Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Autumn through the Years in Fairfield Glade

 Dear Friends,   Welcome to October!!!!  As I say every month,  where is the time going????  I cannot believe that September is over....  Soon it will be Christmas! (Mercy)....

We haven't had much Fall color so far this year in our area  (Fairfield Glade, TN)---so  I had fun going through my old photos and picking out one for each year to share  (2003 - 2021).  I put the pictures in order, according to the year.  Every year brings different coloring due to the weather --and some years the colors are MUCH better than other years..  ENJOY!!!!

One of the gorgeous MAPLE Trees which bloom in our area  (2003)

Our little front yard (Oh how it has changed) (2004)

Walking on one of the Golf Courses here in the Glade  (2005)

Our back yard, when the sun illuminates the leaves  (2006)

A gorgeous day to walk in our neighborhood (2007)

One of the lakes in Fairfield Glade (2008)

Then there are the YELLOWS of Fall  (2009)

We have a love/hate relationship with the deer.  Taken from our deck;  (2010)

Reflections in the lake during the late-afternoon sun  (2011)

The blue skies and sunshine bring out the Fall colors.  (2012)

Looking across our front yard (2013)

From our deck,  looking at the beautiful Oak tree  (2014)

One of the few PINK colors in our yard (2015)

Our Home in Fall (2016)

Side Yard (including the pink Dogwood leaves)  (2017)

Beautiful tree at the Lutheran Church nearby (2018)

Beautiful colors from the late afternoon sun  (2019)

Our side yard Norway Maple tree; one of the last ones to turn colors  (2020)

Our beautiful Pink Dogwood showing off its Fall colors (2021)

Don't you love ALL of these different colors?  The dark oranges are some of my favorites.   AND --of course,  there are the brilliant red colors and the golden yellows...  One that is unique is the almost PINK one!

What are some of your favorite things about Fall besides the colors?  I love the smell of Fall,  the cooler temperatures,  fires in the fireplace,  putting on my sweats,  college football (ha),  hot Chili for dinner, walking in the leaves as they crunch under my feet,  ETC.....

Hope you enjoyed some of these photos?  Hopefully I will share some of our 2022 Fall Pictures soon.

