Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas at Biltmore 2022, Fireplace Hearth Decorations

 Dear Friends,  As most of you know,  one of George's and my traditions each year is to attend Christmas at Biltmore every December.   This year,  due to horrible weather,  we almost didn't go.  But--we finally decided we would go and see what we could.  What a fantastic decision!!   This year's decorations in the 'big house' were some of the best we've ever seen.... We were there on December 14, 2022.  

As you can imagine,  we took many pictures...  It's hard to know what to share because it is all so gorgeous.  But some of my favorites each year are the decorations on the HEARTHS above the fireplaces in many of the rooms.   SO--since this year's hearths are some of the best ever,  I decided to share a few with you today.  You'll have to pick a favorite --but I guarantee,  that may be hard.  They are all beautiful in their own way.

Hope you enjoy seeing them!!!!

SO---what do you think????  "Christmas at Biltmore" always MAKE Christmas more special for us and I'm so glad we went.  Even standing in the rain didn't seem too bad once we got inside.  

Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season..   Remember the reason we are celebrating.  Jesus was born.   Hallelujah ...

Love to all and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Betsy and George


eileeninmd said...

Beautiful decorations, Biltmore is a great place to visit during the Christmas season. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

Fun60 said...

They have done a brilliant job with the decorations. The house looks so festive. I can understand why you would want to visit each year.

Ann said...

I always enjoy seeing your pictures from Biltmore House. I would love to visit there some day.

George said...

I'm also glad we decided to go in spite of the weather. The house was gorgeous, and yiour pictures are wonderful.

Big Dude said...

someday, I must make it to Biltmore at Christmas time.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing these gorgeous decorations. We visited the Biltmore at Christmas for many years when we lived near by. Thanks for sharing. Merry christmas to you both!

Sandee said...

So beautiful. You and hubby have a fabulous week and Christmas. ♥

Sandi said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! Thanks for this early Christmas gift!!

Marcia said...

When we lived at the Lodge, I loved to decorate our mantle for Christmas. Each year was different. I wonder if I still have some of those photos. The Biltmore does an extravagant job. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas, Betsey.

Wendy said...

Wow, those are amazing! You and George must have had a wonderful time. I'm so glad you are sharing them with us. I love mantle decorations especially with a roaring fire in the fireplace.

Merry Christmas! It's going to get cold here too. Brrrrrr.