Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Anniversary

Tomorrow is our 8th wedding Anniversary. It has truly been the BEST eight years of my entire life. As you know, I've had a great life ---but I did not know what real LOVE was until I met George.

In order to celebrate this special day, George is taking me to North Georgia (Dillard area) to do some 'waterfalling'. On Tuesday night, we'll enjoy dinner at the Dillard House. We'll be gone until Wednesday night. I'm sure that both of us will have plenty of new pictures to post when we return. In the meantime, I will close by showing you some of our pictures together during these eight years of PURE joy!!!!!

I couldn't help myself. I just HAD to show this one!!!! Isn't he a mess??? I try my best to train him---I really do!!!!! ha ha ha

Why don't you go out to dinner on Tuesday and help us celebrate our Anniversary????? We'll be back online ---with lots to tell you, on Thursday.

Have a wonderful week.
Hugs to All,


Jane said...

Happy anniversary and tons more!


Kathy W said...

Happy Anniversary to George and Betsy. Those pictures are great. I hope you two have a wonderful time on your trip. ((Big Hugs to you both)).

Jayne said...

Happy Anniversary Betsy! Hope you all find the best waterfall ever. :c)

Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Anniversary Betsy and George.
Your love really shows through each picture, yes even with his tongue out.
Have a wonderful get away and enjoy those falls.
Take lots of pictures and we will see you Thursday.

NatureStop said...

Happy Anniversary Betsy!Am sure you will have a great trip.So waiting to see the pics when you return and enjoy your day!The pics are lovely.

Beth said...

Happy Anniversary to you and George, Betsy! I love all the pictures, especially that last one. :-) All the best to both of you and here's to many, many more happy years together. Have a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Dorothy said...

Happy Anniversary to you and George! I know you will have a great celebration!! Blessings for many more wonderful years.

Tina said...

Well, Happy Anniversary to both of you!! and I wish you many more!!
You look like you have a fun time together and it is so nice you love to do the same kind of activities..I wonder how may water falls you will find this year??

Grammy said...

Happy anniversary ! I hope you both have lots of fun on your trip. Big hug

Susie said...

Happy anniversary to you both! Hope you have a great time in Dillard.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Wishing for you and George many more years of bliss.Just looking at the pictures I can see the happiness on your faces.Have a great time.

Carol Murdock said...


I love the Dillard House!!
Do they still bring platters and bowls of great food to the table?

I spent a week in Dillard when I first discovered the Foxfire books!

Richard said...

Happy Anniversary and many, many more.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!!!

You two have a wonderful time & we'll see ya back here later!

Hmmm, I just might go out to eat on Tues & help ya celebrate! hehehe

Loran said...

Happy, happy anniversary! You two are such a cute couple. (And thanks for saying I look young. I think everyone looks young too.) You are very obviously young at heart.

Small City Scenes said...

Well, Happy 8th Anniversary to a truly special couple.
Happy 'waterfalling' and we will see you in a few days. MB

Busy Bee Suz said...

Have a wonderful time Betsy. I love that last picture...he is so silly!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Congratulations...have a wonderful trip and I am so lucky to have met such a wonderful couple via this blog!!!

Connie said...

Happy 8th Anniversary to both of you. How happy you both look in all of your photos.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! my husband and i love going "waterfalling" too :) enjoy your special day.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!!! Today is ours. We have been married 35 years.....hugs...m.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Happy Anniversary for my friends George and Betsy. I hope you have a great meal and a fun day.

Jen said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dinner out Tuesday night; sounds good to me! :D

NCmountainwoman said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I'm sure it will be wonderful despite the weather.

Dirt Princess said...

Happy anniversary! How wonderful for you both to find such an amazing love!

Mandy said...

Happy Anniversary, guys! Have a great time!


Deborah Godin said...

Happy Anniversary to you, and have a wonderful trip!!

Cedar ... said...

Happy Anniversary, my friends! And may you enjoy many more years together!

Cicero Sings said...

Happy, happy anniversary Betsy and George, have a wonderful time. Great pictures of the two of you enjoying life.

Jackie said...

Sung Flinstone Style:

Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Haaaaappy Anniversary!

What a great idea inviting everyone in on your dinner plans. Now, if I could only convince Roger to celebrate with me, lol


Libby's Library said...

Happy Anniversary! It looks like the two of you have had a LOT of fun over the last 8 years. I wish you many many more!

Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you both have a wonderful day!

Judy said...

Happy Anniversary to you both. The photos are great and I can see your hubby has a great sense of humor. I love it when couples are so happy together. Have a great time. Loved the one about your father, too.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!Wonderful pictures of the 2 of you,too.Hope you have a great time.Behave yourselves!
All the best!

Diane said...

Happy Anniversary, you two! I especially like the last picture, they never grow up, do they?

Diane AZ said...

I not surprised that you two are going waterfalling for your anniversary! I love every one of these pictures of the happy couple! Happy anniversary!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Happy Anniversary to you both !
Enjoy yourselves doing what you love most...with the person you love most !
Wonderful pictures, George is so funny in the last picture....

Becky said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!!!
You 2 are the cutest couple! Have fun on your trip and we will be waiting on the pics.

Unknown said...

looks like you two are having adventures of a lifetime! May you enjoy ten thousand more! BTW, I've tagged you to partake in writing 6 things you love, others may find boring, challenge. please visit my blog if you're inclined.

Leedra said...

Congratualations and happy anniversary. Loved seeing the photos.

EcoRover said...

Congratulations with good wishes for many more to come!

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Anniversary.
Those are great photos, it's easy to see the love between the two of you.
Have a wonderful time,

Shelley said...

Not sure if my comment went thru - so sorry if you get this twice! Happy anniversary - much love and hugs to you both! have a wonderful trip!!

Sandy said...

Love later in life is the best! Hubby #1 was a bum, but James walks on water as far as I'm concerned. We didn't get married until 39, so it's true that good things come to those who wait!!

Carol said...

Sometimes it's takes awhile to find that soulmate...so glad you've found yours...and that I found mine.


Karin said...

Everything's been said! The delight and love you two share is totally contagious - even through the pages of your blog! There is nothing like real LOVE! I'm so HAPPY for you both! May you be blessed with many, many, more, amazing anniversaries! Big bear hugs!!!

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, that last picture is priceless! I hope you have lots of fun tomorrow! Happy Anniversary!

Janie said...

Hope you have a great time, Betsy! You and George are such a cute couple.

Janie said...

Hope you have a great time, Betsy! You and George are such a cute couple.

Chat with Kathleen said...

Betsy, I am so glad I found your blog through your sweet dear husband. I want to wish you both a Happy Anniversary today. May you have many many more to celebrate and to enjoy each other You are a special couple that I hope some day to meet on my visit to my son in SC. I look forward to seeing those waterfalls. Your pictures are all so beautiful with with waterfalls background.

Darla said...

Your love for one another is so obvious..

EG CameraGirl said...

Happy anniversary! It's so refreshing to hear you speak so well of George. So many married people gripe about their spouses. But I can tell George truly is special!

The Silver Age Sara said...

A very happy anniversary. Your photos were wonderful.

I Am Woody said...

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years of complete happiness!!

Snap said...

Happy Anniversary, Betsy and George! Can't wait to see your celebration pictures!

Neal said...

Are you buying for all of us on Tuesday? :) Haven't you figured out yet that we aren't trainable? :) Happy anniversary .... I think I'll send George a medal for putting up with you for 8 years. :)

Kelly said...

...Happy Anniversary, Betsy and George!! I hope you have a wonderful time waterfalling, and I can't wait to see the photos. Our anniversary is June 25th...I'm right behind you!
hugs, Kelly

Kelly said...

...p.s....have your hummingbirds showed up yet? I have a little male and female now. Yeah! They are finally back...

Meems said...

Happy Anniversary you two! Eat some fried chicken for me at the Dillard House.
Congrats on eight great years and pure joy!

Unseen India Tours said...

Congratulations on the anniversary !!Really happy for you both..Great..Unseen Rajasthan

troutbirder said...

Way to go Betsy and George. You lookin good!

Kim said...

I am so happy for you and George Betsy! Happy Anniversary.

Becca's Dirt said...

Congratulations Betsy and George. What special memories you share. I think its wonderful that it's been the best 8 years of your life with George. You two look so happy together. I only hope I can experience some of the joys you speak of with George.

Tootie said...

Happy Anniversary, you two! It makes me smile every time I read about your happy outings together.

jlshall said...

Don't know how I missed this post. Happy Anniversary, a little late! Hope you enjoy the trip and the waterfalls. We'll be looking for those photos when you get back.

Michele said...

I'm sorry I missed the anniversary.
I hope you had a very nice time... I am hoping you will have several more years ahead of you.

Next month, hubby and I celebrate our 21st... isn't love grand?!

Hugs to you both! ♥

Connie said...

Belated wishes for your anniversary, Betsy! Congratulations! Here's hoping you have many many more to celebrate together. You two always look so happy in your photos (well except maybe that last one of George--ha ha!) :D

Pat - Arkansas said...

A very belated Happy Anniversary to you and George, Betsy! The waterfall photos are wonderful; I love Minnehaha!