Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Blue Ridge, GA

I think I have told most of you that my three childhood girlfriends and I take a trip together most every fall. We started this once we all turned 50 in the summer of 1992---and to this day, we seldom have missed a year getting together. To read more about these special friends, click HERE.

I was recently looking through some old pictures and came across our trip in October of 2005. That year we rented a gorgeous little cabin in the north Georgia mountains at Blue Ridge. This was one of my favorite trips simply because that cabin was situated on the mountain perfectly, in order to see the sunrise. That beautiful sunrise obviously got us all up EARLY every morning. The picture above is of our sweet little cabin. There are more pictures below!

This was the road to our cabin. I got outside and did some walking on a cool, crisp Autumn day.

The other side of the cabin (which had a great view from two decks)

We spent TONS of time sitting on the top deck, enjoying the view and chatting.

A view from the top deck during the daytime

Early morning--before sunrise, we watched the fog in the valley below-which looked like snow!

Reida (who was inside) took this picture of us as we watched the sunrise.

Gorgeous Sunrise! We could even see this from the bedroom windows! Wow!

When we weren't on the deck, we spent time in the living room YAK-ING---and enjoying a roaring fire in the fireplace.

Betsy (the baby of the four since I was born in August and the other three were born in June) enjoyed the jacuzzi.. (Do you think I put a little too many bubbles in the water????? ha ha)

We of course took time to check out the area and have dinner at some of the local restaurants. (The trout was delicious!!!)

We passed by this TINY little place ---and wondered if they would let us rent it the next year.....??????? Hmmmmmm---they did NOT!!!! ha ha

Our four days in "Paradise" were over.... Susan and Nita don't want to leave... (Neither did Reida nor I.)

Well ---we said our goodbyes with tears... It was a great four days!!!!

Here's one more view of one of our gorgeous sunrises. We had such a marvelous time together.. God Bless these wonderful childhood friends.


P.S. George and I are headed to Cleveland, TN today to meet two of our special blog friends, SHELLEY and LEEDRA. I am SO excited to meet these new friends. I thank God also for you, my blogging friends. I hope to meet ALL of you someday!!!!


Jayne said...

Betsy, I can't believe you all are going to be in Cleveland!!!! It's seriously not 45-50 minutes from me!!! Wish I known... Have a wonderful time.

penny said...

Well, now I really am jealous. A trip with the girls, how wonderful and to such a beautiful area too.
Thanks for the journey, Betsy.

NatureStop said...

Wow!!!It's so nice when childhood friends meet,there is so much to catch up.Looks like you all had such a great time in that cute cabin and the lovely sunrises.Anyway you have a great time with your blogger friends.

jlshall said...

What absolutely spectacular sunrises! Looks like you and your pals had a really fun, relaxing time. Loved the bubble bath shot!

Unknown said...

What a great place!!! So much fun with wonderful scenery. PLEASE post photos of your visit with Shelley and Leedra!!!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures from the cabin and so nice to see your girlfriends. I hope to hear more about your meeting with blog friends today. Have fun!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Have a wonderful day Betsy!!!

Naturegirl said...

Betsy what wonderful memories and tradition for you and your girl pals!
Certainly a place that offers peace and solitude! Gorgeous views!
Cute hot tub scene! Blessings from NG

Adrienne Zwart said...

Betsy, these are gorgeous photos of your special trip. The pre-sunrise misty shot and the gravel road shot are my favorites. I love how they draw me to imagine possibility.

Have fun at lunch today. It's fun to make new friends!

Arkansas Patti said...

Isn't north Ga. beautiful? I have a friend in Blairsville who has a similar though bit smaller cabin.
So nice that you have friends from child hood and that you nourish that friendship.
Have a great meeting today.

Tina said...

Great cabin...you are the cabin queen..you pick such neat areas to stay..I must get some info from you about a few that you have posted!!
Do have a wonderful time with Leedra and Shelley! Give us a good report tomorrow!!
will e-mail you later for some cabin info if you don't mind!! ;-)

Susie said...

I hope you enjoy meeting Shelley and Leedra. That sounds like lots of fun. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Joy said...

I want to go there and stay in that cabin. What a perfect way to spend times with good friends.
My husband's sister is named Reida too. You don't see it too often.
Have fun with those blogging friends.


Pat - Arkansas said...

Oh, my goodness! That cabin is just as I picture my DREAM HOME! On the edge of a cliff... overlooking only Nature. It looks perfect. Only one question: can you access the Internet from there? LOL

The only things I can see from the windows of my present home are the houses across the street! Waaah!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh Betsy, what a wonderful time you and your friends have. I love the so-called cabin--it is a beauty. You are such a joyful person I love reading your blog--you infuse us all. Well at least me!!! MB

Dorothy said...

What a fun thing to do!!! Wonderful photos!

RA said...

What a wonderful friendship! I can see that it was a lovely vacation. Stunning shots! I find it great how you and George spent your time. Hope you'll have a nice trip to Cleveland. Hugs and love from Indonesia :)

Cedar ... said...

no times are better than when friends get together,... and with that sunrise,... wow!

Lagean Ellis said...

Wow, that cabin is gorgeous. If you take just the upper level of it, then wrap the deck around the right side, it would be almost identical to Ollie's house. I'll have to show you pics!

What a wonderful idea, to get together with your girls!

I hope to meet you someday, too.

You guys have a ball.

Love and Hugs,

Cicero Sings said...

What a beautiful place ... how do you find all these wonderful places?

Nothing like a lovely soak in the tub! I make my own bath salts. Nothing like it when it comes to restoring ones equilibrium.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love all the pictures of your visit....so special that you all have each other still. JEALOUS!!!!
Love your tub picture...you really look like one of my girls there. :)

Janie said...

How wonderful, Betsy, to have these old, true friends who manage to
You chose a great place for the gathering. Love the foggy mountains and the sunrise photos.

Femin Susan said...

it sounds very nostalgic.....
what a pretty lot of good friends...
even i did enjoy your trip very much...

Sandy said...

Blue Ridge, Ga is great, the first year I vacationed there was back in 1994, and I loved it. My folks get a cabin there every year in the fall, it's one of their favorite spots. In fact, they've already reserved their place for this November!

Carol Murdock said...

Betsy! Awesome the Cabin and your trip with your friends!!!!

Richard said...

Great pictures again. I think I will borrow a couple (maybe even the bathtub one).

Please stop by my blog and pick up a new award.

Jen said...

Glad you had such a good visit! staying in a log home sure added a special touch didn't it. That porch is amazing for the view too!
I can't wait to see and read about the visit with Leedra and Shelley! :D

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This cabin and the scenery sound almost too good to be true.I can understand why no one wanted to leave.The sunrise pictures are awesome.

SquirrelQueen said...

One of my favorite parts of Georgia, it brings back so many memories from my childhood.
The little cafe looks familiar.

Have a wonderful day,

Shelley said...

Hi Betsy! I'm back in my hotel room after I just met you, George and Leedra for lunch! SO HAPPY to have met you all! Loved these log cabin photos today (but then I'm sure you knew I would!)
P.S. I think I beat you, Leedra and George by posting photos first of our visit - ha!!! :-)

Big hugs to you and George - you hold a permanent place in my heart.

Grammy said...

Looks like an awesome time, Betsy.

Mary said...

I think I prefer the cabin retreat to that big house :-) Glad you put in all those bubbles, or we would have had to put an XXX rating on your blog! Have fun with the others!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Sounds like you had a blast! I just came from Shelley's blog and saw her post on your meeting. We are so close...someday we will have to plan a meeting.

Diane said...

Hope you're having a great time, you always seem to. "See" you when you get back.

Kim said...

Betsy, I love how adverturous you and George are all of the time. Have wonderful trip!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I bet you can hardly wait to head there again.

Rose said...

That was a beautiful place to stay! What a view it must have been to wake up to.

Connie said...

Such gorgeous sights and views, Betsy! The bubbles in the jacuzzi picture made me laugh. I guess your new nickname ought to be Bubbles Betsy! HA! :D