Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Dear Blog Friends, Many many PRAYERS needed.   See this cute little blue-eyed boy ?????   His name is BERT (although he goes by Tre  these days) and he is my oldest (of 3) sons... He is only 59 years old,  and was diagnosed recently with a very RARE and DEADLY Stage IV Thyroid Cancer with NO CURE..   

This cancer is one of the worst cancers since it grows very fast and then spreads all over one’s body.  Usually Thyroid Cancer is the ‘simple’ cancer which can be treated and cured.   Not this one.   This cancer is named ANAPLASTIC THYROID CANCER.

Here’s a website if you want to read about it...


As you can imagine,  this is devastating news to me and to our family.   It came up suddenly since we have only been dealing with this since Jan. 24.  I spent two days crying my heart out --and finally,  with lots of love from my husband,  have been able to turn it  over to God.   I have told several friends --but just haven’t been able to tell this  publicly until now... (Makes it real).

Bert has a large mass/tumor on his thyroid and surrounding glands.  He also has spots on his lung.  They can’t surgically remove that tumor since it is wrapped  around other  surrounding glands;  and removing it may do even more damage.   Right now the doctors’ primary interest is to give him radiation to try to shrink that tumor.

We are not sure how long we will have this precious boy (man) on this earth with us  since that cancer grows and spreads so quickly--but George and I and the family will love and keep him as happy as possible for these next months/years.    The picture above was taken this past year while Bert and Mark were at a University of Tennessee football game.

I will say that my other two sons (Mark and Jeff) have been fantastic through this past month (taking Bert to doctor’s appointments,  keeping  him in their homes,  etc.).  I don’t know what I’d do without Mark and Jeff and their beautiful  supportive wives (Robin and Dawn).   Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.  If you have questions --message me  or text me at 931-200-5933.   Today,  tell your loved ones how much you love them, since none of us know how long we will be on this earth.   God’s Blessings to all of you.

Much Love,



Mevely317 said...

Praying boldly right now for Bert/Tre ... and all who love him!

Back in 73 I had an tumor the size of a small orange (surgeon's word) removed from my thyroid -- it had begun wrapping itself around my vocal cords.
Our God is a mighty God. He's still in the business of performing miracles.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy

I am so sorry to hear the news about your son Bert. I will keep you and your son and the family in my prayers. It sounds like he has a great support group helping out and giving comfort. Miracles do happen, best wishes for your son.

Shug said...

Love love love your header!!! Beautiful. Keeping You all in my prayers and trusting God for a miraculous healing. May God receive all Glory from the healing that is coming.

Marcia said...

So very sorry to read this, Betsy. My daughter's soccer coach died of this. Maximize your time with him and make him comfortable as he fights for all the time he has left on this Earth. Prayers for you and your family as you support him.

Sandee said...

Prayers and healing hugs. ♥

David said...

Betsy, My wife and I will keep your son and your family in our prayers...as miracles do happen. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, Betsy!! I am so very sorry. Know that we will be praying for him. Please take care of yourself, as well.

Big Dude said...

So sad to hear this Betsy and hopefully a miracle is in the works.

William Kendall said...

I'm very sorry.

Jim and Sandie said...

I am so sorry for this terrible disease. There comes a time when all we can do is turn His son, Bert, back over to him. He will do what is best. Praying for a miracle and peace for all of you.

Lowcarb team member said...

Dear Betsy
It was lovely to see your beautiful header, but I was so sorry to read about your beloved son.
Saying prayers and keeping you all in my thoughts at this time.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Nellie said...

I am so sorry to hear about this development with Bert! Keeping all of you in my thoughts!

Ann said...

Oh Betsy, I am so very sorry to hear this. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Betsy said...

Betsy, Dennis and I will definitely be praying for Bert and the entire family.