Why do you think April 21st is important to George and me????? If you have read my blog for over a year, you will KNOW.....Here's our story: In 2001, when George and I were dating, he took me to Fall Creek Falls State Park here in Tennessee on a gorgeous Saturday --which happened to be April 21, 2001!!!!
Several things are important about this April 21, 2001 date:
-This was the beginning of our love of waterfalls... Little did we know in 2001 that we would have visited at least 450 different waterfalls by this date in 2011. Fall Creek Falls has SIX waterfalls --and we enjoy seeing all of them, especially after much rain (which we have had this spring).
-Fall Creek Falls is where George first KISSED me... Now--that is awesome!!!!
-AND, Fall Creek Falls is where George and I first told each other that we loved each other. All of this happened on April 21, 2001!!!!
Because we love to celebrate, we return to Fall Creek Falls on this date every year. This year was no exception. Last Thursday, we drove to Fall Creek Falls and enjoyed seeing all six of the waterfalls. We had dinner in the lodge restaurant--which we have done each year also. It was a wonderful day.
Today I will share with you some photos from this year's April 21st trip to Fall Creek Falls.. Above is a picture of one of the waterfalls, called the CANE CREEK CASCADES. As I said previously, since we have had LOTS of rain, the waterfalls were all flowing well... They were just beautiful today!
This is the 'main' waterfall at the state park, named FALL CREEK FALLS.
And this one is another fav, but not as easy to get to. George took this picture using his long lens, since he was at an overlook quite far away. BUT--it's one of the best pictures I have seen of PINEY FALLS.
There is a little dam on Cane Creek surrounded by some interesting rock formations. We usually see birds going in and out of these 'cave-like-holes' in the rocks. But, during this trip, we didn't see any birds. (Maybe they were napping!! ha) Anyhow, the rock formations are so interesting I think.
Here are more of the rock formations. I love seeing the reflection in the water here.
Just look at 'our' mountains.. Are they not just awesome??? This picture was taken from one of the overlooks at the Fall Creek Falls gorge.
Finally, here is a picture of the two 'lovebirds'....Note what is written on the shirts we are wearing!!!!!!!! Do you believe that????? ha ha
Hope you enjoyed our April 21st visit to Fall Creek Falls. By the way, I did get a KISS this year also (actually, several of them)... YEAH!!!
Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...
That second waterfull---the word that instantly came out of me was MAJESTIC. Incredible, Betsy!
450 waterfalls---that's impressive.
I love that you and George have such endearing traditions such as this trip and the trips you plan for his birthday. Such love is refreshing.
The recent rains made the waterfalls especially picturesque this year. Wonderful photo of you and George. Have a nice day Betsy.
You pair of romantics have won my heart. I didn't realise how tall George is or is it you that is a shorty like me. The waterfalls and mountains are stunning. You live in a beautiful part of the world.
What a nice love story. Great photo of you and George. And I love the waterfalls. Thansk for sharing and have a great day.
I think you two should be awarded the 'Lovers' Medal'. :) It is so special to share such a deep love,I know,because Jake and I had just such a love.Thanks for allowing me to join you on this excursion.I can tell that there is lots more water coming over those falls this year.
Sweet story Betsy. :)
Looks like Chuck and I need to take a road trip. We visited Fall Creek Falls when we first came to Tennessee over eight years ago, but we only saw the main falls, and it had little water at that time. Looks beautiful now.
Sweet story! Makes for a wonderful love story.
I have been away...but remember your blog as always beautiful and today was awesome...to have such reflections of your early times together and marriage...as I said..awesome!!! the pictures were just beautiful...as is the one taken of you together..so glad you shared this wonderful time in life...God Bless you richly each day...Ora in KY
So many beautiful memories surrounded by so many beautiful waterfalls! You two are the sweetest!
xo Catherine
Wow wow wow!!!!
I pass the road sign many times but have not visited! I must do it!!!
Those kisses ;) wellll that made the trip much more interesting...wonder you didn't have a heart attack with all that excitement at once!
Yes on the weather comment...goodness...we do live on a living planet, don't we?!
Betsy and George: I love your love story! And your waterfall photos are always wonderful--I can hear the water rushing and feel the spray on my face!
It's so great seeing two people in love. So nice that you're celebrating that special day each year. We celebrate our first kiss anniversary too.
You have such a romantic story Betsy and I am so glad you two did a reinactment.
Keep enjoying those anniversaries of important events.
You two lovebirds are so cute! Love the shirts and the photos of the falls are breathtaking. Have a great day.
Just how many anniversaries do you and george have?!!!! :D :D :D Keep celebrating!!!!!
What beautiful waterfalls to go with such a sweet love story! Great, fantastic....
I enjoyed thuis area, it must be close by so nice to have around. Ahhhh love is in the air.
Beautiful waterfalls and beautiful photos, Betsy. I love the way you and George keep the romance in your marriage.
awesome mountains and awesome "lovebirds" and really really awesome you remember the date of your first kiss. i do remember where and they month and year but not the date. it was in Oct of 1984 and I only remember the year because it was 4 months before we got married. i have no mind for dates, i can tell you the year my mother died but not the date, so you have an awesome memory
what a romantic spot for that first kiss. you two are the cutest.
What a lovely history you two are creating together... and your photos are beautiful! Larry
450!! You guys should be on Oprah!! What a wonderful symbol you two share!!
These falls have to be top on your list...I think I'd have to go there very, very often. So gorgeous!
You two are the cutest & sweetest couple ever. I love those photos....I can see the love IN the waterfalls too. Gorgeous. What a wonderful anniversary for you both!!!
Hi Betsy, Very romantic and wonderful. Gee, I think that the falls are really roaring. I have never seen them so full as in your picture. We have to stick around here due to our getting contractor bids on dock and such but I think we'll get back to Falls Creek Falls soon. Have a wonderful day!
Enjoy this happy day, Betsy. Diane
You two are truly blessed! A more perfect couple I don't know. Love the waterfall photos but love your love story more.
Wow! I don't believe I have ever seen that much water flowing over Fall Creek Falls!!
Oh Betsy!! You and George are JUST PRECIOUS!! Your love for one another blesses me so much! IT is just so wonderful seeing the Love and Joy in your faces and it just oozes out in your post :)
Love the waterfalls too and what a wonderful celebration you share each year! Bless you both my friend and thank you for the smiles this morning :)
Very cool, Betsy!!! I am so glad you had such a wonderful time, and I love the picture of you and George right on that waterfall!! The first picture is just so interesting to me. I told George this earlier, it is so perfect looking and curved that it looks man-made!
A beautiful love story . . . a beautiful setting . . . two beautiful people!
Oh, it's just so romantic, and so beautiful. What a wonderful story for you two ... and shirts like that to boot!!
Hope you have/had a fabulous time.
You are making me think more and more we should visit our daughter in Louisville and then head down to Tennessee for a vacation to see some of your beautiful parks.
I'm happy to hear April 21st is someone elses' special day too. It is my birthday, and it is also the real birthday of Queen Elizabeth. Now I can remember that it is special for you too!
Lovely pictures Betsy and such a sweet story!!
I have heard it before but it's always good to hear it again and to know how in love you two are!!!
Beautiful photos and a romantic story , so nice!
I saw that kiss on George's blog. : )
Love how you love each other. Love how you love life.
Oh my friend, you crack me up!!!
I am thrilled for you and George that you ar so in love and devoted to each other! How wonderful!
What I think is most special is that first kiss at the waterfall and subsequent kisses thereafter :)
I love that first waterfall; truly magnificent! It truly is beauty to behold!
thanks so much for sharing your adventure!
Thanks for sharing this special time with us. The photos are wonderful and I think it is awesome that you go back each year. How romantic. The 21 is special to us because my MIL birthday in on that date and she was 92. Peace
Happy Anniversaries! All of them! The falls are SPECTACULAR! What a sweet pair of Love Birds you two are! Thank you for sharing the photos!
BTW those shirts are so cute!
What a sweet story and such beautiful shots. I especially like the shot of the happy love birds :)
Well, I guess there is one good thing about all this rain; the waterfalls are running at full capacity! I LOVE your love story! Thanks so much for sharing it with your readers.
HUGS to you both!
Betsy, it is so romantic that you and George return here every year. You two are such a cute couple! :-D
Beautiful falls! Great way to celebrate your relationship with your sweetie.
These are beautiful, sharp photos of the waterfalls! And you and George are sooooooo romantic! So sweet!
Happy Love Day to you both! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sounds like you had a wonderful day...some wonderful pictures too.
Betsy and George! I love reading about your story-book love-life.....and seeing the great pictures of waterfalls you visit.
Did you have those shirts specially made?
How sweet that you are able to go back so often to such a great place full of memories!
Such a beautiful place. The view is spectacular!
What a beautiful story Betsy. I think this is so sweet. Glad you both were able to go back this year and to be able to celebrate in such a wonderful way. Many Blessings to you and George and happy anniversary.
you both make me smile.
What a beautiful story Betsy. I think this is so sweet. Glad you both were able to go back this year and to be able to celebrate in such a wonderful way. Many Blessings to you and George and happy anniversary.
you both make me smile.
What lovely memories in such a beautiful place.
I love those rock formations and that picture of the main falls is awesome.
10 years and counting ,yea !!!!
blessings to you
Betsy, i can see how those beautiful waterfalls would inspire some kissing!! I love yours and George's enthusiasm for waterfalls - it's catchy. Greg and I hope to go see some in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan - apparently there a quite a few up there.
Big hugs,
You and George are so romantic, Betsy! I'm so happy for both of you that you found each other and fell in love by these absolutely beautiful waterfalls. Happy first kiss anniversary!
Congratulations. I can see why it is so special, beautiful falls. A wonderful place to proclaim ones love for the other.
You and George are so very blessed to have such a love for each other AND waterfalls!
Happy April 21st Anniversary!
That is such a sweet story and romantic too. You two make a great couple.
450? Wow! When can we expect to see your waterfall guide in print?
Such a lovely love story!!! It might be a bit late (or early for next year!)but... Happy April 21st! Many many more April 21st and waterfall dates for the two of you!
what a nice love story!
you both look gorgeous!
thanks for sharing those wonderful memories...the waterfall pictures are stunning!
betty xx
HAPPY DAY for you and George, Betsy!
Incredible pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow!!!
Perfect shirts for a waterfall crazy couple :-) YOu too are perfect for each other and God has really blessed you.
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