsy!

Deborah Godin said...

Love the rainy misty rocks and trees! Just gorge-ous!

Unknown said...

Betsy, I love your waterfall shots - they are so fantastic and beautiful.

That shot of you with the red leaves is awesome. I have a hat almost identical to that, I love it!

Thank you, as always, for sharing. It is always a pleasure to see what you have posted for us each day!

Janie said...

Gorgeous scenery and falls. I think the fog and rain only makes it more beautiful.

Kathleen said...

OMGosh! Your photos are absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing this beautiful part of our country with us!

storyteller said...

Your header looks so FESTIVELY like FALL and the misty, foggy, watery views from your recent hike are MARVELOUS indeed! I'm glad you and George didn't let the weather keep you from enjoying this outing and I'm delighted to share in it vicariously here ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

amelia said...

You are a better man than I am!! I would be dead with all that climbing!!

imac said...

You and George sure find beautiful waterfalls.

LV said...

Betsy, I really enjoy seeing all the beautiful places you and George have been able to visit. I am so happy you both like doing the same thing and sharing time together.

Cookie said...

I love hte way the clouds/fog looks in the third picture. Almost eerie. You are brave to go hiking in the rain!

Chris said...

Thanks for taking me on your hike Betsy, the falls are amazing and I love the colours of the leaves and of course your hat.

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for taking me along on this hike, Betsy.

The Retired One said...

It's so amazing..it doesn't even look real. I would love to see these sights some day!!

Cheryl said...

Wow! I am so enjoying hiking along with you two! Your photos are simply spectacular.

Cheryl said...

Wow! I am so enjoying hiking along with you two! Your photos are simply spectacular.

Lisa said...

Be careful Betsy..beautiful. The sight and sound of running water, rushing to the sea, to the sea.

Unknown said...

I've never seen a stream like that, pretty amazing shots! Rainy days like always make for memorable sight seeing. I don't know what it is but you remember those days more, no?

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I love your header my friend!!! Happy Monday!!

Tes said...

I love how you guys take us to wonderful places through your photos. The waterfalls are so alive.

Continue posting lovely photos. Love it! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

The falls are stunning, each one is so beautiful. I love the photo of you in your hat next to the Red Maple tree. It looks really wet.

But you are leaving us hanging again! I will just wait right here for the next chapter......


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Wonderful photos from a picturesque place. What a great show of colors, water and rock.