Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 17, 2022

Life is GOOD --Dec, 2021 and Jan, 2022 Updates

Dear Blog Friends,  How are you?   George and I (other than being almost 80) are hanging in there!!!!   Life is passing by so quickly now --and for some reason,  we just seem to be getting slower and slower. Wonder why????? haha

Since I haven't blogged much lately,  I decided to publish a combo-post with things which we've done since the first of December until now...Hope you enjoy my catch-up post!!!!!

Christmas at Biltmore  12/14/21

Visiting the Biltmore House with all of the amazing decorations,  12/14/21

We walked around the Antler Hill Village area after visiting the house.  We loved seeing these fabulous outside decorations in that area.  (12/14/21)

Family Christmas at the home of son Jeff and DIL Dawn,  in Rocky Face, GA (12/18/21)

A cupcake WREATH was one of our special desserts at the family Christmas Dinner

Another picture from our Family Christmas Celebration (12/18/21)

This is the first year we have used our Twin Trees (instead of the huge tree we had had since 2004)...  We feature them on either side of the fireplace.  Do you like them?

Christmas morning at our home;   Two people in love --more and more with each passing day!

No Christmas Snows this year (and none during our WARM December)---but since January 3,  we've enjoyed THREE small but pretty snows...This was the first one (01/03/22) --where we had a beautiful wet snow which seemed to hang on to everything around it!!!!

Our little home on 01/03/22

Since that Jan. 3rd snow,  we had another small one on the 6th and a third one on Jan. 16...  In fact,  I am writing this post on the 16th,  so as you can imagine  (for a Snow-Lover like me),  I'm also watching the beautiful show as it falls...SO EXCITED...

Hope all of you are well and enjoying your weather (whatever it is)....I love hearing from my Australian friends as they celebrate Summer now!!!!

Until next time!!!





Fun60 said...

Hi Betsy. It was lovely to see your post pop up this morning. Glad to hear you are both well.Your Christmas decorations look amazing as did Christmas with all your family. After the disappointment of last year's Christmas when Covid restrictions prevented us celebrating with family it was so good to be all together this year. Your garden always looks pretty even with a small layer of snow covering it. I wish you a happy and healthy 2022.

Ann said...

I always enjoy your photos of Biltmore. I would love to visit there, especially at Christmas.
Your twin trees are beautiful. What a great idea.
Glad you are enjoying the snow. I know how much you love it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I was just watching the weather channel reporting from the Biltmore and I thought of you. I know how much you and I both love the Biltmore Estate! Nice to hear from you. What a beautiful holiday you had with family! Happy New year!

Arkansas Patti said...

So good to hear from you and it looks like you had a delightful Christmas with the family.
Loved the pics of you and George, you never change. Also glad you got some pretty snows. I love it like you and we had our first Sunday.
Hope you stay safe, happy and warm.

Lynda said...

Great update with the beautiful photos we have come to expect from you two, Lovebirds!!!
I do love the twin trees even more than your large one. They showcase the fireplace and balance the room very well.
You should consider the pic of the two of you inside the Biltmore for your Christmas card next year! It's gorgeous - - - as are you, Betsy! Love your hairstyle.

George said...

This is a wonderful 'catch-up' post. Your pictures are beautiful.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy. Good to hear from you! I love your Christmas decorations, especially the twin trees. Looks like you had a truly beautiful holiday. So glad you could gather with family. Hope so see you again soon. Have a wonderful week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your trees are gorgeous, you really have a talent for decorating. I like them better than the one big one. And that cupcake wreath is AWESOME!! I think my favorite is the first photo of you & george. So good to see you and to know all is well!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful images. You get those pretty snows, unlike here. We get snow, but usually lots of wind with it as well.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
What a lovely catch-up post.
I enjoyed seeing your photographs, Christmas looks a lovely family time, and I do like your two trees.
We've had cold weather in my part of the UK but no snow yet!
Enjoy these January days.
Keep warm and safe.

My good wishes for 2022.

All the best Jan

Chatty Crone said...


The Furry Gnome said...

Glad you survived Xmas and the New Year. It's been real winter here now for two weeks, but we didn't get the big storm that just hit the NE. Just carrying on getting older!

Betsy said...

I enjoyed seeing and reading your catch up post today. The smiling family faces are wonderful. I'm so glad you were able to celebrate together this year. And I LOVE the twin trees. I've never seen that before yours and love the effect of it. Thank you for sharing.
Lots of snow. We've had our share too but that's not unusual for Nebraska. Spokane is really getting it this year so I'm glad we're in a house and not in the trailer this winter. God was so good to us last year and gave us a mild winter to be in the camper while waiting for the move.
Take care and enjoy your snow!
Blessings and hugs,
the "other" Betsy

William Kendall said...

A cupcake wreath is new to me.

Starry Dawn said...

Have a Happy New Year 2022, Betsy, George & Family!!

Sandee said...

Hi Betsy. Anne from Colorado sent me over. Nice to meet you.

You had a fabulous Christmastime. I love the two trees. That's brilliant.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week and I hope you have all the snow you want. ♥

Betsy said...

thank you for such pretty pictures of Biltmore. I need to see it at Christmas time. I have visited but would rather see it at Christmas. I love your festive twin trees. They look to be a good size. I may try something like this with two trees.
Such nice happy photos of you and your family. All having a wonderful time I can see.
Happy New Year, Betsy

diane b said...

You have some beautiful photos here of your time since Christmas. Family time is great isn't it? We too are nearly eighty and slowing down but Covid encourages that because we don't go out much anymore even though we are fully vaccinated. Your trees are lovely and I'm glad you are enjoying the snow. We have had a wet summer but it's good. It keeps the temperatures bearable and the forest fires away.