Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Dem are Mighty BIG Birds!!

When George and I went to the Smokies on Tuesday, we drove by one of the picnic areas on Little River Road, named Metcalf Bottoms. I was reminded of a couple of stories about Metcalf Bottoms.

First, back in the early 70's , when my two youngest sons were VERY young, we lived in Maryville, Tennessee. One Saturday morning in the SPRING, we woke up to a wet snow on the ground. It was the pretty kind of snow---the kind that clings to all of the trees and bushes and everything ---except the roads. SO--we jumped in our car and drove to the Smokies. We stopped along Little River Road and took lots of pictures of the beautiful snow all around us. We drove into Metcalf Bottoms and got out of the car and walked around. I wish I had some of those 'snow pictures' because I don't think I've ever seen any prettier ones. I think the pictures are with son Jeff (along with all of our other old slides). Maybe someday, I'll get them so that I can find these wonderful snow pictures.

The second memory from Metcalf Bottoms was when George and I were there in 2002 I think. We were getting ready to hike to the Greenbriar School ---and on our way through the picnic area, we noticed a big crowd of people standing around looking UP in the top of a tree. WELL---to our amazement, there were three bears up in that tree. We of course stood and looked for awhile also before leaving. George took some pictures (one is above) ---and when we got back, the bears were gone. This week, when we passed the picnic area, George asked me if I wanted to go and look for the bears!!!! AH---memories!!! Aren't they great???


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