Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

OOPS---You can't visit this Family.....

Look at that picture above.... What do you see?   Lots of water????  YES -of course!!!!  BUT--what else do you see?

Now--look closer... See that road?????  It leads to someone's home on the other side of the flooded creek..... You can even see the road on 'this' side of the creek better in this picture....  YIPES!

Here is the home on the other side of the creek...  Don't think I'd want to live there. You????  Hopefully,  there is another way in and out!!!!

These pictures were taken in Dahlonega, Georgia when we visited there for George's Birthday trip.  Click HERE  for more pictures from that trip to Amicalola Falls State Park.   IF you remember,  this was a very very rainy day.  These pictures were taken AFTER we walked up and viewed Amicalola Falls and Cane Creek Falls.

This picture shows a NEW waterfall for us (CLAY CREEK FALLS) --which is found in Dahlonega.   However,  this picture came from the internet --and shows the falls as they usually are... Aren't they pretty????

THIS however is what we saw on March 9, 2011....  There was so much water coming down that creek on that morning that we couldn't even see any of the rocks... I will admit that it was fun seeing that over-flowing creek that day,  but the 'internet' picture of Clay Creek Falls is much prettier.  (Guess we'll have to go back sometime for another photo!!!!)

This is my favorite picture from that area.  I love the way that raging water looked like SILK...  This place (above the falls) is where one can 'usually' cross the creek to get to the houses on the other side...  NOT that day though!!!!   IF you want to visit those folks on the other side,  I think you'll have to wait awhile!!!!!

Have a wonderful day.   We went to Tullahoma to visit George's parents yesterday.  We found them in fair condition --but they both ate a hearty lunch when we took them out.  Bless Their Hearts!!!!!!

MORE storms on the way too.... GADS!!!!


eileeninmd said...

Wow, one would never know that there was a brdige there. Looks scary. Love the waterfalls. Great shots, Betsy!

Jo said...

Omw, that is some water flowing across that creek. I also love the silky river photo, Betsy. Glad George's parents are well and happy. Bless you dear friend. (((Hugs))) Jo

LifeRamblings said...

such a beautiful setting. the waterfall is impressive. glad that things are going well for George's parents.

Darla said...

All that rushing/raging water gets my heart rate up! Makes for interesting photos though.

Valerie said...

Water water everywhere!! I think that is the theme these last few days. Our streams and creeks are also flowing at full capacity right now - oh that we would see the sun - for more than an hour in between storms. My Jake has played only 1 of about 8 scheduled baseball games this month - everything has been rained out. Hoping that we get one in today. And hoping that the water levels can recede.

What wonderful hobbies you have!! So neat to see two people with same interests - loving the traveling, sites and photo ops!!

Big Dude said...

I'm sitting here watching "Wake Up With Al" and getting concerned as the storms head our way. We both seem to be in the tornado bullseye.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have to agree the falls look much prettier with less water coming over.Too bad,but you will have to go there again to see for yourself. LOLIt must be a terrible feeling to be cut off from the outside world by water.Many in parts of Manitoba are experiencing just that right now.Where i live it is a little higher,so no threat of flooding.

Debbie Taillieu said...

Whoa! This is actually all a little bit scarey, walking so near to raging, rising waters! You daredevil you!!! I would have
done the same thing...:)
Good company and good food always makes someone feel better. I bet George's parent's just love it when you visit!!
Have a fabulous Wednesday!

Mr. Bill said...

That is frightening!! Stay safe.

Tabor said...

Stunning photos and that IS a scary place to live. I would hate to be restricted from leaving even if just for a few hours.

Unknown said...

I'm afraid there are many roads looking like this across your world and mine. It's getting a bit out of hand around here! Hopefully next week will bring warm sunny days! Sheesh!

RoeH said...

Well, I hope they had a supply of food or something. Gorgeous water photos! Maybe the flooding doesn't last very long.

Fred Alton said...

I'm so glad I didn't have to cross that road with the creek's raging waters surging over it like that! Water can really do serious damage - but it's one thing we can't live without.

mamahasspoken said...

Those top pictures look like what it is like around here right now. So much rain that it has no where to go :o(

From the Kitchen said...

I believe those photos show the true meaning of "I'll be there, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise"!!

We're having lots of rain here as well. The farmers are still waiting to plant.


amelia said...

That is really flowing fast!! Too bad for the folks on the other side!
We are also having a lot of storms. Hydro is on and off all the time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i do not want to live on the other side of that creek road. even if there is another way, that water is way to close to the house. i love the silk shot, looks like vanilla and chocolate blended into silk yumm. i am seeing lots of flooding in many states so these people may be in more trouble now than when you were there.

Reanaclaire said...

the water looks very threatening, Betsy.. i would be scared..

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That is some raging water but yes it is beautiful anyways.

Connie said...

That last picture is really neat, Betsy! That water is raging. It is raining here again today. I hope you don't get flooding there. Some parts are under a flood watch or warning here.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The raging water is so powerful. I do hope the people had another way to get to their homes. Beautiful photos, Betsy. Stay safe today!

Out on the prairie said...

raging waters canbe fun, unless we do live among them. My cabin has a road that floods.After 2 weeks it can be real old and why I have my present home in town.

LV said...

We have to hope this family was on vacation and the water reseeded when they returned. What a lovely area to be in such danger. That seems to be happening all over the country.

Janice K said...

I've thought of you almost everytime I have seen a weather report lately. It seems like the bad storms like Tennessee lately, altough we are having our share of rain up here too.

Hope the sun shines soon and dries things up.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Great photos...love that last one!!! This storm stuff is getting very old now...Have a beautiful non-stormy day!!!

KathyA said...


Busy Bee Suz said...

Perhaps the home owners own boats!
I also love the 'silk' photo...gorgeous!!!!!
Stay safe and dry today Betsy!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

There is a little creek a mile or so from our house. It's so small you don't even notice it as you drive over it on the state highway that crosses it. But several years ago, that tiny creek filled to overflowing after a heavy rain and actually washed out the bridge and closed the state highway until the bridge could be repaired. It just takes a good rain to release the destructive force of a little water.

Small City Scenes said...

Zowie---that's a lot of water. It seems floods are everywhere this time of year. That daygone rain.

Glad the folks are feeling ok. MB

I Am Woody said...

Puts the saying "God willing and the creek don't rise" into a whole new light!

Just hold tight! I riding the wind in to TN today and will be bringing some good Cali weather with me:)

Betty Manousos said...

hi Betsy, stay safe today.

oh too much water...

love your photos, especially the last one,
i'm hoping you don't get flooding there though.

betty xx

HappyK said...

Amazing how much water is coming down that creek.
I love the last picture. It really does look like silk.
Looks can be deceiving!!

nanny said...

The last picture is gorgeous....it does look just like silk!
This is really getting bad....I'll be so glad when it ends!!!

Sey said...

I hope there's another way out for the family on th other side of the road. I know how scary it is to feel trapped between an overflowing water.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I think like you, that those folks did have another means of getting out from their home area but you never do know. Glad you had a nice visit with your family. Yes, stormy weather is in store for us today. No damage so far just a siren wake-up call earlier. Have a super day in spite of the weather drama.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Too many places in Arkansas are in very similar situations right now -- the being cut off by water, I mean.

Nonetheless, your photos of the rocks and over-running creek are interesting.

Glad to hear that George's parents are well; that's always good news.

Karin said...

Like the way you've contrasted the normal falls photo with the torrent falls!! Yikes! One would think these little creeks and falls couldn't swell that much - but you have the evidence. Fantastic photos Betsy! Glad George's parents are well!

Becca's Dirt said...

I hope today isn't a repeat of last week. The winds here are horrible but not as bad as others north of here. Ya'll stay safe. Those are some raging waters there. I like the internet photo of how beautiful it really is.

Shug said...

Oh Wow Betsy...That is a lot of water...Surely they do have another way out!
We finally got rain here in Texas this past evening....Lots of scary weather as well...
yes, the one picture looks full of life and it also looks like a stream of chocolate silk...
good pictures.
Take care

Ginny Hartzler said...

More bad storms for us tonight too, Betsy. From one till four A.M. they say possible tornados, so I doubt I will go to bed. That is when it's dangerous, if you go to bed and miss the tornado warning. The water does look like billowing silk in that picture! The poor people who live by that creek! A woman and two kids were trying to cross some water in the last storms we had, they were walking across a flooded road to get across the street to her house. And this was here in Waynesboro, I put it on our prayer line. Then something up higher broke lose and the water washed them away, woman and little girl dead. A man came along and pulled the little boy out and saved him! Now they have put the man in jail because he was wanted for DUI! I say he is a hero, let him go. He says ever since the water incident, he has sobered up!!! Really.

Jen said...

Your photo of the falls looks suitable for white water rafting. Lots of flooding all around terrible. We are high and dry thank God! But I truly and tired of all the rain. Zona...take me away. HA!

Neal said...

Our old home place was back in the sticks and to go to school we had to walk across a creek on a couple boards/logs that were across the creek. When it would rain a lot we couldn't get across the creek so once in a while we would go another way where you didn't have to cross the creek. The problem with going that way is that we had to go through the woods so we would get to school and be soaked. Both my brothers still live on a road that can be closed with a lot of rain. Patti and I had to delay our trip back home one time because of high water.

Joe Todd said...

I think I'll skip white water rafting this year LOL

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Betsy, that last photo is a prize winner for sure...enter it somewhere!!

Kelly said...

Wow! That water is raging..... We have storms too...so much rain...

Ann said...

wow that's a lot of water. and here I thought my back yard was bad. I wonder if those people do have another way in and out.
That last picture is very cool

Beth said...

My son found himself in a similiar situation:water rushing over the road--not as deep or fast, but too dangerous for him to take his truck through, which he did anyway. (When they reach their 30's, aren't they supposed to stop sending our hearts into a frensy of palpitations?!) He's now staying elsewhere until the lake recedes and he can go back home.

That one photo looks like a painting---the way the water flows "like satin"---it also looks like a mix of caramel and marshmellow with a hint of chocolate. (I'm hungry, can you tell?)

Lola said...

Beautiful Falls. That sure was a lot of water. It's amazing how flooding can occur from even a little rain.

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of water! Hope that track is just the back way into the house.

That last photo is just lovely - so very much like silk (or chocolate milk?)

Sally Wessely said...

That certainly illustrates the old saying, "I'll be there if the good Lord is willing and creek don't rise." The last photo is absolutely amazing. Stay safe when you are out there in the hills during run-off season.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Rushing flood waters can do so much damage! It is amazing to see a little cereek or waterfall grow like this in a matter of minutes after and heavy rain. The storms and tornadoes ahve been terrible this season. Hope all stay safe!

Diane said...

Water, water, water! I hope you stay dry Betsy. I keep hearing of the flooding and tornadoes there and I think of you and hope you're safe. Diane

mudderbear said...

I really love the last picture of the water...like lustrous fabric. I can see pinks and greens, blues, lavendar, and wonderful places of brilliant white. It is just awesome. I want to look at it everyday.

SquirrelQueen said...

No visitors or traveling for those folks for a bit, that's a lot of water. I really like your last photo of the silky water Betsy.

I just saw the news reports of all the tornado damage in parts of Alabama and Georgia. It also mentioned parts of TN, I hope you and George weren't affected.

diane b said...

Wow, it remends me of the flood in the flash flood in the mountains here in january. Take care around those swollen creeks. I hope you are safe from the tornados that we are hearing about on the news.

diane b said...

Sorry about the typos, its time for bed.

carolina nana said...

When you live in a place like that you keep a good stock of supplies on hand and get some extra days off work.Wonder what happens if they have an emergency ? I would not want to live there either. Hope you don't get damage from the storms.
blessings to you

Kirigalpoththa said...

That is a lot of water..Must be havey rain over there.

It is raining here too since last week! Monsoon has started a little bit earlier than usual. Usually Monsoon in SL is in May

Rose said...

Betsy, we saw so much flooding on the way home yesterday...we came through one storm that was pretty rough for a short time. and I thank God it was just a short time.

Our Wabash River is probably as high as I have ever seen it here...

Mary said...

That falls is gorgeous, but the other water, I am seeing too much of on the home front. I'm really rather sick of water at the moment, but thankful that I live in an area where there is never too little like in the southwest.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

Checking in to see how you made out during the storms on Wednesday. We had extremely high winds and several waves of storms with lightning like I've never seen before.

We have friends in Alabama that have lost their homes and there are still many that we can't locate yet...that massive tornado that hit Tuscaloosa is the same one that hit DeKalb county, AL {north Alabama}...that is where our home was that we sold a few years ago. It's pretty much wiped Rainsville off the map..that was not far from where our house was and is the area on Sand Mountain where we know a lot of people..it's just heartbreaking.

Stephanie ♥