Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lake Catherine State Park, Hot Springs, Arkansas

One of the first places we visited in Arkansas this year was Lake Catherine State Park (near Hot Springs). Lake Catherine is a gorgeous lake and the state park offers camping, hiking, water sports, playgrounds, cabin rentals, boating, and more. The reason we specifically went to this area was to hike to a new waterfall, Falls Creek Falls. (NOTE: This is not the Fall Creek Falls near us here in TN.)

It was a VERY hot day---in the '80's. So obviously, this was before the Ice Storm... Ha! I even purchased a short-sleeved shirt to wear since I get SO hot when I hike... We did enjoy the hike ---so I hope you enjoy our photos. Above is a photo of Lake Catherine. Below are more pictures.

The trail was well-maintained ---and the path followed the lake to the waterfall. George is on a little suspension bridge. (I used to call them "Swinging" Bridges.)

This is another view as we hiked along the lakeside.

George took this picture of me on the suspension bridge. I never feel sturdy on those wiggly bridges!!! ha

We made it to Falls Creek Falls... This is a picture of the waterfall from the side. Falls Branch flows into Lake Catherine. The waterfall is twelve feet high and didn't have much water the day we were there. (Bet if we had have gone back the end of the week --after all of the rain, there would have been MUCH more water flowing over the falls.)

I am resting and enjoying this little waterfall while George roams around getting pictures.

We enjoyed the rock formations all around this waterfall. Wonder what is living in those caves/holes??????? Yow!

George loves to take waterfall pictures from all angles. I like this picture of him on top of the rocks at the top of the falls. 

Along the trail, there was a neat little bench where we stopped to REST and enjoy the lake. We even saw a turtle sunning himself on a rock. 

One last look at this gorgeous little waterfall, Falls Creek Falls at Lake Catherine, near Hot Spring, AR. Hope you enjoyed the hike with us!!! At least, you weren't as hot as we were!! ha

P.S. Please forgive me for not getting to your blogs yesterday as much as I would like to... This is a busy yard time for us---and working out there raking and mulching takes away from my computer time. I'll try to catch up soon. BUT--today we're going to Hendersonville to check on George's parents. SO---I'll catch up as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting my blog!


Kim said...

Love all of the waterfalls and the lake looks lovely!

Michele said...

What a wonderful area, such pretty lakes and waterfalls!!
How I wish I could have gone walking with the both of you, it looks fantastic!
Take care!
Mountain Retreat Photos

Anonymous said...

These are lovely photographs Betsy. The rocks are amazing. Hope you have a great visit with your in-laws today; maybe see what is coming up in their yard. Do they have bird feeders?

Jayne said...

What a lovely place to hike, and the reward was your being able to see a new waterfall! :c)

Neal said...

Looks like a great place to hike. I love suspension bridges, especially when I can get my wife on it and start shaking it. :)

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, those "swinging" bridges make me a little nervous too. Beautiful waterfall. This is a very busy time for all gardeners...Hope
George's parents are doing well.

Diane AZ said...

Thank you for the fun tour of Falls Creek Falls at Lake Catherine. The rock formations look interesting and I also wonder what animals are in those little caves. The waterfall pictures are gorgeous and colorful!

Cedar ... said...

How nice that there are benches where you can sit and enjoy and just absorb all that Mother Nature has given that day! Lovely falls!

dot said...

Thanks for showing all these beautiful places. I'd say the falls was well worth the trip. I'm not so sure about that suspension bridge. Have ya'll ever been on the one at Tallulah Falls and if so how do the two compare?

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful pictures Betsy, it looks like a great hike.
suspension bridge, swinging bridges....you know what I call them? "I feel like I may die on these bridges"
Enjoy your day with the family.

I Am Woody said...

Love the long exposure on the last photo - I just love that 'soft' look it gives to waterfalls.

PS - The best thing about swinging bridges? Trapping someone out there that doesn't feel secure and shaking that bridge like crazy;)

Susie said...

That is a beautiful place. I like the pictures of the "swinging" bridge. We use to call them that too!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a wonderful tour of the lake and the falls. Those swinging bridges are really neat.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I call them swinging bridges too! If you were on one with three boys...it would be swinging!
Y'all be careful today...it's a jungle out there.

NCmountainwoman said...

Looks like a wonderful place to hike and rest. Have a good trip.

Shelley said...

Hi Betsy - I'm really enjoying the photos from your trip! I really like that suspension bridge (I would love photos like that to make into a greeting card!) Have a great visit with George's parents!

Mary said...

Wonderful bridge and falls, both! Those rock formations are beautiful.

SmilingSally said...

I'm fearful of suspension bridges.

Loran said...

I love all your pictures and adventures--you two always look like you are really enjoying yourselves (and I assume each other!)

Connie said...

As always great photos of your trip. Interesting bridge. I haven't been on a swinging bridge in a long time.

Naturegirl said...

Betsy! These are wonder images of your hike in the woods!I see that you have the h
iking poles..we invested in them too for our weekly hikes in the Arizona Senoran desert! Would't be without them climbing the cliffs!! Here the challenge is getting enough H2O while on route. Yesterday we climbed up 2000ft...it would have been GREAT to run into one of these waterfalls that you passed!
Enjoy your gardening! hugs from AZ

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That was a beautiful,scenic walk along the lake and to the falls.No,I'm not hot or tired at all.LOL Thanks for allowing me to join you in this way.

Anonymous said...

More beautiful shots, a magic place. I love the mysterious rocks too. And the photo of you in front of the waterfall - looks like you're in the shower!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy! These photos are GREAT, but I love that 3rd picture - It's so calm and peaceful, just something about it!
You two look so happy together - I love the smiles on ya'lls faces!

Dave's Bird Watching Blog said...

Love your waterfall pictures, Betsy! Looks like a good spot to visit. :-)

Diane said...

Great pictures, Betsy. As summer looms we get busier and busier, don't we. Have a great day.

Janie said...

That's a perfectly beautiful little waterfall. I like all the green (moss?) growing around it. We used to waterski on Lake DeGray near Hot Springs years ago. There's much beauty in that area.

HWHL said...

Love the waterfall shots - just beautiful! I never knew Arkansas had such beauty!

Mandy said...

Those are some great pictures. I bet you two had the best time! I don't like those swinging bridges at all. I was terrified when I crossed one at Lookout Mountain!


Jen said...

That swing bridge looked pretty safe, but not George in the edge as usual. Ha.

Leedra said...

I still call them "Swinging Bridges". Are we not suppose to anymore?

Lovely waterfall, enjoy seeing you two along the trail.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Rosa said...

It's so beautiful, but I couldn't make it across that wooden bridge. I tried once at Lookout Mountain--had to turn on the beep beep beeep/backing up MODE! OMG. Thought I'd never make it back. Thank goodness no one was behind me or I would not be here today--tehe. Or maybe they wouldn't be here. Thanks for sharing!! Those waterfalls are to die for. xo

Anonymous said...

The fractured rocks in your region are incredible.

I Am Woody said...

Funny you should mention the Pine Siskins! One flew in the apartment today. I had the door open and didn't close the screen. Dixie was enjoying walking in and out!

Anyway, one flew in and landed on my bicycle - had quite a time getting him to go back out. Thankfully he didn't poo! But thanks to you I knew what kind of bird it was!!

Unknown said...

I'll be doing much of the same tomorrow. Those waterfalls, and your trips to them, are inspirational. (Of course, that's coming from a hydrologist) ... But also, we don't have any waterfalls in Florida!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh boy, so beautiful. Love the falls.

I have been a lurker (no time for comments) lately. I have been taking my mother to surgery and the docs. She had cataract surgery tuesday and to the eye doc today and again tomorrow. she is fine though. At 93 (April 2nd) and living on her own she needs help from time to time. she is 2 hours away so it is an all day visit.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. MB

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

It's all beautiful, Betsy! I especially love the shot of your hubby on the bench along the trail. It reminds me of a spot on the Red River. All your photos were gorgeous! You two have the most fun together!


Rose said...

I really, really like the looks of this place...I have got to look it up. A beautiful place.

Shakesearediva said...

You've inspired me to take a trip to Lake Catherine. I lived in Arkansas most of my life, and have never been! Sad, but I'm making up for lost time! Thanks for your pics!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI American Girl in the UK, Thanks for coming to my blog. Come back anytime...

Arkansas is a gorgeous state. We loved Lake Catherine... We also love Mt. Nebo, Petit Jean, and Mt. Magazine.... Hope you have been there...
