Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Welcome Home

After our week in Arkansas, we came home to find some "Welcome Home Beauties" waiting here for us. Above, you will see a picture of some of our Crocus plants in bloom and also some of our Daffodils/Jonquils and a row of Hyacinths--all in our side flowerbed. It felt SO nice to drive into the yard when we got home only to see GREENER grass and also see those Crocus blossoms, Hyacinths and Daffodils 'smiling' just for us!!! Even though there aren't many of them blooming yet, I can say that Spring is TRULY beginning here on the Cumberland Plateau!!!! There are more "Welcome Home Beauties" below!!!

The little purple Crocus above is in the front flowerbed --not far from the front door. This Crocus bloomed first since there is more sun in that area of the yard. Dad Adams gave us this little Crocus plant out of his yard (along with many others) when we first moved here. So--it's quite special to us.

The little beauty above is a close-up of one of the Crocus blooms found in the top picture. This Crocus is called Pickwick. Pretty, huh?

More 'beauties' to welcome us home were the Deer (nine of them) out on the golf course fairway behind our home.

This beauty was running to tell us how glad they were that we were home!!!! (The problem was that they were running the 'other' way!!!! ha ha)

AND---once we were home, we saw both a male and a female Bluebird checking out the nestbox in our backyard. Pictured above is a female Bluebird at the nestbox (taken last Summer). OH--how I hope they decide to nest here again this spring. Bluebirds are my fav's. I was so excited to see them...

AND---lots of our bird friends were waiting for us to come home---including the Cardinals. I had put the feeders away while we were gone--but the birds seemed to know we were coming back since they were waiting for us.

Uh Oh.... Guess who came back?????? Those darn PINE SISKINS (lots and lots of them)..... I was SO hoping they would have been gone by now. But---like all of our other birds that come to our feeders, they are here also!!!!! Besides the Pine Siskins, Cardinals and Bluebirds, we were also welcomed home by the Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatch, Goldfinch, House Finch, Carolina Wrens, Downy woodpeckers, and Pete and Petunia, our Red-bellied Woodpeckers. Oh---and there are lots of Robins in our yard now--and a couple of Mourning Doves.

And the best "Welcome Home Beauty" is getting to put up my new bird feeder ---right outside the Computer Room window. Several of my blogger friends had mentioned that I should have a feeder near my computer window---so now, I do!!!!! I can blog and email AND watch the birds come to that feeder all at the same time!!!! Isn't that speciallllllll???

This little female Goldfinch was eating from the new feeder, near the Computer Room. It is just so much fun to sit here and watch those birdies up-close-and-personal. Yesterday, I thought for sure that I saw a Redpoll.. I have never seen one--but this little guy had a big red round spot on his head. He didn't look like a male House Finch. The only problem is that we are not supposed to have any Redpolls this far south... So--what could he have been????

Vacations are wonderful----but getting such a great Welcome Home was truly fabulous. AND--it was nice getting to sleep in our own bed too!!!! It's GREAT to be home!!!


Kim said...

Love the crocuses Betsy! The deer as so sweet too.

Those sisking should be moving on real sonn!

Michele said...

Oh so pretty! The beautiful purple flowers are my favorite! What a sight that must've been!
The deer there are always nice to see and of course they were not running away but merely running to grab more friends to bring to greet you!!
A delightful post!

Cedar ... said...

It's always good to come home. The crocus in bloom is a welcome site for sure!

Jayne said...

Glad all your "friends" welcomed you all home properly Betsy! Love the new feeder outside the window. Hate hearing the Pine Siskins are still there. Was so hoping by the time I put my feeders back out this weekend, they would all be gone.

Unknown said...

Oh my! That was a nice Welcome Home Party!!! Flowers are pretty and those Deer and Birds what a bonus!!!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Always lovely to return home....especially to see such beauty...

Shelley said...

Your crocuses are lovely!! I'm so envious of all the pretty flowers you have springing up! And I hope you do get bluebird babies! And great idea to have your birdfeeder outside your computer window - I love watching the birds while I work!

jlshall said...

It's so cute that the birds were waiting for you to come home! I think the Cardinals are my favorites, but the Bluebirds are pretty, too.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Really nice set of welcome homes. Our Dafodills are just poking out of the ground.

I Am Woody said...

Ahhh, spring!! My favorite time of the year!!

Tina said...

I bet your animals and birds are also glad you got to sleep in your own bed..I'm sure they missed having you fill up those feeders while you were gone. Great pics..your little crocus pics are great.. we are starting to see some color pop thru the ground...so welcomed. ahhhh spring!! :)

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Welcome home my friend!
Oh the pretty Purple of the crocus!
You have the shutter touch!

Anonymous said...

Such sweet, happy photos today Betsy. Love the view from your computer window. Have a great day.

Susie said...

I'd say you had a wonderful welcome home party. Those crocus are beautiful!

Sorry the pine siskins are back. We are now having problems with red-winged black birds and brown headed black birds at our feeder. The other little guys can't get a "beak" in edgewise to feed!

Beth said...

Betsy, I can't imagine a better welcome home! I do so love my birds and flowers...and yours are so lovely. I particularly like the Pickwick crocus. Oddly, our crocuses only lasted one day---I'm so glad I got a picture because that's all I have to look at here.:-) We have had bluebird couples look at both our bluebird houses, so we're hoping they'll like what they see!

Mandy said...

What beautiful sights to come to - you can vacation in your own yard!


NCmountainwoman said...

Aren't the early blooming bulbs wonderful? We don't have any, but I do enjoy watching those of my neighbors. Sorry about the Pine Siskins. We've taken down the thistle feeders in hopes of discouraging them.

SmilingSally said...

My mother always loved this time of year when the crocuses came up and the forsythia bloomed.

Janie said...

I'm always glad to get home after a trip, no matter how wonderful the trip was. You had some special treats to greet you!
That bird feeder outside the computer window is a great idea. I bet you'll have some nice photos through that window.

Anonymous said...

Yes Spring is comming soon, and I love these first signs of Spring. I too have a window by my computer that is bird feederless. Your post has given me a good idea...

Anonymous said...

How nice that you had such a great noisy and colorful welcoming committee! Those crocuses (croci?lol!) are just gorgeous, especially the deep purple one.

Diane said...

Great welcome home party, Betsy. Nature is wonderful, isn't it.

Connie said...

Beautiful photos Betsy. With all the animals and beautiful flowers around your house being home seems like a vacation. Everything is beautiful.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Home Sweet Home.
The stars are aligned. The sun is up. The animals are jubilant. The flowers are pleased.
All is well again. :)

Natalie said...

That is one thing I miss about AL is wakingup to the deer in the yard. Or getting the beejezus scared out of me when I go out ot walk the dog at night andone is standing right beside the porch.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all the birds will be happy to have you back. The siskins will be moving on soon...Michelle

The Birdlady said...

Aw, come on,Betsy...the little siskins are cute.

Grammy said...

Hi Betsy, It is so wonderful to see spring! Your area is a bit ahead of us. Bradford pear is in full bloom there where we are not started yet. But I came home to crocus

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful to see all those bulbs in bloom. It means spring is edging its way north.

Do the deer help themselves to your crocus flowers? Local bunnies have a liking for mine.

Diane AZ said...

How wonderful to be welcomed back home by the lovely flowers and creatures including the siskins! Enjoy your feeder outside the computer room window. I love the goldfinch picture. She looks happy to see all those seeds.

Rose said...

I LOVED what you returned home to....beautiful crocuses. Oh, I also meant to tell you I love the photo in your header.

Cicero Sings said...

There simply is no place like home! Glad you had such a royal welcome back.

Jane said...

Great spring pictures as always!


Unknown said...

There's no place like home. Sometimes it takes going away to see that. And to see everything around it with new eyes.

Anonymous said...

WoW You certainly have a lot of company w/ the birds & deer & those beautiful flowers!!! And CARDINALS - My Favs!!!
The title "Welcome Home Beauties" fits perfectly!!!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

So much beauty. I can feel and smell Spring it is in the air. Beautiful, Beautiful pictures...m..

Raymonty said...

I still have some snow in my backyard and the birds are starting to sing in the morning; finally winter is coming to an end.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Wow!you certainly had a royal welcome home.I enjoy the crocus pictures as well as all the others.

amelia said...

What a wonderful welcome home, I can't think of a better one!!

We have had hundreds of redpolls this year but just today I noticed a significant drop in their numbers so I'm sure they will soon all be gone. I also saw my first grackle of the year and one red winged blackbird so I guess the time has come for the big switchover from winter to summer birds!!

Jen said...

So glad the birds didn't give up on you while you were gone.
Happy for your new feeder by your window there-enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Betsy. I'm glad you & George had a great time. Not the ice storm.
Have you been to Mingo Falls near Cherokee, N.C.? It's not difficult to get there. Just up. Worth the walk. How about Laurel Falls?

Mary said...

Your garden is looking good! Do the deer eat the flowers? Great shots all around.

Leedra said...

Do you think it might be a Purple Finch? They aren't as plentiful as the House Finch in this area, but they are here, just not in the summer. I took photos of a bird 3/9 at the Rockwood house, that I couldn't tell if it was a Purple or House. Sent it to Hap (from New Hope) and he suggested I send it to Cornell to see what they say. Have not heard back yet. Don't know if I ever will, but am waiting for a little while to post it.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Anonymous said...

It looks like all of your animal and plant friends welcomed you back with exceptional beauty. Even your blogger friends are at your cyberstep. Enjoy.

dot said...

What a nice welcome home! I love that dark purple crocus. Gorgeous!

Naturegirl said...

This was the best welcome home! I agree vacations are nice but getting back to your own home is greater!hugs