Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Childhood Christmas Memories

Not a very good picture since it is SO old,  but this is a picture of one of our Christmas Trees I remember as a child;  I think I can still smell that CEDAR tree!!!  I do remember how prickly it was to decorate though --but I still loved it!  I also loved the little village at the bottom of the tree along with the 'fake' snow,  which would almost cut my fingers!!!!  Remember that?

Dear Blog Friends/Family, I found a little time to go back through some old pictures from my childhood at Christmastime.  SO---today I'll take you back to the 1940's and '50's  and share some photos that mean so much to me.   SO MANY MEMORIES of a happy childhood!!!  Hope you enjoy today's pictures.

Growing up in Big Stone Gap  (southwestern part of Virginia),  I remember seeing and playing in lots of SNOW.   I have loved snow ALL of my long life!  We used to make "Snow Ice-Cream" --and I would collect it in my bucket and take it to Mom to fix!!!!!!  YUM.

I love this picture of my sweet Dad, me and my beautiful Mom --taken about 1954 at Christmastime!!!!

My Dad always put up outside decorations at Christmas every year--and Mom used to say that we were the first home in our hometown to have outside decorations.  I loved that big Santa !!!!  AND --I have such fond memories of all of the big evergreen trees in my yard back then.

Mom joined us for a 'family' picture--Christmas, 1946  (My brother, Raymond, was visiting --so he must have taken the pictures.  In the previous picture,  that old Pontiac was Ray's car.)

This is my favorite of this group of pictures taken by my brother, Raymond, in 1946.   Betsy was probably saying:  "Enough of the pictures!  I wanna go and play in the snow!!!"

Dad may have decorated the outside of the house --but Mom was working just as hard decorating the inside of the house!!!!!

Christmas in about 1957;  Mom was dressed --but I had my bathrobe on!!!! ha

I certainly looked happy on Christmas morning that year (1957)...  Maybe Santa was good to me!!!????  Ya think????   (NOTE:  See that chair on the right side of the picture?  I have that chair in my home NOW.... So Special!)

My Family after Christmas Dinner in 1959:  Brother Raymond,  Brother Jimmy,  Dad, Mom and me

I added this recent picture  taken in 2010 to show you our snow on Christmas Morning.  That year was the LAST year we had snow on Christmas Morning.  SO in 2020 (10 years later),  can we possibly get some snow on Christmas?????????????     I am HOPING!!!!!  (But the chances keep getting less and less as we begin Christmas Week.)

 No matter where you live or where you are,  I am praying that ALL of YOU have a blessed Christmas Week--leading up to Christmas Day,  which is the day we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ.

With the Love of Christmas in my Heart,  I wish you LOVE, JOY,  and FAITH.

Merry Christmas!



susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

It was so enjoyable seeing your family Christmas pictures. The cedar Christmas tree brought memories of Christmas at my Grandma And Grandpa who lived in the country. I think in the late 1950's and 1960's in my mind there was more snow in the winter (near St. Louis Missouri). I remember they didn't used to salt the streets, but spread black hard cinders all over them. If it snowed in the evening we had to get out quickly and go sledding on the steep hilled street near my house, before they ruined the slippery street with the cinders. All of the kids would be out there with their sleds. Fourth of July and snow evenings were ones we were allowed to all be out playing without worrying that the street lights had come on.

Ann said...

Wonderful walk down memory lane with you. I always loved the tinsel hanging from the trees back in the day. Nobody uses tinsel any more.
Wishing you and George a very Merry Christmas.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely memories! Have a great day and week ahead. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

linda m said...

What beautiful memories and pictures. Merry Christmas to you and George.

Shug said...

These pictures are true treasures I know. The first picture of the Christmas tree brought back memories for me as well. Just the kind of tree we always had. Your mom and dad did a great job of decorating and making this time so special for your family. I have enjoyed seeing all the pictures. Enjoy this Christmas week...

George said...

What wonderful memories. I really enjoyed these pictures of your childhood Christmases. You were as adorable then as you are now.

Big Dude said...

Nice to reminisce. You sure do look like your mom.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I found it interesting that your trees of past were on tables. Ours always went from thr floor up. Cute gal in snowsuit hehe. Ah the years have just past so quickly and much changed. Enjoy your time this year too. It has been tough but we will enjoy our little family time and zoom with the rest. Merry Christmas to you and George too.

David said...

Betsy, Love the old photos. I only have a couple of Christmas photos from that far back. My favorite is me playing with my new train set by the tree when I was about 8 years old. Love the old photos that show all the adult males wearing ties for the Holiday celebration! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

How fun to go through old photos and relive memories. I enjoyed your walk down memory lane too.

Chatty Crone said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
I love your past photos!
Love, sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Betsy. I have loved looking through your memories and seeing your Mom & Dad! It looks like you had the perfect Christmasses. Your header is stunning! I hope you and George are doing really well! Got any plans for Chriatmas day?

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is so special to have these pictures. I don’t recall anyone taking pictures until I was well in my teens and even then very few were taken.

The Furry Gnome said...

Reminds me of my own childhood Christmases! Hope you get your snow!

Judy said...

Wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing your pictures.

Merry Christmas.

Linda said...

What a lovely walk down memory lane! Merry Christmas to you and George!

Charlene said...

Merry Christmas Betsy and George! Love seeing the old photos. It brings back all the memories. We all need that. You sure do look like your Mom. Have a great Christmas and New Year. Charlene

Janice K said...

Betsy, What a neat idea for a blog. It is obvious to me we both grew up around the same time. Many things in your pictures look familiar. Remember all the tinsel we put piece by piece on our trees!!

Blessings to you and George this Christmas and in the new year!....Janice

Marcia said...

Merry Christmas to you!

BeachGypsy said...

Merry merry Christmas Betsy, I am so glad we have "met"and are friends, blogging sisters!! I love all these old pictures. I could sit and look at old pictures all day long. Those are the Christmases I remember as well......trees like that!--with ICICLES! the big heavy wood furniture, QUALITY furniture built to last generations, oh how I love it. The clothes and the hairstyles, so fun. I am just NOT A MODERN girl. I am so old fashioned I guess. Sure enjoyed these pictures and seeing the snow....I hope you get some!!! We wont' but it sure is wet and drizzly here in Charleston, LOL. Hugs my friend!