Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beauty in the North Georgia Mountains

George and I are home, after a FABULOUS three days in the mountains near Dillard, GA. The weather was perfect---although a little (a lot) hot (especially while hiking UP a mountain--pant pant)... We saw about 14 new waterfalls, and enjoyed seeing Tallulah Gorge for the first time. We stayed at our favorite motel (Holiday Inn Express) and had dinner on Tuesday night (to celebrate our anniversary) at the famous Dillard House.

Today, I'll just give you a 'taste' of our short vacation. Above is our picture at my personal favorite waterfall of the week, PANTHER FALLS. which is found in the Lake Rabun area west of Clayton, GA. The picture above of us was taken at Panther Falls. One thing which makes waterfalls very special is when nobody else is around --and we have the waterfall totally to ourselves. Talk about feeling God's presence all around!!! WOW! More pictures are below---with many many more to come on another day!!! Remember to click on each picture to make them larger. The waterfall ones are just so pretty!!!

Here is another picture of PANTHER FALLS. I sat on a big rock at the base of the waterfall and sang and prayed and just sat and listened to the roaring water for awhile --while George checked out the waterfall above this one.

George hiked even farther up the mountain above Panther Falls, and found this beauty, ANGEL FALLS.

We saw this waterfall in 2005, but since it was in the same area as Panther and Angel Falls, George wanted to check it out again. You may have heard of this one, MINNEHAHA FALLS---since it is more popular than Panther and Angel Falls. It is larger and had more water this time than when we were there in 2002. (Here's an aside: You should have heard our GSP lady pronounce Minnehaha!!!!! FUNNY!)

On Monday, when we got to the Dillard area, we drove south to Clayton and drove east on Warwoman Road (where there are several waterfalls). Two that we enjoyed are HOLCOMB CREEK FALLS and Ammons Creek Falls. The one above is Holcomb Creek Falls. This hike was EASY ---going in, but HARD (for me) going out, since it was UP, UP, UP the entire way out.... Mercy Percy!!!! ha

This is AMMONS CREEK FALLS ---which is not far from Holcomb Creek Falls.

This is Tallulah Gorge from one of the six overlooks on the North Rim. There are six waterfalls in this gorge--and we got pictures of all of them, although some are from a distance. We highly recommend the visit to this gorge if you are ever in North Georgia. It is off of Highway 441 --south of Clayton.

Here is one of the waterfalls in Tallulah Gorge. This one is named L'Eau d'Or (French words meaning Water of Gold).

After some great exercise, we went to the Dillard House for an ENORMOUS dinner... I will devote an entire blog to this place and our delicious dinner... AMAZING!!!!!! They serve family style ---and there is so much food that we brought enough home for at least one more meal, maybe more. Besides Tullaluh Gorge, we recommend this place also!!!!

Much more to come ---and be sure to check out
GEORGE'S BLOG for more information about our wonderful Anniversary trip.

Hope you are having a great week.


Anonymous said...

Some of the falls look like flights of stairs. I can see why you were inspired to sing surrounded by all the beauty.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary :)

Nina said...

There is something therapeutic about waterfalls. Their happy, the way the water dances down, their exciting as water rushes past, their contemplative as you gaze upon them and see Gods Great Power and Glory... What a wonderful way to Celebrate your life together!! Amazing photo's! Happy Anniversary!! Love and Light, Nina P.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see some of my favorite places in GA. Glad you enjoyed your anniversary.

Carol said...

What a blessing it is to have your life partner in love and inspired by the things that mean so much. The Lord and all he created.


jlshall said...

Wow, that's a lot of waterfalls! And your photos are gorgeous. Looks like you had a really great trip to celebrate your anniversary.

Beth said...

Wow, Betsy...fourteen new waterfalls! What a wonderful anniversary gift! Your pictures are lovely. You and George were truly blessed to get Panther Falls all to yourself. I've never had that experience. Every waterfall we've ever been to has been teeming with people.

I'm so glad that y'all had a happy anniversary trip. Welcome home!

Arkansas Patti said...

I agree with Carol in that it is so great that you two love the same things.
At least with the bounty of food, you also got some good exercise. Totally understand that "UP" challange though. Puff, puff, wheeze.

Diane AZ said...

Oh, Betsy, it looks like you and George had a marvelous time! These are some of the most beautiful waterfalls. The hills look so green at Tullulah Gorge. I feel very refreshed just looking at your pictures. Can't wait to see what you had for dinner. :)

Rose said...

Betsy, I sure cannot pick a favorite of these waterfalls...they are all so beautiful. Glad you had a good time...and my little Bright Eyes just arrived so I have to get going.

Carol Murdock said...

What a wonderful anniversary celebration you guys had! Gorgeous photos! Can't wait to hear about the Dillard House! I love that place!

SmilingSally said...

Happy Anniversary!

Your pictures are gorgeous; you guys sure know how to have fun.

Cedar ... said...

I'm so glad you had a happy anniversary! I'm interested in the geology of that area,.. I see so much sedimentary rock,.. telling me that it was all underwater at one time! Our earth is so amazing, and so interesting!

Small City Scenes said...

14 new falls. How exciting. What a lovely time you and George had. The happiness bursts through in your writings. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear more about the dillard House. MMM!!! Such a beautiful area. MB

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I am so happy you had a great time.The scenery looks fabulous.I am waiting to hear more about your adventures.

Susie said...

Betsy y'all's trip looked great! I imagine y'all had the most wonderful time. Thanks for taking us along with you.

I have eat at the Dillard house one time. Have you guys ever ate at the Smith House in Dahlonega, GA? I guess it's still there. They serve family style too and it's wonderful.

Yesterday after work I walked out in the backyard to check my plants and was attacked by the bluebird parents. I didn't know it at the time but the babies were trying to leave the box and one was on the ground. This morning they are active again. I will be posting about it in the next day or two.

I'm glad you guys made it home safely. I look forward to hearing more about it.

Hope you guys have a great day!

NCmountainwoman said...

Beautiful, Betsy. Glad you had a good trip and didn't starve.

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful!! Speaking of d'Or, we have a neighbor that is a prospector. And he loves the streams and gorges of NE Georgia to pan for gold. Thar's gold in them thar hills!

Grammy said...

I am so glad to here you had an amazing trip. The falls are wonderful. I love the photo with you and George. Have a wonderful day.

NatureStop said...

Betsy, welcome back.Looks like you had a great time.The waterfalls are lovely.Thanks for sharing.

Becky said...

Wonderful Pictures as always.
Welcome Home, looks like you had a great time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Did you hike all the way down to the bottom of Tullulah?

The trip down didn't get me, but all those stairs back up on the other side????? I could barely walk the next day! LOL

Glad you had such a great trip.

Loran said...

What gorgeous waterfalls! Can't wait to hear about the yummy dinner too. I'm still thinking about the fabulous Italian dinner we had in Jackson.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love all your pictures Betsy!! I have always wanted to stop at Tallulah Gorge as we pass it going to NC. Coach is always in a hurry though, plus we have the dogs too.
Glad you had a nice anniversary, I will tell you what I told George too: "glad you both made it past the 7 year itch!"
Hugs, suz

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

These waterfall pictures are gorgeous..thanks for sharing and I'm so happy you had a wonderful time...

Dirt Princess said...

How beautiful! Each one is unique in their own ways. Very nice. I want to sit under them on days like today and cool down

Betty said...

Your water fall are wonderful. I am glad you had such a good time.I am looking forward to hearing about your dinner.

Kim said...

So glad you had a wonderful time. LOVE all of the water fall pics.

Darla said...

Get out of here! My husband surprised me last night with a trip he has planned to a cabin in the North Georgia Mountains........I could barely sleep!! Your falls are beautiful Betsy.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

A truly spectacular place !
Those waterfalls are magnificent, you are truly blessed to experience their beauty and to have them all to yourselves !
So lovely.....

Mary said...

With the present heat, I would like to sit down in the middle of that waterfall and just let it cascade all over me. Beautiful place! Happy Anniversary!

Deborah Godin said...

WOW - I think I'm starting to get hooked on waterfalls...

Dianne said...

Not only beautiful falls but great photography. I posted a waterfall on my blog. It looks like a flash flood compared to yours! Looks like a wonderful trip.

Dorothy said...

I'm glad you and George how a great Anniversary. The pictures are beautiful. Makes me want to go there.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Welcome back, you were missed but your photos make up for it. You must have gained 10# from the look of that meal on George's blog.

Natalie said...

Looks like ya'll had a blast!

Jen said...

Another great George & Betsy adventure! Sounds like a lot of hiking - I'd go for a big dinner too!

Tina said...

Sure sounds like you had a great time and after seeing that wonderful family style dinner on Geo's blog I can see why you hiked to see all those beautiful water falls!!
Sounds like my kind of weekend!!

Connie said...

Absolutly gorgeous falls Betsy. I've heard of some of these wonderful places, but never been.

Glad you had a great time, glad to have you back.

Diane said...

Happy Anniversary again, Betsy. I'm so glad you and George had a great time.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary!

Shelley said...

Betsy - if you get 2 comments from me- sorry! I had my computer connection die while I was clicking publish on the 1st one! Loved all your waterfall photos - the running water looks like a beautiful ghostly mist! Sounds like a wonderful anniversary - I wish you and George many more!
Love, Shelley

Leedra said...

Wonderful pics, to go with a wonderful trip (I am sure). My fav is the one of Ammons Creek Falls.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Looked like a fab trip Betsy. You always have the neatest photos. Have anniversary to you and George. Mommy doesn't see a waterfall without thinking of you!

Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
(Cassie's 'kids')

Neal said...

What can I say.... beautiful scenery! I glad you guys has a great time.

Unknown said...

Wow! Those falls are gorgeous! :)

Tammie Lee said...

Happy Anniversary!
14 waterfalls, that is amazing and oh so beautiful!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful way to spend an anniversary.
You brought back more memories from my childhood. I don't remember how many trips we made to Tullaluh Gorge, probably at least once every summer. Tullaluh Falls, Angel Falls and all the rest.
Great photos, thanks for sharing.


Connie said...

Such lovely waterfalls, Betsy. You and George must have really enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing all those great photos. Felt like I was there with you! :D

Kelly said...

Betsy, the falls are gorgeous. I love the stair-stepping in them and how the water just cascades down. I have felt that same feeling at the foot of a fall when no one else is around to intrude. It is spiritual (I however, can't sing. I close my eyes and let it soak in and am thankful. There is so much to feel at the base of a fall, but no one I know has ever mentioned that before--except Rick and Matty!).

Kathy W said...

Betsy it looks like you had a wonderful time. Those pictures are beautiful. LOL I keep thinking how I would have been diving into all that water just to cool off.

T said...

Just breathtaking.

You guys have quite the knack for finding waterfalls! I can't wait till next month when I go home - my girls and I are planning on going to a couple (my big goal is Ovaca falls....fingers are crossed!).