Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ruby Falls, Chattanooga, TN

In 2004, George and I visited Chattanooga, TN. One of the places we visited was Ruby Falls. Located over 1120 feet beneath the surface, Ruby Falls is the nation’s largest and deepest waterfall open to the public. Hundreds of gallons of water rush over by the minute and amaze visitors including us.

As of May, 2009, Ruby Falls can now be seen in a whole new light - a more natural one! This attraction just had 24 new lights installed in the waterfall viewing area at Ruby Falls, creating a more luminous light presentation for visitors. That is one reason we'd love to go back and get a really good picture of the waterfall..

Here are some pictures from Ruby Falls. Above is a picture that I took from their website HERE ---showing the new lighting that they now have at the waterfall. Below are pictures that we took while there in 2004.

In the cave at Ruby Falls, we saw the south end of a northbound donkey!!!! ha

The cave also contained gorgeous rock formations. This one was called the Leaning Tower.

This one looked like angel wings!

Further along we saw a Frozen Niagara.

Lights added to the beauty of the rock formations.

Wow--it looks like a crystal chandelier!

This formation is called "Cactus and Candles"!!!

Finally, here is our picture of Ruby Falls (taken in 2004, before all of the new lighting). This waterfall is 145-feet high and is located deep in the earth. It was AWESOME to see in person. If you ever go to Chattanooga, be sure and visit Ruby Falls.


The Rose of the Day is called APRICOT NECTAR. Beautiful isn't it????

Have a good day. We're headed to Hendersonville again today to check on Mom and Dad Adams.

P.S. Reminder to any ladies reading this today: I got my yearly Smash-o-gram (Mammogram) yesterday. Have you gotten YOURS???


Michele said...

Oh My Goodness!!!! What an amazing falls!!! What an amazing feature to add those lights! WOW WOW WOW!! How great it would be to be there in person.
Great photos!
And I love your rose of the day. Beautiful!

Hugs and kisses♥

Neal said...

That sounds like something I may have to do. I like waterfalls also and it would be neat to see one underground.

Connie said...

I live 2 hours away and have never been to Ruby Falls. Maybe this year.

That has got to be the prettiest rose yet!!

Carol Murdock said...

I love Ruby Falls! I haven't gone in years but I have been several times!The Rose is awesome Betsy!

SmilingSally said...

I've never seen Ruby Falls. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since I was at Ruby Falls - would love to enjoy the new lighting. I love the rose of the day - such a luscious color! You and George have a safe trip and I hope your in-laws are doing well.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Wow, the difference in lighting is amazing. I can see why you want to go back!

I love the rose of the day! Peach roses and yellow roses are my favorites! Is it very fragrant?

Diane AZ said...

Wow, I had never heard of Ruby Falls. Your pictures are fascinating! I really enjoyed your tour including the rock formations. I love the Apricot Nectar rose image. :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely photos of Ruby Falls, Betsy. My mother and I visited there in 1966 (ye gods and little fishes! more than 40 years ago!). I'm sure the attractions have improved greatly since then. The only thing I didn't like about it was the ugly bumper sign someone wired to my front bumper "I've Been to Ruby Falls."

The rose is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Cedar ... said...

I've always heard of Ruby Falls, but didn't know it was underground. Wow, that is a must do for me in the future. Great photos Betsy!

Arkansas Patti said...

Thank you , thank you. Years ago as we traveled up and down the east coast of the US, we would see lots of cars with the bumper stickers "See Ruby Falls". Oh how I wanted to stop but we were always just going from point A to B, non stop. Now days if I get a chance, I will stop. Had no idea it was so beautiful.

Small City Scenes said...

My o My that is quite the falls. It would be interesting to see in person and all the other underground goodies. Great pictures.

Say hello to the folks. MB

Dorothy said...

Beautiful pictures! Gorgeous Rose!! If the inventors of the mammogram machine had to have it used on them, they would figure out a better and more comfortable way to get it done.

Anonymous said...

The south end of a northbound donkey! LoL! ROFLMBO! That's hilarious!

These cave photos are awesome - Would love to go & I had no idea the nation's deepest waterfall was so close - I gotta get over there to see it!

Becca's Dirt said...

Good morning Betsy - I love Ruby Falls. I have been there and it certainly is something to see. Love the Apricot Nectar.

I am due for my smash-o-gram. Ouch. When are we gonna get the machine that doesn't have to make a pancake out of them.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

This makes me want to return for another visit...plus...its close to the grands....lovely rose...

Diane said...

I love your word for mammogram. The falls are beautiful with the lighting, almost looks like a church. Have a safe trip.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I loved going to Ruby Falls as a kid and took the girls a few summers ago. I think the new lighting was NEEDED. We may get back there this summer for a softball tourney...crossing fingers!!

Natalie said...

Jeff and I went there last year on our weekend honeymoon. I had not been since I was 5-6 years old and it is wonderful.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The cave pictures remind me of our trip to Carlsbad Caverns,years ago.
The rose is stunnging.

Becky said...

We have been there.They said that they don't know where the water comes out. They have put dye in it and it never showed anywhere. It is a neat place and my kids loved it. It just made hubby want to go out and do caving as a hobby. I hate crawling in small caves ;)

Betty said...

Hi Betsy,

I've been to Ruby Falls, but it's been a long time. Your beautiful pictures makes me want to go back again.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I came to your blog and saw so much beauty. This has helped to lift my spirits so much. Thank -you ...m...

Rose said...

Amazing, Betsy!

I hear Twinkle Eyes waking up, so guess I won't say any more. Except I am very limited on time but will eventually catch up.

EcoRover said...

Great underground tour with an outstanding waterfall.

Deborah Godin said...

I had NO idea there was such a place!!! Thanks for the amazing tour. The sound in there must have been incredible, too!

Cicero Sings said...

I didn't know there were such falls either. What a neat place to visit. You and George beat all ... the places you get to.

Joy said...

I haven't been to Ruby Falls, but definitely would love to.
Beautiful pictures.
Glad you got your smashie done yesterday. Got mine done 6 months ago. Don't miss one.


Leedra said...

Shelley going to Chattanooga made you think about all the beautiful sites she should see, but won't have time to take it all in. I have never been to Ruby Falls, can you believe it? Been to Rock City. Went to the Lost Sea as a child. I told George yesterday my first memory of a trip was Fontana, but now I think Lost Sea was before Fontana. I grew up in Georgia, so neither were close to home.

Leedra said...

Oops! See ya tomorrow!

Rosa said...

Finally, I can say I've been here!!! Love your photos!!!

Susie said...

As many times as we have been by Look-out Mtn. we never went to Ruby Falls. Thanks for showing me what it looks like. The caverns remind me of Blanchard Caverns in AR. Don't know if you have ever visited there but those are nice.

Harriet said...

I have lived in Chattanooga all but 3 years of my life and have never been to Ruby Falls. Looks like fun!

Unknown said...

Now that's a place I'd like to visit. The highest and deepest waterfall ... that almost seems contradictory.

Patty said...

What beautiful falls. Since I have been reading your blog, I realize how many falls I missed out on not seeing when I lived in TN. Maybe one of these days I will get back there for a visit again

marmee said...

abbey and i just drove past ruby falls...we have visited it before and were fascinated by all the formations.
lovely apricot rose.

RA said...

Stunning! What a wonderful place to visit! You know that all of your flowers are a beauty :). Thanks for the reminder. I think it is really time for my yearly check up. Have a great weekend, Betsy. Hugs and love from Indonesia :)

Lagean Ellis said...

I love the caverns!

Talk soon!

SquirrelQueen said...

Another place where it seems like I spent a lot of my childhood time. The photos you posted already have better lighting than I remember and the new lighting is fablous.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a great place to visit, there is just something about a cave visit that is special.

Connie said...

Those rock formations are great, Betsy. Very neat to see! :D

Unknown said...

That looks like a really incredible place!!!