Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks)

As I have said several times, George and I have Sempervivum (Semps) in our yard. We love them since they add so much to the flowerbeds ---and there are so many different kinds and different colors.

IF you are fairly new to my blog and do not know about Semps, you may want to see some of my other posts talking about them.. You can go to the sidebar and scroll down to LABELS... Then click on SEMPS. The 'hen' makes lots of 'chicks'; then the hen BLOOMS and then dies --with the chicks taking over and becoming the hens and starting the process over again.

Today, I will share some new pictures we have of some of our Semps (Hens and Chicks). Hope you enjoy them...

These two hens are blooming... They will die and the chicks will take over!

Here's a macro of the blooms in the Semp above.

All of the pretty colors add so much to our yard!

Another blooming Semp

A close-up of one of the Sempervivum blooms

Finally, here's one more close-up of some of the blooms from our Semps.

Hope you enjoyed seeing our Sempervivum. I love them year-round ---but the blooms are especially pretty to see.

I don't know about your weather, but we are having some horribly hot and dry days here in Tennessee... (Seems like I am always complaining about our weather --especially this summer... Oh Well... Even though I cannot do a darn thing about it, I do feel better when I can WHINE a little!!!! ha ha)

Have a great Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos of your semps. The colors and textures are just amazing. I hope we all get some cooling rain soon.

Jane said...

Beautiful chicks! Don't worry about the whining over the weather. I have managed to do enough for both TN and NC. Incredible....


amelia said...

I didn't know these flowered till I saw it on Mildreds blog. They really are very pretty and quite colourful too!

Our temps have been over the top this week and today it's supposed to be a high of 35 with humidex over forty!!! Our AC is really struggling and doesn't quite do the job but it's better than nothing.

Peggy said...

Love your hen and chicks! I have just started some that Granny J gave me so am enjoying watching them grow and maybe next year bloom. The heat is terrible here too but at least the a/c is on now. Have a blessed day!

Susan Tidwell said...

Ooh I love these, had no idea they bloomed, must get me some - can you just send me a cutting...

It is HOT here too, thank goodness for AC!

Try to stay cool, and thanks for the hens and chicks lesson.

Arkansas Patti said...

Whenever you show your hens and chicks, I think, I have to get some. Maybe this time I'll do it.
Stay cool.

Sunny said...

Wonderful macro shots, Betsy. The flowers are so pretty :)
It's horribly hot and humid here too, I hope we get a break from it soon.
☼ Sunny

Jayne said...

Those are really beautiful and interesting Betsy! 98 in the shade here too...ugh.

Darla said...

you are the reason I am still trying to grow these...love them. I need to see a larger photo of your planting area for them, please.

RoeH said...

Everytime you post a photo of hens and chicks, I think of my mom and hope Heaven has them in abundance for her. They are so darn cute.

Susie said...

I like their tiny little blooms Betsy. I hope ya'll get some rain soon. We finally got a little.

Busy Bee Suz said...

These little babies are just so cute and each have their own personality!!!
Thank goodness for a/c, right??

Anonymous said...

It has been hot and dry since the beginning of the month, I believe. It looks like we might get some relief tomorrow. I like the pictures of your hens and chicks, especially the macros.

Catherine said...

The weather... always a subject of conversation! :)

My hens are starting to bloom too ~ they are a little different than yours. I will have to take photos of them and post them.

Have a Happy Thursday Betsy!
xo Catherine

jlshall said...

I've always loved Hens and Chicks, but don't think I've ever seen such amazing blooms on any before now. Those are gorgeous!

It's been really hot here, too. But complaining about it always makes me feel much cooler!

Have a wonderful day, and Happy Summertime! from Joy @ Joysweb

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful flowers!! regards

Janice K said...

I thought your fifth picture was especially stunning!

Snap said...

You have such wonderful diversity in your garden, Betsy. Thanks for sharing your semps!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Don't the flowers look like pretty fireworks. Perfect for July.
Well our rain and cool weather has turned to sunny days and blue skies. Not too bad.....yet. MB

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Love your hens and chicks, the best part, is they take very little care, and still look beautiful !
Gorgeous shots, Betsy.
You are correct about the weather, we can moan.....
I'm already wishing Fall was upon us, my favorite time of the year, together with Spring.
Hope the knee is doing better !

Jeanne said...

I took a cutting from my mil's hens and chicks and have in a pot but maybe I should move into a flower bed. Your's are beautiful! Stay cool!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

These are so pretty and I am so jealous...Becky (to self) step away from the semps!!!

Sey said...


I Love the flower of the Semps and they look even better on the close-up photos.

It's pretty hot in here too though it should be raining now. Oh my!!! I don't now what's happening with the weather.

Jo said...

This is so interesting and your close-ups of the blooms are AMAZING, Betsy.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, love your semps. The blooms are so tiny, photographs show it off better than the naked eye. Another one of those plants that just force you to smile:)

Weather here is supposed to be cooler tomorrow. Since you are east of us, I'll bet it's coming your way this weekend. Hope so anyway.

DeniseinVA said...

Your semps are great Betsy. That first one made me realize that my mother had them in a pot years ago and she loved them, but I don't ever remember them blooming. Wonderful photos as always!
An English Girl Rambles

penny said...

Hi Betsy, they are so unique and I enjoyed the close-ups of their beautiful flowers.

Anonymous said...

Those "Hens & Chicks" or Semps are very beautiful. I have never seen these flowering plants before. Gee, we sure do have a good diversity of plants here !
Your photographs are very good, too.

Diane said...

Hi, Betsy, I think I'll just call them hen and chicks. I can't even say that other word much less spell it. Very pretty pictures of them. They must love it there where you live. Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are really beautiful. i did not know semps bloomed. i have had them in the past but never seen one bloom.the flowers are really nice. so are your photos I like the tall curly one best

Kay said...

I like the little yellow "feelers" I will call them for lack of another name...
They seem to make the photos POP!

mudderbear said...

I really enjoyed your post today. The Semps are fascinating and beautiful. Hang on through the heat..don't work too hard. I've found a handheld fan works wonders.

Cheryl said...

I enjoyed the photos very much. After reading of your semps last year I was lucky to be given some hens and chicks and started them in a small part of my garden. I love them! We too are experiencing the heat and humidity. In Maine our summers aren't very hot at all but we have had almost a week of 90+ and humidity.

Carletta said...

What magical little blooms!
Because of you I planted some of these in early summer. They seem to be doing ok. I hope I get blooms like this!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I guess these semps do really well in a drought because they are succulents. Were you able to go with George on the trip today? I hope you are doing better!

Rose said...

I have to whine a little bit also, Betsy. Seems we are just never happy with the weather...unless it is the fall days.

It is thundering loudly all around here...we have had a sprinkle or two and supposed to get some major thunderstorms today. I would send you some if I could.

The close-ups of those blooms are awesome.

Love Of Quilts said...

I enjoyed seeing your Sempervivum...YOUR ARE THE ONLY ones I've seen blooming...we will all remember this year for its heat...the summer of 2010.God Bless Trish

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh I love Hens & Chickens! We used to have it, but somehow..... It went "poof" over time. -le sigh-

Must...Get...More! ,-)

I *hear you* with the weather-whine! Note my Lady Penguin Icon. To try to make believe I'm cooled off, in my neck of the woods. ,-)

pam said...

All of my hens n chicks died. What's your secret?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...


LV said...

What great hen and chickens you h have. Wish I had some like that. I am down to just one plant. I do no know what I am doing wrong. However, the bottom line is, you and George has the biggest green thumb ever.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Those Semps are very pretty.Sorry about your weather,I cannot tolerate heat any more,so that would make me sick.So far our summer has been pretty good,only a couple of really hot days.

Diane AZ said...

The little flowers are adorable! They echo the shape of the semp plants. Super macro shots!

Julie said...

I say, whine away!!! LOL. I know I sure do too in this miserable heat! Your semps are so pretty! I love to see where people can actually grow them in their garden beds! It is too humid here, and they never really flourish in the ground here, sadly!

Connie said...

Your semps are so pretty, Betsy! You got some really great close-up shots of them. Hope your week is going well. It has been really hot here this week too, but we finally got a little rain tonight, so maybe that will cool things off a bit. :)

Unknown said...

I have never seen them bloom before, they are spectacular & you captured them beautifully, Betsy.

I took care of my weather whine with a glass of wine. It is MISERABLE here.

Have a lovely summers eve ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

carolina nana said...


The Retired One said...

Loved the macros of the semp flowers..they are really pretty up close. We have a few in our garden, but they never bloom..what's up with that? ha

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betsy, you know I love the Semps too. I got one last week that looks very similar to the one in your second photo. I love the blooms on this variety.

No need to apologize about the weather whining, I think we are all doing it right now. It hit 98 here today with 100 predicted for tomorrow, fortunately our humidity is very low.

Janie said...

They have such beautiful blooms! I always enjoy visiting your gardens.

diane b said...

Beautiful succulents. Maybe one day there will be computers that can transmit weather like today with skype. Not only send pictures but the temperature too. Then you could warm me and I could cool you.

dot said...

I think we had the nicest spring ever but I agree about the heat this summer. It's horrible!

My sister planted some hens and chicks in an old shoe and they looked really cute.

Lynn said...

Ok, all I had to do was go to the next post to see the blooms, I guess. Wow these are beautiful, professional macro shots! Awesome capture. Do you have a macro lens? These could be featured in Outdoor Photographer. Hot weather? I am into my "winter mode" now, you know most states, people hunker down inside during the winter months more or less, I do that here during the summer. Except, of course, evening when we want to watch the sunset on the beach. Blessings