Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, October 23, 2023


 Dear Blog Friends,   What a month I have had!!!! October has just passed me by!!! In fact, 2023 has been a year I hope I never have again!   After several heart-aches and health problems this year,   I am still glad to be here ---kicking and screaming (ha)!!

For you see,  I had another health emergency --and this one turned out to be the worst one I've had.  A few weeks ago,  following the big Hematoma on my hip,  my Cardiologist said that I needed to get a Watchman Implant put in my heart,  so that I could get off of the dangerous Blood Thinner.  I was thrilled to get that procedure done, so we planned it... 

On October 12,  I went to the hospital and had that procedure done.  It was successful.   HOWEVER,  during that process,  the doctors hit an ARTERY --which caused lots and lots of bleeding.  My Blood Pressure dropped so low that they thought I would go into Cardiac Arrest.  Luckily, they found the leak and fixed it (with the help of TWO stints)...  AND--I'm still here to tell that story!!  Thanks be to God.

It's been a little over a week since all of this happened,  and I'm am home recovering... I'm black and blue from the bruising and I have a big Hematoma on the upper part of my right leg...  But--with each passing day,  I'm beginning to feel better. It's a long process and I just need to be patient.

Yesterday my Sweet Husband took me for a ride along the back roads in our area... (We had missed our annual trip to the Smokies/Cherohala this year.)  So this little ride gave me an opportunity to take some Fall pictures on the Cumberland Plateau... It was so much fun --and was like "medicine" for my soul.

Here are a few pictures for you today.  Hope you are all WELL and HAPPY.  

Love to ALL,