Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 22, 2021

Early Spring in our Yard 2021

Dear Friends,   We are almost finished with March --so I wanted to share some of the colors in our yard this month.  Compared to some years,  this is a 'late' Spring beginning for us.  The trees are still BARE --and the grass is only beginning to turn green...   BUT--all of our early bloomers are showing off their Spring Colors... 

Our three main 'early' bloomers (shown above) are our Crocuses,  Hyacinths and Daffodils... Of those three,  we have more Daffodils than the other two...  Right now (March 23rd) --we probably have over 100 Daffodils blooming all over the yard.. They are SO pretty and colorful. 

Hope you enjoy seeing some Early Spring Blooms from the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee!

A close-up of one of our Hyacinths;  These little flowers are so pretty --and they really smell amazing!!!!

Four of our unique Daffodils;  We have so many different ones with all kinds of colors and shapes --and we also have some Double Daffodils  (bottom left).  

One of the first little groups of Daffodils in our yard;  George's Dad gave us these little ones about 2003 --and they are still with us every year,  reminding us of Dad Adams and his love for flowers.

Here's four more of the different varieties of Daffodils in our yard...  The top one is a Double Daffodil --and is very unique.

I wish you could see our Ground Cover  (called Periwinkle, but with the real name of Vinca Minor)  blooming all around our yard now...  WOW--just awesome!

Always a favorite bush in our area in Early Spring!!!!  This is a close up of our FORSYTHIA bush...We have five little forsythias in our yard... When the Forsythias bloom,  we know that it must be Spring!!!!

Here's the latest group of HYACINTHS in bloom...

The 'main' Daffodil/Rose bed in early Spring--although we have both Daffodils and Roses in many other places in the yard;  As you can see the Roses are JUST getting started --so it will be awhile before they bloom...  Note the blue sky --and trees with no leaves YET.

One more close-up of our ground cover,  the Periwinkle/Vinca Minor...

The Upper Side Yard,  filled with Daffodils and lots of little Periwinkle Blooms

The lower side yard; You can see a few daffodils,  our DayLily Bed (which is just getting started),  one of our Forsythias,  and the Periwinkle Ground Cover!!!!

Looking across our front yard at the Perwinkle blooming in the distance... I love seeing the green grass now!!!!

 Well--that is enough for today!!!!  Hope you enjoyed my Early Spring photos... Next to come should be our Irises,  Dogwoods,  Red Buds, and Tulips.  Unfortunately we don't have many Tulips left since the squirrels and chipmunks dig up the bulbs... BUT--I still love Tulips and will enjoy them when we go to Biltmore and when you post pictures of them.

 I asked my Facebook friends what they call this little flower that I call a Daffodil.  Some of the other names I heard were Jonquils (which I called them as a child in VA) and Butter Cups... I've also heard the name Narcissus. What name do you use when speaking of Daffodils???????

Have an awesome Spring Week ahead --and keep looking forward to an amazing APRIL...



Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Happy Birthday to my Sweetheart

Little George and his Mom and Dad, about 1943--Where it all Began in Crown Point, Indiana

Happy Birthday to my Sweetheart,  George Emery Adams (born 3/9/42).   I am the most fortunate woman in the world to have met and married this fantastic man in 2001... For the past 20 years of our lives,  George and I have packed in many miles of journeys, hikes, experiences ---with a love that just continues to grow and grow... 

Today,  I'll share just a few of these marvelous trips we have taken during these last 20 years.  Hope you enjoy seeing more of the Blessed Life I have with my best friend, my husband, and my lover.

From where it all began,  to the present!!!!  Even though both George and I had great lives before we met, we were both at a turning point in our lives when we met in 2000 in Hendersonville, Tennessee.  Both of us had just moved to TN  and were looking for a new life and new friends... We MET in December of 2000,  had our first date in March of 2001,  and were married in June of 2001... We bought our cute little retirement home in Fairfield Glade, TN in 2002, sold my condo in Hendersonville and  moved here after I retired in 2003.   George continued to work until his retirement in 2006.   

George has the cutest personality and can ALWAYS make me laugh!!!!!!  Laughter along with having fun is a HUGE part of our lives together!

This picture and the next one will show you 12 different trips we have taken through the years.  Taking these trips,  and out searching the back woods for WATERFALLS  have given us so much joy.

Top Row: Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah  AND  Zion National Park, Utah

Middle Row: Mt. Rushmore National Memorial,  South Dakota   AND   The Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Bottom Row:  Antelope Slot Canyon,  Arizona  AND The Grand Canyon,  Arizona

Six More Photos showing just a few more of the JOYS I have with this man!

Top Row:  The Arches National Park,  Utah (Skyline Arch in background),  AND Great Falls of the Potomac,  VA/MD

Middle Row:  Pikes Peak, Colorado   AND  Williamsburg, VA

Bottom Row:  Beartooth Scenic Highway,  Montana/Wyoming   AND   Yellowstone National Park (Upper Falls after a hike down on the Red Rocks Point Trail)

Photography is a passion of George!  Even though we both take pictures,  George IS the real Photographer in the family!!!!  I love this picture of my Sweetie with all of his equipment!

When Mama takes the picture and tells George to 'back up a little'!!!!!!!! Just another picture showing how much fun the two of us have together!


WELL---what more can I say?   I ADORE this extremely smart, handsome, funny, "Cutie Pie" of mine!!!!  God has richly blessed me! 

Thank You, George, for coming into my life 20 years ago --and given me a JOY that I never knew I could have.

Happy Birthday, my Love,
